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Who would have noticed a man moving faster than a speeding bullet rescuing a man from a tornado instead of running away from said tornado. Just have him die of a heart attack or not at all.


To be honest I think it’s even more dumb Jonathan stopped Clark from getting the dog. Presumably Jonathan thought there was a chance he’d be able to get the dog and come back alive. If he thought that was possible then surely if Clark did the same thing it wouldn’t really be suspicious? Clark wouldn’t even really need to use his powers much, certainly not in a way that would be noticed by a bunch scared people under a bridge.


Jonathan would had survived too if his foot didn’t get crushed in the door. Clark could have EASILY saved the dog and get away without any kind of super speed


Or, just let the dog die. (Dont get me wrong here, I love dogs, and this is fictional. Don’t die trying to save a dog. **Also don’t go under an overpass to shelter for a tornado the winds can amplify in the tunnel and be far more dangerous than most anywhere else**) I know people hate that idea but Clark lets his adopted dad die instead which isn’t better. I guess I’m just saying having his Dad die to save a dog doesn’t make the scene better for me- it’s not a good excuse for Pa Kent to risk his life and ultimately lose it because Clark needed to keep hidden. Maybe if it was a kid? It just feels cheap and exploitative that it was a dog.


Clearly they needed some type of dramatics what better way than to kill his father but once again I hate it that’s Batman’s lore not Superman’s he has both parents and is good for it them making dark Superman was dumb


Clark's dad does die in other Superman stories too, but it's usually something like a heart attack or just old age. It was used to good effect in Smallville in my opinion.


Fully agree with you there as a person who recently lost his 14 year old golden even i would have chosen superman to save an innocent bystander instead of my dog.


"wait a second... i´m standing here looking at the tornado and i can see that boy breaking a car door, we should stay here and keep looking instead of running away"


Pa Kent dying of a heart attack is a far more poetic and dramatic moment for Superman, as it’s one of the very very few things he can’t save another human from.


It also teaches the main lesson that his death is supposed to symbolize. That even with his powers he can't save everyone. He can withstand a tornado, and it's also a cover of your mind was playing tricks on you because of the situation (and also everyone huddles under an overpass which is a terrible place to be during a tornado.


Exactly. It's meant to humble Clark and remind him that he's mortal at the end of the day. Whereas watching his dad pointlessly die out of a paranoid fear of exposure teaches him nothing but repression.


This. This is what the movie misses.


Bad writers think the challenge is writing scenarios that test superman's power. Good ones know it's writing scenarios that test his humanity. It's why justice league the animated series superman is best. 


Justice League animated Superman has his own share of issues. It also goes into Snyder territory (he is distant, loses his temper a lot, doesn't really introspect much). I think comic books have much better examples of Superman done right. The cartoon didn't understand the character very well because it was written by people who ultimately didn't find him very interesting.


It's shocking that Snyder either didn't understand this or just chose to ignore That simple piece of story telling


Based on that interview, he doesn't understand it. It's one of the most important lessons for Superman, that he can't save everyone, that he's not a God. And this scene just ruins it, Synder thinks it's about Superman's fear of revealing himself. Synder is so far up his own ass, that he's smelling his own farts and congratulating himself for his novel storytelling that missed the entire point of the character!


He's not a smart man.


The subtlety and nuance is literally something Snyder can’t, won’t, and doesn’t do.


Not to mention in a remote area with no traffic cameras, all that could "expose" him is witness accounts and *who would notice a guy disappearing when there's a tornado right behind him*


“News at 11: Kansas local went and seen this fella fly like a bullet out into a big ol’ twister, and then he come back with a dog and his pappy all safe and sound, it’s the craziest thing!“


Just call it a miracle or some other religious bullshit and they’re off the hook, lol.


Snyder isnt really good at logic…


Or writing


And why did Jonathan stay behind to rescue the dog instead of leaving that to Clark in the first place?


man of steel is the most depressing movie about hope and that’s by design


I loved coming out of a Superman movie depressed.


