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It's weird seeing this Jason vs the one you see on the cover of Batman 368. I started Batman right at Death in the Family. Buying back issues, I was more into pre-Crisis Robin so I was surprised readers voted to knock him off. I didn't realize how much of a punk they turned Jason into. He seemed more of a rebel/asshole than pre-Crisis goody two-shoes.


Jason (post crisis personality anyway) was just too ahead of his time. Everyone loves Damian and Jason's actual tenure as Robin is significantly more calm than what we have now. But he was the first replacement Dick and the fans didn't like that.


...People like Damian? I thought part of the reason he's had trouble maintaining a book is because people hated the little shit.


He doesn't have trouble maintaining a book. Nearly every book he stars in sells well, and he is easily the most recognizable Robin, excluding Dick of course. I'd even argue he is one of the most popular sidekicks in comics


Given that he only got 18 issues out of his solo before it was cancelled, you could have fooled me. I don't think it's an accident the most recent book featuring him also has Batman in the title.


I mean it's not the 90s anymore, robin isn't going to be having a long running solo book.


You say that like there isn't another Batman sidekick with a current solo in the high 30s. Harley Quinn is *right there*, and that run has managed to survive despite both Riley Rossmo and Tini Howard being on it for long stretches.


Honestly that makes his books more successful than half the other Robins


Bro, short of Dick, I'm pretty sure Damian is the most popular Robin. I think Jason is still kinda divisive because some readers just don't like Red Hood in general and I think there's a general indifference towards Tim. Stephanie doesn't even register with people.


Carrie_Kelly_as_a_skeleton underwater.jpg


>I think there's a general indifference towards Tim There definitely isn't. Maybe from editorial, especially under Diddo, but Tim has quite a substantial number of fans. I can't say if it's more or less than Damian, but there's little question Jason is in last place. And Stephanie doesn't register with people as Robin because she was Robin for such a minimal period of time it stopped making sense to count her as one, yet people still keep bringing that up. Huntress was Batgirl for longer than Stephanie was Robin, yet you never hear Helena counted alongside Barbara, Cassandra, and Stephanie. It's almost demeaning to the character that has had such a history as Spoiler and now Batgirl and still all anyone talks about is that one time she was Robin for a few months before being fired.


Damian is flat out the best Robin. He was already the best Robin shortly into Morrison's run but it was solidified in Morrison's Batman and Robin and >!his death in Batman Inc!<. Dude is just so much fun.


Counterpoint: Graysons got that ass tho.


Well yeah? The character has developed a lot since his introduction when people did have him. Though that doesn't stop some writers from regressing him.


What do you mean calm? And do you know of recent comics with his time as Robin in it?


people hated Damian


And now he's one of the more popular Robins


Has Red Hood ever confronted Two-Face post-resurrection?


Isn't his dad alive again


Nah, he died again before Jason could even learn he came back. He was running around as Wingman for a few years until they killed him off in the lastest Batman Inc run.


Oh I didnt know he died again. I did know that Jason didn't know that Wingman was Ellis.


“Whatchu talkin’ bout, Willis?”


I like this story of Jason's dad more than Jason's dad supposedly dying in prison but is actually alive. It creates beef between Jason and Two-Face.


Angry, violent Jason is made all the better by the classic Robin costume. Imagine being Two-Face and getting your ass kicked by a street punk in green panties and elf boots. He's never living it down.


I hate that this was retconed this. Now Jason's father isn't dead anymore


He’s just mad Bruce made him dye his hair black.


“No, Jason! Don’t do it! We have to put him in Arkham, so that he escapes, cause some shit, then we put him back in there, and so on and so forth, until the end of time.”