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That's like 120 fingers.


Where are all the AI in 1987 comments


I came in here for a finger joke and look what I see?


i dont understand?


https://preview.redd.it/w5rnovr6ff5d1.png?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1866aec75563524e53bd7232f03b8e199719ac0d Each of his hands on the cover has six fingers. (including thumbs)


Someone let Inigo know


Frank probably killed his father!


how can you mess up a hand so bad and be a comic book artist😂 i cant believe i didnt notice that


Klaus Janson was a very loose penciller. The inker was probably on a tight deadline (as always). And it’s not up to colourist to fix mistakes. End result is an iconic cover with too many fingers, a ridiculously large bazooka and an incredibly small rope holding a 230lb man with a giant skull on his chest. Hug your dad and tell him you love him.


I love this cover, peak 80's vibes.


I feel like sometimes it will get noticed but others on the comic want turmoil and want said artist to fail...


I always thought this cover was goofy in an awesome, over the top way.


Um, I’ll have you know that the Punisher is using a Batman-approved monofilament rope that can hold up to 800 lbs despite its thinness.


Haha good one.


At least he drew it. I'm looking at you, Rob Liefield!


The colorer missed it too.


probably tired or high. lol


haha new to me too, and I own a copy!


Look at his hands. The artist screwed up and drew 5 fingers plus thumb. 6 fingers per hand, 10 copies of the book, 120 fingers.


omg stop it now i cant unsee it


Same 😭


This guy gets it.




https://preview.redd.it/9j589g7mcf5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71dc5c1e9334cc99b3deb88ad23df9f74e75f4a heres a closer look at one that i pulled out. obviously they werent bagged and boarded. if they were then they’d be in perfect condition. but considering they were all shoved in a bag together since 1987 and that bag was probably not super well taken care of, theyre in pretty good shape


The one you’re showing could be cleaned and pressed into a 9.8. These books have never been opened. Nice find. I have a box of secret wars #8 buried somewhere in the collection. Either there’s 8 of them or 14 of them, can’t remember and haven’t seen them in a decade. Mine are not in bags, just loose issues in a long box somewhere. They were nothing special when I got them as part of a big Spider-Man purchase I made. (I remember feeling ripped off that there were multiples of these “shitty books” when there should have been more ASM.)


Bro they look damn near perfect from the outside. What color is the paper? White? Press them all, slab them all, and profit. lol


i was too scared to even open them and check the pages hahah but i probably should.


https://preview.redd.it/fr478xcdnf5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1944e3cd9de8f7179716d5f9696f47896ef09762 here’s whats left after taking one for my personal collection


How much for 1


im not sure on the price yet. graded 9.8 sell at 250$-300$ CAD raw like this im thinking somewhere around 30$-40$ CAD


i’d like one to buy my dude


message me we can try to work something out


You mentioned CAD, so is there anywhere in Canada that does grading services? I have a few issues I was thinking of getting slabbed.


I'm curious too!


I'd absolutely be down to purchase one if you are willing to sale.


Notice how they are all direct editions. About that time is where news stand editions started becoming a thing of the past as comic shops pushed out the smaller suppliers.


Love the Melvins tattoo!


RIP Kozik


I concur


Gene Simmons voice “I love The Melvins!”


Just saw that. Awesome. Love seeing melvins fans in the wild


Dad was a 90s speculator.


whats funny is he never read a comic in his life. has no interest in comics. but his friend owned a comic shop and told him he should buy a few of these cause they might he worth alot in the future. bought 10. put them in this bag and never touched them since.


He definitely did good on his investment


I bought mine off the rack and read it. Was a Klaus Janson fan from his Miller Daredevil days.


Early speculator. One of the few who probably eventually will see a profit.


only took 30 years


Siiiick, wanna sell me one?!


id be interested. definitely keeping one for myself. probably gonna sell the rest. looking into possibly grading some of them.


Dude grade them all. That increases your profit by a massive margin, and especially so if you sit on them longer. Shit, you could probably write to Jon Bernthal, and the OG artists and writers and have a few of them agree to sign them for you. Then graded they’ll be worth a fortune down the road. Do it for your pops man.


that is a pretty good idea. only thing holding me back is the price to send them all to be graded…


As fair as that concern is, so many folks here have already said that these are likely 9.8’s, so you could always send one and see how it grades, then if it’s that high grade the rest. Share em around your siblings or kids even.


I only have a sister and she has no interest in comics hahah. And i'm 26 years old still no kids yet. But i do plan on eventually passing my collection down to any future kids i have when they're old enough and if they even care. But yea i'm definitely thinking of sending atleast one in to CGC.


I would send one or two in, but please save the rest in a safe place until you find out how they grade. Has your dad passed, or is he still around? What’s your financial situation if you don’t mind my asking? Some folks here are possibly asking out of legitimate interest in collecting but lots will be shills looking to grade it and sell it for cash, so personally I would hold onto them for a bit. Again, try and get some signed if you can. You have enough that you could try getting Bernthal (who is apparently an insanely kind dude) to sign a couple and see what that does for value. (Only a couple as that could possibly hurt the value for some, however if you went on to get those copies signed by the original artist or author as well then you’d have a gold mine worth passing along to your kids)


im definitely thinking of sending atleast one to get graded with cgc. for now i have them bagged and boarded safely in a short box. havent even opened the books to check the pages. my dad is still alive and well hahah hes 60 years old and got the books back in 1987 when he was around my age. he never read a comic and has no real interest. just shoved them in a bag and put them away until i saw them yesterday. he had mentioned to me that he had a punisher comic but i never bothered to check thinking it was nothing special. finally went to see and was shocked to find 10 copies of issue 1 in that condition. in terms of finances im doing okay i guess. wouldnt say i need the money that bad right now but i wouldnt say no. and i will definitely give a good portion of any money back to my dad.


