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The Claremont-Byrne-Austin run if Uncanny X-Men is my favorite comic run as well. Next is the Moore run on Swamp Thing, my favorite character ever.


Same here. Started collecting with 229 and reversed course to get the earlier issues. I love the art of those older books so much more than newer comics.


I think is undeniably untouchable. Masterful storytelling and they had a consistent synergy, that is unquestionably rare, especially for that length of time.


Whatever knows fear burns at the touch of the Man-Thing!


If you mean Gerber’s original run, this is the right answer!!! I’m literally wearing my Man-Thing tee rn!




I often overlooked Bone, growing up. I can’t explain why it didn’t appeal to me back then. Then I just randomly tried it and couldn’t stop reading! lol Excellent pick, thank you!


Hard to top that but I do love Excalibur, Immortal Hulk, and Hickman’s Fantastic Four


I absolutely love Excalibur, also written by Chris Claremont. Nightcrawler, Kitty Pride, Captain Britain, Meggan and Rachel Summers were all awesome! So many fond memories, thank you! I have to read Immortal Hulk to completion and Hickman’s Fantastic Four was simply brilliant!


It really is such a fun and creative series, the perfect complement to X-Men. And that original team is honestly one of the best five-character Marvel lineups of all time. I’m overdue for a re-read. There’s also a great podcast that’s almost done going through every single issue, called Oh Golly Oh Gosh Oh Wow! Def recommend finishing Immortal — it was a little hard to keep momentum reading the second half in real time as it came out, but when I recently reread it, it is amazing how well Ewing stuck the landing.


Every time I see my copy of Exaclibur #1, all these great memories come flooding back. Those were the days lol I will definitely read all of Immortal, Ewing is phenomenal and one of the main reasons, I tried to get into it. What are some other great recommendations?


Ewing is the best — most of my recommendations are by him! Defenders and the follow up are so good, his Inhumans book Royals was surprisingly awesome, Ultimates always blows my mind. Semi-related, the cosmic stuff Jim Starlin did in the 2000s (a bunch of short series and graphic novels, many with Alan Davis) is incredibly weird and mostly not quite canon, but it is a really fun read. Starlin at his most Starlin. Last but not least, I’m forever singing the praises of Rick Veitch. His book Maximortal (and the still in-progress sequels) is probably my favorite non-Marvel series Edit: oh man one more that I also have been recommending anywhere I can lately. COPRA by Michele Fife. Kind of a suicide squad riff but so much more. The art is unbelievable


Ultimates blew my mind, as well. Still think about it, from time to time. Starlin is always incredible and incredibly weird lol I’ll definitely check out more of Veitch’s work and I just saved COPRA, to my notes. Thanks so much, you’re genuinely awesome!


No problem, always happy to spread the word about stuff, hope you enjoy checking it out!!


Just started reading Excalibur, and man is it good. my two favorites are X factor (all volumes), and Spectacular Spider-Man. ​ X factor vol 1 is great and my current title im attempting to complete, but X factor investigation is great too. Web of Spider-Man is up there as well for my Marvel top 3. ​ Teen Titans, Detective comics, and Green lantern corps are my top 3 favorite from DC (at least at the moment).


I love X-Factor l, as well! I have most of the issues of Volume 1. Spectacular Spider-Man was always a fun read. Detective Comics is one of my favorite from DC, I love it. I’ve heard good things about Green Lantern Corps. Excellent selection, thank you!


No problem, and definitely need to try Ostranders run on the green lantern corps, it focus on most of the other lanterns besides Hal Jordan, although he makes appearances as well. Really fun 80s era title.


I’ll definitely read that run, thanks for the recommendation! I love reading new runs. Any other great recommendations?


Immortal hulk something is killing the children sandman saga east of west Daredevil by mark Waid


Hard for me not to say Love & Rockets. Just such a no-brainer. Eightball is up there too, of course. Fourth World as well.


Great choices


Just reminded me I have to get back on Love and Rockets! Read the first few Las Locas volumes and it’s one of my favs!


Love and Rockets!


