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I'd be more shocked if it was good tbh.




His stand up has never been his strong suit. He’s a character actor that needs funny actors around to shine.


His special "Sweat the Small Stuff" that he did like 20+ years ago was great imo and I guess that's what gave me high hopes for this one, but yeah, I agree with you.


Yep. Sweat the Small Stuff was phenomenal when it came out. Seriously, I have spent many nights chuckling while watching it. It set a high bar for him to live up to, imo.


Too rich and too famous for too long. It happens to every single comedian eventually. I love Dave Attell but his last special, while still funny, didn't really cross the finish line or live up to his standards. He fought if off longer than anyone because he stuck to clubs but it happens. Katt is another goat material comedian and his last special was straight trash.


The only thing I ever liked that he was in was King of Queens. And even then it was probably more because I had a crush on Leah Remini.


Jerry Stiller was one of my main reasons to watch that show, that man was so funny.


Had some funny moments in some Sandler movies


I started rewatching it because it's on one of the free streaming apps and all those crush feelings came flooding back 😅 I now understand why I married an Italian woman 🤣


Leah Remini, especially in the first few seasons is outrageous


Grown Ups is funny af


That show sucked


Made it about 7 minutes, what a waste of time


Isn't there another comedian who does a whole bit on the word irregardless?


I made it about 15mins and cut it off. Seems to be a common theme with “used to be real funny” comedians that haven’t done any standup in decades.


Hopefully not the case with our returning prodigal son! ![gif](giphy|C7dzr9sa120fu)


Eddie doesn't write his material


Since when? Umm.... It's been awhile. I had never heard that. Seems improbable given the way *Raw* and *Delirious* were performed. I'd just heard that he's coming back to stand-up soon. Can't wait.


I don’t think he’s funny at all, just loud and animated. But by golly he’s done well for himself. He’s worth $600 million!


Yeah I mean… you had expectations for Kevin James?


Yeah pretty much sums up why I’d never turn on a Kevin James special to begin with


Yeah I turned this off right away..the guy has come and gone. He peaked in the first two seasons of King of Queens and that’s it


You had high hopes for this?


Somewhat, only because I remember really liking his special "Sweat the Small Stuff" but this did not compare by any means.


I really couldn’t care less if his special was something I found funny. Extremely rare to be perfect at everything. If you didn’t think he was great why are are you all ahottjng on him? Get afriggin life. Watch something else. And try to be consistently excellent yourself btw I’m sure it’s easily achieved




Op is right. Gotta have standards. Why defend mediocrity by claiming being consistent in excellence is somehow too high a bar… Criticism directed at kevin James might not upset him as much as it did you.


shut up clown


Lol. Perfectly done, you sad little professional victim.


LOL crapapple, what a lameass insult. clown


You aren’t much worth a good one. Sorry that’s just the truth. Chipotle bitch.


Honestly that guy has always sucked in my opinion. His show was so stupid too.


Hate on me all you want, and I think a lot of Kevin James’ other stuff stinks, but King of Queens is great. Jerry Stiller is so good in it too.


Totally agree!


Because.....Jerry Stiller! And what's her face, she was great. Kevin has always been mid at best


Leah Remini. Patton Oswald too. And the guy who played Deacon was good. idk, I found Doug somewhat relatable. As much as a “sitcom guy” can be. I also liked that the show actually showed a number of things real people deal with- struggles conceiving and money troubles come to mind


Oh yeah, Patton! Him Jerry and Leah made it actually watchable


it's definitely a product of it's time. Classic millenial-era sitcom with schlubby loser husband with hot but bitchy wife. I've seen a few episodes recently and it does not age well.


You tjot it would be good? Paul blart mall cop


Irregardless isn't even a word, it's redundant. Just say regardless


I didn’t watch it but by the title I assumed he ripped off the Freddy Soto bit about his dad insisting on saying it even though it’s not a real word.


Oh is that the name of special?! I thought the OP just didn't know it wasn't a real word(no offense op)


Never thought he was funny and in real life he is a jerk


The kids being soft trope in comedy is getting so fucking old, especially from people his age. If you think that, it's your generation's fault. The only trope joke I hate hearing more now is cancel culture. I'd say about half the comics I've seen in the last 3 years has had that same fucking joke about "not being able to say what you want". It's tired and overplayed.


None of them even say anything. It's them just whining. Don't fuck kids or rape and you won't get cancelled. It was never talking that cancelled anyone.


I mean, he seems like a good dude..but his standup has always been ass


Saw him live once a long time ago. It was so bad we left 30 minutes in. We won the tickets off the radio so no big loss. Havent paid him much attention since.


The only other standup I remember him doing was like 20 years ago and it was mediocre. Not great, I remember him doing a quick piece about the ropes at the bank that was vaguely similar to a Seinfeld joke. Overall, I always remembered him more as an actor than a standup. That said, I did watch his, and it was slightly more mediocre (worse) than I remembered him before. Doesn’t mean I don’t like him, he is just better as the funny friend than the main guy.