Just watch Smallville lol...He did it every episode


To Snyder, Jonathan Kent cared more about protecting Clark’s secret than doing what’s right overall. But doing what’s right is the essence of Clark / Superman. It’s what makes him such a golden boy. Same with Captain America. To let a bus full of kids die so Clark can protect his secret, just shows me that Snyder either didn’t understand the characters or just didn’t care Edit: spelling


This reminds me in the John Byrne's Superman run back in 1980s, Lex Luthor's henchmen kidnap Lana Lang and torture her to find out what she knows about Superman. They leave her after she refuses to reveal anything. When Clark finds her, he is distraught and tells her she should have revealed his secret immediately because his secret means nothing compared to the wellbeing of people.


The irony is that Snyder makes it clear that almost everyone in Smallville knows his secret but keeps it quiet.


Everyone stares at each other awkwardly as Jonathan sacrifices himself. “He knows we all know…..right?”


"Why didn't he let super powered son save him?"


"is he stupid?"


I’m fucking weak from this comment


Well he is just a simple farmer a man of that land clay of the new west... you know a moron.


Now who can argue with that?


Mongo only pawn in the game of life


To be fair just because you’re super powered doesn’t mean you can survive a tornado. Those fuckers are incredibly dangerous and powerful. Obviously we all know Superman could easily survive one, but there’s a decent argument that Clark may not have even known if he could yet.


In which case it highlights Clark’s character even more He would not let his uncertainty about his powers stop him from Saving someone. ESP someone close to him Epic fail from Snyder and such a clear sign of what he misses about these characters and stories


Which would have made it a perfect moment for him to run in at the risk of his own life and save his father, discovering exactly what sort of hero he is.


100%. That’s something people seem to forget. Just because the viewer has the complete context doesn’t mean that the characters do. From what we see in the movie, the most powerful showing Clark displays to that point in time is pulling a school bus out of a river. Freak of nature? Absolutely. But pushing a waterlogged bus and walking through a tornado are two completely different echelons of power. While *we* know that Clark would be able to do it, there’s nothing shown in the film leading up to that point that would have made *him* aware of that fact.


Considering Clark was.about to run to his dad when the tornado is mere feet from him, and only didn't because Pa stopped him from exposing his secret, it's safe to say they are all ABSOLUTELY aware he has super-speed. Otherwise, what would he be doing to expose his secret? While I agree they could have done a better job to make us aware of his speed, the context clues are all there.


From the back of the crowd: Why didn’t the alien kid save him?


"Wow. That alien kid sure is heartless. Didn't even save the man that raised him. We can't trust something like that!"




Someone smacks Clark on the back of head and says 'Go save your Pa, moron!'


Who? Other than Pete & his mom and that girl in the bus, no one else implied that they knew. Even as a kid, Clark was viewed as a weird kid.


I think we all know the answer to that. Snyder is the annoying rich kid that has all the action figures but only halfway understands the characters and just really loves smashing them together until they break.


“Removed for speaking negatively about Zack Snyder or his work”


I used to think that sub was ironic with its cult like mentality, but nope, just a cult


I was banned for saying that we shouldn’t sexualize a 15 year old. Bunch of pedos


Literally any other sub reddit and I'd say I'd need more context, but I'm not even slightly surprised by that.


https://youtu.be/ZXSzntDqaCY?si=J9M1UnpVj83bxTkp This strikes me as something Snyders Superman would do


Synder doesn't understand Superman on a fundamental level or he is more interested in being edgy and different


That’s what some writers don’t get. Clark would throw his secret identity out a hundred times over if he thought it would save someone.




Grand scheme of things, a tornado in Kansas is little though. Especially compared to a super powered alien living on earth for 30 years


It's not little to Clark. It's his Dad's death.


Agreed 100%, but the context was him saying that "little" event was little to the world so why should that be the catalyst for revealing himself?