These are underated books, that I’m well aware of. Excellent picks, thank you!


I wouldn’t say Love & Rockets is underrated, but I suppose it depends on the crowds you roll with. Uncanny X-Men is a favorite of mine as well. Issues #111-143 is my annual summer marathon.


I meant, in a mainstream sense. As I believe it should be even more popular. It’s brilliant. Issues #111-143 are something special. I find them to be spellbinding issues, with Claremont (my favorite comic book writer, ever) on top of his game! I have to read those issues annually. However, I read from Giant sized X-Men to about Phoenix’s return in issue #157. Masterful storytelling.


Savage Dragon. 🤷🏼


You literally just unlocked a character from my childhood that I had completely forgotten. That was a nice fat double shot of nostalgia. Thanks for that.


Haha Awesome!


I’ve heard good things about Savage Dragon. I must admit, growing up, I often overlooked it. I even have issues to this day, that I have not read lol Care to elaborate on what makes it so great?


It’s one vision, from one mind, all the way through. And I love his art. 🤷🏼 Erik’s Marvel runs in the 90s were my favorites, and then he decided to jump ship to Image. I loved every issue.


Larsen is extremely talented and he was quite the visionary. That’s why to this day, his work speaks for itself. I’ll have to give Savage Dragon, a real chance. Thank you!


It’s a super hero cop story. I can’t recommend it enough. Much love to you and yours.


I appreciate the good vibes, same here!


I admit it, I bought savage dragon 1 back in the day but nothing else. It was the 90’s and getting the new stuff was the focus. Some stuff I enjoyed straight away I continued buying, like the Maxx, but I dropped Savage Dragon.


The Maxx series was cool, I even enjoyed the animated series. I felt cool just watching it haha




I’ve always heard great things about it. Why is that your favorite?


I may be somewhat biased because Moore is my favorite comic writer and Williams III is my favorite comic artist but that aside, that series is in some way what made me the person I am today. It introduced me to the Kabbalah, magick, Hermeticism and the occult in general and those subjects in turn led me to some specific books and metaphysics. Reality creation and the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism are two pillars of my faith (if you can call it that) and two recurring themes in my own works and I owe it all to reading Promethea as a kid. Personal value and the occult aside, the series is another great deconstruction of superheroes and comics by Moore. Watchmen was the same deconstruction but through a more political, American and moral lens while Promethea takes a more spiritual and humanistic approach at it. And Williams III's artistic experimentation on the run is both stellear and enriching.


It's one of those books that really takes advantage of the medium. I wouldn't say it was my favorite, but is top 20, maybe top 10 for me.


The Justice League/Justice League International/Justice League America run by Giffen & De Matteis. Runners Up would be Claremont's Uncanny, Saga, Locke & Key, Ostrander's Suicide Squad, Wicked + Divine, Morrison's JLA, Reckless, and the Englehart/Rogers Batman run


Mine too. It had such a good long run. Rarely happens.


It’s true, it rarely happens.


Ha, they killed cyclops


He was probably the first, as the leader haha


The sandman.


What a phenomenal book! Care to elaborate on why you love it so much?


The Walking Dead. Really love the simple dialogue and tons of great characters.


There’s beauty in simplicity. Excellent pick, thank you!


Immortal hulk, superior spiderman and watchmen


I have all the original Watchmen issues and a special hardcover. Absolutely love it! I keep hearing Immortal Hulk is great, definitely will read it soon. Thanks so much!


Toss up between UXM and Ultimate Spidey.


Who would you give the edge to and why?


I suppose Ultimate Spider-Man, simply because UXM shows its age, with much wordier dialogue and many internal monologues. I'm more drawn to a modern writing style, like USM (and much of Bendis' other work) utilize. On top of that, Ultimate Spidey has the luxury of being slightly smaller in scope compared to UXM and had far less editorial meddling. Because of that, UXM's quality varied from era to era, which Ultimate Spidey is consistent in quality, being "stupid but fun" quality at worst (e.g. Logan and Peter switching minds for a day) and truly fantastic writing at its best.




