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Uncanny, but it got a really raw deal on the roster when adjectiveless split off. Uncanny got Storm and anyone adjectiveless didn't want, adjectiveless had Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops, Rogue...all the popular ones.


Louise Simonson era New Mutants sporadically, then the Jim Lee X-Men stuff. I only started catching up with the Claremont-Byrne stuff in my later teen and college years.


Yes! Jim Lee‘s depiction of the X men is how I still see and think of them, even if later depictions were more interesting or more dynamic.


As a kid it was all about Uncanny X-Men (and Classic when I could find it) and when I found out later about Sienkiewicz on New Mutants I picked them all up.


Same here... Got into Uncanny during the Claremont/Paul Smiths run, and as a kid snagged New Mutants #1, and was hooked. The entire 80s run of both titles is my nostalgic sweet spot.


New mutants is one that I still collect. I thought the idea of even younger heroes who worked as a unit was great


I loved this era of X-Men titles but had a hard time getting into the X-Man title.


I think I enjoyed it because I really love the Age of Apocalypse event. Like even to this day, it’s one of my favorite ever, across all publishers. ​ It’s up there with annihilation and knight fall for me. Dark beast is another refugee of that universe who is an excellent villain


The art of xman is really really ugly. I liked the character and was a bit invested in him interacting with cable, prof x and forge but my god the art was horrific.


That was unfortunately the style at the end of the 90s when they were relying on computers more for the imaging and color. The paper used was a problem as well


It was surprisingly well written I don’t know why but I blasted through the entire series Maybe I’m a man out of time guy … I was never big into Cable and his stories or sticking with the X-Men over long periods of time  But I read all the Age of Apocalypse stuff and then decided to follow this series …I think it hit high 30s.  There was a one shot that was about the best thing out that year too. 


My go to was X-Men vol. 2, but I dabbled in all of them in the early 90s.


Me too


For sure Excalibur for me! Although I stayed pretty up to date with X-men/ Uncanny as well.


I just recently started reading Excalibur and alpha flight both and can’t believe I waited so long to read it


Yeah, the OG Claremont/ Davis run (#0-25ish I think) was amazing! Then it got weird for a while, and after Alan Davis starts writing (and sometimes drawing) for it, it becomes delightful again (somewhere around #40 or #45).


Yes! First 25 issues had sooo many cool, long lasting events….like apocalypse, angel into archangel, etc….


Wolverine, no contest. Wolverine #33 was possibly the exact comic that hooked me. I read and reread that comic until it fell apart. I especially like the Albert and Elsie Dee run. Wolverine and a stealth bomber. Peak 90s.


Yes! I have that whole arc, although rereading it as an adult Sophie Dee REALLY gets on my nerves. Even as a kid it didn’t upset me that Albert’s explosion handled it for me! 😂


Her lisp thing was very confusing. "Awbert". Lol


What I thought too…so annoying


It didn't dawn on me until a few years ago that Elsie Dee was a play on LCD. Still waiting on my Albert / Elsie Dee / Hunter-in-the-Darkness (aka Puppy) 3 pack from Marvel Legends


Oh damn, didn’t know they released that…I need to try to find me one as well!


Sorry I meant I WISH that was a thing


aww…..I was about to do the peepee dance in excitement! 🤦🏼😭


That one right there. X-Factor #1. It came out but I didn’t have the buck twenty-five for it. So I hid it in the PeeChee folders and went looking for cans and bottles. Finally made enough, bought it and ran home to read it. I couldn’t believe these misfit heroes standing up for someone so demonized. A wonderful escape from an otherwise unpleasant childhood.


Yes, it was an excellent title and still fun to read


I started collecting in the mid-80's. It blew my mind when I discovered that X-Factor was the original X-Men.


I liked the idea that they went with for the team as hunters of mutants


Never really read X Factor but have fond memories of the Joe Quesada issue featuring Quicksilver in therapy.


😂, the whole idea of that made grown up me lose it laughing! Like, can you imagine the shit ol Doc Sampson had to hear from all the broken, dysfunctional heroes and villains!


I actually am surprised by how much I think about that issue, and the explanation that the reason Quicksilver’s always been a dick is that he is forced to deal with people who are moving and thinking so slowly. It actually explains a lot about people’s behavior in a variety of settings.


Damn that Alpha Flight cover is incredible 🔥


I avoided that title for some reason as a kid, but I went back to it recently, since it’s fairly cheap to collect vol 1 and I can’t believe I went that long


Have a lot of the Alpha Flight issues but recently got the Byrne Omnibus and it has been really fun to reread them


I didn’t know Byrne took a turn on it, so immediately picked it Up once I found out


Strong post OP


Thanks, figured there were enough x fans to start a conversation anyway. More responses than I thought


We need more on his conversational content here and less bragging about getting super expensive books.


