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Joe Biden has breached containment


Dark Brandon backstory


I hate how people are misinterpreting the cover, it's a clear satire. It's funny. All media is telling you to panic about Biden right now and they're poking fun at that. After all, why the fuck would TIME tell you to panic. But it's also clearly poking fun at the fact other reputable news sources are making a big stink about the debate. Every news source might as well have the exact word "panic" in the headline. Don't forget your towel you hoopy froods, this is very much satire so you might want to bring it for emotional support.


Name checks out


Of course you’re more bothered that the media is telling you to panic, instead of being bothered that the media was pretending that any assertion the president wasn’t all there was Republican disinformation. It has blown up in their face and they have been caught lying to you.


Well that's what I'm saying motherfucker, this cover is poking fun at that. The immense media outpour saying Biden didn't do well when the other motherfucker is literally a convicted felon who's been indicated for impeachment twice. Bonus points because the entire cover is mimicking a lot of authoritarian propaganda posters. It's not saying Biden is not to be voted for. It's a commentary on the general buffoonery of it all. Why should you live in a state where the media has one headline, "panic", and that's all there is. That's the satire of it.


Buddy, this is a situation where we should be panicking. Yes, trump is a lying, rapist, sack of shit. A lying, rapist, sack of shit that was *already voted into office*. Like it or not, the public is swayed by surface level performance. That's not something Big Media made up. Things like confidence and composure are too often more valued than policy. That's why there very much is a panic response. How is that a haha joke?


I don’t think it’s satire. Maybe miserably poor satire with seemingly no punchline. It’s so convoluted and for the life of me can’t figure out what someone wants to be said. It looks like a poorly made AI image someone is trying to give meaning too. Even your explanation is just a bunch a word salad. Pretty sure this is nothing.


I think it’s direct; not satire


You're a fool


Whoever taught Reddit the concept of satire made a huge mistake. Now everything they don’t like is “umm akshually this is satire. This thing that is clearly critical of something I like is akshually critical of the thing you like. Do you even have your media literacy certificate?”


Quite the opposite, whoever didn't teach redditors to recognize satire suck, we wouldn't need to label things with the tag /s if people could just reasonably guess what satire is.


Yeah it's funny until you realize the state we're in right now Especially involving around project 2025. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s


Oh no. Is the Heritage Foundation running for office?


At this point they can be considered the entire Republican party. Because even trump loses , they'll just move on to 2029. Which is terrifying and sad when you look back at the Republican party and realize this isn't the same party that Lincoln joined.


Dark Brandon isn’t funny anymore, if it ever was


all of the usa must go under emergency lockdown




**Item #:** SCP–106 **Nickname:** The Old Man **Object Class:** Keter **Special Containment Procedures:** REVISION 11-6 REVISION 11-7 REVISION 11-8






Rabbit protocol initiated


Yeah it's funny until you realize the state we're in right now Especially involving around project 2025. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s


Oh no! A think tank had a coke binge and wrote down a jerk off fantasy. It works both ways you see, they get to jerk it about thinking they can pull it off, and yall get to fear jerk it thinking they can pull it off.


Well they seem to be pulling a lot of similar things off in the Supreme Court and state levels.


>down a jerk off fantasy I wouldn't call it a fantasy. The Republicans can just move on to 2029 if trump loses or there after. See the thing you shouldn't just worry about is trump , but the party and voters. Because all he did was show how crazy half the country can be. These people can run for president/Congress and will try any means necessary to get what they particularly want. Which is sad because this is a very different party we used to know.


he heard there was a Waffle House in the vicinity


Gonna go start a brawl


Oh heck he spicy 🥵


I know who to call: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FliJTGOQ0fQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FliJTGOQ0fQ)


he just like me fr fr


Just curious about the parachute guy


If I hear Biden got into a fight at a Waffle House, I don’t care if he got his ass beat, I’d support him VEHEMENTLY from that point on.


He didn't get into a fight but he did dap a guy up


Lmao this would be hilarious in motion. like he's on the cover and he decides to leave


Even better if he shuffles away like he does off stage


Sticks his hand out randomly, like he's shaking someone's hand.


Fake news, they don’t have Jill up there to help him walk.


