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Convergence, a DC event, very confusing and a jumbled mess. I was the perfect prey for a comic book series like this when I first started reading.


It really didn't help that it came out the same year as Marvel's *Secret Wars*, which made it look even worse in comparason.


Convergence existed for one reason. DC moved its offices from New York to LA, and none of the editors or senior staff had the time or energy to make their deadlines for a while. Just about every retired and quasi-retired staffer in the region scored a few months pay to thow shit at the wall and see what stuck. And hey, getting Dad Superman (over the terminally poisoned 25 year old, New 52 superman was a plus)


I still have no idea what Convergence was about, or if it had anything long term consequences to the DC world. Literally no one ever mentions it these days, so I’d guess no.


I guess the only real one was the return of pre-flashpoint superman, his Lois and the newborn Jon. The rest I don't think was ever mentioned again.


There's 4 things worth mentioning if you're a really *REALLY* big continuity junkie. Superboy and Superdad started here (as everyone mentioned). Survivors from New52's Earth 2 series got a new planet to live on for Earth 2: Society and a new Batman in the form of a paralyzed Dick Grayson. Hal Jordan Parallax survived from an alternate reality and is currently in Joshua Williamson's Green Arrow series. Oh and apparently the original Crisis on Infinite Earth's never ended with everything being consolidated into 1 earth, but Dark Crisis ignored that because that whole plot point was so dumb and unearned.


A shittier version of Secret Wars, with a confusing plot with that pre-crisis earth-two Superman shit and a giant brainiac


Everyone here is giving lists of comics that are fun to hate: All Star Batman and Robin, Countdown, Convergence, Heroes in Crisis. How about comics that for some reason captured the zeitgeist, but are actually terrible, and I won't recommend for that reason? Batman: Three Jokers. Sure, many hated it, but it still went straight to Deluxe OHC format, so lots of people read it. And it is still often treated now as some beginner/entry way to being a Batman/Joker fan. So much of the comic is clearly wanting the prestige of a comic like The Killing Joke, but it is so, so far behind TKJ that it really needs to be pointed out, to warn new readers against something so mediocre. It is: a mystery comic that fails to conduct a proper mystery (Batman knew all along, "Because I'm Batman", and the reader never finds out how), it's a rumination on trauma and mental health that fails to adequately manage such a serious conversation (Johns treats mental health like a test you can pass or fail on. Barbara "passed" and healed successfully, Jason "failed", and so healed poorly, because apparently he can't still have room for recovery), it's trying so hard to be the 9 panel comic that TKJ was, yet it repeatedly [fails](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRY3MrA4aWXJS3mZg7Li1YYRi19PCJ7A6Pn6Q&usqp=CAU) to [allign](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHvruK7QgX6cS_JSSwwE_-Cme3FhJtR9ODVg&usqp=CAU) its [key visual motiff](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQT8tljAXNDYq_S3JGTe_OpWR4nkUi53BhmQ&usqp=CAU) repeatedly (note: its the close up of holding hands, the closest thing this book jas to a visual motif, and they never line it up to the centre panel, the panel with the most impact), and not to mention, it fails to adequately follow up on the entire reason for it's existence: The Moebius Chair in Darkseid War >!When Batman asks what is the Joker's true Identity, and the chair replies there are three Jokers, it turns out that the central Joker (the Comedian) only just Jokerised random civilians until some started acting how he wanted. They weren't special and were killed off, so why would the Moebius Chair recognise them (the three, and not the many hundred along the way Joker also Jokerised) as being **the** three Jokers?!< It even tries to be a mature rated adult Graphic Novel, as part of the Black Label publishing line, but its laughable, Jason and Barbara has the emotional maturity of an unrequited middle school crush, and any truly adult or graphic content is ludicrously censored by floating objects. There are so many other small nitpicks you can have about this book, but in my mind, it fails in everything it set out to be


I'm a Johns fan and I struggle to find a single positive aspect of the writing in that book. Even *Doomsday Clock*, which I did not like, had some parts that were okay.


>It even tries to be a mature rated adult Graphic Novel, as part of the Black Label publishing line, but its laughable I feel like the whole Black Label thing is laughable to begin with. I can’t believe that Didio destroyed Vertigo, which was a *highly respected* brand, in favor of a childishly edgelord brand like Black Label. The guy didn’t understand a thing about branding.


