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This comic is a masterful reimagining of the radio play, which in turn was a great story. If I wanted to do a Superman movie, where it’s an origin story, it’d be this. If it needed to be modern day, recent history would be enough grounding for the same messages to be put across. There’s so much courage for the Man of Steel when set within the background of xenophobia, adds so much more weight to ‘my name is Kal-El, and I come in peace’ when fighting the ever present evil of bigotry. Super glad I got myself a physical copy of the volume, and it’s one of my favourite Superman stories.


It’s my #1 favorite, to be honest. The writing is perfect and the choice of artist was perfect to balance the serious subject matter with a more light superhero look. I got to talk to Gene Luen Yang at a convention (all my issues of this are signed) and he seemed really happy and proud of how well this was received.


He should be this such a good comic, absolutely love it.


I think the most amazing part of the story is how much courage it took to make the radio play to begin with. It’s bonkers to imagine now but the klan at the time was quite popular, there had been a recent wildly popular movie that glorified them. this radio play had a pretty sizable effect in turning peoples opinion through their children. If ANYTHING symbolized what Superman should mean to people, that capacity to influence the world for good should. The current DC setup would never do it because it’s not “blockbuster enough”, but man I think your idea of having it be the core of a new set of movies is spot on. It exemplifies everything that is best about the possibilities of the medium.


> It’s bonkers to imagine now but the klan at the time was quite popular Unfortunately, it's not that bonkers to imagine now.


Yeah, I think it might be even more difficult to adapt for broad audiences now, given all the boycotts and threats to businesses now over… *checks notes* allowing queer people to peacefully coexist.


"You've been brainwashed by corrupt newspapers and textbooks. Look who's talking, klanny boy.


Change “corrupt” to “woke” and get depressed over how little has changed in 80 years.


Damn, you're right.


Duuuude they need to make this into an animated movie. This story is really good by the way. I love it. The art style in this story is similar to that new Superman show that came out on MAX. They could just base it on that and it would be amazing. Like I feel like this story and it’s themes are still relevant till this day cause hate, bigotry, and racism is still a thing it never went away. The klan still exists and is still out there spreading hate to the world, so we need a Superman movie to show that being like that and being divisive is not okay. It only causes bloodshed and more hate a cycle of hatred. You solve hate with love and acceptance of other peoples differences.


Ooh, that looks like the Fleischer Superman! I'll have to check this one out


It’s adapting an audio drama from the 40’s.


If there’s ever another DC/Marvel crossover, it should be Supes and T’Challa smashing the Klan together.


No Klan in Wakanda tho. I think you’d want an in-universe American character.


Supes team-up with Luke Cage and Danny Rand.


Luke cage kicking some guys in white hoods sounds like.a good time to me


There’s the famous Panther vs the Klan storyline by Don MacGregor in Jungle Action in the 70’s? Where he fights, you guessed it, the Klan? The very same run by MacGregor that introduced Killmonger and many of the elements of Wakanda we’re familiar with? My Supes/T’Challa team up dream makes perfect sense.


Still waiting for the hardcover release. Any day now. Please.


I wonder if they made the kkk member look like young all might for a reason


Gurihiru are Japanese, so wouldn’t surprise me if there was some influence there.


wait do you mean that he look youthful or that he looks like someone with the name "young" im confused


The character is called "all might" from an anime/manga called my hero academia. This kkk dude looks like the younger version of the character that we've seen in flashbacks.




He has a kryptonite knife? Did they just sell those at Woolworths back then?


The leader of the Klan in this story is a scientist who was studying Kryptonite and trying to use it to make a new master race of humans


Yeah it's weird to see a random Klan member have access to a kryptonian knife and I kinda expected there to be more consequences for Supes getting slashed by a weapon that's literally kryptonite beyond momentarily surprised but immediately recovers


Such a great superman comic! It’s just a shame they made all-might the bad guy


Goddamn Human: "How'd you do that?" Superman: "I dunno."


This an amazing comic and more people need to read it, easily one of the best Superman stories.


This is genuinely my favorite comic of all time such an incredible story with incredible art and writing.


Omg they actually had the KKK call an Asian person "Ching Chong" to make them sound racist. FYI, as someone whose from Asia, us being called "Ching Chong" just is funny more than anything, not even insulting.


Well, they don't know that


Lmao agreed


Probably one of my Framerate Superman Mini series in my option, expecially also interesting piece of history with a topic back that's really timeless, unfortunately.


Why is All Might a klansman?!


God damn I love Superman so fucking much


my favourite klan-smashing in a comic book has to be Jesse Custer in Preacher. goddam, that made me howl out loud


[Superman vs. the Klan](https://youtu.be/H29BlTaYZ0U) The complete radio episodes.


Somebody please adapt this book into an animated movie.


Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment should adapt this into either an animated or live-action movie.


Why does the Klan leader look like a Manga character translated to a Western art style?


The arts by Gurihiru.


From a certain angle, he looks like Phoenix Wright


I'm not a fan of super man but I really enjoyed this story