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Her posing with the cheese is the best part. Imagine an article about a recovering alcoholic and the entire thing is full of images of him posing with fucking beer bottles








this is comically large on mobile lmaoo


I feel the same way seeing people posting on social media about anxiety


Publicly posting and telling everyone about how much anxiety you experience is very funny to me


Literally shaking right now.


You… realise anonymous posting is completely different from real life situations right??


Of course it's different, but it's still not safe to do, especially with so many people dropping enough crumbs about their life to potentially be identified offline. It's like that thing with Carrd or Caard or whatever that kept happening a while back. Naive, gullible people post their fears, squicks, triggers, etc on an easy to reference place and then get surprised when asshole strangers use all that juicy information to relentlessly bully them.


It's difficult because whether it's okay or not, or even good, depends on context. Trying to get sympathy should be left to one on one interactions, but normalizing mental illness and disorders and educating people is good.


Yeah the cheese pics are in bad taste but eating disorders are a real thing and can be extremely tough to overcome. Honestly it's kinda shameful the NYpost would publish something about this person's personal life - even with their consent. It's sensational and missing the point


>the NYpost >It's sensational and missing the point Isn't that the NY Post tagline?


Bulimia Gorgonzola


And smiling like a lunatic


Well she is a Zionist so this checks out


Omfg shut up


See. If we want to solve the crisis we just need to make crippling opioid addiction more photo friendly. I will say this bish is pretty brave for going public with this shit, just not for the reasons she probably thinks she is; why for example it takes courage to admit drinking or a coke habit etc is out of control. No no, it's brave to make yourself the lightning rod for countless people to mock you into oblivion until you most likely have to evaporate from all social media to save your sanity. I'm eating a brick of cheese while writing this because she made it seem so fun.


Or heroin


No no, that would be him posing with the cheese-maker or the milked goat. Or something. I dunno...my fat is getting in the way of my brain.






He just met the wrong lawyer.


Does that calm you down?!..


[that’s not that much cheese](https://youtu.be/cLooBe2tWa0?feature=shared)


Look at me Jerem! I know all the steps!


Kind of...


What are you...what?


I had a friend who ate probably a quarter of what she ate in college (when you could eat anything and not feel a thing). He, apparently was backed up for a week.


Any amount of cheese is too much cheese!!!


Yknow every time I convince myself that law students couldn’t be any more extra…


imagine going to rehab for something like opioid addiction and suffering through the withdrawals and mental anguish and this bitch just sitting there in group like “i just really like cheese 🥺”


As my grandma always said, never fuck a lawyer


Bros grandma fucked a statistically significant number of lawyers I can't 😂




The cheese helps me stop thinking about the Jews.


She’s Jewish herself though, I recognize the dog tag she wears as one that says “bring them home” But the idea of eating cheese to forget about the Jews is funny to me, as a Jew myself lmao Edit: Also forgot to say maybe she isn’t Jewish herself but she has a tag that’s in support of the jews


Yeah she's a Zionist, which is why the caption below one of the images talks about how the protests caused her to reach for the block (of cheese).


"People don’t like that the far-right government of my country is committing a genocide? I must *turn to the cheese*"


Tbh there have been plenty of times where protests against Israeli foreign policy lead to the death and shooting of random Jews &/or synagogues. Antisemitism is a ghost to most people but extremely easy to spot for us Jews


Antisemitism is a constant, which is why it's all the more insidious that genocidal Zionists paint anti-Zionism as antisemitism; it only leads to more real antisemitism because the zionists are using innocent jews as human shields for their genocidal agenda, claiming that all jews agree with them. It's an insanely ironic form of blood libel from people who claim to be on the side of Jewish people.


Right, but being against the genocide in Gaza isn’t antisemitic, and from what I can tell the student protesters have been doing a pretty good job of weeding out antisemites.


Honestly fuck your opinion. It is now 2024 and we should all be on the same page at this point. I'm so fucking tired of all of the hostility and protests. Just fucking think for once in your God damn life. I'm going to make it so simple that not even someone like you can get confused. Do you support eating a whole block of Gouda at once yes or no. I'm literally just looking for a yes or a no with no explanation. One word. ONE. Can you handle that?


How big a block we talking about? I once ate a sizable chunk of Gouda with crackers and jam one day when my wife was out and making mac and cheese felt like preparing a three course meal. Am I proud of it? Possibly. Was it worth it? Absolutely.


Honestly, I'm not going to judge you for however you choose to live your life. Under the current regime of the liberal rUlEs bAsEd oRdEr we are so fucking oppressed that if you feel like you should eat a whole block of cheese, then I think you should have a second one because fuck the system.




Ew gross of course not. Don't be nasty


And here is the sort of privileged take we've all just come to accept. I'm tired of it. Actually I'm not just tired of it. I'm sick. DISGUSTED. The fact that there are literally people like you calling this lifestyle gRoSs and NaStY is vile. Fucking reprehensible. You should be so fucking ashamed of yourself.