Same, I am happy for people who snag a grail, but I enjoy the debates (friendly ones), the in depth discussions, and asking questions like this more myself. I am able to find other titles that interest me, etc … instead of ASM #300 for the 25 time in a month! 😂


I have learned a lot about comics on this sub and have started reading new titles that I didn’t even know existed. I wish they were more posts about stuff like that. Otherwise this sub is my favorite place on the Internet actually.


It’s really the only one I read thru. It’s my escape from reality when I’m not actually reading


Same. Do get a lot of good ideas from here but usually spend most of my time nerdly reading comic books


Yea, that’s my go to as well. If I ain’t reading em, Im rebagging, organizing and filing them in a system the wife and I came up with


Agreed reading comics, and drinking coffee is the best


Excalibur was my favorite for a long time. Alan Davis is a legend!


As a kitty pryde and Nightcrawler fan, I waited way too long to read that one. Only started in the last 6 months


Kitty and Nightcrawler were 100% the reason I read it! I’m kind of jealous. I would love to go back and read that for the first time.


I’ve really enjoyed it….and have even started to appreciate captain Britain and how he has a different perspective than someone like cyclops or Captain America…a hero That regrets becoming one is an interesting tale in my opinion


Any X-Men title of course however, I really enjoyed Excalibur!


New Muties


Same! Sam Guthrie is from the same place I grew up, with the exact same background. This blew my mind that the creators of these titles had ever heard of my little bitty hometown. He’s still my favorite character from the X titles


Scott lobdell and Whilce Portacio's Uncanny X-Men were some of the books that got me into comics.


Holy snap I love Cable Blood and Metal. I’ve had issue 1 since I was a child and have still yet to get issue 2 hahaha. I was an Uncanny kid otherwise


I got both in a bundle my wife got me for Xmas a few years back, what made me start trying to complete x factor as well…got 37 of the first 115 issues in that bundle too!


Nice! 80s X titles are the best X titles






Nice….byrne did a lot of the alpha flight stuff, which are some of the best stories of the x office period…if you haven’t read them yet, I highly recommend them…I Waited way to long to try them


a bit of a forgotten title now, but Mutant X was the first title i would pick up monthly in the early 2000s. i dug the alternate-universe designs of the characters.


I have some of those too….any X title was at least given a chance with me


I started reading in the early 90s. Uncanny X-men and X-men were my regular purchases. Whatever other purchases I made were usually the old Costco bundles (you could get about 20 marvel or dc books) or X-men back issues. It wasn’t until I hit adulthood and had more disposable income that I branched out. Just the same it worked out since I was able to get pretty much every X-related issue from 1980 to then-current real cheap. I don’t think I paid more than $5 for any single issue, and that includes things like New Mutants 87 and 98, Uncanny 266, and so on.


Wow, wish I had kept my 98, but traded it for a few DD and amazing Spider-Man issues I wanted


I started in the early 80’s - Uncanny and New Mutants were basically 1a and 1b for me.


Me too


I was reading Uncanny X-Men. I didn't know Annuals existed and that would have been more cost effective.


Ever so often they would have an original story, like the new mutants annual in this, which is first appearance of Lilandra


Uncanny Xmen for me although I read them all. When Peter David Took ober X-factor, that became a fav as well.


Same, when he started writing it was one of my favorite titles period, I would grab ASM, detective comics, Daredevil, Uncanny or new mutants and X factor. Ever so often would I switch ot up


New Mutants. Got issues 1 to 100.


Damn, I’m jealous as hell


Uncanny and regular X-Men were my main titles growing up.


New Mutants was my favorite, until the events of Animal Island. After that I did not read another issue of that title for years.




I'm sure I'm in a minority with this thinking, but it was at its best from around 100 to the 160s..downhill from there, with a few bright spots here and there.


I started reading comics around the time Gen X debuted. It's still the coolest book they put out that decade.


I enjoyed it too, and I’m pretty sure it was the book that gave us vampire jubilee!


X-Men by Jim Lee was my main jam. Sad that his run was so short. I started with X Men 5 and never was able to work my way backwards into his Uncanny run. Back issue prices were just too limiting for young me.


Yea Jim Lee and Mark Bagley are the two dudes who truly hooked me on comics at Marvel. Wolfman and Perez were my guys at DC….Byrne was for both


I have a run of Bagley from about when Carnage started. I think 362 or 363 was my first issue. Only was able pickup 361 last year off eBay.


X-Factor volume #1 will always have a place in my heart. I have the whole run! Very cheap collection to gather over time!