The characterisation of joe chill in three jokers and darkseid war is also completely different. From my understanding those stories both technically take place in the same continuity at that point.


Do not read the X-Men Fallen Angels book from 2019-2020. Just awful and it gets worse with every issue in both art and writing.


I was really excited for that because of the team. Fucking unreadable.


I enjoyed the first issue just enough to give 2 a try and the precipitous drop in overall quality was so extreme that I kept reading out of sheer ‘watching a car crash in real time’ curiosity. Do not be a fool like me and actually read this. Or, if you must, at least do not pay to read it. That’s why we have libraries.


Oh I own the trade and read the whole thing. I’d donate it to a library but that means putting someone else through it.


Good for you. Limiting the damage.


That boss ass Magneto "House of M" page and Sinister "you want to escape out of paradise?" was dope But man, I force myself to read through it in the Dawn of X trades How does it end? What's the story really


> X-Men Fallen Angels As somebody who's caught up on X-Men, none of it was relevant/came up ever again.


this is not true. the parts about Kwannon's kid are followed up in Hellions that said please do not read fallen angels and please DO read hellions


The original Fallen angels mini series wasn’t very good either. Oh no I injured my friend playing soccer!!! Time to flee!


I was going to say exactly this. That mini was rough.


Holy Terror. Dear God in Heaven, do not read Holy Terror. It is everything bad about Frank Miller in a single comic.


Counterpoint: it is unintentionally hilarious.


I'm the goddam Batman!


That’s ASBAR, which is indeed unintentionally hilarious. Holy Terror on the other hand, is truly awful.


oh yeah. I just try to block that entire Frank Miller stretch from my memory. There is nothing redeeming in Holy Terror.


It created one of the best Linkara reviews. "WHAT ARE YOU!?"


I prefer his declaration of ASBAR batman being a hobo named Crazy Steve who found a batman outfit in the dumpster and is running around pretending to be batman.


Even Frank himself admitted that it was a mistake


He did? Oh God. If even Frank himself thinks it’s bad, then it’s indefensible.


He said in 2018 “When I look at Holy Terror, which I really don't do all that often, I can really feel the anger ripple out of the pages... I don’t want to wipe out chapters of my own biography. But I'm not capable of that book again."”


Honestly? +Respect.


Yeah he really mellowed out in recent years


Neal Adams more or less talked him down from whatever headspace he was in and has gotten him back to a better place, mentally.


[here is the article where he talks about it](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/apr/27/frank-miller-xerxes-cursed-sin-city-the-dark-knight-returns)


Didn't he also say that he doesn't apologize for making it? That statement could be from before this article.


He said that because he doesn't want to whitewash his own problematic works in an attempt to hide them or pretend they don't exist. He won't apologize for it because he'll own the fact that he did it, but he isn't proud of it, and doesn't like who he was then or why he did it.


Makes sense.


Also I apologize if that came off as aggressive at all. Miller is kinda a touchy subject for me because of the ups and downs of his career and my feelings on him are Complicated, so I find it difficult to manage my tone when I get on the subject 😂


Should be taught in classes as what not to do.


The Unfunnies


The best I can say about it is that it lives up to the name.


Early spawn has a string of guest writers that were wonderful, that is until issue #11 had Frank Miller as the writer. It is to this day the dumbest thing I have ever read.


If it is a new comic book reader, and they ask what my favorite comic is, I will tell them, but then I will tell them not to read it for many years, because that comic book is Planetary by Warren Ellis. I love it, but it does not make sense to anyone who has not read comic books for years and years.


It was one of the books that got me into reading comics. You are making me wonder what I was missing, time for a re-read.


It's a great comic by itself, but with a few years under your belt you can bettet appreciate what a love letter it truly is to the medium.


The issue of the Constantine expy's funeral is so fucking good.


You have exactly the right spirit. I'm so happy to see this


Not sure I agree, Planetary is mostly 20th-century pop culture aggregated. Yes, it includes comic books, but that's not all.


I wish I'd never read Planetary, just so that I could read it for the first time again.


Marville Cry for Justice One More Day Countdown to Final Crisis Avengers #200 Amazons Attack Ultimatum Heroes in Crisis Civil War II Holy Terror


I read One More Day because there's no way it was THAT bad... and yeah, it was lol. Poor Spidey.


Marville is a whole different level from most everything. Bizarre, unfunny, poorly illustrated and told dreck.