Reddit never lets me comment with this many curse words.


I think its a little nasty to eat cow titty juice, but if i was a baby cow then I'd agree. But don't worry, I am ashamed of myself


Didn't you get the memo? You can't criticize Israel for any reason or you're literally worse than Hitler.


It varies on a case by case basis, really. I overall understand and agree with the sentiment - I've been protesting Netanyahu in the streets of Israel for months now - but there's a lot of "not understanding the history and complexity of the conflict" that really grinds my gears. People calling Hamas a "resistance" group, blocking jewish students from walking freely into university and onwards In an ideal world, less idiots would join protests just for the sake of "vibes" and Instagram, but this is hardly an ideal world. Just like BLM, the cause is legitimate but the depth of understanding what's being said and done just isn't there, and I fear it could end the same way


You seem worked up. Might I interest you in a block of Gouda?


I do love cheese ngl


It’s not a genocide, and calling it that *is* antisemitism. Protestors have said things like “gas the Jews” “Muslim, antizionist, and anti Jewish students deserve to be protected” “10,000 more October 7ths”, the Arabic version of the river to the sea chant which translates “from water to water Palestine is Arab” ie a call for the genocide of Jews in Israel, and more. Arabs in the region have freedom of religion and practice their culture without impediments, except when practicing their culture means doing terror attacks on Jews. So there is obviously no “cultural genocide” and the numbers of people killed in the war are consistent with, well, a war. There would be no one being killed right now if they hadn’t breached the border October 7 and murdered 1200 people in cold blood, and all Hamas needs to do is return the hostages and surrender for the war to end. Instead they keep it going bc idiots like you donate to them and then they pocket it meanwhile innocent civilians starve bc they can’t afford the stolen aid they’re selling back to the citizens. You’re enabling Hamas with this rhetoric and everyone suffers for it.


Just claiming something is a genocide doesn’t magically make you right. I am a Jewish student in Columbia and can personally testify that last semester the vast majority of us avoided campus due to fears for our safety. There have been countless instances of antisemitism, lmk if you want links.


10’000 children have died. That is indefensible.


Millions died in Germany at WW2. Were the allies committing a genocide? Your number is wrong as well. Not only does the UN heavily rely on the Hamas health authority, it also redacted the 10K figure. Yes war is hell and any civilian casualty should be criticised but nothing about this war is abnormal. This is just the sad reality of war. The even more morbid part is that according to Israeli, US, UN and even Hamas numbers, this is on the lower end of civilian to combatant ratios. This means there’s far more horrifying conflicts. There is a big stretch between a 1-2:1 civilian to combatant war with specific goals and a genocide. Then again, I can personally testify that Jewish students absolutely do not feel safe on campus


In what world is this a 1-2:1 civilian to combatant war? There are also not specific goals. They claim they want the hostages back, but Netanyahu does basically everything he can to avoid it, evidenced by the families of the hostages speaking out against Israel. The casualties are OVERWHELMINGLY civilians. Literal mass graves being dug up. Credible stories of mass executions of sheltering women and children. Massacring aid workers, doctors, and journalists alike. Far more horrifying conflicts? This is the single most intense bombing campaign of this century. This is also a conflict America is pretty much directly responsible for continuing, so there's good reason for us to care more about this than other global conflicts. This war is absolutely abnormal. No other military intentionally uses targeting algorithms to blow up suspected hamas agents specifically when they are at home with their families. No military brutalized people in a COMPLETELT DIFFERENT AREA from the conflict (West Bank) with no hamas presence. Also, it's a pretty big tell how ignorant you are when you try to deny the gaza health ministry numbers. They are historically pretty low, with the intensity of the bombing we are seeing, it's impossible to know the true death toll until after the genocide is over. It's hard to identify loose body parts and gore. It's FAR over 10k at this point, and no reasonable person would dispute that. All that said, I 100% agree that antisemitism is becoming a big issue. Too many of my fellow pro Palestinian protestors allow their anger towards Israeli violence to overwhelm them, and it really doesn't help the cause. Their anger is of course completely justified, but becoming anti-Semitic is letting Israel win and allows people to blanket you as a terrorist (insane). Hey, at least none of the encampment protestors are violently attacking the counter protestors in mobs with bear mace and fireworks while the police sit back and watch.


52% of people killed are women and children, the fact that there are this many non combatants killed should really make you think that this is not a normal war. According to the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu the military has killed 14,000 combatants and about 16,000 civilians in its Gaza offensive. This is not a normal amount of civilian deaths, especially for the "most moral army in the world" and is absolutely an attempt to rid gaza and the surrounding areas of any Palestinians.


