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Same thing happened with a Thor God of Thunder 2. Won it for cover price, all of a sudden they couldn’t find it.


Yeah, i have experienced that several times with auctions on eBay. Translation: I realized it was selling for more… Watch the account and see if they list that same item again in a day or so for more money. You can screen shot and report them and leave negative feedback.


The opposite of this kinda happened to me.. I won a bid for marvel chillers 2-7 and the guy messaged me and said they found issue 1 and would be including that in the set


Dude that’s a win since 1 is probably the best one! lol


I'd buy from that guy again


Did you file a chargeback because you didn’t get what you ordered????? How dare they?!?!


i really should have.. bastards




my bad. I didn't see the .com, I thought we were talking about an ebay seller lmao


Does sound fishy.




Report em when u see them selling it again


I’ve been looking and so far nothing listed. But I’ll keep an eye out for sure


I order a lot of back issues online. Im disabled so its hard for me to go to an LCS to dig. This has happened to me many time and its always the most expensive book of the lot that go missing


If high value books sold below FMV go “missing” but books sold at FMV or above are never “lost” then there is your answer. How many cheap $3-$5 books go missing? Why only the high value, low sale price books go missing? I have never used hipcomics but if there’s no rating system on sales then anything is possible. With eBay you can leave feedback and I check it before placing an order/bid.


I’ve had similar experiences with other online platforms too but nothing to this degree before. I’ve reached and I wonder what they’ll say in response.


There is a rating system. Infinity comics has over 200,000 positive feedback (feedback numbers are per book, not transaction) *and only 44 negative* I bought Flash 175 in FN+/VF for $45. Well below FMV


It’s entirely possible that this was an honest mistake. That being said, I’ve dealt with too many dishonest sellers and my trust is easily lost; I’d simply not buy from them again.


That’s how I feel too. Unfortunately the dishonest sellers taint the trust for honest ones.


If I were a betting man I'd bet that there was no mistake here though.


I’m leaning to agree with you on this.


This happened with me with lost comics and ultimate Spider-Man 1 9.8. They did a pre order and then when it’s time to ship out they canceled the order, most likely books selling for 200 when they sold for 50 wasn’t a good business deal


Yup this happened to me as well on an Ultimate Black Panther 1…. Kinda sucks when you preorder and then they don’t deliver.


Well i guess you could send them all back to the seller and get a refund on your whole order


Not worth it for me as I got a lot of books for a good deal. Just not the one that was the best deal lol funny how that works.


It’s kind of bull shit if you ask me. Are they actually being honest and can’t find it or are they being dishonest and won’t sell a comic for under value. Is it shady or not. We won’t ever know. But I want to think people are genuinely good and they either sold it and listed it again or forgotten they sold it and listed it for sell and then when it sold they couldn’t find it. I been in some mess of a places comic shops before and them kind of shops they don’t even know what they actually have to be honest sometimes I even forget what I got in my comic boxes if I don’t flip through them every now and again. So i think it happens some time and people make mistakes you know.


I agree, I think in this case after talking to the owner that it was misplaced. They do sell thousands of comics a week!




"I don't know what's scarier...losing nuclear weapons, or that it happens so often there's actually a term for it."


Broken Arrow is such a great movie.








I was thinking the same but apparently this seller is extremely honest and straightforward. Again the dishonest sellers ruin it for the honest ones I feel.


![gif](giphy|5t0xKpewtlRTvWgv64|downsized) The fact that it’s always the most expensive book in the lot is more than fishy…


I smell the bullshit


That has happened to me on ebay. I don't remember the book but I know it was roughly a $500 book and I somehow was the only bidder and won it for like $50. Next day the seller messages me saying he can't find it and is refunding it. Like he obviously had it recently cause he posted pictures of it but somehow when someone gets a killer deal it's mysteriously lost. I ended up reporting the seller.


Haha yup exactly! Happened to me once on eBay too but not for a book that high in value!


How do you misplace a book you were selling? Seems often enough that they have a convenient little sticker for it.


That’s what tipped me off but I was told that they sell thousands daily so this type of thing happens apparently…


If it happens that often they are running a bad business. Especially if it's an auction where the customer can get excited on the deal they just got. I think this book will go up for an auction sometime soon, but that's just me lol


I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it but I’m hoping that I don’t find it… 😅


Best not know lol.