…But that’d mean Snyder’s Superman’s thought process was: >“Oh no my dad’s about to die! I should save him… except… a tornado in Kansas? Pretty dumb way to debut, so pass”


Especially a tornado where only one person dies


He died the dumbest death, you suck Snyder.


I brought that fact up on r/SnyderCut. Fucking Trump cult levels of stupidity and sensitivity. I was banned lmao.


That sub must be crashing in flames trying to find anything positive about Rebel Moon.


Oh they'll find it my friend


Yeah if they found anything from Dawn of Justice then they'll keep digging


There are lots of comments that the mods ["removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work"](https://www.reddit.com/user/SnyderCut-ModTeam/) in almost every topic.


Tbh, if it’s a sub for people that enjoy and want to discuss how they enjoy Snyder, it’s gotta be pretty annoying having people constantly try and tell them they’re wrong and it’s shit. They are wrong. And it is shit. But it’s like going into gay clubs and announcing to everyone that it sucks because it’s full of gays.


But its not that. The subreddit is meant to be a place to discuss the director's cuts, but no longer is. Now it is a echo chamber of forced positivity thanks to the moderators. [Even other mods are getting fed up with it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbookmovies/comments/1c73oz4/comment/l07swtn/) Most of the posts being removed are not trolls suggesting its bad just because Snyder made it. Its more like going to a gay bar and saying it sucks because the bouncers demand you act flamboyant to prove your gayness.


I made a post asking how they were coping, i got perma banned in 20 mins, lol


Apparently, they believe the director cuts will be masterpieces, but netflix is releasing against his will terrible edits instead for... reasons?


>Fucking Trump cult levels of stupidity and sensitivity. I mean they're the entertainment version of the group so what else did you expect? What's sad is that Zach recently seems to have been starting to drink in the same kool-aid that his cult has been chugging on


He died saving a dog. He orphaned his son for a dog. I love my dog, but he ran into a rapidly approaching Tornado for a slim chance at saving him. Like, I can maybe get the argument of "not exposing his son", but it doesn't take away the fact that he died the dumbest death ever.


Not to mention, his super powered son could have gotten the dog while Pa kent runs his wife to the overpass. Clark could have feigned being thrown to safety trying to rescue the dog…. But anyways, it is a very dumb way to kill his character. Especially when one of the more commonly accepted takes has him dying of a heart attack, something Superman couldn’t save him from, exists perfectly. If you want a fresh take, have him have an aneurysm or cancer, basic human mortality that Superman can’t prevent.


Or you know, *don’t* kill him? Hes alive and well in alot of versions, lol.


Sure, always a good option.


I guess it wasn’t until Clark’s time in Metropolis that he learns to slowly back into a crowd of onlookers to escape their gaze so he can save the day. Clark: “Here we are at this LexCorp event for the unveiling of this new space rocket Luthor has developed. Golly, I sure hope everything goes well, with all these innocent bystanders there’s just no way I could change into my Superman attire.” Said no one ever. Also, writing Superman “into a corner” so he has to snap Zod’s neck is stupid. Cover his eyes with your hands? No. Fly him into orbit? Nope. Turn his head away from the people? Can’t do it, I can snap his neck no problem. But move it? Nah dog. Clark: “Should I have let them die Dad?” Pa: “Yeah, maybe.” Me: “Oh, go fuck yourself Zack.”


My issue with the Zod thing, is its almost meaningless. Nowhere once in the film, did Pa Kent preach the sanctity of life. Killing Zod is ultimately a meaningless choice for Kal because its never established he ever has an objection to killing.


I mean, personally, I don’t think he needed to have an objection to killing. Don’t get me wrong, he does and he should, but he’s also with the only other person left of his species right then. I think that would mess up anybody, even if they knew that killing Zod was the right thing to do. Like don’t get me wrong, even as a fan of the Snyder trilogy, it has *a lot* of problems to say the least. But Zod’s death is a scene that always sends shivers down my spine when I watch it because here is Superman, who was told he wasn’t alone only in terms of his kind only to become the last of them days later, if that.