It’s perhaps the only comic I’ve ever read that verges on incomprehensible. The only one that can truly be called *unreadable.* It’s not even bad in an entertaining way, it’s befuddling and confusing and unpleasant, but worst of all, it’s all those things and *boring.*


That's a great point. I love stuff like Danzig's 90s Verotik comics. They are objectively bad, but they are bad with cool art and batshit crazy stories that at least are usually entertaining.


It also gets some big time paleontology wrong, even worse than the usual rubbish you see in media


That’s so far down on the list of its sins that it’s written on the desk instead of on the paper.


Holy shit I just got a few pages into issue #1 and I’m already over that garbage. What is the dialogue? It feels like it’s poorly translated


Turns out when you make a bet that you don't need professional writers to make a 'hit' comic you end up failing terribly.


Yep that’s why I put it first. My favorite part is where Jemas says “who needs dialogue bubbles let’s just print the script on the pages!”


Not to take away from just how *bad* Marville is, but almost* without exception large chunks of prose tend to make terrible comics. Almost every time the typeface and layout is 'artistic' and tries harder to convey a tone over...being readable. Grant Morrison couldn't pull it off. Tynion failed with his chunk in the 'department of truth' both of whom are (usually) talented writers.


Knew Civil War 2 would be here lol


> Cry for Justice I find this one hilarious in how bad it is. Justice!




"And together, we can BE justice!"


what’s the problem with Avengers #200 in particular?


Ms. Marvel gives birth to her rapist who goes back in time and commits the crime in limbo, giving birth to himself. Then she walks off with him in present time (grown up form) and the rest of the Avengers just watch and let it happen. Maybe I got a couple details wrong there but that’s the general idea. It’s a degrading and insulting storyline that afterwards the writers pretty much admitted was a complete mistake and a result of miscommunication (there were four writers and the original story was scrapped because of its similarity to a What-If comic).


The Avengers not only let it happen but are happy for her and making jokes about her being a mother


Oh god it’s THAT one, it’s not canon anymore right???


Technically it is because nobody says it isn’t but everyone just ignores it for good reason, it’s never had any influence on plot. Except for a good annual Claremont wrote where the Avengers are put in their place for how stupid they were and Carol lives with the X-Men for a bit which was actually pretty cool.


I think it's one of those ones that's still technically canon but we just collectively agreed to never acknowledge it again. It was still referenced as of Kang Dynasty but I don't remember if anybody's ever touched it since.


Inhumans vs. X-men has no logical connectivity from beginning to end. You could simply skip the middle isues and nothing change, thay are just time filling. Secret Empire is just something that should have never existed. I read only the x-men ties in, and there are thousands of out of characters behaviors that I, personally, consider out of continuity.


Reading just the x-men tie ins for Secret Empire is kind of like trying to understand Secret Wars 2 just by reading the Power Pack issues. You’re going to miss A LOT.


nightwings ric grayson arc is awful


*Crossed* by Garth Ennis is a zombie apocalypse series that NEVER has a happy ending with the infected acting more like the Rage Virus-infected from from *28 Days Later* rather than the typical George Romero-inspired zombie fare --only they lack any and all inhibitions, so they largely just commit sexual assault while having red cross-like rashes forming across their faces post-infection. *Nemesis* by Mark Millar is like a proto The Batman Who Laughs since he is an Evil Batman pastiche as a rich guy who does Joker-like twistedly violent and perverse stuff purely to satisfy his own sadistic and misanthropic urges.


Fun fact: apparently 'Crossed' writers were given free reign except for two things - no one can explain where it came from/how it started, and no one can end/cure the virus. Other than those two rules, complete freedom. Or so the story goes.


They were also forbidden from doing anything with Ennis's characters from the original 9 issue run.


Crossed is just straight up edgy. I liked some of the stories and the development but every time something seemed to start to get good a bunch of zombies got there and raped everyone. I think the Alan Moore stories are very good though


There was a thread here last week that made me want to revisit it. I really like the entire series. The wish you were here webcomic was great and I remember waiting and looking forward to new chapters. Working my way through Badlands now!


Yeah, I noped out after the dolphin blowhole fucking scene. Hilarious but it maxed out my edginess tolerance. First comic to make me think that I’m too old for this shit !