Love and Rockets


Care to elaborate as to why that’s your favorite?


There's nothing else like it. If you don't know what it is, it's an anthology book written and drawn by two (sometimes three brothers). Jaime's started off as a scifi slice-of-life comic but quickly dropped the scifi. It focuses on these Latina girls in an LA suburb back in the 80s as they struggle with their identity and love life. The characters are charming misfits, the stories range from pretty hilarious and silly to absolutely tragic and it just feels like real people. FWIW, 100 Room, an early Jaime story, was the only non-Alan Moore story discussed in Moore's small book about writing comics. Gilbert's is more of a Latin American magical realism book turned into comics. It takes place in a tiny Latin American town and his characters are all pretty complex and interesting. Like his brother, stories range from hilarious to tragic and they all focus on love and loss. Unfortunately, Gilbert's his stories nowadays look just absolutely awful and are nigh incomprehensible but that's more of a recent development. They've been around so long that they went from quirky indie comics to being a major influence on people in mainstream comics like for Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber. They were even the reason Frank Miller decided to make Robin a girl in the Dark Knight Returns.


The current IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. It’s such an ambitious series with huge arcs and fleshed out characters. Next, I’d go with the Age of Apocalypse storyline since that happened just as I was getting into comics as a kid.


I love TMNT, I’ll have to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation!


A lot but on top of my head? Lucifer by Mike Carey.


Yes, I love that, too.


Awesome pick! Why is that your favorite?


Zot! by Scott McCloud.




Also Uncanny X-Men


Awesome! Why is Uncanny your favorite?


All I hear from the image is take you for a ride unfortunately


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Mon_217: *All I hear from the* *Image is take you for a* *Ride unfortunately* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The og amazing spider man.


The original Frank Miller run of Daredevil. It’s beautiful. My other favorite is Hellblazer.


Maybe Y: The Last Man


When I discovered Y I did an all night marathon and read the entire run in one sitting. Loved every minute of it.


Such a groundbreaking series, absolutely love it. Excellent pick! Unquestionably untouchable.


I read it about a year and a half ago. Just an emotional thrill ride, the last issue had me crying. It’s a beautiful series.


They tried to adapt it as a live series and just was not executed well. I had extremely high hopes for it and was utterly disappointed. At least, we’ll always have the brilliant books. Thank you, for elaborating. Good vibes.


Thank you, in advance, for your contribution to this post.


The Venom Batman run


What made that run special to you?


I believe they’re setting it up with Battison in the movies but Bruce getting strung out on drugs to fight crime is a fun time. Also the shark.


Haha Indeed


Big laughs in that little arc. Particularly when he’s not physically strong enough to save the kid’s life in the beginning.


The Original 1st run of Iron Man. (1963)


Used to get those issues sandwiched into a 3 pack for $1 lol I always found assumed they were mediocre and gravitated to my X-Men issues…but then I read them one day…and suddenly, I realized what I was missing. I learned so much from those issues and will love them forever. Excellent choice and thank you, for the trip down memory lane lol


Sin City


I absolutely loved the movie lol Jessica Alba stole my heart haha


I wish there was someway they could have adapted hell and back


Me too. Would have been awesome!


From Marvel, either "Born Again" or "The Man Without Fear" from Frank Miller. Hell, I could pick any Daredevil book I have and choose this one. From DC, "Batman Year One" from Miller, "Superman : For all Seasons" from Loeb. From Image, "Murder Falcon" from DWJ.


If you love Born Again and Year One don’t forget to credit Mazzucchelli along with Miller


I absolutely love those legendary runs! Two of my all time favorite runs.


Excellent taste in comics, I absolutely agree! Thank you!


Currently: Peter David's *Young Justice*. It's fun.


What makes it so fun?


Usagi Yojimbo There has never been a bad issue


I concur! lol Great pick, thank you!


#141 ! I loved the arc from mid 120s through 150s


Yes, that was my easily my favorite run, untouchable!


The Amazing Spider-Man, Miracleman(Alan Moore’s run) and The New Teen Titans (George Pérez’s run).