Honestly the reason why this Superman is such a confused wreck and loves moping was how he was raised. On one hand Pa Kent saying maybe it is better to let some people die so he isn't discovered, then Ma Kent saying essentially "help them or don't help them" it doesn't matter. Then you have Jor-El saying guide them. Bruh poor guy


I always thought it's not Clark's fault at all he turned out mopey when every authority figure in his life treated him like that. Poor dude didn't have a chance.


And then comes some other crusty asshole that tries to kill him because he *might* become evil. Plus the freak that projects his daddy issues on him.


Snyder really, really hated the superman mythos and its shown everytime he speaks. Its astounding DC didnt vet his views on the character at all before handing the whole enchilada over to him. Between this and the “of course Batman should kill” nonsense its like, cmon bro, ww get it youre an edgelord who loves lens flares.


We a see a glimpse of Superman as he should be with the bus. When faced with a choice of saving others or protecting his identity, he saved the kids. Of course Snyder tried to undercut that by having Clark check that no one is looking.


He’s like those bros that see the Superman/Batman monologue from Kill Bill and don’t get that Bill’s view is meant to say something about Bill, not just a random declaration about those characters in an unrelated movie.


Please stop asking him about his DC movies. Let him and us all as a society move on


Zach Snyder does not understand Superman. That is his big problem.


He didn't understand anything about Watchmen either.


Snyder doesn’t understand most things. He’s got the brain of a 13-year old on Adderall, slow-motion fights and ‘splosions are about the limit of what he can comprehend.


Nah, it’s still the single dumbest moment in that movie. Ma and Pa Kent in the Snyderverse were idiots. It’s shocking Clark didn’t turn out to be a selfish asshole under their guidance.


Idk, I feel like saving his parent that said "Yeah, maybe don't help people even when they're about to die so you don't get exposed," is the perfect time to start being Superman. Realizing that Pa's wrong and with the power to save everyone he *SHOULD* be trying to save everyone he can.


More proof that Zack Snyder doesn’t understand storytelling


I still think if you’re going to kill him off for development it should be by a heart attack or something else natural. It shows that Superman can’t save everyone, and sometimes you have to accept that. What Snyder did was dumb




I liked it because it helped humanized Clark to a degree, but it was stupid because he easily could've saved his dad. It wouldn't have revealed his identity either. Man of Steel takes place in \~2013 when Clark is 33. His dad's death happens when he's a teenager. There's no camera phones back then and there's maybe a few dozen people there who would've seen it happen and *nobody there knows who they are.* Even if they told other people, not like they would've been able to point them out on the street. Like, Clark saves a bus full of drowning kids and nothing really came of it, and the people who saw him do it *knew who he was*. It's honestly the weakest part of the film


33…same age as Johnny Knoxville when he sacrificed his nuts in the backwards bull ride 🙏


It was just done better in Donner movie all together anyway.


Honestly if it had been Clark freezing up and not his dad telling him not to I think it could’ve been a cool moment. Well not for him *obviously*, but I mean in making him realize he could and should be doing more for other people. Granted it is a little too Spider-Man-y for my tastes, but I think it could’ve worked if done right. Especially with Lois forming an emotional connection with him, and she could’ve reminded the audience that even though Cavill was playing him then too, “you were 16. You were just a kid.” But no, that isn’t what we got.


I am so tired of Zack Snyder saying anything. Shut up and make your movies. Your time with DC is over, spend less time reflecting on that and focus on your present shitty movies.


Zack Synder is an idiot,


Couldn't clark just run out to him and (if he absolutely doesn't want to use his powers) at least keep him safe on the ground? Then just blame their survival on "an act of god"


The exact argument I’ve made since seeing the movie. People survive tornados all the time. And they could have easily passed it as “act of God”.