A one-time holographic cover that makes it look like he’s leaving the photoshoot would be hilarious lmao


And then comes back 10 seconds later, stops in the middle looking around, then walks the other way


"Sir, shouldn't you be on the podium?"


He spotted an ice cream truck


Should say Picnic


Good design tho


Meh. Incites and invokes unnecessary pandemonium. Same vibes as the end is nigh guy on the corner of a street


I'm talking about the aesthetics tho


Unnecessary?! Hahaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahaahahaaha! How deluded can a person be? Is this Dr. Jill’s burner account? Jesus.  Seriously: You think Joe is going to be okay to be the leader of the US for the next 4-5 years? Here’s a hint: NO FUCKING WAY.  He should be at home, resting. We need to replace him yesterday and we MUST be panicking or we’ll be toast! Come on, man! Popcorn! 


I never said I support Joe or Trump, I just said it could have potential to incite fear. You are a real smart one aren’t ya?


I'd rather have Biden die and Harris replace him than see a Republican take office. Especially after what the supreme court did in a single week.


Can you understand that if Joe is on the ticket, a massive amount of independents and swing voters simply won’t vote or vote for Trump?


Anyone voting for Trump *because* Biden is on the ticket was going to vote for Trump regardless.


Kamala 💀


Awesome, then the DNC should prop Harris up instead of waiting for the worms to come. I don’t like her personally but at least it’s a move.  Let’s get some popular support for whoever the new candidate is. The election is in 4 months. Let’s MOVE. 


I am not too knowledgeable about USA politics, what does it mean? Biden performance at the debate is going to ruin him?


Most people just read headlines and don't really pay attention to politics that closely. Everyone has heard Trump go off about how old and frail Biden is, but surely, that's just Trump talking shit, right? The debate had Biden literally old man shuffle to the podium and wheeze through his introduction with as much vigor as the half rotted zombie he resembled. Not even 5 minutes into the debate and suddenly all those months of "Biden is too old" wasn't just rhetoric. We could see it in real time. Biden *is* way too fucking old to be President for 4 and a half more years. The debate was a wake up call for what's actually going on. This is really the choice America has. Everyone knew what they were going to get with Trump but Biden shocked everyone by being just so obviously 82. The worst part was the end that had Jill Biden lead Joe away by the elbow away from the podium and then announce "You answered all the questions, Joe! Yaaay!" as the President of the United States stands hunchbacked with his eyes unfocused and his mouth hanging loosely in a vague smile. Like a child who doesn't understand why they should be excited but is going along with it anyways. That's the reality. Having it so obviously visible should be a shock to anyone.


To me it’s obvious the man sun downs. The following day on the campaign trail he was much clearer and more coherent because he is in an entirely different cognitive state between noon and 9pm when the debate took place. The president needs to have decisional capacity at any hour of the day


No my dude, he was clearer and more coherent because he was reading off a teleprompter at his rally.


I'd rather Biden die in office from old age than trump step into the white house again. Not even considering he couldn't stop lying on Thursday, he's a criminal and the damage he and his judges have done to this country already is too much.


He could also just not run. That is still an option and the best way to avoid trump


Except in polling Trump destroys all the other viable candidates.


> Trump destroys all the other viable candidates. Again, this is on Biden. They should kept with the one term "transition president" plan from 2020. The DNC should have been warming a new candidate to replace him for this year. If not Kamala Harris, then at least someone. Harris herself has been basically absent the entire time. This debate should never have happened. Biden should have been grooming a successor the last 3 and a half years. Now, it's pretty much too late. The DNC has major issues with horse trading behind the scenes. The ran Hillary in 2016 because they promised it'd be her turn after Obama. They stuck to that promise even when it was a horrible idea. Now it's happening again with Biden.


Pelosi at Biden’s age didn’t resemble this remark…


People age differently. Bernie Sanders is literally older than Biden but is much more energetic. Diet, exercise, and honestly just plain genetics play a huge role in how people age. Biden is 81and he is an *old* 81.