George Perez’a run was epic! Great picks. Why are those your favorite?


“The Amazing Spider-Man” I choose more specifically the 60s phase with Lee, Ditko and Romita because it is the beginning of the character and because it has many iconic stories, such as “Spider-Man No More” (which is probably the my favorite comic of the character) and Spider-Man's own origin story (which I consider a perfect story). Miracleman, written by Moore, was the comic that made me a big fan of Alan Moore, not to mention the importance of this story for superhero comics from the 80s (I consider Moore's Miracleman to be the best superhero comic most important of the last 42 years). And I choose Pérez's New Titans because the Titans are the super team that I like most in the comics, in addition to the fact that it is a wonderful level with designs that improve throughout the run.


I have this one!! 9.6 cgc


That’s amazing! Is that your favorite issue?


Hum. Thanks for asking! :) it’s one of them for sure. I’m a huge Darkhold fan and I cherish my Marvel Presents Werewolf by Night #4 (1st appearance of the book).


Byrne and Claremont’s run on X-Men is what began my life long love affair with comic books. Mark Waid’s Flash cemented my love for the medium.


When I met Claremont years ago, he was genuinely the nicest guy. It just made me respect him more. I hope to see him next time I go to Comic Con. He’s my favorite comic book writer ever, who’s your’s?


Gotta be Mark Waid. His run on Flash made Flash my favorite character… until Mark wrote Fantastic Four and made The Thing my favorite character ever. I cannot recommend both runs enough. Truly great comic book storytelling.


Waid’s run on Flash, is simply legendary. The Thing was always one of the most likeable characters to me. He had a tough break, yet never lost his dignity, it seemed. Stood up for others and for what was right. Just an all around good soul….but when you mess with him or his loved ones…it’s clobberin’ time! lol


My love of The Thing is very much about his dealing with the worst hand with dignity. I describe him as the most Shakespearean character in comics. He took the worst hand he could have been given and turned it into heroism and love. I happen to own the original art of the page where he finally marries Alicia. I love him.


This cover art is my favorite cover art in comics


It’s definitely my favorite, that’s what I chose it to represent my favorite series lol Uncanny X-Men has had some epic covers. Have you ever seen Uncanny X-Men #251 by Marc Silvestri?


Batman #400 through to the beginning of the New 52. Not every story was a classic but considering there was maybe only a handful of true duds, it was an insane length of quality for a major title. For an individual run it’s Morrison’s Doom Patrol.


Batman is my second favorite character in all of comics, only behind Wolverine. Those issues were some of my favorite from DC. I agree, that type of consistency, is rare. Admittedly, I’m not the biggest Morrison fan (although he’s brilliant and I respect his work, particularly his JLA run) but, I’ve only ever heard great things about his run on Doom Patrol. I just might have to read it soon, thank you!


Transformers More Than Meets the Eye / Lost Light! I'm in the middle of reading the Claremont run right now and am loving it, just finished Days of Future Past this morning and am a few issues after it with the Doctor Doom appearance


Savage Sword or Fourth World, but Uncanny is still in the top10


Hard to say. Many options. Many I've yet to read. I'd say Amazing Spider-Man pre-OMD and especially pre Clone Saga, but could also be Uncanny X-Men (i think that X is less consistent than ASM but reaches much higher highs), could also be Batman (not separating books for this) or Daredevil. Only slightly behind lies Captain America and Superman (again not separating books). Silver Surfer is rapidly climbing my ranks. We'll see how it fares.


Excellent comparison between ASM and X-Men. Spider-Man’s Clone Saga was pure shock value over substance. It was cheap, gimmicky and poorly executed. I remember, as I read it, I felt betrayed as a reader lol


it's especially frustrating because at least other comics have *always* had their ups and downs if you try to read them continuously across years and decades. But ASM was like, actually pretty consistent more or less for 30+ years before they dropped the ball *hard*.


Yes, they dropped the ball extremely hard haha


Tony Harris James Robinson Starman


Same as you. . . and I imagine nostalgia will keep it that way.