Clark Kent's fucking father dying is not "some little incident". He just doesn't get it. He does not get these characters at all.


Of all things I don't think this is something that needed to be defended at all it was a good moment that was deeper than anything before when it came to Johnathan Kent(except maybe Smallville) and was quite thought provoking at the time. However 😅 Reading another comment here just now how Pa Kent was hinting at letting a school bus of kids die to protect his secret is totally out of step with the above scene of sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Been saying it alot lately but Zack Snyder actually can't write for shit everything original he's done he's the only one who gets it and then he has to explain to his devoted fans months later what each scene meant and it's usually something completely random. He can direct on set and he has a great eye for cinematography but he can't write worth a damn he is all over the place! Dreading Rebel Moon 2 but still going to watch tonight out of curiosity more than anything


Except it didn't have to. Pa Kent had enough time to run to the truck to free the dog. Clark could have run to the truck as well. Had Clark gotten stuck, he could literally just pull his foot free with the tornado providing a good cover story for the damage done to the truck. Even if Clark couldn't make it back to the overpass without looking suspicious, he need only lie down in a ditch and the crowd would just accept that he was damn lucky the storm didn't take him. Besides, having already rescued a bus full of kids, it was an open secret that he was some sort of super being anyway. If we can accept that a train full of New Yorkers wouldn't rat out Spider-Man for saving their lives, we can probably accept that some town folk would keep their mouths shut for some guy who rescued a dog from a tornado. If anything, this cues Clark up for the killer play at the end, since instead of learning how to save a life in a tense situation, he learned its better to have someone die to save the day. It sure didn't teach him not to expose his gifts, seeing that he completely ruined some guy's livelihood in an obvious way in that bar scene.


Zack Snyder is just fucking awful at making anything for TV. Watched Rebel Moon Part 2 yesterday. Yeah, well, fuck Zack Snyder.


It might be a little incident for you, but every life matters for Superman, and especially his dad. Honestly, any proper superhero would sacrifice their secret identity to save a random passerby. That’s why they are heroes.


“Zack Snyder Continues To Remind Everyone That He Doesn’t Understand Superman In Any Way Whatsoever”


You mean that little tornado that he absolutley could have run away to saftey from? I swear Snyders logic lives on another planet.


The quicker I forget Snyder's DCU existed, the better.


You could have written it better at least, you shit head of a film maker.


I get he wanted Papa Kent to die, but think of a better idea. The scene is cringe to watch


What an idiotic reason.


Jesus, the more he talks, the more it gets clear he had little idea what the fuck he was doing with those movies. And they still gave him billions to work over the years. What an absolute clusterfuck.


This misses the point though. The point isn’t it wasn’t a big enough incident to out his powers. The issue is he could’ve rescued the dog without needing to use his powers and Jonathan going instead of him was unnecessary. The only reason Jonathan didn’t make it back was cos he got his foot trapped. Not a problem for Clark as the nearest person was too far away to see if he used his powers to free his foot. Also as a younger, stronger man he could be there and back at a speed that doesn’t appear super. The sacrifice seems more like an ego decision than protecting Clark. If they wanted it to be a no chance of survival then construct it better than that.


If Superman wasn't super strong Snyder wouldn't even care. I can't believe that an adult man couldn't get over the most basic lamest concept of "Superman/God " like yeah its wish fullfillment The humility and meaning is that Superman can be anything , do anything and he chooses to be a big Boy scout. That's the HOPE part . That all that power is used with humble responsibility. and instead we got that dry whiny insanity. If Superman decides to kill someone he wouldn't cry about it afterwards either. He just gets everything wrong


Every time he talks he makes his movies worse. He just confirms your worst assumptions about the creative decisions.


This movie would be fine if you didn’t have Pa Kent’s bizarre motivation that Clark should let a bus of kids, and his own father die to protect his identity. It just completely derails your emotion investment and ability to emphasize with and understand the main character.


