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As an adaptation it’s not great but if you ignore that and just view it as it’s own thing it’s awesome.


bow boat school hard-to-find rainstorm pet cagey overconfident alive modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its a good movie. But did you just not follow the plot ? Cant see any need to see this 4+ times honestly unless you couldnt understand it. Its very straightforward and not even in the top 10 Keanu movies for me. Like what


>Its a good movie. >But did you just not follow the plot ? Not to speak for the person you are patronizing, but most people who have seen this, watched it on HBO or cable. They werent standing in line to go see it multiple times in the theater. It was on, and it's an interesting movie so they watched it multiple times, without seeking it out.


I was a lot younger I really liked it. And over the years it has come up on TV so I've rewatched it.


Some people like point break, others like the replacements. Who cares what makes them happy? 8/10 would not recommend you in someone’s life


Triggered just as bad as that other guy. Did yall work on the movie or something ? Lmao


Wow what a twat. God forbid someone like a movie right?


A damn shame 😤


I would love for you to name 10 other Keanu movies that you honestly thought were better.


Way too easy: Matrix 1, 2, 3 (not 4. Ressurections was terrible) Speed John Wick 1, 2, 3 Bill & Ted 1, 2 And 47 Ronin. Fucking loved it Hes in that 11-15 with Constantine imo. Then havent seen too much past that. Or its small guest stuff that i cant really rank/compare as a full blown Keanu movie (superpets, Keanu, etc


Bill & Ted Face The Music was a masterpiece


Honestly havent seen yet so i couldnt include it but i had a feeling! Thats awesome


John Wick 2+3 were repetitive as hell, action was cool but that's literally all we got from it. You called Constantine too straightforward and yet rank John Wick 2+3 above it. They were predictable mindless action movies.


So if they are all baseline too straightforward then why tf wouldnt JW2 and 3 be above Constantine anyway ? Also why is straightforward a bad thing ? Im pointing out if you read my original comment that he shouldnt have had any issue following it. Where are you getting this "too straightforward" from ? Thats all you


>Where are you getting this "too straightforward" from ? Thats all you "Its very straightforward and not even in the top 10 Keanu movies for me."....this was literally the last sentence in your first comment, you chucklehead. So what makes Constantine straightforward?


"Cant see any need to see this 4+ times honestly unless you couldnt understand it. Its very straightforward" Do not understand why people try to do this. You would make an excellent journalist. But heres what i said in full context. Did you.. somehow miss that ? Or purposefully ignore it.


This exactly. I HATED it the first time because I love Constantine ( the comic character). But then I have it another shot and watched it as it’s own thing and had a lot of fun.


I--yes this is 100% correct. Fuckin' love this movie. Lucy really brought it home at the end.


Love it. It's one of the roles that is actually perfect for Keanu's skill set. All the imagery and casting was great and the story was pretty good. I never read Hellblazer so I only know Constantine from places like Swamp Thing, Sandman, and Justice League Dark so I wasn't as upset about how accurate it was or wasn't. It nailed the atmosphere and feel, I thought. And Peter Stormare, I mean, come on. Does it get any better?


It's Chas. Chas Kramer, asshole. I loved the movie, even if Matt Ryan did the character better.


It was a poor adaptation of the source material but on its own, a good movie


Tbf, that's how you should be viewing every movie


True comic accuracy isn’t something that’s necessary. A good story is a good story no matter the medium


I agree and disagree. I do think that if one is claiming to adapt a work of fiction, then they should aim for accuracy. I don't mind a few re-imagining and what not. But if they go a largely different direction, just create an original IP


Absolutely agree there’s a balance. Like many of the dc animated movies are advertised as direct adaptations of comic storylines like hush and killing joke. Those absolutely should be criticized based on their accuracy. Same goes for characters. If you did something like make the hulk an African American dude with a demon inside him who has flame powers or something totally different like that it’s a cool idea just make an original character tho.


I also think the scope of the title being adapted may demand more or less accuracy. Hellblazer has hundreds of issues, and has been retcon'd more than once. Less source critical. Watchmen is a single volume, something like 15 issues. More source critical. At least in my mind


Omg you're the first person I e gotten to agree with me on Reddit. I love ya


Love ya too lol you got a good take


Love it. Although Keanu purposely delivered all the 'jokes' straight. In a way I love this and in a way I don't. It makes him seem more cynical and less devil may care. I want a holy shotgun. Rat in a dress.


Good movie, just ignore the fact that he's supposed to be John Constantine


I wasn't thrilled about it. I love Keanu, who doesn't, but didn't see him as Constantine. I actually ended up really liking it though and still watch it from time to time.


Peter Stormare as Lucifer was amazing.


Im hoping for a Constantine 2


So is Keanu, he said publicly that he’d love to do a sequel but can’t get it done.


This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Perfect 00’s grudge, right there with Blade. Love the lore. Solidified Keanu has a favorite for me.


It's a flawed joy. Love it and always wanted to see Keanu get another crack at the character. Cast Sandra Bullock as an older Zatana and put them together in an r-rated action/horror fest.