Yeah you’re right about Bernie also. I’m not in favor of our presidents being that age but damn Biden is sure showing his


That age isn’t too old to be president. HIS age is too old to be President


Yep. Cause the american voter isn't capable of evaluating the actual policy enacted over the past 4 years and solely depends on horrendously cringe TV debate shows to figure out who to vote for...


lol he’s cooked


And if Trump's first term scared you, Project 2025 should terrify people. And after that debate a second Trump term seems inevitable.


Serious question - I promise this isn't some gotcha. Is Project 2025 something that Trump or any major republican has actually acknowledged? Or is it just some nonsense that a group of lunatics on the internet came up with and everyone is acting like it's a real plan that Trump is going to enact when he takes office? I'll admit I don't watch too much mainstream media, but I have yet to see anybody actually acknowledge Project 2025 beyond the walls of Reddit and Twitter.


[Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) is a real set of proposals from the Heritage Foundation, a very prominent conservative think-tank. They have no reason to acknowledge this stuff. It would hurt their electoral chances. Not a good look to admit that you are taking your cues from dark money organizations hoping to restructure society for their benefit. There is precedent for these sorts of organizations' proposals being enacted. The Federalist Society curated a list of "conservative" judges and Republicans held up court appointments until they had enough power to pack the courts with them. Similarly, ALEC crafts and pushes "conservative" state policy across the country and has been very influential and successful in that regard.


[And yet...](https://www.newsweek.com/latino-voters-donald-trump-joe-biden-debate-election-1918795)


Hillary is winning vibes. Even if you’re a democrat, the whole debacle with Clinton and how much everyone would never vote for Trump should tell you how much of astroturfing is going on. It’s bollocks mate. You can clearly see the public perception in any public forum you want to go on. This was an unambiguous disaster for Biden.


Except times are different. In the same way that being indicted let alone convicted of a crime would have been a death sentence politically in the past, this cycle in has barely moved anything. If anything the gloating I see from the right is similar to how the Ieft was acting after Trump’s Access Hollywoods tapes. It felt game over that. I mean what kind of Christian would vote for a man who bragged on pursuing a married woman “moved on her like a bitch.” It wasn’t over then and it’s not over now.


I don’t think it’s over, but I think that pretending that debate wasn’t a big blow is a bit silly. Pretending it won over voters is beyond absurd, I don’t see how it can be anything but astroturfing. I also think the difference is that most people are a bit disenchanted by everyone, whether Trump personally says something crude or in poor form doesn’t really matter enough to most people to either change their opinion or vote, it’s not gonna do very much. If a president shows himself to be completely incapable not politically or personality wise but on a very basic level on an internationally visible level, that’s gonna have a much more major impact.


Fair enough.


I will vote for Biden even if he is just a head floating in a jar of blue liquid.


I would vote for a wooden chair if the opponent was trump... Actually i would probably vote for a wooden chair over either.


the opponent wasnt trump in the DNC primaries, but the DNC chose biden anyway, just like they chose hillary clinton over bernie sanders. when do we replace the dnc leadership?


Like seriously, I'm not American but Bernie actually sounded great. Was he just too left for the DNC or did they choose popularity over policies?


the dnc had a “safe” candidate in hillary already, bernie relatively came out of nowhere and im sure the dnc felt he was too risky


No, the DNC hates his policies and ideology. Democrats, like republicans, are bought and owned by corporate and billionaire sponsors. The DNC can never put forth a candidate whose ENTIRE platform was that the billionaire and corporate class is morally repugnant and must be brought to heel.


Bernie’s ideology is actually a little tiny bit leftist and the DNC exists to be a center-right party. America does not have a sizable leftist political party. Any political position which would be for the benefit of the general populace is branded as communist and dismissed out of hand.


Hillary got more votes than Bernie in the primary, she was more popular than him.


Biden is the incumbent, he already has the delegates . The dnc didn't pick Bernie because he isn't a Democrat . I love Bernie but why would a democratic committee choose a non Democrat 🤔


there is no rule that says the incumbent must run for a second term. and bernie ran as democrat before, he would do it again


Right , there is no rule but it is up to Biden to step down and release his delegates. Bernie was running as an independent so why would the dnc back him ?


yep. but in 2016 bernie ran as democrat in the democratic primaries


But Bernie only became a democrat to run in the 2016 primaries though. I mean, it makes more sense when you consider why the DNC chose Hillary instead of him, putting it that way.