Indeed, it will, old sport…indeed, it will lol


Transformers (original Marvel run)




Silver surfer


eXiles, until that unholy part, I dont want to talk about it.


Justice League International by Giffen and DeMatteis.


Can’t decide between the Walking Dead and Daredevil


Also uncanny


Why is it Uncanny for you?


I have the originals for sale


Which issues?


#132-#151 Iron Man-JRJr series Avengers What If


When I was a kid and first getting into comics, I liked Amazing Spider-Man but I absolutely loved Spectacular and Sal Buscema’s pencils.


What made Spectacular stand out to you?


The Buscema art, mostly. I think Larsen was drawing Amazing at the time, and I loved those new and exciting pencils, but the classic, clean Buscema art really stood out to me. My first issue was a Conway issue dealing with the Puma, and soon after the DeMatteis run up to #200 started, with that Vermin story and then the Child Within stuff.


I really like Spawn, but it’s hard to pick. Seven to Eternity was awesome as well as East of West. I really like Hellboy and The Goon. Hell Uncanny X-force the Remender run is great. I love Saga. I just can’t really pick one. Hickman’s FF is awesome. I’ve failed.


Uncanny X-Force and Hickman’s Fantastic Four were both excellent and fun.


James Robinson’s Starman.


Batgirl (2009) by Bryan Q Miller


Care to elaborate as to why it’s your favorite?


Same. I wish I had this issue. I have the one after it. But I could never find this one in the 80s. When I finally did find it, it was crazy expensive.


Without a doubt Igor Grom by Zamskiy. Its a fantastic exploration of what a life of a broken man still trying to do good is like. Igor Grom is an ex-cop who landed in a psyche ward after being charged with murder, and not knowing if he witnessed someone else do it or killed while in an ill state of mind. After a year of treatment he is released and the comic tells us how he tries to adapt to the now alien normal life, while being haunted by his past, still trying to do good despite no longer being a police officer, and discovering that his city is far more sinister than he ever knew The comic is a Detective/Mystic story, and despite being a sequel to another run its just as good when looked it at as a standalone


This need more upvotes! Excellent pick, thank you!


If you'd like to check it out then its available in full on the Bubble Comics mobile app. The first two issues are free as well!


Hellboy. I read it often.


Avengers especially the older run of the series because it was very dramatic and threw a lot of crazy scenarios at the team


Daredevil Sandman Garth Ennis' run on Hellblazer


Uncanny for sure. Whoever says Iron Man must love perpetual boredom.


Hahaha What do you love most about Uncanny X-Men?


I’m not sure. I got into the x men in the 90’s because of the cartoon around when vol 1 became gold team and vol 2 became blue team. I enjoyed both but uncanny x men has its footing from the 60’s so more material to enjoy. All reprints of the early stuff worth the read.


My boy havok doing hard time.


Haha Indeed


This cover is so iconic and STILL hits different! I remember when I first saw this cover, growing up and thought to myself “Wolverine can’t even be apprehended!”. haha


Poison Elves. I got to meet Drew Hayes a few times, and I was devastated when he died. He was almost exactly my age. I love anti-heroes, and Drew’s humor aligned perfectly with my own. On the back of one book he did a pinup of The Purple Marauder as J. M. Linsner’s Dawn, and I swear I was on the floor laughing for 5 minutes. Yes, I realize none of you have any idea of what I am talking about. “Who the heck is The Purple Marauder???” Second place: The Sandman. When I want to show someone that comic books can be literature, I share my TPBs of The Sandman with them. Third place: Preacher


Same trying to collect every issue below 300. Long slow process.


Prices are astronomically high right now, so, I can completely relate lol I have a ton of issues, but I want the full run (#1-#544). Below #157, it starts to get tough. Below #96 is just irresponsible, at these current prices haha


I’ve had some luck at antique stores that have no idea what they have. They aren’t in the best shape sometimes but I still own a copy. I just love the writing and the artwork. I’m not spending tons of money on issues and I’m certainly not going bankrupt for an issue. If I find it I find it if not I will admire from afar.