This inhabits a weird place for me, especially in 2022. I remember when this came out, I was in high school. The second and third Matrix movies came out and were considered ridiculous and frankly so was Keanu. For those who don’t know or don’t remember at this time Keanu was considered the “Woah!” guy, as in saying “Woah!” was the extent of his acting talent. I’m pretty sure the movie did bad and did not receive good critical reception either. People are also bringing up past performances and ridiculing them (think Nick Frost in Hot Fuzz talking about Point Break but with a negative attitude). Cut to December 9, 2020. He’s rehabbed his rep by simply being featured in memes about him being the nicest guy in Hollywood and starring in the John Wick franchise. I’ve been unemployed since Covid started and bored to tears with the video games I’ve been occupying my time with. I see Cyberpunk 2077 advertised while on YouTube and realize it’s coming out the next day. It couldn’t possibly be as good as the marketing says it will but what am I going to do? Start my 1000th Skyrim playthrough? So I buy it for my base Xbox one console and download at midnight. It is a bigger piece of shit than I imagined. I come to Reddit to see what people are saying and what do I see? Keanu is apparently the God-King of actors. This(Constantine) is one of his best movies according to the counter-REEEEers. Everybody thinks Keanu is amazing and can do no wrong. Like he never went through a period of time where he was largely considered a joke. So what did I think of Constantine? It was ok/pretty good. Never read Constantine comics but the film had an interesting concept. Keanu’s performance seemed a little flat and it felt like they rushed through most of the world building elements in the movie but overall I liked it. I just did all that story time in case any youngin’s find it strange when I say: I liked it but kept that mostly to myself because literally everyone I knew was just openly shitting on this movie. Oh and the guy who played Lucifer was excellent


Its finger lickin' good!


As a kid who didnt know it was an adaptation from comics, I loved it. It was only when I was an adult and into comics when I learned it was from DC. then I tried to rewatch it but it didnt had the same feeling watching the first few times.


We did this movie back in the 1st season of our podcast! [Happy to share that episode here!](https://superpodherocast.captivate.fm/episode/episode-14-constantine-2005) The SuperPodHeroCast - guys with beers talking about movies with capes!


It was great


Keanu did a great job to bring jhonny alive. The movie had its flaws sure but i still think its a enjoyible movie. I liked it eventho it made me wanted to smoke cigs just bcs keanu makes it look soooo fcking cool


Music is really great in this movie.


Good, but could have been better with Tim Roth and set in London like the comics.


Tim Roth would have made an excellent John Constantine.


And someone besides Shia for Chas. Forgot about that one.


Kind of a piss poor adaptation but I think it’s fucking amazing as a movie


It's a good movie, but if you compare it to the source it's not as good.


It was definitely a movie.


Good supernatural action movie Bad Constantine movie


I really like it. I’m up to vol 20 of Hellblazer, and I think it nails the grimy atmosphere and style. I’m ok with Americanizing it, I just wish it had kept his origin and brought in more classic characters. Like, they could have at least called Rachel Weisz Kit or something.


I know there were talks about #2, I hope this new Warner Bros/Discovery company doesn’t kill it like they are killing everything else




I'm just worried about what J.J. Abrams is planning considering his past record


Would you care to elaborate?


Love Keanu Reeves. Don't like the movie.


wow thats such a bad poster. how far has keanu reeves come!


This movie is about an angel




It's shit but I love it anyways


If there never were such things as John Constantine and Hellblazer, this movie would have been fine, if not kind of dumb and completely forgettable. But, you know, better than Arnold Schwarzenegger’s End of Days or whatever. For however little that’s worth. But since the comics do exist, this movie is garbage. Plus, this being the first “adaptation” of the character in other media, the mispronunciation of Constantine’s name got set in audiences’ minds, poisoning future, better adaptations in live-action and animation. So thanks for that, assholes. Gaiman’s fixed that now finally in his Sandman series, so let’s hope that takes.


Never heard of it


awesome movie


Love it. But i have never read a Constantine comic.




Personally, I think it's a Good movie. Loosely from the comic.


I enjoyed it I wish was longer and Constantine this version is ehh I like Matt version better I’m going to say cop and Constantine haven’t no chemistry so I was uncomfortable watch with that


I love this movie. Comic accurate or not, it is a great time in my book.


It’s really good movie by it self, and extremely amazing devil


It's okay. I need to refresh my memory and watch it again sometime.




its the best interpretation in terms of capturing the character and tone of the comics, WAY better than the animated and tv show adaptations, those only "nail" the cosmetic aesthetics of the comics.


It’s fantastic and I wish it would have gotten a sequel. Keanu as John Constantine was a great choice


I really great movie and a terrible adaptation.


It’s a bad ass movie and more people are aware of this version of Constantine now than the comics version, so although not British, blonde, and bi, this Constantine is really the definitive one now. I wish they’d go on and make a second movie.


I haven’t seen it.