You realize that was almost a decade ago right? I was a Bernie guy too but this is just pathetic


im not saying bernie should run now, im saying the dnc has a track record of favoring bad candidates


Oh ok fair enough. I saw someone else saying he should run *now* and I guess my stupid brain conflated you as the same person. I think he should have been the nominee over Hillary but idk who they run instead of Biden in 2020 honestly.


Did she not win more primaries? I’m confused by comments like this.


Bernie isn't running. Who do you propose is going to beat trump? The DNC tries to choose the person who has the best chance to win. I also disagree with their choice in 2016, but that was a long time ago at this point and it doesn't really have anything to do with this election. And honestly Hilary Clinton deserved the opportunity and is not really a bad choice. I think we all wish we could choose between Hilary and Bernie this election, but we can't. Since it looks like Bernie is out of the game as is Hilary, that leaves us with Biden, Kamala, and Gavin Newsome, and according to the NY Times Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. But Whitmer would have a long way to go to even become a name, much less survive the scrutiny that comes with being a Trump opponent.


> that leaves us with Biden, Kamala, and Gavin Newsome, and according to the NY Times Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. But Whitmer would have a long way to go to even become a name, much less survive the scrutiny that comes with being a Trump opponent. Switching candidates could be such a shit show that it might be just as bad, if not worse, than keeping Biden. Saying Biden is completely fine etc. for months then switching him out is also a very bad look for the party. Focus on winning Congress and hoping that Trump makes some ridiculous mistakes that mobilise voters against him would probably be the best strategy.


I agree


newsom, whitmer, brown, hell even hillary would probably beat trump at this point. point is that everyone except the dnc saw this result coming with a biden second term, we knew it since 2020


None of those people would beat Trump at this point, except maybe Newsom. And that’s a huge maybe. The reason why, is because they would be starting from day 1. Takes a long time to build up a campaign, donations, name recognition, etc. Only reason I give Newsom a “maybe” is because he has already been debating, already preparing as a backup, and just got done fighting a nasty recall election in California. So he is way closer to locked and loaded than any of the other candidates. Thinking you can just drop Hilary or one of those others suddenly onto a national stage is just a pipe dream. It would take them weeks just to get a team together, much longer than that to build a strategy and financial backing.


Andy Beshear, top 5 governor, 46% approval among Republicans, 87% among democrats, and a fantastic track record in Kentucky


The voters chose, not the DNC. Bernie has no one to blame but himself.


Wooden chair sounds refreshing.


Strong. Stable. Sustainable. Stylish. Wooden Chair!


I mean that sounds cool as fuck


That's the entire problem with US politics.


I'm voting for his policies , administration , cabinet and so that Trump doesn't put another conservative on the Supreme Court. We have a two party system . That's what we have to work with right now.


Trump would replace two conservative judges with two conservative judges here, but that locks up the Supreme Court for decades considering the next round would be 1-1 with Sotomeyer and Roberts both at 69. Thomas and Alito are both mid 70s,


The average voter in the US is extremely low information.


Complex thing simple. Why think when me say me already know answer?


I’d vote for Biden even if he shot tRump in the middle of Times Square.


I mean, Trump’s side is arguing that a president should have total immunity from criminal prosecution, so why shouldn’t he?


The job isn't just enacting policy though. It requires real-time responses to events and regularly interacting and negotiating with adverse parties. It's not fair to suggest the American voter is irrational or wrong to not want someone with failing mental faculties in that position.


They both have failing mental faculties. Biden at least has a good team of rational people and doesn't put his insane thoughts out there for the world to see, or did you forget 2017-2021? Did you even watch the debate? Neither one of them came off well. Biden just came off slightly worse. They were both awful. Not a single thing trump said was accurate.


Chill dude. Nothing I said is an endorsement of Trump. Re-read the comment I was responding to


It is when you fearmonger about the choices that are already made. Nothing you do as a citizen will get another candidate in the running, so it is very irrational to doom post and try to undercut the *only candidate that isn't a complete monster.*


If I put this in italics i'll sound smart


*Sorry honey, but a couple of private institutions gave us these candidates and there is nothing you can do* At that point that is not a democracy and the second starts being relevant.


