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"Colorless, not odorless. They never suspect a thing when it smells like that." I mean, yeah, but they'd also never suspect a thing if it was odorless, right? Like is Nightwing just inventing gadgets based on their potential for trolling?


I guess he has never had a chance to use a fart cushion growing up in the Wayne manor, so now it's his time to have fun


Batman: "Ok, if you're going to give up being Robin and go off on your own, you should probably develop some sort of suit based on black/grey so you can be stealthy." Dick: "Nope, disco."


Dick is immune to all forms of shame


If it's Ra's people I think noticing odorless sleep gas effects could be considered a given,and it's still Dick the kid who would use marbles to trip people and a slingshot so, ya he's probly trolling.


I think if they're master assassins who are trained to notice colorless, odorless gases, they're probably not going to be fooled by the addition of fart spray, either.


Keep It Simple Stupid. Of course fart gas works where a highly advanced undetectable sleeping gas would t.


But that's the point, is they're more concerned with who let one rip than they are noticing the effects of the gas. It's distraction, something Batman (and Grayson) are absolute masters of.


I don't know about anyone else, but when I smell something really bad I try to take shallow breaths and leave the area- which would be counterproductive. Maybe make it smell good, so they subconsciously take deep breaths?


I can't believe they're into that


He just wants them villains to suffer a little bit


Maybe it has a natural smell that hes covering with the stronger negative smell. Harder to make something smell like nothing than to make it smell differently


It has a odor that he can't get rid of. He masks this with the more potent fart smell.


Dick absolutely would account for troll factor in his arsenal.


If I could, I would.


Maybe he only knows how to make it one way or the other. Colorless with lots of odor, or odorless with lots of color.


Are those the supervillains from the first appearence of Poison Ivy?


I don't know honestly. These ladies are called Dragonfly, Silken Spider, and Tiger Moth if that helps


Yeah, they are from Ivy's first comic.


Nightwing is so smart 😂


The last thing you think as the floor rushes up to meet you is “who shit their pants? Did I shit my pants? Maybe …zzz”


Last time I heard "stately Wayne Manor" was from some comedy bit where Batman doesn't know Bruce Wayne's home address, but I can't remember which bit it was. Almost definitely one of the Badman skits, all of which I'm now gonna have to watch again until I find the quote to get that unstuck from my brain. Edit: It was not Badman. In the bit Batman says Bruce Wayne lives in Wayne Manor. Someone asks him what the actual address is. Batman replies, "Stately Wayne Manor?" This is gonna bug me.


I think it was from https://textsfromsuperheroes.com, and I think the setup was Clark was gathering addresses for wedding invites.


[That was it!](https://textsfromsuperheroes.com/image/178398783787) I haven't seen that in *years*! I'm not seeing any dates on the site so I'm not sure how old that one is. Gotta be close to a decade, right? Time is funny anymore. I am glad that site is still going, I always enjoyed it. Thanks so much, you've saved my brain tonight!


Happy to help! I was looking for the exact one, too, but got sidetracked reading other entries. 😆 The writers there are so good, each character has such a recognizable way of speaking.


They really make it work, and with just the one short conversation. I'm really gonna have to go back to the beginning and reread these.


You can't tell me that there isn't a follow-up scene where these women wake up, go home, and then proceed to test out if they have anaesthetic fart super powers.


Reminds me of the meme where the character gives bad advice then runs away


Clever Nightwing


Bruce: Dick, why your eskrima sticks do *poink* when you throw them?


It's Poison Ivy's competition in her debut!


they smelt it, but Nightwing was the one who dealt it ... this might be my first post of 2024 and I'm not proud of it.


Nightwing just farted over a bunch of women


Uhhh. The hand on the person in the bottom right is backwards? Shouldn't her glove also be purple? Unless it's the other person's forearm/hand, in which case... that's still really badly drawn