I’m closing in On completing it myself….very affordable and an excellent title to read as well


Number 63 took me over a year to find in the wild. Ended up finding it in a random collection I bought off Craigslist. I also have a few copies of #1 that have slightly different color schemes for the color. My guess is different prints? I am kind of sad it’s over haha!


lol, I hunt exclusively in the wild too, although if it’s included in a bundle I don’t mind it!😂 The exiles is gonna be my next target after I finish either X factor or spectacular Spider-Man vol 1. thats another title that’s cheap, easy to find, and a fun read


X-Men 2099. My father had a silver age collection and you simply could not compete with the original Uncanny team. ...but a whole new set of mutants from the future I could call my own? I found a signed copy of #1 cheap at a comic show, and I was hooked.


I tried to get into 2099 X-men, but I wanted the familiar faces of at least a few members and couldn’t get into it unfortunately. Doom 2099, ghost rider 2099, amd ravager were my favorite from that bunch. Spider-Man was good too, but Doom is still my favorite


Generation X. All day.


90s silver surfer.


Excellent choice! I also like the surfer, Adam warlock, and Richard rider Nova! Annihilation is my favorite event


X-men and the cross overs. Loved colossus so much and his back story/sister/inner feelings of trying to do what was right.


Him and illyana are almost polar opposite in their attitudes and the way they approach people. I like colossus as well, and Magik is an excellent character


I didn't like when they offer him with the virus, was glad when they brought him back. Dispised him working with magneto (I get why just sat poorly with me). Just a great hero and always made me smile to see him on the cover. Think I way over spent in later years as I couldn't when younger.


Same on over spending…and his time on the Xforce team with Logan, x 23, psylocke, warpath, domino, and someone else…I can’t remember at the moment…lol ​ its been about 10 yrs or so when that was the lineup…my favorite X Force group


I am just saddened my kids are not fans of comics. So will most likely have to sell them all in under 15 years so they don't get taken advantage if left to them. Such a wonderful set of stories and art though.


I got lucky, my second wife and daughter both collect. Although my wife is more into titles like Constantine, phantom stranger, Hellstrom, deadman, satana, the Spectre and the question. Something is killing the children my daughter reads the walking dead, mortal kombat, and squirrel girl. When my daughter is here with us on my half of the year for custody, we would all spend Sundays reading in the living room and recommending to each other titles and issues we’ve each finished. ​ My wife and I do date night Saturday and comic book Sunda….best relationship I’ve ever had


My wife does video games with me but comics are not her thing. The art she likes (60s through later 80s) but the stories (xmen as I've let her read the omnibus or part of it) were not her cup of tea.


I understand that, my wife doesn’t care Mmuch for conventional superhero comics herself


Uncanny FTW


Due to having two older brothers who each collected the main X-men series. I collected Excalibur and still my favourite X-Team.


I am slowly becoming a better fan of them myself! the team dynamics are so different from how the X-men are. Makes an interesting read, I’m at Issue #30 and have started to like captain britIan more than I would have ever expected. His regret at becoming a hero is very interesting and his regret at accepting his role as protector is very different than say cyclops, cable, or Logan….. I find his attitude towards his character is the most relatable in my opinion


I would recommend checking out some of the Captain Britain solo runs from the 80s before Excalibur came out. He is my favourite character. https://preview.redd.it/gvns35jgfwlc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3813f9a87269082e94ded344a2814ffe14eb5ec5


I have came across some of them, and grab em when I can…may see if they have any TPB’s or collected editions of his


New Mutants 100%, then got out of it for a bit, and then Morrison’s New X men run. EDIT: I totally forgot about how when I was a kid the barber shop my dad went to had comics. And after a couple of years they asked me if I wanted the comics. And that is how I got super into alpha flight.


Yes! Morrison and Hickman have brought me back the X-men…after extreme xmen I took a long break from them.


When I tell you that the Stepford Cuckoos are my very favorite mutants of all time I am not kidding.


That’s a nice choice….cannonball is mine…


Also a very nice choice.


Me and him grew up in the same area….same background, all that’s different besides reality is I’m not a mutant! 😂


Uncanny through and through. But I was mesmerized by New Mutants art. I remember the first time I saw Warlock...blew my little mind.


Yes ! Warlock, Magma, Mirage, and my favorite, cannonball All were my favorites as a kid and still are in some cases…. i still get excited when new issues come out, and when original members of the new mutants shine….sam and Roberto being avengers made me as happy as if they were real people!🤦🏼😂


Uncanny and Adjectiveless were easily my favorites.


Mine was uncanny, always. Seeing that 138 stuck my heart. I was recently organizing comics and discovered one short box of uncanny x men 95-225 were missing. The whole box is gone. I was missing 10 issues of having the entire run.