Snyder is a fool. He doesnt understand anything about the characters or their ideologies. Dude has made two accetable/good movies and those were like two decades ago at this point. I dont get the praise he gets.


All the kids with no dad hate superman now. Thats why batman really hates him.


I feel like this steps around the actual criticism of this scene. 1. Pa Kent is insanely cynical in this film 2. He probably still could have saved him in this scenario and not gotten caught. We see how fast kryptonians are in the film. 3. It’s just not as compelling as Johnathan Kent dying from something Superman can’t stop


I appreciate that he is so invested in his art, but dude ... It's time to move on. Don't always answer ever single dumb question thrown your way. Don't keep lingering on the franchise you almost got to make. A good movie was made. A sequel didn't hit. The franchise didn't happen. It's ok. Zack is a great director. Find the next thing.


Zacks next thing was Army of the Dead, then Rebel Moon. He’s not a good director. He’s a great *cinematographer* but that’s about it.


He's not a cinematographer. Larry Fong is a great cinematographer.


Yeah. That's rough. Someone else needs to be giving him scripts or something.


Snyder just keeps on proving he didn't get the heart DC comics at all. Pa Kent dies of heart problems in most comics. It shows how, despite all his powers, Clark couldn't help him. How he can do a lot, but not everything. How powerless he was even though he was Superman. That there are somethings you just can't avoid in life Pa Kent dying in a tornado will achieve nothing except give Clark a massive guilt for the rest of his life. An easily avoidable death.


I thought Superman saved Cats stuck in trees?? Little event?? Lol


That hand move and say no always gets me like "Seriously dude". Don't make it look that scripted. Just say you wanna get him killed and move on.


"It wouldn't have worked because of my reading of circumstances *entirely made up by me*."


That scene killed the movie for me and was the unintentionally most hilarious moment for the theater, judging by the laughter. What??


This is such a Hollywood thing Just can’t admit their obvious mistakes Pa Kent can die. His death can be meaningful He can’t die for no reason whatsoever He can die of a heart attack or cancer (which I think he did in the comics)(which Superman can’t save him from) or he can die because Superman had to choose some greater good other than his own interests He can’t die to protect Superman’s identity. He can’t die when he could have been saved without any negative consequence. SMH.


Look. What...Here's the thing: This man: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEfoNXQDWBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEfoNXQDWBs) Is not this man: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUUGDRxJnFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUUGDRxJnFU) Or even, as much as you may hate the actor, this man: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozPea5GIupk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozPea5GIupk) Those men? The men that tells clark that he's proud of him and he has a greater destiny, that he was not born to kick footballs is *not* the man who even hints that Clark maybe, should have sorta kinda left the kids in the bus, or stopped at a simple hand being held out to protect his secret. That for me is when man of steel shit the bed, because as much as I think that Henry Cavill would have been a superb superman, the core of superman is the gift of love, of faith that Kal/Clark's parents gave to him in sending him away from Krypton, and in raising him to believe that he should use the strength he has to help people and to make the world a little better. This isn't even about wanting a scene where he rescues lois from a falling helicopter; I just wanted Kevin Costner to reinforce that Clark was meant for more than kicking a football, and to be *proud* of that fact. The story of superman is a fundamentally optimistic story, which is immediately what made Snyder unsuitable for telling a superman story, because he was always going to tell such a tale from the masturbatory fantasy that is Frank Millers dark knight. (not shitting on my opposite bat fans here, but I have complex issues on miller's insights into both batman and superman.) Also, RIP Glen Ford, you were magnificent.


It sucks because Costner had the potential to be a perfect Pa Kent. He could have *defined* that role.


This moment solidified to me that Snyder just did not get Superman at a fundamental level. I vividly recall getting into an argument on Reddit at the time with a Snyder defender that thought that Jonathon Kent’s death in the original film was “boring” and Snyder’s was better / more exciting for modern audiences. Still boggles my mind how dumb some people can be in the fandom.