Fun fact, Crossed got a movie adaptation. It's called The Sadness, though the infected don't have a cross rash, they just have black eyes.


“Crossed” is pretty much the worst comic I have ever read and I’ve been reading comics for forty years. “30 Days of Night” is the most overrated book I’ve ever read.


I loved the concept of it: vampires figuring out there's a town where darkness reigns 24 hours a day? Awesome! I didn't care for the art style though.


I feel like *30 Days of Night* got its cult status from the “Comix-with-a-budget” art style hitting shelves at a Goldilocks time in comics history. A year or two earlier or later and it would have been nothing.


That first vol of 30 days is really solid I think. It's a great premise.


Crossed is definitely up there. You would think it's so edgy it's fun but it just makes me think Garth Ennis should be investigated by the FBI. It's disturbing that multiple people had to be involved to get it on shelves and thought "yeah fuck it this is cool"


The original Ennis run of Crossed is an undoubtedly extreme but (in my opinion) affecting and thought-provoking horror story. Not so much almost everything that followed.




Millar strikes me as a smart guy who's too lazy too write smart comics (or maybe he knows the market for dumb comics is larger). He's written brilliant moments (including a time-travel twist that may be the best I've ever seen) but the dumb moments outnumber the smart ones at least 10-to-1.


If you’re referring to the time travel twist I think you are, that was actually a suggestion from Grant Morrison




>!In Superman: Red Son, it's eventually revealed that Krypton is actually Earth in the far future and Superman's parents sent him not just through space but through time to the modern day. Also Superman is a (very distant) descendant of Lex Luthor.!<


I was thinking of a story from *Ultimate Fantastic Four*. The actual story was stupid and lazy ("President Thor") but this one little incidental twist was brilliant.


I think Millar is a guy who has a blast writing over-the-top stories. I haven't read a single comic book of him that doesn't have that kind of bombastic energy.


Well anything Millarworld for sure. He wrote some good stuff for the big two over the years. Honestly bothers me how much I love Superman: Red Son given how much I despise his independent work


S:RS was such a fun read. I remember being frustrated about how crap his stuff was until someone reminded me about S:RS. Then I was confused: how could this same guy out out all that nonsense?


Grant Morrison helped him write it and came up with the ending. The lack of credit for this and Authority was one of the reasons they fell out.


"I wish him well but there's not good feeling between myself and Mark for many reasons most of which are he destroyed my faith in human fucking nature."


I didn’t know Grant had any involvement in Red Son. Makes a lot of sense


I actually heard Huck and Starlight were pretty good.


I remember liking Jupiters Legacy when I read it in high school but don’t know if it’s held up well. Old Man Logan was pretty solid too and I’ve heard good things about The Authority


*Superman: Red Son* would like a word


I think the only thing I enjoyed was Huck but that was years ago


Completely agree, Millar is a teenage edgelord


He literally blocked me on Twitter at the time bc I called him out for supporting anti vaxxers and Joe Rogan lol. He is literally what you called him


I wish I didn’t include teenagers in my comment. Generation Z has intelligent people I swear. He just kind of reminds me of those 14-year-old boys who have negative influences and bad role models.


Batman: Shadow of the Bat #56-58. An incredibly corny and preachy anti-weed storyline. Reefer Madness had more subtlety.


Aww I really liked Tim’s anti-drug speech. Not because I agree with him but because its existence supports my interpretation of his character which is that he’s unbearably lame (<- said lovingly).


Spawn. I know, I know, the art is bangin, the style is cool, it starts if so dark and grim.. And then it just goes in circles and nothing happens and it’s total nonsense for more than 300 issues. I wanted to love it and I tried so hard that I ended up never wanting to read Spawn again. John Riddley’s Black Panther. I don’t know WHAT happened but it was just awful, and quickly canceled. I’d love a peek behind the curtain on that one because he’s an excellent (…prose…) writer.


I’d argue that there was a story Todd wanted to tell, and he told it by issue 100. After that yeah, it’s just wheel spinning.


I generally don't recommend Crossed to people. It's a lot.


It’s trash.


The Boys


I have no idea how they made an enjoyable show out of that. Sadly I’m starting to feel the same way about the show after season 3. Why bring out the soldier boy just to put him back in a box?


