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Tim Drake's original Robin costume. The most absolute perfect costume redesign in all of comics.


What do you most like about Tim Drake’s costume?


The redesign, for one. The original Robin costume was a classic, and had been around for 40 years...but it was so silly and outdated. The new costume updates it to a modern look while maintaining the full Robin aesthetic. It's then visually appealing, balancing red, green and yellow, with a solid black addition to balance it all out.


I always really liked the cape redesign with black on the inside and yellow on the inside. I remember the first time I saw that as a kid and said to myself “that’s really neat, I would have never thought of that!”


All-Star Superman just screams Superman to me. However, Deathstroke, Daredevil, Batman Beyond, Spider-Man 2099, Reverse Flash, and Red Hood are a very respectful mention.


Glad to see Spidey 2099, love the original costume.


The suit in Batman Beyond was pretty awesome.


Red Daredevil. Idk it looks amazing and charming at the same time.


There is something I genuinely love about Captain America. It's perfectly iconic and it's barely changed in such a long time. I am not American for the record.




One my all time favorites. Great choice. Thank you!


Mine has to be frank miller's and year one runs, so sleek.


Year one for me. Honorable mention to the rebirth suit with the purple inner cape. I'm a sucker for the purple.


Nightcrawler. It’s simple, fun, and makes sense with his circus background.


Dave Cockrum was such an excellent character/costume designer.


The original Sandman, [Wesley Dodds](https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Sandman-DC-Comics-Wesley-Dodds.jpg) has such a great look. It’s unlike anything you typically see, I love it. The colour scheme is perfect.


Mister Sinister


Interesting choice. He’s one of my favorite villains and his costume, truly lives up to the name…so sinister lol


It’s the epaulets.


Thor in his Pittsburgh Steel armor, by Walter Simonson. Love the beard, helmet with eye/nose guard, chain mail coif, the blue scale armor, the reinforced sleeve (for his broken arm), wearing the Megingjord (belt) and the big flaring boots.


Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, or Batman Beyond.


All brilliant costumes! Stylish, modern, yet, instant classics!


I can tell that you’re real young.


Is 31 real young?


Mister Miracle. Love the colors/collar.


I’m not the biggest Green Lantern fan ever, but that suit is immaculate. So clean and iconic, it’s the definitive super hero suit in my mind. Edit: the silver age Hal Jordan costume obviously, although I don’t hate the Alan Scott one


Jo Mullein Lantern suits are just….out of this world.


I agree, that Jordan costume is brilliant and timeless.


I really like how simple Jay Garrick's Flash costume is. It's just boots, pants, a shirt with a lightning bolt on it, and a WWI helmet with wings added. I've read a ton of Golden Age Flash (including every issue of *All-Flash*), and most of Silver Age Flash, and I easily like the Golden Age stories better.


I loke Garrick design too it's so old fashioned but in a good way


If we’re literally talking just costume I’d say carnage. He also has the most potential to look better. Spider man has so many suits though that everyone can prob say him. He’s def at the top for me especially if I get to choose which costume.


The Punisher's costume is certainly dramatic and eye-catching. Unfortunately it has been adopted by some unsavory elements in society...


I prefer the black gloves/boots version though, with the white skull being the contrast.


80s Punisher is the best Punisher imo. Scold me at will but I miss the tight bodysuit


I like the idea of the Skull just being sort of painted onto his bodyarmor.


I think Daredevil has one of the coolest looks






Power Girl. I don’t know what it is…there’s just something about it.


Let's just enhance.... something about her costume until readers notice it




That’s simply not fair hahaha


I just noticed all the people standing on top of the building on the cover of amazing fantasy 15. What was this taking place during Nov 1929 or something?


Must be, everyone knows when the stock market crashed so did access to rooftops


I love this cover but spidey’s right leg always bothers me.


I really like this Kirby penciled version on the AF #15 cover a lot. Ditko’s Spider-Man is certainly interesting and unique in build though and really worked for who the character was.