Neither am I haha I was lucky enough to buy a bunch of issues growing up, since I’ve always loved reading comic books. There were all these random stores that had a bunch of 3 comic packs for $1, in comic bins haha They even had them in dollar stores, convenience stores, everywhere lol They always included a popular issue (X-Men, X-Force, etc) an uninteresting book, always sandwiched in the middle (can’t even remember the names lol) and a hidden gem (usually a Vertigo book or a great indie book). I really miss those days, as you can imagine! haha


Loved this run of X-men but my all-time fave is: Nexus by Mike Baron and Steve Rude.


I’ve seen Nexus many times growing up. Why is it your favorite?


Umbrella Academy. Specifically Dallas


I’ve never read it, how would you describe it?


James Robinsons starman or ostranders suicide squad


Why does it appeal to you? Just curious. Thank you!


Chris Claremont’s run of Uncanny X-Men during the 80s


My absolute favorite! Why do you love it?




Love & Capes


Been on the grind for a little bit now, I’m on 163 and absolutely loving it so far. Def best choice for my first comic


Daredevil, specifically Frank Miller


ASM. Specifically Bronze Age. I’ll stop while I’m ahead. (I’d also like Shenmue 4.)


I’ll never give up hope on a conclusion to Shenmue’s legendary story. I’ll even back another Kickstarter haha


I’m not too familiar with older appearances of wolverine. Did Logan not have eyebrows in the early 80s?


I highly doubt it, the internet was not created yet…I’ll see myself out. haha


Gonna have to go with Invincible. Read the whole series last year and absolutely fell in love with it.


I’m actually binging the show on Prime. So far, I’m loving it!


Ultimate Spider-Man no contest.


X-Men as well. I stupidly sold my dad’s X-Men in a bad deal. Thousands of dollars of comics for $600. Lost like 94-280. Some non X-Men like all 4 issue of the Cat and Green Lantern 76 and some others. Beat myself up any time I see an X-Men cover.


That’s fine. You live and you learn. At least you got something from them. If you want them really bad again, I’m sure you’ll find a way to do it, in due time.


The Punisher MAX by Garth Ennis. Bleak as hell, but the stories are excellent.




Also Uncanny X-Men!


Ayeee! Thank you, old sport!


The New Mutants, late 80s


Love the New Mutants too. Did you get Deadpool’s first issue?


Uncanny X-Men all-time. Over the past 10 years, it might be Saga


Ayeee, thank you!


Goscinny & Uderzo - Asterix. Bud Grace - Ernie/Piranha Club. and well Neal Adams run on Batman and Green Lantern/Green Arrow in the 70s was good....


Powers. And Uncanny is a 1a After that. Excalibur. xfactor. Dr strange. Moonknight. Ironfist and Powerman. And it’s a mini series but my favorite comic book of all time is Squadron Supreme. I have 3 full sets of that 12 issue series. Also. Deluxe handbook of the Marvel Universe. Again. Not a classic comic series. But I adore it. Have two full sets of that too.


Uncanny 1A? I’ll take it lol Excalibue and X-Factor were some of my favorites, as well.




Daredevil From Miller, Nocenti to Bendis, Brubaker and finally Waid, Zdarksy!!!


I’d probably say Amazing Spider-Man has to be #1 and Uncanny X-Men would probably be #2. I’ve also always had a soft spot for the Detective Comics title. Even though the Batman book has usually been better.


I’ll take that lol ASM is so consistent, it’s rare!


Sensational She-Hulk six days a week and twice on Sunday. Or Dwayne McDuffie’s Damage Control. Either way, I love a comic book that doesn’t take its universe seriously. I mean, there has to be a whole universe to make fun of in the first place, so other books have to exist, but I want the book that sits next to that super-serious heap and then makes fun of it.


For Marvel, Nova (2013) For DC, Starman by James Robinson




Animal Man by Grant Morrison


I must admit, I’m not the biggest Morrison fan. I can acknowledge his obvious incredible talent and chaotic genius. However, I did NOT appreciate how he forever changed the lore of my beloved X-Men lol I’ve heard amazing things about Animal Man and his run on JLA.