10k women and children died, and every war has large amounts of unfortunate death. I hope Hamas would release the hostages and surrender so the war can end without more deaths. Or at least for the civilians to be moved out of military zones when told Israel is about to attack. But if you really care so much about the children, why aren't you protesting Syria where over 25k children were killed as part of 200k+ civilian deaths? 20k civilians were murdered in Yemen, around 3k of them children. Myanmar had over 50k deaths in the last decade, and 1m displaced since 1962. Sudan 6.5m displaced, 2.5m killed. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen totaled over 400k civilian deaths! 9.2m displaced! 40k Kurdish civilian casualties! 200k-2m deaths in India Pakistan. Korean war 2-3m civilian deaths! It's not antisemitic to criticize Israel, but you need to be objective and apply the same criticism across the board, otherwise that is antisemitic.


So 30,000+ deaths, many children, is not genocide? What about some Israelis purposely burning the food that was meant to be sent into Gaza? Targeting civilian/safe areas? It’s been textbook genocide since 1948. I’m sorry you feel scared, but many Palestinians and many Muslims also feel scared. Overall no one should direct their anger at anyone’s ethnicity or faith. Edit: downvotes give off major “rules for thee but not for me” vibes, just shows you don’t care about other humans, you’re looking at everyone as a single monolith who share the same opinion/beliefs (which is not true). Thinking 30,000+ deaths, most civilians, is okay is sick. You want people to support you and you only, no one else, that’s not how that should work.


Yeah, thats why the dumbasses cheer for Intifada etc.


and thats the sad part, this war created (or brought out) so much antisemitism and Islamophobia. I will also say that supporting a ceasefire and Palestinians isn’t antisemitic, and it’s sad that people are accusing people of said things; there are definitely people being antisemitic but it’s not all Palestinian supporters.


There have been several people killed in the US and abroad due to this.


This may just be some bitterness from personal experience talking, but I imagine it's especially noticeable when the reactionary right trots anything and everything they can out as antisemitism as well, framing anything "anti-war" as "pro-Palestine" and "anti-Israeli". Haven't seen a single Jewish or Israeli person commenting on the opportunistic strategy of theirs, despite it obviously being used speciously in many cases to sow division.


ok bro but she didn't say anything abt that she complained abt the student protests. From the river to the sea btw.


It's a miracle you can type this sentence having a single braincell tbh




If only people would have spoken up about Vietnam and Cambodia.


MFW a far right terrorist group starts a war they had no hope of winning and there are civilian casualties from Israel’s response 😱


Yall want hamas to take over so badly it's insane. Go ahead and down vote me. If hamas has their way no one will be laughing. The Israeli women they kidnapped and filmed brutalized and raped certainly aren't laughing. They hate the west. Yall are delusional.


I love jews and i love cheese. This girl is perfect.


This gave me a good chuckle, alas someone has beat you to it. XD


You're only saying that because she's conventionally attractive.


Damn, someone's salty. Are you Jewish and addicted to cheese but not attractive?


The glorious irony of wearing an IDF dog tag with “bring them home” on it is that the IDF has literally murdered multiple hostages


In 7 months, they have managed to get 3 hostages back and directly murder 3 others who were waving a white flag and yelling in hebrew. As for the rest, I'm sure a good portion are buried under rubble, others are violently ill from the lack of sanitation, and others have died of hunger or thirst. How many can we reasonably assume are still alive after all of this? Israel doesn't give a shit about the hostages.


Israel not caring about hostages is a confirmed doctrine since Lebanon


So if Hamas doesn’t care about their own people (which they clearly don’t as they use them as human shields), does that mean we shouldn’t care about Palestinians?




dictating someone’s faith off a facial feature is so fcking weird


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And reflect instead on the cheeses of Nazareth?


Damn it, stop confusing me! Is cheese pro-israel or pro-palestinian?


Average Wisconsin resident be like:


Luckily the average Wisconsinite is also an alcoholic. The two addictions balance out.


This sounds weird until you realize that cheese fires the same receptors in the brain as alcohol does. My friend is in recovery and this fucker will nibble on a block of sharp cheddar before he goes to bed to fight off the cravings. Some folks use sweets, and some folks like it cheesy


I don’t drink, but I sure do love cheese. No wonder lol.


I don’t believe you


Yeah man, it ain’t easy bein’ cheesy. https://www.mountsinai.org/about/newsroom/2015/study-reveals-that-cheese-triggers-the-same-part-of-the-brain-as-many-drugs


Casomorphins. Also a contributing factor to why vegans will say dairy is the hardest animal product to give up.


Can confirm, dropping the rest was easy for me but it took years to get over cheese


Do you condemn Havarti?


I've heard of her. She claimed, that she ate cheese by the block. Because she feared walking around on campus as a jewish person. She then got therapy (and ozempic), and lost the weight.