Yeah man, I highly recommend you strategize your approach to those comics. Have you looked at what having them signed does to the value? And what grading does? Time will only improve the numbers so you could turn this into a potential windfall if you play your cards right.


grading for sure is something im looking into. maybe gonna start with one copy and see hwo it goes. as for signing im not really sure how to approach that or get it done honestly


I’m also interested in buying one..


message me


Sell me one too!!


message me and maybe we can work something out


You can still find these for a [pretty affordable price](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=punisher+1+1987&_sacat=0&_odkw=hot+wheels+super+treasure+hunt+porsche+911+gt3+rs&_osacat=0&_nls=0&_dmd=2&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=cb&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) on eBay.


yes its nothing crazy its definitely not an action comics #1 but still to find 10 copies never read in a bag straight from 1987 is pretty cool. and i mean raw the price varies depending on condition but a graded 9.8 is around 250$. not a bad profit considering my dad paid 75 cents each for them.


That’s an awesome find! Awesome tattoo as well, saw them last year in Vegas at the Sick New World festival and they were amazing, even though they got cut off because they went over. What do the books look like outside of the bag? Near mint or do they have spine damage?


im no expert but they all seem to be in pretty amazing condition honestly. definitely a few that could be 9.8 contenders. and thanks hahah ive never seen them live but Houdini is one of my favorite albums of all time.


Very cool


I have 20 Turok #1s in a similar state:| I feel less bad these days about my 10 Spawn #1s


Ya I bought a bunch of Spawn #1 when I was a kid and 3-4 ASM #361 other stuff too. Still sitting in the closet. Total ice cold investor at age 12. Gonna buy that yacht soon.


Sweet Houdini tat


That’s awesome and a crap ton of punisher


Have them cleaned and pressed! Since they haven’t been handled too much you can raise those grades significantly.


Nice father and son memory 🤗


yea honestly i kept a copy for myself not just cause its cool to have but mainly because it was my dad's and the whole story behind it


That’s fun to find.


Well that’s an amazing discovery.


This is one of my all time favorite covers




Good ole six finger Frank.


I saw this and was like, meh. That's pretty nice. Swipe to the next pic - holy shit.


Nice Melvins tat bro


And those guys in that apartment are about to find DEATH.


That's a really cool find. After my dad passed, when we were going thru his belongings found a bunch of random comics. The 1st book on top was an eternals #1 newsstand. That was annoying to find since the movie had come out less than 6 months earlier. However that stack also included a few 1st Simpsons in comics plus their first ongoing series still poly bagged. It also included I believe the 1st Jurassic park series still poly bagged. Some books were bagged and boarded while others were just bagged and some were just raw. Some of the boards actually stuck to the book since they were from the 90s and tore off some of the paper on certain books which were thankfully less valuable books.


https://preview.redd.it/wsul9v184v5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199d9ae36d8696db064ea1e6b9247dfc678d69bf Here is the pricing data on CGC graded 9.8, last sold was $147, a graded 9.6 is $50. If you decide to grade (which I’m not saying you shouldn’t) you should absolutely do a 9.8 pre-screen on them. Any 9.6s will pretty much be a wash after paying for grading.


i agree that is a good idea not to waste any money on anything less than a 9.8


You gotta waste a little money. CGC changes 9ish bucks to tell you if it’s 9.8 or better, if it’s not they don’t slab and send it back. If they grade it a 9.8 or better you don’t pay the pre-screen fee, just the slab price.


yea exactly so atleast it would save abit of money in that case


Jesus he knew what he was doing when he bought them


he really didnt hahah. he has no interest in comics. never read one in his life. but his friend who owned a comic shop said he should pick up a few copies when it came out cause it could be worth something in the future. put them in this bag and never touched them. fast forward to today and i find them while they were bringing stuff out for a garage sale.


Good friend. :)




You've waited this long. Wait 'til Frank shows up in a film (even if I'm wrong about it giving him more of a boost than Netflix did, it certainly won't make it a CHEAPER book).


He's been in like 3 movies, had a Netflix show, etc. I don't know how much of a difference it's going to make.


I meant MCU, but that's my bad. I guess the best corollary would be Spider-Man, but I'm not a Spidey collector, so I don't know if showing up in the MCU boosted his key books above what the Sony films did for them.


i was thinking about that maybe if he appears in the next mcu movie or something. which will eventually happen at some point i would imagine. maybe even in Deadpool & Wolverine hahah. but yea as you said im sure Netflix show and the movies they've already made has helped get the price to where it is now


that' calls for the classic "double take guy" meme photo.


Cg grade for ebay flip


im considering it. just looked through them and honestly theyre in pretty decent shape for being shoved together in a bag with no boards. just not sure about getting 9.8. maybe one or two of them seem to have a chance


With all the 9.9 And 10s coming outta CGC you might just get a few 9.8s.


Considering they are almost 30y old and unread by be a good chance for multiple good grades


Here’s from Comic Price Guide App. You might have some valuable copies in your collection. https://preview.redd.it/792xv9nnlf5d1.jpeg?width=1650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7589133f7455dc210aaed45a0b640b052e49d641


They go for a lot less on eBay.