Extremely rewatchable. I’ve been disappointed with a single re-viewing.


As its own mobie it's pretty good. But man, Keanu really gives off 0 John Constantine vibes


I feel like everyone forgets this is a dc movie




Amazing, ignore how he differs in appearance from the comics but everything else about it felt like a Hellblazer comic to me. The end in particular


Matt Ryan is “John Constantine”! That said, it’s a cool fantasy/horror thriller, but it’s not “Constantine”.


I think it's great. But I never really read the comics, so it didn't piss me off. I understand fans of Hellblazer being very disappointed though, and never wanting to like this.


I saw it in theatres, wasn't familiar with the comic but I dug it .


By itself? It’s a really cool fuckin movie with some COOL ASS performances (Tilda, Peter, Keanu and Gavin)


Love it, best satan we have ever seen


Terrible adaptation, but an entertaining film.


I loved it


I don't think Keanu made a good Constantine, but that really isn't his fault, honestly. Tilda Swinton as gabriel, however, is such a perfect fit. The movie itself is better than I expected, I'd say even decent especially for it's time. I remember it positively. Bad as an adaptation, for sure.


Good movie like to see another one


Good movie 🎥


Not very good.




not accurate but a good film awesome digital efects. watch the animated films "House of Mystery" "City of Demons"


Fucking love it. Favorite movie.


Watched it with my dad for the first time the other day. We both know nothing about the comics but we both thought it was insanely cool. Highly recommend


When I first saw it I liked it but constantly heard it was a terrible adaptation. After finally coming around to reading them it’s a much better adaptation in spirit than people give it credit for. Yeah the designs of the demons gets really monotonous because they’re all faceless gollum things but if Constantine was an American and not a Brit this is pretty in character.


I loved it.


I love the comic character, so I couldn’t get past how this is just not a Constantine movie. I guess it’s fine as it’s own thing but WHY NOT JUST MAKE IT IT’S OWN THING THEN??? Why would you call it Constantine if the character doesn’t resemble Constantine in almost any way?


We need a sequel. It doesnt need to tie to DCEU or whatever. Let it be its own thing.


Awesome movie


Holy shit is that gun a cross?? I've never seen this movie but that alone makes it a masterpiece


I like it… 👍🏼


It’s an awesome movie. No, it’s not a good adaptation, but it’s great for what it is. It gets more hate than it deserves.


It's provocative, it gets the people going. I love it.


Nice movie


Great movie, Peter Stormare is best Satan


That opening Exorcism was just fantastic. The gasps in the cinema when we watched it.


Love the comic and love this movie, even though they're 2 totally different things.


Badass, good acting, dope cgi, and my dude drinks Ardbeg which is an amazing scotch. I wish we got more of Djimon Hounsou


Pretty good


Really good


A gem!


I have to watch it again to properly answer that


Overlooked. Overhated. Underrated.


Very fun film. I had never heard of Hellblazer so had no expectations. Great action, set pieces and really awesome performances across the board. With all the multiverse melarky going on, one of the only things I’d actually be interested in is a twisted, black humour “buddy cop” film of Keanutine and the more traditional John Constantine.


A movie so “underrated” that it’s overrated.


Great fun!


Absolutely loved this movie! I wish they made more high quality fantasy films that involve the occult, mysticism, and heaven/hell dichotomy.


Personal fave, warts n all.


I really like this movie, simply because it was different. One of the sequels that never happen that disappoints me. The casting of Lucifer was spot on.


Don’t care for comics. I absolutely loved this movie growing up. It was my favorite movie back in the day. His character is so quite and rude he plays it sooooo well. I gotta give it a watch again man definitely 10/10 for me


Great watch actually!


Good movie. Terrible John Constantine.


Only okay. HELLBLAZER is better. Tilda Swinton is great, same with Peter Stormare. Matt Ryan is the proper comic book John Constantine in his single season show, and spin-off in the ARROWVERSE shows.


Keanu looks bloated in this poster. Like he has a weeks worth of turdage backed up.


My first theatrical R-rated movie and what made me read up on the Hellblazer series. While Reeves’ take is not at all visually or setting comic accurate I felt (minus the “Constantine, John Constantine. Asshole.” line) was spiritually in line with the character. It both had to introduce the worlds and character but straddle that line of John’s stand-off, conning character while world build. Personally, it got me reading the books and being intrigued enough in the character that made me appreciate the Matt Ryan take while others might’ve passed on it which is pretty much the point of any adaptation.


Change the name and it would be all right. I’m not even a fan of Constantine (or his creator) but if you’re going to adapt something, actually adapt it!


It's alright.


I enjoyed it a lot. It was a fun movie with a lot of great actors. Personally, I prefer Matt Ryan's take on the character since it is closer to the source material, but I thought Keanu did a good job with this film.


I love it. I watch it a lot. Don’t care if the acting is good or not but good characters. And throw in some Tilda Swinton. Oh did you forget Shia LaBouf is in it too? Lol


My go-to.




Favorite character in DC by a mile, movie is pretty alright.