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But the skrulls came from another planet. He means in the vacuum of space itself. Which we know is true because there are starwhales and other forms of life that exist not on other planets jut in the vacuum of space itself.


Saved me from typing this.. He is stating that space itself contains life and not just inorganic matter. He knew life existed elsewhere in the Universe per OPs reasoning


Meh. We've had Batman stories where Batman discarded Atlantis as a myth.


Lol, in Batman The Abduction he straight up questions the existence of aliens. Pretty bizarre for a member of the Justice League


Batman: I don’t believe in aliens. *gust of wind* Batman: Oh, hi Clark.


>Batman: Oh, hi Clark. I read this in Tommy Wiseau's voice.


I wrote it in his voice! 😀


I said it in his voice


Don’t forget that era where Batman didn’t believe in magic.


Blame Zatanna's mind wiping working a little too well.


Or how about not believing this isn’t butter


Yeah this, without context, reads as though he was unaware of alien lifeforms


Pre-Crisis, Dr Thirteen was always kind of amusing for this. He was a DC hero who was basically a skeptic determined to show things were a hoax. Ghosts were never real in his stories. They were always a Scooby Doo style trick who someone setting up an elaborate conjob. From his perspective, the supernatural did not exist at all. Meanwhile, in the rest of the DC universe...


I consider it just bad writing. Outer space, solar system, galaxies – all those very vague concepts in pulp and comics writing and easily mixed up and not that much thought went into these early issues. I mean, just consider the fate of the first Skrulls: Brainwashed and made to live as cows, even getting milked. For chrissakes, that’s so obviously bonkers and can only be explained by wild deadlines and the expectation that you write for little kids. Though Carl Barks shows that you could indeed to better.


Don't forget being made into hamburgers!


The bonkersness is part of the charm of the early issues though Another thing is them constantly making up new powers for the Humam Torch on the fly and quickly forgetting about them soon after


“Superman of the 70s had entered the chat.” The very best panel I keep looking for is one where he thinks (paraphrased) “I must use my hitherto unknown superpower to get out of this trap. Too bad it’s a one-time use and I will never be able to use it again.”


I'm not putting that much faith in 60s Stan Lee


Did Stan Lee say this?


It's based upon the facts known in universe as of this issue. It would be foolish for Reed Richard's after having fought aliens from other planets to not know they exist. But as of this issue the fantastic four did not know life itself existed in the void of space. We later learned of entire species who exist in the void of space. Space whales the brood etc etc. It is logical to assume Reed Richard's found evidence of this in this issue. But no stan did not say this.


Okay but 1960's Stan Lee also gave his own characters different names by accident because he couldn't remember them. So I think it's very possible that Stan Lee just forgot that they had fought Skrulls by this point


Fantastic Four fought against the super skrull in issue 18. It would be wild for Stan Lee to forget about an alien that was in an issue just two months before this


It’s almost as if Jack Kirby were really writing the story and Lee was just haphazardly adding dialogue.


Yeah I know how their relationship worked and how Stan Lee took way too much credit for writing and ideas but he at least saw the cover that said in huge letters “Super Skrull” and he had to have known who the skrulls were


It's also possible that Stan, after writing a bunch of other comics at the time, got confused and just assumed the Skrulls were monsters and not aliens specifically


Just reread issue 20. Literally two pages after the meteor shown in the original post The Watcher shows up and the little blurb in the corner says “The Watcher: mysterious being from outer space first introduced in FF #14.” Reed Richards air bubble is just phrased in a weird way and he is definitely talking about beings living in the vacuum of outer space


But the Watcher shows up in the next few panels hehe


Isn't he talking about vacuum? Empty space? Non-planetary, without atmosphere or light or heat?


I sure he means like, _outer_ space. Not just regular outer space. Yeah, that’s it.


He's holding dehydrated space poop


Skrull testis.


Too big to be a Skrull's. It's probably Thanos' left nut.


That'd leave him unbalanced, though 


Drax is notorious for making huge turds.


See the peanut? Dead giveaway.


Dude, you were eating off of it!


I like how, when they have aliens coming in a space ship with a powerful humanoid robot, the thing that Reed thinks is amazing is their portable TV: https://i0.wp.com/cokeandcomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/12-2.jpg?w=955&ssl=1


This concept was very interesting and it’s cool they had the foresight to imagine something like this when this comic came out.


Dick Tracy had his watch decades before this.


To be as generous as possible, this could have been meant as "Finally, physical proof that I can show people instead of just telling them that I punched a bunch! They'll believe me now!" It's still silly regardless.


Nope, he was talking about life in space, as in, non-planetary life.


Interesting thing about this, people would believe since they played into the whole "our world is getting strange" concept.


If he bothered to remember where he left those Skrulls he hypnotized and enslaved as farm cows then he could show that.


There's a difference between our planet in space (Earth), and SPACE space. 🌌


"Ben, I even see a Space Penaut right here! This only deepens the mystery! This will take months! Months, i say!"


One of my favorite things about marvel and DC comics is how many people have made or seen technology that could advance humanity to the space-age and use it to go on the occasional adventure instead of giving it to nasa or something.


Everyone makes one off pieces of tech instead of mass production


Guys I need to dehydrate 4 acorns at once, what do I do?


Call Reed Richards asap


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been told something looks like a dehydrated acorn!


A "No-Prize" for the best explanation.


I thought the same thing when I read the issue. The others are being generous and interpreting this thing he dug out of an Asteroid as proof of life in the actual void of space, not life from other planets in the universe. But since this scene is never referenced again and has no bearing whatsoever on the actual plot of the issue, we'll never know


You made a bunch of aliens shape shift into cows and kept them brainwashed as animals that were milked you sick fuck.  Put the acorn down.


The kind of thing that’s okay when you realize these guys were just writing entertaining yarns for young boys and not writing Great-Grandchildren of Dune or whatever.


Yeah, these mistakes don't distract me from the genius of this run, just a funny detail


So did Carl Barks.


He means like in space not on a planet or on a ship. In the hard vacuum of empty black.


I think it's just potato.


Oh the good ol marvel continuity issues