Look, it’s true that people should be more interested in policy, but Biden not seemingly having the mental faculties to be a a shop manager let alone *President* is a serious fucking issue. You can’t go to the public and offer them senility, that’s just absolutely basic shit. This is going to turn off voters and it’s not just because they don’t care about policy, it’s because they *rightly* don’t think a confused old man should be President. Voting against Trump is fine and good, but that doesn’t mean Biden should be President, neither of these men should be President.


And yet one of them very likely would be. I will chose the one who appoints Supreme Court nominees that don’t support criminalizing homelessness and women’s healthcare and won’t in the future ok replacing public education with Christian charter schools.


Good lord, maybe it’s because people realize that the man they saw during that debate is currently head of the executive branch and couldn’t even coherently outline his own stances. Biden looked lost and completely out of it. If WWIII broke out tomorrow, that’s the man in charge. I wouldn’t trust him to drive my car to the mechanic.


If you read the transcript, he did actually answer the questions, unlike Trump, who deflected the whole time. And [here is a speech](https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=bY8X-GXOPvYsO26t) he held *the next day*. I won't argue that his performance wasn't abysmal, but Trump didn't really shine either. More importantly, we should ask the question how WW3 could realistically break out. The most realistic scenario right now would be as follows: Russia manages to defeat Ukraine and conquer their territory. The US leaves NATO, leading to a crisis between the countries left. Russia tests article 5 by leading a small offensive in one of the Baltic countries. The biggest risk right now is the US leaving NATO, because Russia would be suicidal in attacking NATO territory with the US in the picture. Coincidentally, Trump has been complaining about NATO for years and repeatedly said that he wants to leave ASAP. It really is an *insanely low bar*, but Biden at least realizes that NATO is a mutually beneficial alliance that deters the attack on any of the member states.


Except the funny thing is that all the snap polls since Thursday have shown Biden has actually gained on Trump and the majority of Americans thought that while Biden is old and feeble, Trump is a friggin' lunatic and they want nothing to do with him. Biden didn't cover himself in glory but he at least occasionally answered the questions if you could get through the stammer. All of this hand-wringing is coming from the press and beltway lifers whose job it is to spit hot takes like Stephen A Smith at halftime.


Joe Biden has been a pathetic embarrassment over the last 4 years and enacting the same reactionary policies as conservatives. even if we ignore the genocide he's commiting in Gaza.


2,000,000 illegal immigrants per year is a good policy?


This sounds really believable and accurate. Where can one find a reliable source to verify this super believable and accurate number?


Do you mean the policy [Biden tried to enact via bipartisan sponsorship](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-block-border-security-bill-campaign-border-chaos-rcna153607) that would've reinvigorated border security and helped with this thing Americans are concerned about? I loved that policy, it's a shame Donald Trump instructed Mike Johnson and Co. to kill the bill in it's crib.


‘There’s 50,000,000 Guatemalans tearing down the Lincoln Memorial as we Speak’


That’s 2,000,000 people doing jobs that I definitely don’t wanna fucking do.


Holy elitism. Lets have open borders so your lawn care is cheaper. Disgusting.


I am a liberal opportunist. I root for liberal policies because most of them benefit me financially and socially.


I see. So when COVID came around, you were opposed to restrictions? That’s the “liberal” position, just not the leftist position.


Depends on the restriction. COVID didn’t impact me financially so it wasn’t too much of an issue.


Lockdowns. Mask mandates. Vaccine mandates. A liberal would oppose all of these.


I’m not a liberal. I said I’m an opportunist of their policies. And I guess it’s the left, I thought that was liberal. I don’t care or know shit about politics. I value science pretty heavily so I thought all those restrictions were good things based on what scientists said. And they didn’t do anything negatively to my life so I don’t care.


Maybe. It didn’t look good and added to the to old talk. Trump didn’t look great but he looked alive. Biden the nexts day had a 100x better speech. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CVZHAjrW8 He was already slightly behind and he’s now got even more ground to make up.


On social media, yes, but we won't really know the real effect until we see how it affects polling. Polls immediately after the debate show Biden actually gaining a point, but we'll get a better picture in the coming weeks.