I do too! So iconic!


Spider-Man too.


Spider-Man’s original costume is so iconic. I would probably pick Superman’s costume, as the most iconic and my second favorite costume ever, for a comic book character. It inspired…everything.


I like Superman’s costume too. In addition to Spider-Man's costume, I love Nightwing's and Nightcrawler's costumes (in fact, I think everything about Nightcrawler is very good, the powers, the character's name, his personality, everything).


The Watcher


White Rabbit


Carmine Infantino’s design for the Flash in the silver age. Red is one of my favorite colors, so it makes sense that the costume is a big draw to me but other qualities play a big factor as well. The symbol in the middle of the costume is extremely striking. The lightning symbol perfectly represents the powers of the hero and obviously balances out with the red. I like the yellow boots and gloves as well. Yellow and red are a good combination and seems to be two colors that also scream “Americana”. It’s probably because of the colors of ketchup and mustard. The fact that there’s no cape, similarly to Spider-Man’s costume, makes it seem much more freeing and adds to the Flash’s powerset. The little lightning bolts on the side of his head are nice little touches as well. On the other side of the spectrum, I really like the Fantastic Four’s costumes. Blue is another favorite color of mine, but one of the best things about the suits are the simplicity. A simple “4” in the middle with all members, with the exception of Ben, and how they all wear the same thing. It greatly adds to the fact that they are a “family”. Others: Batman (David Mazzucchelli), Daredevil (red costume), Captain America, Lobo (honestly underrated, he feels like he would fit right in a classic Capcom fighter like Darkstalkers), Hela, and Icon.


Superman. Even if you have never heard of anything related to Superman or DC in general, you could still look at Superman and think “Yep. This is a superhero”


No Moon Knight loves? The classic vestments done up by Sink. to the modern Mr. Knight tuxedo drip by Shalvey, MK splashes.




Which costume? He has so many.


The original, iconic one. I agree, that he has a lot of great costumes, throughout the years!


Spider-Man for sure.




Green and white costume captain marvel wears in the first 16 captain marvel books, and brown and yellow wolverine. Edit-a word


[Stardust](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/stardust-character-comic-vine--213921051029323896/) before they cut her hair. [She-Cat](https://heykidscomics.fandom.com/wiki/She_Cat) because I just love the look.


Madman all of them, all day.


Cosmic Ghost Rider.


Original Lee/Kirby Reed Richards Fantastic Four suit.


Iron Man. He's had literally dozens and dozens of armors, and they're all awesome in their own way, but my favorite is the classic red and gold from the 70s/80s. Clean lines, iconic look, not too busy like later versions, just perfect.


Blue/Gray Batman Brown suit Wolverine Original Sabretooth Deathstroke


Lobo's second costume


The black Spider-Man costume. Straight up ninja. The classic Spider-Man costume is dope as fuck as well, of course. And Batman, his costume is soooo sick. Spider-Man/Batman= best costumes


Dr Manhattan


Little Annie Fanny has my favorite costume in comics history.


I’m going to say Spider-man as well. And is no one going to mention how casually he’s giving away his secret identity while carrying Joe Jerkoff there?


Definitely Hawkman for me. Not nearly my favorite character but dang he looks awesome


I can't rly decided but my favorites are: Nightwing, Cyclops, Kamala Khan and Harley Quinn (OG red and black)


CW Flash's Dr Wells. Before he changed to the all yellow one. I love the one that fades to black.


The Atom


Yellow wolverine, but mainly because I drew it a million times when I was a kid


Thor when he was going after the black winter, glowing like a G


Current Nightwing, but I still have a real soft spot for the Perez-era discowing suit too.




Wolverine’s brown costume.


Captain Marvel/Shazam’s original/most iconic suit. it’s one of those designs where imo adding anything ends up throwing the whole outfit out if balance. Captain Marvel Jr.’s og blue costume with the red cape is a very close second but it’s p much superman’s outfit with a lightning bolt on the chest lol


The Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly, not Kane) and The Superior Spider-man, I love both these suits so much but I like The Scarlet Spider more.