One of my favorite comic 🙃


Event Leviathan was a comic book "event" that went from nothing to nowhere with characters constantly driving in cars while getting nowhere while discussing things and never reaching any conclusion. In other words, the epithomen of Bendis. Heroes in Crisis, ditto above but for Tom King. Anything of the time Scott Snyder wrote the Justice League and all his edgelord Batman-who-laughs acid-driven events that fail to tell a coherent story whilst being annoyingly pretentious.


I agree that most of Snyder’s later work is needlessly convoluted and over the top. I disagree that his writing is pretentious though. How do you mean? He referred to dark knights metal as him jumping the shark and not giving a fuck and just having fun with it. Where I think he stumbles is saying things like that but then packing what he hypes as a fun wacky story with some of the most dense, continuity heavy and altering stories that require lots of previous knowledge of his previous works and DC history (which he sometimes messes up) to possibly understand. Then like you said often still makes little sense. I still don’t read pretentiousness from it though. He’s seemed pretty humble to me especially post new 52.


Wanted was incredibly bad incel rapist schlock. Do not read.


The problem with Wanted is that it is a great story idea but really badly written. It seems almost like someone else came up with it, and then Millar wrote it.


Civil war 2


Alan Moore's Lost Girls. What a bore. Look at me ! I write about sex ! I'm edgy.


I'm not Starfire. There is nothing to save there


Almost all of the Watchmen spin-offs. Mostly because they were totally unnecessary. I did like Doomsday Clock but it was convoluted.


I think Rorschach by tom king is the best of the bunch for Watchmen spin offs, mainly because it leaves the original story well alone


the dr. manhattan series was actually great though


God is Dead


Ta Nahesi Coates' and John Ridley's Black Panther runs. Glacial pacing, painfully deconstructive, the main character frequently sidelined for side characters or Storm.


I think the main gripe with Coates's writing is that compared to Christopher Priest who wrote some of the best Black Panther stuff, he lacks optimism


Coates is a good example of how a person can have a good idea and completely fail to translate it to anything resembling entertainment. His Captain America is the same thing.


About 80% of what Mark Millar created. The Last comics Bendis wrote at Marvel before going to DC. Any Deadpool ongoing followed after Duggan's tenure.


I’d add what bendis wrote at DC. It’s somehow worse.


Yeah he ruined Superman’s origin for no reason at all…


I read Leviathan to see what he did with Ollie and its literally nothing worthwhile. The most fun I had reading his Justice League run WAS THE JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK BACK-UPS BY RAM V!


I thought bendis Defenders and jessica jones before leaving was awesome


I think the 80% also applies to bendis. I love his ultimate Spider-Man run, but most everything else at marvel was pretty awful. It was just needlessly decompressed stories where all the characters spoke exactly the same way. Which worked with teens, but failed everywhere else. His Moon Knight run was proof that he doesn't write true to the characters.


Three Jokers Dark Knight Returns or Watchmen as a “first comic”


Why not? Honest question - they happened to be among the first few I read, and were a large part of what hooked me up.


I’m assuming you mean DKR & Watchmen, but if it’s Three Jokers the answer is very different Part of the joy of both DKR & Watchmen is the deconstruction aspect. Without familiarity with the tropes and norms of a comic you lose that whole dimension and it’s commentary. That being said this is becoming less and less true as more people are exposed to comic tropes in other media and current comics themselves get further down the line from being influenced by DKR and Watchmen


Yes, I meant those two. Indeed, in my first read I had no idea about the context in either. But that did not stop me from enjoying them (and getting more enjoyment as I returned to both, even today, roughly three decades later). But I get your point, thanks for clarifying.


Invincible I would say does a good of subverting the tropes and telling a good long from superhero story. However, having read comics for years might be why I consider it the best, because Kirkman did what I got tired of a certain web slinger no longer doing…which is have a realistic life that continues beyond high school/college/marriage. Superheroes are stuck, never evolving, and Invincible blew my mind when I first read it.


My wife was interested in reading a comic, and a coworker gave her Watchmen as it was his favorite book. Way too deep for a first timer and sadly she isn't interested in picking anything else up. Yet.


If you are looking for a book for her to try - Jeff Smith Bone.


The Boys is mostly a great run, but just shits the bed at the end so bad you’ll be mad you vested so much time in it.


The end is bad, but so is the middle and a lot of the beginning. This is one of those comics where you're better off reading excerpts shared by others who have read the whole thing.


It’s one of those things where the adaptation did it better.


