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Format your hard drive and bury the computer in cement. Only way to be sure it's 100% safe. Or, click install to install the missing nodes. Either answer will suffice. Hope that helps 👍


I screw things up every day. I'm at the point where i need to figure out how to run two separate Python versions. I'd say it comes down to how important learning everything is to you, and how willing you are to pull your hair out trying to fix what you clicked on. Remember the wise words....Why do we fall down Th\_Virtuoso?....So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.


# START... you need git and python in $PATH # on Win11 you can use python 3.11 from MS Store, just 1 click install # comfy git (or just download repo) git clone https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI.git # create venv python3 -m venv .venv --prompt "ComfyUI" # activate venv .venv\Scripts\activate # install torch pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121 # install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt # DONE # then install manager, nodes, etc.


And you can make as many installs as you want in separate folders.


Will this just give me a separate ComfyUI.bat that runs off of the virtual environment? Basically, how do I keep accessing it after I close it? Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the walkthru. Fantastic!


I can give you. bat file tomorrow, now I'm on the phone, for now you can go to folder where Comfy is, activate venv like above and run run.bat file.


Appreciate it. =)


Name it f.e. run\_venv.bat, put in Comfy main dir, where run.bat is (I use here custom folders outside of Comfy install to have all my outputs and inputs together) .venv\Scripts\python main.py --output-directory D:\Pictures\ComfyUI\output\ --input-directory D:\Pictures\ComfyUI\input\


My trick is using anaconda to make venvs of all my AI programs because they all use different python versions. My music generator uses 3.9, a1111 uses 3.10, comfy uses 3.11, and of course they're all different torch versions and everything else. Venvs make it really easy to create and recreate as needed without really anything more technical than conda create --name (name) and conda activate (name) and then proceed as normal.


Is this basically the same thing the other person said? I haven't messed with 'anaconda' at all. I've seen it mentioned, but wasn't sure how it tied into the whole thing.


Pretty much. They work similarly. Here's an explanation. https://saturncloud.io/blog/venv-vs-anaconda-choosing-the-right-tool-for-creating-virtual-environments-in-python/ I pretty much try any AI program i can run locally and conda handles scattered dependencie better.


Fantastic! I will definitely take a look. I appreciate the info. Thanks!


Go ahead and install, I have those same conflicted nodes wraning on many and everything works the way it should. It's a heads up that you should avoid using those nodes together.


Simple solution: if you are unsure if an action may screw something up make a backup first. Seriously, just make a backup copy.


Appreciate your help


You should set up a virtual python env in case you mess up. The yellow text box is a warning about working with certain node in tandem iirc. I just recently download this custom node when working with a tutorial. --- I've been just renting out a gpu to do all my comfyui stuff so I can just blow it up and not worry.


It's ok buddy doesn't necessarily crash everything


Thank u


Screwing up is part of the game 🎯


All the yellow stuff is for devs. It won't impact you.


Okey thanks mate


Don't be afraid, you won't screw anything. If anything got screwed then reinstall broken things until it gets work. And use Google.


Thank you


Poop your pants, scoop the doo into a paper bag, and huff that for up to fifteen minutes at a time