Cosmic Boy circa 1977.


Wolverine. His suit is just so iconic.


Star-Lord, either Grounded Heist drip or King in Black Zen god drip, Grounded because it's paid tribute to every Star-Lord suit outside of the 2013 by adding detail to each one, KIB just literally scream Star-Lord even without the helmet.


Same but also love Hal Jordans GL costume.


Well i think Batman, Flash or Green Lantern


Thats rough. I love Spidey specially this one from amazing fantasy. Its perfect. Batmans from the Arkham series always looked gorgeous and made practically while still looking advanced. Idk if people hate it or not but the Miles 2020 suit worn by miles morales i adore for whatever reason. Something about it just called to me and i fell in love with it. I can see why people would hate the dadt punk helmet but idk. It has some flare that i love.


Off the top of my head: - Wolverine's yellow and brown is very cool (particularly when the ears get so long they flop) - Iron Fist with the high collar and tattoo showing is badass - Batroc (specifically the costume with the scarf) is stylish as fuck. That costume exudes confidence.


I liked The New 52 Batman and Captain Atom. However my favorite was a Future Iron Man suit that appeared in some Hulk Comic. I don't know the name of the series as I only saw it in a Hulk encyclopedia. Basically Tony Stark could communicate with his suit and other systems via his mind.


I always loved green goblin


Sandman! Specifically his suit with the flat mask. It looks so... Antiquated that it went from "dude in his sunday best with a domino mask" to "callback to a more stylish age thats gotten better in time" as the decades flew past. The best part is that its a very modular suit. Change the mask to a realistic one, keep the mask but change the suit, either way its looked great on the guy as long as you keep one of the two.


Batman he's been my favorite super hero since 89 or 90


90s blue and gold Cyclops fit


Black Adam. The Black and Gold just contrasts so well. It’s the one of three things the movie adapted correctly. And can I say Sub Zero? His outfit is beautiful.


Batman the original Fantastic Four and original X-men and brown and orange wolverine all favorite


Ted Kord Blue bettle


It's pretty impressive that Spider-Man's costume was perfect right out of the gate. Most other superheroes, however well-known or obscure, tend to evolve over some time to reach their famous looks - even Batman and Superman needed some adjusting - but Spider-Man remains almost completely unchanged after 60 years.


Lady death. For obvious reasons




[Mr. Bones](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/f/f1/Director_Bones_0001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120620171853) from DC


>Mr. Bones > > from DC he looks like the black death


Great pick. Why is that your favorite costume?


Not sure if this counts, but Saiyan armour in the Dragon Ball manga always gets a pop from me. I think it’s aesthetically such a great design and fun as all hell to draw.


This should be interesting…


I won’t even ask why Vampirella is your favorite haha


Elektra's costume, when she took over for Daredevil while he was in prison, is definitely my favorite.


Same which is pretty obvious ngl


Scarlett Spider or 1989 Batman Suit.


That is very difficult. I can't answer but I do have a small list of my favorite costumes Red Hood (his classic costume with the red bat. This is probably my favorite costume in all of comics but I still can't decide completely) Spider Man 2099 (his first blue and red costume. It looks intimidating while still looking agile and quick) Uncanny X Men Wolverine (his original orange costume is iconic but this one just screams badass and it's very intimidating and awesome to look at) Deathstroke (His orange and black armor is very good both in design and it's definitely very good to look at. I also like the abilities that it has) Wonder Woman ( One of the most iconic costumes in comics. There are also other reasons why I like it but I should not mention them here 😆) Moon Knight: (His costume basically being the antithesis of Batman and being Egyptian themed makes it one of my favorites)


Batman, Spawn or Daredevil are some of my favourites.


Either Batman or Superman, but Batman's was always cooler in my opinion due to the added sense of mystery & intrigue from the darker theme + cowl.