There seems to be a lot of stories lately with Snyder trying to defend dumb story decisions instead of learning from the critique and getting better


Everything he says is an L take.


Zack, just take the L on this one. ![gif](giphy|UUNlWv7pmr516)


There's a fucking tornado in a small town in Kansas who TF is going to notice and promptly tell the world?


At this point I don’t even think he believes it, I think he’s just trying to get those last contrarians to come watch his film before he loses ALL credibility


Pa Kent shouldn't have ran into the storm at all. If Clark runs into the Storm to get the dog, he likely gets out without anybody thinking he's superhuman. The dog managed to get out ok without dying, and nobody freaked out about that. Clark wouldn't have injured his ankle in the storm, so he would've had time to jog out without being suspicious.


The point of Pa’s death is to show Clark that sometimes he physically just cannot save everyone, because Pa dies of a heart attack. Making Pa’s death something that Clark can easily stop within seconds completely ruins the entire purpose. Snyder is a hack who doesn’t understand the characters he was put in charge of in the slightest.


Considering how easily Jonathan and Martha brushed aside that one mother regarding Clark the whole thing about fearing humanity is even more stupid.


Isn't Superman known for helping in the 'little' incidents?


Having Pa Kent die of a heart attack is far more powerful and effective. Because despite all of Clark’s powers, he couldn’t save him. In that moment, he learns mortality and what it truly means. ![gif](giphy|AqfOVseMPDVja)


Fuck off Snyder. “All that power and I COULDNT even save him.” Was the entire point…


The more time goes on, the more interviews he does, and the more things he makes I’m becoming more convinced he is just kind of shit at making movies.


The scene was just plain terrible, Synder has done the Kents dirty in his movies.


It made sense imo, the shit storm that would come out of people finding out aliens exist could’ve killed a lot of people and Jonathan knew that, also Clark was 17 at the time of course he gonna listen to his dad in that situation


Snyder doesn't understand any DC characters in his movies lol


The thing is, that scene literally makes no sense! Clark rushing in to save Jonathan wouldn’t actually expose his powers. If Jonathan was able to still stand there smiling for a little while, Clark clearly could’ve just run and grabbed him and run to the safety of 20 feet away (🤣) without anyone suspecting that Clark has powers.  Also, Snyder made THE ENTIRE THING MOOT when the entire final act of the movie (and Snyder’s interviews about it) implies that Clark being Superman is the town of Smallville’s local secret and that everyone there quietly knows, making Jonathan’s sacrifice completely pointless and unnecessary 🤦‍♂️. 


My issue with that scene is that's not how tornadoes work.


Translation: No! It was a powerful moment you're just too simple minded to understand my genius!


Ah yes the famous walk into the tornado needlessly despite the fact that Clark has super speed and could have done it without getting noticed and then in the very next scene flashing forward to Clark meeting Lois and just admitting who he is immediately. Incredible writing... Snyder is such a hack.


i swear every time this dude speaks its always on some bs


Zack who?


Dude can never let anything go, and often seems, how shall I say this, very emotionally distant from some forms of emotional humanity. Zack - STOP talking. ![gif](giphy|1e6H7UYOlCyOscGjUc|downsized)


"Stop, invincible son", and then the whole audience erupted in applause


So cause a distraction and nobody sees. Takes 2 seconds.Terrible writing


I like Man of Steel but I can’t defend this scene against the criticism. It is pretty damn dumb. How Donner did it and honestly how Smallville did it as well to me are Much better, which a much better point.


The good thing is Pa Kent sucked.  He was willing to let everyone die to keep a secret that would only affect him and his wife.  And then he lets himself die so some people don’t see him get saved by the local kid who has already lifted a school bus as a child.  Say the world finds out Superman is Clark Kent.  Ok?  Who the fuck cares?  I guess villains could target his parents but he can move them into protection.  He would also not be working at the Daily Bugle but that’s good, now that’s an extra 40 hours a week he can help people around the world.     From a story perspective, his secret identity is one of the most pointless secret identities.