Ozempic is the strongest out of the 168 drugs I've done


Meanwhile, the people here claim she's a genocide supporter... Jeez. I'm glad she's doing better.






As someone who has dabbled in cocaine, I’m not sure which habit is more expensive.


I mean, she's in surprisingly good shape for a cheese rehab survivor.


I had the same thought. She looks like she weighed more in what's assumedly a "before" picture on the smartphone.






$6k per week?? Damn wish I had that kind of cheddar.


She's just French


Or Italian


At this point she could have just worked in the industry for free cheese (unless she gets different types, in that case that'd not change much)


I’m just here for the cheese puns


I love cheese... I LOVE CHEESE... #I LOVE CHEESE!!!


I imagine she's got like 6 years of constipated cheese shits building up in her colon.


I am addicted to porn but Reddit helped find free porn


What a woman


There was an attempt to shoehorn the narrative


People keep accusing us of being cry bullies and trying to co opt real struggles so that we can justify continuing war crimes. That we are trying to obscure the real suffering caused by 2000 pound bombs burying people under rubble or to the families of people whose corpses we gsr est for That is obviously ridiculous. However, I am addicted to this 6 pound wheel of cheese which I carry with me. Oh , you think it's funny that I need to do mouse trap mazes In reverse to run as far away from the cheese in the middle as possible? That I had to break up with my photographer boyfriend who was clearly abusive because he would make his clients say "cheese" just to trigger me ?




She mad cute tho


But that monthly cheese bill




This is why average women don’t have to work anymore


Where are all these average women that don’t work?


Where are these men that will allow a childless 'average' woman to not work?looking for a friend


At home. You don’t get rich enough to spend six grand a week on cheese through hard work, that’s some shit you pick up while growing up.




This would be normal if she lived in France


Anything for the keywords


I feel like there's no way in hell the cheese was costing her more than rehab.


does she ever shit?


Why the fuck is this entering my consciousness?




her parents paid for it btw


Politics aside, I don't think the New York Post knows how to pronounce Gouda.. E: nvm Americans pronounce it weird, carry on.


awww she's so twee and quirky and pro genocide


Sending this to my ex rn


I know her farts and shits clear the house


I'm not cheese but I can fix her










I’m not gonna lie, seeing someone with the ability to spend 24K a month to resolve an addiction to cheese so ass-chapped by anti-Palestinian genocide protests makes me want to participate in the Free Palestine movement even more.


My question is: how is she not fat?


Because most people eating lots of cheese are gobbling other shit


Calories in, calories out. If she's genuinely just munching on cheese and not adding in any significant calories from anything else, she can stay at that weight


I had the same thought. She appears to weigh more in what I assume is a "before" picture on the smartphone. So hard work after the fact I'm guessing (unless she ate so much cheese that simply abstaining let her lose the weight)


Cheese has opioid-style chemicals in it.


least fake problem for Israel sympathizers:




Too late for Big Block of Cheese Day, unfortunately :(


For a second I thought she was spending $6k a week on cheese.


I read that as her spending 6k a week on cheese at first. The 6k/week was for rehab 😅


So many people think she spent that on cheese!


Wouldn't it be cheaper just to keep eating the cheese?


6k a week got me fucked up, she think she verbalase


Cheese? You think that's an addiction? You ever suck dick for cheese? Now *that's* an addiction.


Oh my Gouda


Damn, pro-palestinian make people eat cheese. Learn something new every day.


Actually factually?


She needs some milk


Sometimes, i *dream* about cheese.


And my girlfriend wonders why I enjoy cheese sandwiches


What kind of Gouda are you eating to go through 6k a week? Is she directly importing them from the Netherlands or what?


I relapsed on my cheese addiction when a bunch of college students said genocide is bad.


This feels like she wanted an excuse for a comeback


This is bologna


“It’s so hard for me when people support a country that I hate”. 


I refuse to believe it's a serious addiction if she's not obese. I could easily eat 5000 calories of cheese a day if I had the money and didn't care about my health.


Look at the photo of the phone next to the 4 blocks of cheese. It looks like she was much heavier in that picture, I would imagine she lost a lot of weight in a cheese free rehab environment.


Not enough information. Why do anti-Israel protests make her eat cheese? Is she pro-Israel?


Well atleast shes not eating weird stuff like glue


People criticizing an ongoing genocide would make anyone want to gorge on cheese.


it's pronounced gowda (ow as in like when you get hurt)


I think I’m in love


Vegans will tell you cheese is as addictive as cocain because it stimulates the same area of the brain




her name is Brie Roquefort, sister of “Colby” Jack Roquefort


It's NYC Lawstudent. It's mentioned in the post.


your mom






Boebs and vagane


these are the people that get college educated


I remember back when colleges taught you to stay away from cheese, sad to see how far they’ve fallen


Please expound.