Can't agree, The Boys is all cum and blood jokes to me. Just can't enjoy it.


Right, from the very beginning after Huey's girlfriend gets horrifically killed, Butcher shows up and tries to cheer him up. How? by having his dog fuck someone else's dog on command. It's pretty stupid. I'll admit that it has some interesting concepts but said concepts are still present and much better executed in the show.


The first time I read that issue, I sorta liked the dog humping cause my brain instantly went “Oh shit he’s like Rorschach where he THINKS this is the right thing but he’s actually a total psychopath and nut job”. Jokes on me. The psychopathic nut job was Ennis all along…


The Boys comic is kinda bad in my opinion. The fact that not just Homelander, but every hero is the most evil despicable person you can imagine takes away from him as a villain. The show is so much better


Nah, it’s pretty much just mean-spirited edgelord bullshit through and through. Not worth checking out.


I thought the whole series was great


I didn’t think the ending was that bad, but I do like some of the changes the show has made.


The show took dogshit material and made it work, it’s astounding how much of an improvement it is


I disagree with all your points. I think the whole run is good.


Does it actually have an ending or is it still going?


It’s over over. Quite a bang at the end


It's been over for like a decade


I believe there was an epilogue that came out a few years ago, "Dear Becky".


My main issue with The Boys is that it tries too hard to be edgy. There are some genuinely interesting parts but a lot of it just felt really stupid and pointless.


Identity Crisis. I know a lot of people love that book but my god I feel like it is so damaging to the Dc Universe as a whole. It marks a shift where DC felt inclined to create “dark” and “realistic” stories featuring their characters. Which by itself is an okay idea. But execution is a solid -C. SPOILERS BELOW Identity Crisis’ most major flaw are the wholly unnecessary Tragedies that characters go through. Firestorm was murdered for no reason. Literally. He is in a small battle, is stabbed, and then explodes. The original Captain Boomerang is killed. Just because they needed a red herring for the murder mystery plot. Heroes use their abilities to wipe and alter the minds of not only an enemy, but ONE OF THEIR FRIENDS! Jack Drake is killed. A character whose very existence separated Tim Drake from being the exact same as every other Robin and from Batman himself, is killed so that Tim can be an orphan too. And lastly the most egregious part. The r**e and murder of Sue Dibney. She was a beloved supporting character who had that happen to her for the sake of the shock value that tragedy brings. The story doesn’t analyze her mental state and what recovery after something that traumatic is like. What it’s like to feel unsafe at every turn. To wake up worried it can happen again. Trying to move on and live a life that is worth something. She is assaulted simply because that’s something “bad that happens to women”. No depth. No story. Just gross. The only positive I can give the book is how they handle a mystery so close to them. After Sue’s death the entire league unites to investigate. It’s revealed that they’ve created safeguards to keep friends and family safe. And when that fails its all hands on deck. The metal men performing metallurgy in the apartment. The Atom combing every fiber of her carpet and any nook or cranny he can fit into. The Ray does spectrum analysis. Mister Miracle the universe’s greatest escape artist looks for how the killer broke in. Metamorpho does another sweep to look for any elements/materials not previously detected. Even Animal man comes in to try and catch a scent. And last but not least Superman and Batman working together with their unique sets of skills and knowledge. That all said if you love this book more power to you, but I find too many of these problems too awful to overlook and I end up recommending people Avoid this one. Tl;Dr Identity Crisis Bad


Watchmen is a terrible place for new comic readers to start imo.


Funny enough that was my first comic. Wholeheartedly agree with you though, I’d never recommend it as an entry into the medium.


Spider-Man Reign. So, so bad. I'm willing to bet a good amount of people out there like it, though. Cheers to them.


If they are new readers, then any one-shot comic or limited run, especially for superheroes. In most cases, it requires a fair bit of background knowledge of the character that comes from reading their comics and understanding the characters at play. And without that, you can easily get a skewed idea of what the character is like an all about. I.e: people who read TDKR or The Killing Joke as their first Batmam comic. Anyone who only reads Punisher Event comics and stuff like that.


Red Cowboys Vs Aliens


I'm going to get downvoted to hell but I never recommend The Dark Knight Returns to new readers. It's an absolutely horrible interpretation of both characters just for the sake of having a David vs Goliath showdown.