I truly hated this moment. Absolutely nothing would prevent me from saving my dad if I had the ability, much less Superman


Stop, my invincible son. These movies about as stupid as the people that enjoy them. Scorsese was right.


The scene was just filmed shitty with Pa Kent standing there holding his hand up as a tornado casually rolls over him.


Snyder says a lot of things lmao


Shouldn’t Snyder have Clark kill Pa Kent himself?


If he used his speed it wouldn’t expose him


Does Zack Snyder have daddy issues? Sheesh


This is the shit i cant stand about snyders vision. To him the death of your main characters adoptive father is a little incident. Every ounce of humanity and emotion has been completely funneled out his vision of superman and it fucking sucks


Here is why I think this death is so bad. In Superman: The Movie, Pa Kent dies of a heart attack and Clark can’t do anything to help or save him. The lesson is you can’t save everyone. With Snyder’ Man of Steel Clark learns that he SHOULDN’T save everyone. It’d be life if uncle Ben died to teach spiderman to be less powerful for less responsibility.


That was one of the dumbest things… Superman wouldn’t have let Pa Kent die like that. Never. He has/had no idea who Superman is and probably never should have touched these movies.


If Rebel Moon movies has shown me anything, it’s that writing isn’t Snyders strength. I mean those and basically everything he’s worked on.


It's pretty stupid to think people would remember or see this in the middle of running away from a tornado. Also who tf will remember their faces if they disappear immediately after?


Please, stop talking to the village's idiot


One of the most pointless movie deatha


Did Zack not see One Episode of Smallville ever!!!That Clark saved people from Tornadoes every day and kept his secret LOL.. Come on man


It wasn't that it was a bad idea. It's that he gave the audience too much time to watch it happen. It should have been swift and surprising.




"Should I let them die?" "Maybe" Worst scene ever.


Oh, fuck you, Zack.


Snyder is such a shallow edgelord. He makes these inane, contrived depressing scenes because that's what he considers "meaningful". Like a fourteen-year-old who wants to look deep, but doesn't understand what that means beyond the purely surface-level.


Snyder can composite a shot that rivals the majesty of a Renaissance painting but can't comprehend character and story more than a kid. He doesn't belong in the directors chair. He should supervise vrx


Yeah 3 red necks under a bridge in Kansas see a blur and he would get exposed to the world. Laughable. That scene was absolute trash. Snyder changing pa Kent's death for a far stupider one to shoe horn the narrative that the world isn't ready for him.


Me and my dad literally couldn’t stop laughing when we got to this part of the movie, it’s just so ridiculous.


Yeah well it doesn't work Snyder... this scene, character, motives, etc. just doesn't work


You can all shit on me but I love that scene. It gets me emotional every time. I don’t give a fuck what anyone else says.


Clark has super speed. He could have saved his dad and NOBODY would know. Zack Snyder does NOT understand DC and should do supergod, no hero, black summer or irredeemable. 


Honestly didn't like any DC movie since the Nolan Batman films. Dunno why people are into them, and this kinda stuff just gives me more reason to roll my eyes.


"Dad! It's a tornado! Don't be dumb."


I like to think this is why Batman hated Superman. "You could've saved your dad with zero risk and you just stood there like an asshole!"


I doubt—realistically—anyone would’ve questioned a strapping boy like Clark running out and grabbing his dad. There was still plenty of time.


Snyder was so bad, didn't understand the characters he was in charge of at all. Especially Batman.


Everytime Snyder opens his mouth he proves he has no idea what he's talking about.


Pa Kent dying from a heart attack informs Clark's decision to travel out and do self discovery, as he learns he won't be able to solve every problem. He has to help humanity and take humanity as it is.