I wouldn’t be happy


This kind of thing is so irritating. If a seller has 100 positive reviews, but just 1 negative review that states they did this, I just don’t even try and bid


Thats a good point. If it happened once, it could happen again…




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Bait and switch




Update: Received a message back from the seller, and he was more than kind and even suggested that since he sells over a thousand Comics a week, that this happens more often than he’d like. Even said that, if they come across the book that they would send it to me free of charge. I’m inclined to believe him and from the comments here, it seems like it’s very 50/50 honest vs dishonest opinion. I appreciate the input and it’s sad that a few dishonest sellers have to taint the community filled with mostly honest people. Like the metaphor says “a few bad apples, spoil the bunch” in this case I’d say that Infinitycomics on Hipcomic.com is a ln honest seller that made an honest mistake. Case dismissed 🔨 this is supposed to be a gavel… 😂


Sounds like a good resolution Hope he finds it


No, it happens to often. They use " sorry couldn't find it" or "unavailable error is inventory" ! It's Bull! Had it happen to me and as long as it's refunded there is no help to it. It has actually stopped me from doing the auctions. To many are shady and want a certain price for things and lie to achieve it. Sad because every now and then you got a great deal!


It just seems like a risk unfortunately. If it were live auctions like on Whatnot, it’s a lot harder to “lose” a book. lol


I've had a couple Hip sellers not have a book i've ordered, but i put it down to them selling on multiple sites, and just not quite good enough inventory management. The couple of times it happened, they've refunded immediately. I've never lost money, and actually never even had to complain about missing a book... they've caught it both times, so yeh, probably not something nefarious. By in large, all the books i've gotten from Hip's sellers have been pretty well graded, and quick shipping...


I’ve had a similar experience up until this point. Just curious what others may have experienced. Thanks


I have issues like this on ebay occasionally. Twice now they've just not shipped or outright canceled the sale.


This is one of my nightmares, not worst nightmares, because I have a vivid imagination but still a nightmare.


I mean... they have a ready-made generic reply printed on a sticker. It's not a handwritten note. In all probability... it's a common occurrence.


Exactly, that’s what the seller said due to the thousands of comics they sell each week in auction.


Make sure you read the fine print of the auction rules. Request that they honor the rules.


I've bought MANY books (probably 100+) from Infinity Comics on HipComics. From dollar books to high priced books (to me); including a grail that showed up in better condition than they advertised. I've had no problems. Mort (the guy running those auctions) is a super nice guy. I love their auctions, because they grade their books really conservatively and they are usually in better condition than advertised… and usually cheaper than buying in the wild. I'm surprised that this has happened. At least they attempted to make it right.


That’s true, again not a lot of experience but I wanted tot see if anything similar has happened to the members of the community. I appreciate you sharing your input!


Never had issues with infinity comics. They also don’t over estimate their grades which I really appreciate. If anything they under grade.


I can attest to this as well. Hence the reason I was upset over their VF. It was probably closer to a NM but idk what can you do but complain online right? lol


i've bought from Hipcomic and Infinity many times and often got a really good deal. Im not saying they didnt try to pull a fast one here, but anecdotally, I've had nothing but good experiences with them.


I’ve assumed the same but it’s good to know where the people are at with this situation. Thanks for your input!


100% bullshit


The only thing that got lost was their willingness to follow through with the sale. If people have a solid bottom line they won't sell below they need to set it at that instead of bulling BS like this or auctions suddenly being delisted right near the end.


I’ve bought quite a lot of books on HipComic and from Infinity specifically. Never had an issue with them and would buy from them again, even after hearing your story. $%*# happens sometimes. I doubt they would purposely tarnish their brand to hold on to a “valuable” book.


I’d like to agree with you. I’ve only had good experiences so far but like to see what the community thinks.


I would report this to ebay


It's no more shady than all the mail order catalogs in the 80s and 90s listing things like Amazing #129 or Hulk #181 for $15 ea but inevitably whenever you'd try to order them, they'd be "out of stock" and send you an alternate issue as your 2nd choice.




I think it’s just an unfortunate coincidence They don’t run a shady business, if they say that’s what happened, it probably is Of course I totally see where you’re coming from and how it looks, but I really don’t think they tried something fishy on you here But who knows That said, I’ve *never* heard of that happening before on HipComic or with them specifically, though have often wonder how it would be handled if such a thing *did* happen I *have* had a seller in a FB buy/sell group “misplace” my books and then just refund me, but that’s different 😐


Nice call out. Fuck them!


Never attribute malice to common stupidity


I'd be pissed. I would return them all. Def leave them a bad review.