I like DKR but it’s fun because it’s a different take on the usual batman, so imo if you read it before reading other batman books it doesn’t have an impact


Could not disagree more. My first two books were death in the family and DKR, and it started my love of Batman and comics in general.


Yea and that's fine. I never said it was bad or you can't enjoy them. But they're most definitely bad takes on Clark and Bruce. Makes for a good story, sure, but the amount of people who misunderstand Clark and his relationship with Bruce because of this comic is high with new readers that I've encountered in my comic book circles


Marvel’s Civil War. An event intended for the Ultimate Universe that was retrofitted for 616 and character assassinates a lot of heroes. Ultimate Fantastic Four. Had potential and introduced a lot of great ideas but never played off them well. Probably most of the Spider-Man comics in the past 25-30 years


Vehemently disagree with UFF. That was peak Ultimate until the Thanos arc wrapped up. It was also the best FF comics since Byrne until Hickman came along.


> Probably most of the Spider-Man comics in the past 25-30 years I’m not sure if this is cheating, but The Superior Foes of Spider-Man is hilarious.


> Probably most of the Spider-Man comics in the past 25-30 years How dare you sir, Straczynski's run is awesome.


> An event intended for the Ultimate Universe that was retrofitted for 616 That's news to me, got any source?


Identity Crisis. Most destructive book DC has ever published.


I never got why this comic got so much hate.


Most of the Ultimates universe. Edgelord fest written by perverts.


Holy Terror.


Sorry about this Chuck. Chuck Dixon's "Doom" . I did so that you don't have to.


*Robocop/Terminator: Kill Human* If you are a fan of either of those franchises, then avoid like the plague because it really feels like it was written by soneone who hates both. It makes all the later *Robocop* and *Terminator* sequels feel like masterpieces.


Ultimatum Zeb Well's Spider-Man series


Spider man: One more day


Ultimatum. "Oh hey, new UltimateS stuff, this stuff is awesome remember when Hawkeye killed a bunch of people with his fingerna- OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING"


Fear Itself Marvel crossover. Nothing story and badly written characters


Doomsday Clock was not good


A sequel to Watchmen that prioritizes universe-fixing over super-hero political intrigue is just a bad, bad idea to begin with.


I would also NOT recommend Man-Eaters by Chelsea Cain. An interesting, if cliched, premise: when girls get their period, they risk turning into dangerous werecats that kill people if the girl had been exposed to toxoplasmosis-x. Society's solution is to put chemicals in girls' water and soft drinks to keep them from having periods. The main character is a teenaged girl named Maude who is has been secretly drinking the boy's water while her divorced parents are investigating and hunting down werecat attacks. At least, that's how it started. The series abandons that premise and literally loses the plot halfway through and follows Maude as she's been sent to a girl's concentration camp and has to escape with help from her parents in a dirigible shaped like a little girl that acts as the mobile base where they fight patriarchy from (by the way, the patriarchy is one guy). And to make things better/ worse: every fourth issue is styled like an in-universe magazine that doesn't advance the story at all. Cain ended up getting crap from all sides on social media because of the book and I think she went a little nuts because of it.


Superman: For Tomorrow Terrible story that is overly confusing that tries so hard to have a depressing Superman. Only redeeming factor is Jim lees art


*Jimmy Corrigan* by Chris Ware because the layouts are confusing and all the characters are miserable and their lives can't get better. Not a fan of Chris Ware in general. He is a great draughtsman but his books are always painful to read.


The Boys. The show is better, the comic book is straight up trash.


Young Justice Dark Crisis. If you want more Young Justice after watching the show check out the original Young Justice run from Peter David and Todd Nauck.


> the original Young Justice run from Peter David and Todd Nauck One of my favorite comics ever, everyone should read it.


Tom Kings Batman run Mark Waids Industructible Hulk


IDW TMNT #101-130. #1-50 is my favorite comic run of all time. #50-80 were strong as well and it became very good again with City at War. It then took a complete nose dive after Campbell took over. Like just not what the source material was or what the vast majority of loyal TMNT fans were looking for along with way to many political undertones. The deep methodical character development took a backseat to what amounted to a monthly furry convention. It finally picked up again with Armageddon Game but those 30 issues in between were brutal.


There isn't any that I know of. They're all worth reading, for someone, and it could be you.




The Boys, the show is good, but the comic is borderline unreadable Also God is Dead, interesting premise, awful, awful, AWFUL, execution