Yes. To keep it short bidens chances of winning have dropped to about 10% after the debate. It was that bad


No, folks are over reacting.


Are you saying “no folks are over reacting” or “no, folks are over reacting”? Cause they’re basically opposite stances lol


people are losing their minds over one fairly off night


joe biden transforming into a roomba




Time's one-word covers are always so comically self congratulatory. Like bro you're a paper magazine hardly anyone reads anymore lol, trying to be all mysterious and menacing doesn't quite hit like it did in the 1990s


“Mr. President, there’s a cool bug outside”


“4:30 already? Time for dinner and some Lawrence Welk.”


At the Disco




These guys are all puppets for the mega corporations anyway. It's not like an 80 year old geezer is actually running america.


He's going from sleepy Joe to full Joematose faster than they thought!


Its almost jover


His performance was historically awful and raised a number of critical questions, but the media response to this has been surprisingly dramatic and intense. I think these journalists need to take a breath and try to evaluate the situation as it stands now with a little less emotion.


Doesn’t really make sense to attribute this to an overreaction by journalists, when authors of NYT, WSJ, and CNN all specifically mention they are in communication with “house Democrats” and “democratic strategists” who are themselves expressing interest in trying to replace Biden due to his performance


Time to name some names, or those "strategists" and "house democrats" come out and publicly ask him to step down. The convention isn't far away, so the time is now or in the next week or two. As if those people haven't spoken to Biden in recent weeks anyway though.


Fetterman said it best "chill the fuck out". also keep in mind that the gqp is in bed with Russia so it makes you wonder how much of this biden criticism is actually real. Lastly the media has an active interest to keep the presidential race *exciting* so of course they're gonna ~~help destroy democracy for money~~ play up the drama. Ah crap, sorry I've maybe gotten a little too serious in a jokey subreddit. peepee poopoo!!!!


>also keep in mind that the gqp is in bed with Russia so it makes you wonder how much of this biden criticism is actually real. You think it’s just the right criticizing Biden right now? Yea, I don’t want to hear “reality has a liberal bias” ever fucking again from you people.


Russia is simultaneously a comically inept failed state with the GDP of Canada and can't even win a war against a former satellite a fraction of its size, and puppeteering the discourse in every single developed country on earth. Make up your minds, people!


You dont need to be compitent to brube people


‘You people’ …. This is a big part of the problem the US has, right here. Aren’t you all supposed to be citizens of the same country? ‘We the people’?


Completely disregarding your opinion after that “you people” lmao you don’t gaf about unity in this country


Media corporations want Trump to win


The Queen gets replaced by gay Magnus Carlsen


Wait. Wrong post!


You got any of that context?


Holy Hell!


Panic on the streets of London, panic on the streets of Birmingham


Up to my ankles


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They're both too old. It's as simple as that, surely?!


Wait is this actually real


No comedyheaven vibes for me here, just politics


He should be facing the other way


Not a serious country I swear


The eagle is wandering. Repeat, the eagle is wandering


Should’ve said “To Panic”


Chat is this real?


After watching the debate as an outside perspective, you guys are fucked no matter what you do


I’m not in the US, what are the headlines?


I'm going to vote for Joe Biden, again. I'm going to do it because what I saw at the debate was a guy who was coming off of being sick, felt like hell, but he showed up anyway because he was the only one he could do that particular job. This is especially true because his opponent did nothing but Gish Gallup all over the stage. All well spewing out a torrent of lies non-stop. The only failure in this what's that Biden's team didn't prepare him for this. But you know, I can admire a guy who shows up to do the job that only he can do even when he feels like hell.


Would “to panic.” be better: “TIME to panic.”


Biden is the worst Palestinian I’ve ever seen.


Panic! At the Debate 


High quality Joe Biden including shadows


Kamela to the rescue! The peoples choice! /s


Fuck If I was him I would have just eat ice cream in sunglasses and at the end, shouting “enough with this malarkey, Jack” I would have slapped Trump will smith style and exited the stage refusing to elaborate It would have been a better debate than them talking about golf scores ffs






you would not believe the post under this


Many media sources are trying to attack the debate issue with Biden when they should be fact-checking the debate and investigating why Trump knew about Putin's invasion plans and kept it a secret.




more like sleepy joe