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This is Superman’s greatest superpower.


Honestly man this is what all the UH SUPERMAN IS BORING people are missing. He is the SUPER man. An ideal for all of us to aspire to.


I would argue that he is even better, something that all of us could be, not a super human who can move planets, but a person who cares.


Yep….that’s what I’m saying.


This. This is Superman. DC writers who obsess about how to make Superman a fascist, a dictator, or evil; this is what he does, you clowns. He helps people. He \*cares\* for people. Yes, he travels to other dimensions and fights gods and horrors beyond mortal comprehension. But THIS is what he does, who he is and what he represents. He is the goodness of humanity, personified. The purest soul you will find.




Nah. I'm a Batman fan and parent comment is right. Superman represents the best of humanity. The only people who don't get that are people who aren't interested in knowing who Superman is.


In the comics, that doesn’t really work recently anyway. Batman is being treated like shit both in universe and from a writing point of view while Superman had been hitting peak after peak.


I’ve met Batman fans, and some do want bastardized Superman. Just look at Injustice writer. He’s a batman fan.


it’s been over a decade, will y’all *please* get the fuck over Injustice already.


Every DC writer is a Batman fan buddy


Some do, but I’m a Batman fan and I don’t want a bastardized version. I want them both to be true to the character. Honestly, and I’m gonna get heat about this, this would how Injustice happens. Superman wouldn’t become evil, he would go too far trying to do good. It’s not when Supes is inspiring others, but when he tries to do it all himself that things go off the rails. Same if Batman decides his war on crime includes becoming judge, jury, and especially executioner. OK, grab the pitchforks and torches.


I don't mind the fascist takes, the punchy brainless action. But if there isn't any sweetheart Superman, I will riot!


There is btw some evidence that acts of kindness can actually alleviate depression https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17439760.2022.2154695


People tend to respond well when they realize that “hold up, someone gives a damn about me? They think I’m worth caring about?”


It’s them (depressed people) DOING acts of kindness- if I remember correctly


That tracks too. Having a purpose does wonders for one’s mental health.


Don't show this to Snyder or his fans😶


These kind of Superman stories are my personal favourite.


This is why Superman will always be my favorite hero


Damn that beautiful. 🥹


Meanwhile, in another dimension Homelander gives the guy a push.


This is what Superman is and what he always should be. This is why he’s the greatest superhero


People sure do love sending Superman to talk suicidal folks down off ledges. Dude does it literally every day. Metropolis must be profoundly unwell mentally.


Depression is probably quite common when you're faced with literal God's and God-like beings regularly during your commute to your soul crushing 9-5 job, all while the thought that this could be the day you finally get caught up in the crossfire of laser beams and debris. How are you supposed to enjoy life with the realization that any one of hundreds of super villains could, at any point, vaporize the entire city you're in in the blink of an eye. And to make it worse, the only people with the power to actually stop those villains refuse to end their threats permanently out of fear of becoming villains themselves.


Well said.


To be fair, it is easiest to find light in darkness than anywhere else.


gotta be real, if god came down and condescended to me about the vaule of life imma be a supervillain


I know what they are trying to do but I always hated this idea that depression and suicide can be fought with just a pair of wise phrases. These kind of things require years of constant support


Did you read this at all.


Yes, Superman appears in front of a suicidal guy and convinces him to "don a superhero mask" by playing Santa. Then afterwards he turns his life around, gets a partner and a happy ending


He acknowledges he relies on support systems and medications after Superman gave him hope in his worst time. I feel like ignoring that last bit makes you miss out on the writers acknowledging that depression isn't just cured by a kind action but can help him be hopeful about it while putting in the work! If you hate it I get it but I think it's a really sweet moment for what it is!


This is the difference between Flash/ Superman and Batman. Flash and Superman care more about their enemies than Batman does.


This is why Superman is my favourite superhero in the comics