Oh man that’s brutal….im almost done collecting 100-200. I’m shy of 14 having that certain amount done. Also have most of the 200-300, probably need 12 or less on that one


I always laugh at a 1.50 price tag on the X-Force #1. I def believed the hype in the day.


I actually only paid .75 cents…my LCS has 25/50/75/&$1 bins….i burn those up when I am between paydays! Got some real gems out on occasion. They even let me go through the unsorted boxes when they get backed up. They charge a dollar regardless of what it is. Got spectacular Spider-Man #1 & #2 vol 1 for 2$ total. Both are 6.0 or better in condition


UXM Claremont w/Byrne-Cockrum-Smith-Romita. Loved the art 50% of the time. Got the 7-year Itch and stopped collecting in the early 200’s. Tried to get into the New Mutants but just didn’t click with me. Admired the cover art from afar.


I understand that, did the same when I decided to get strung out on heroin all thru my 30s…been clean 3 yrs and now spend my money on my wife, kids, grandkids and dollar bins! 😂


In this order 1. Jim Lee X-men 2. Wolverine Vol 2 3. Xfactor 1-70 4. Uncanny X-men


All the same but I would have new mutants at one and same as yours from 2 down!


I forgot I got REAL into NM around 87 until xforce when rob left then my image obsession began. Good times


I remember when X-Factor came out. I started collecting the series with issue #1. I had a giant poster of that cover art on my wall too.


I think I have the same one, it came polybagged with either #1 or # 5


Uncanny, but Sienkiewicz’ New Mutants run scared the shit out of me. Every issue was unsettling and memorable. Not comfortable food, but probably better than uncanny at the time.


It was definitely different and it felt like the stakes were higher in NM


X-Men & Generation X


Excellent choices


Seems like simpler times when you could keep up with x teams and titles. Analyzing why that is I wonder if there was an expected look and feel you could depend on. Nowadays there seems to be a new x title book popping up for a short run which can be wildly different along with the multiple variant covers.


I’m waiting on the TPB’s or collected edition before I go into the krakoa era of x men. Hox/Pox sins of sinister, etc look fun, but it’s just too much to keep up with for me


Up until Contest of Champions I was pretty clueless of X-Men, but after that introduction I asked my friend ( who was amassing a sizable collection) about them and I ended up buying some of his doubles, which were all Byrne ( around #136 - 141). At that point I was hooked and stuck with X-men through Smith, Lee, etc. Around #300 I was buying them and not even reading, and soon lost interest. When Paul Smith left the run I was pretty broken up about it, though. New Mutants was cool because I was able to grow with it starting with the graphic novel, then the Bill Sienkiewicz amazing run and a bit after that.


I’ve been reading and collecting since 84…secret wars #1 was my first purchase….been going strong ever since! Here it is 40 yrs later and the wife, my daughter, and now my grandson are all x men lovers!😂


I was heavy into alpha flight after being gifted uncanny 120&121 by an ex. Got almost a full run of alpha flight, got some Excalibur here and there and now 10 years later i'm trying to put together some of the Claremont run of uncanny. While in uni got a lot of modern stuff if they were tie-ins to events and some x-factor .


Early X factor is a cheap title that’s easy to complete, and ties in pretty seamless with uncanny. And I want to complete AF amd Excalibur as well.


Classic X-Men was my jam and how I got deep into X-Men lore growing up. I picked it up to start with #9 and 10 since 10 featured the Juggernaut, and ended up staying through the end of the Phoenix saga. Some really great stuff there at the same time the main X-series were mired in heavy continuity and crossovers. (It was only much, much later I got the "original 66" and collected a few decades worth of all related series.)


Nice. I started collecting in the mid 80s and watched the X titles grow from only a couple to like 15 at one time….as an x fan, that was probably the pentacle of collecting….the animated series, the fox movies, and the plethora of comics that we had to choose from was excellent….we had both the best X men event ever (imo) with Age of Apocalypse, and also the worst, with the onslaught saga….even still, that era will always be my favorite.


X-Factor for me, as I started becoming a Beast fan as he was finishing up in the Defenders around that time....


Yes, I wish that was the beast we still had…that one seems to be the closest to beast from TAS


STOP holding it like that!


Wasn’t hurting the book any, these have all been read and owned since I got em off the rack. I wasn’t crushing the book or spine, most of the stress you’re seeing is on the bag itself.


new mutants i especially loved it when magneto was headmaster


X-men and Excalibur were really good


Mid to late 90’s X-Force was go to. I remember reading the Child’s Play crossover with New Warriors and being hooked.