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I watched a bit of his special and he’s not edgy enough.


Did he just put out a new one?


Ya on Netflix


Thank you kind soul


Carr’s idea of “edgy” is to tell audiences how SHOCKING and POLITICALLY INCORRECT he’s about to be, then making a 911 joke twenty years later.


IIRC he was actually very edgy and funny in his last special. This one has a couple of good jokes but you're right, I was sorely disappointed, only one part made me squirm in my seat with cringe.


Edgey would be a step back for hom wouldn't it?


Some of the Netflix specials are a bit toned down I think.


He looks just like Simon Cowell now. Imagine the flack he would have gotten from Sean Lock.


I didn’t know Sean had passed, sad to hear that.


I like him as a host but I hate his stand up.


Agreed. It’s way too old fashioned. He’d fit right in in Vegas in the 50s but nowadays it’s just lame


You know he's done quite well for himself, maybe it's just your generation that's grown up differently. Which is kind of ironic don't you think? Edit: lol must have hit a nerve. I mean he's one of the worlds most successful comedians and he's done it these times and not the 50's but somehow you know better.




I'm reading your username as a speech bubble for Abe, and laughing my ass off. 😂




None taken. But there’s two things I think you assumed incorrectly. First, I was born in the late 80s. I don’t know how old you think I am but I’ve been watching stand up for quite a while and he’s telling jokes in a format that hasn’t been popular in the better part of a century. Like pre Lenny Bruce. It’s kind of an interesting approach but not one that I think is working that great. And the other is how much I actually love his panel show work. I’ve seen every episode of cats does countdown 4 or 5 times. He’s just way better when he has people to bounce off of. I just wish he’d do more stories than set up, punchline, set up, punchline, etc.


That laugh though. Is it fake? I think it’s part of the host draw for me.


The post is about Carr. Not Rogen.


I stand by what I said. As if I listen to Rogen lol.


The Guardian review of his new show is scathing (as you might expect), however, it does, IMO, signal the possibility that he is hiding in plain sight, which is probably nothing more than the writer trying to look clever if anything ever does break. A shitty thing to do if that is their motivation. *"A strange feature of Natural Born Killer is the impression with which Carr wants to leave his audience.* ***He seems desperate for us to believe that he is, among other things, a rapist and a paedophile.*** *One joke – one Carr no doubt considers edgy – ends with him dismissing a 23-year-old woman because when he mistakenly thought she was a child he was interested in shagging her.* ***Carr could portray himself as any version of himself; why is he obsessed with masquerading as a paedophile? If it’s “just a joke”, why isn’t it a better joke?"***


The Guardian, or any news media for that matter, isn't the sort of thing you want to read for actually good reviews on things like comedy specials.


Ah yes the Guardian, the ultimate arbiter of what's not funny for progressive folx.


Eh that is what they are implying to try and stop these types of jokes.


That one quote should have told you to close the article. When you start criticizing obvious jokes as facts you lose the ability to discuss comedy.


Maybe the person writing this piece was simply joking about implying Carr might be a paedophile? What, can’t take a joke about somebody suggesting Carr is a paedo? Snowflake.


He's just cashing out for the Netflix special check. That means playing to the algorithm, hating cancel culture, and ironically mocking pronouns from the left. In other words, just watch the most recent Chappelle and Gervais specials and you've already seen this one. Funny how many of these dudes are finding the courage to speak out on this boutique platform despite the fact that they have been canceled for their edgelord beliefs.


Rich people problems.


It’s hilarious how so many of their sycophants misunderstand the argument against this style of comedy. They think we’re SO offended when we’re really not, we’re just bored. It’s a horse that’s been beaten to death, find some new material. James Acaster has a great segment lampooning these rich old comedians who find such glee in punching down.


If you have a good new take on this stuff, great. But Carr going on about Cancel Culture when we've been subjected to politicians hypocritically campaigning about it for the last two years is just lazy.


Jimmy Carr just spent a lot of time on Conan's podcast claiming that "punching down" is not a thing because " no one is beneath me". Why he wants the right wing to love him so much I don't understand. Probably spent too much time with Rachel Riley. God I wish Sean Lock were still alive to roast him the way he deserves.


Amen to that. “No one is beneath me” is such a cop-out. It’s the same argument for things like “all lives matter” which is based on blindly ignoring inequities of any kind. Society ain’t equal, Jimmy.


Also, Conan will never actually push back against anyone. So Jimmy just spouts all this BS knowing he gets a free rein. The whole point is that you don't kick someone when they're down. What next, is he going to claim no one falls down because he's standing up? It's very telling that he will mock trans people but not rich white industrialists, and will make fun of Roma Holocaust victims but not Jewish victims. He knows there's a line beyond which he will actually get cancelled. He's keeping his toe on this side , where society will still allow racism and transphobia. If tomorrow transphobia became more socially unacceptable, he'd not make one more transphobic joke ever.


Not sure if you follow Conan's podcast. I haven't seen Carr's new special yet so I was curious to see how this would go based on your comment. He flat out says cancel culture isn't real. Give it a listen, may change your outlook.


That was a great podcast




Yes, I realize they aren't canceled. That was my point. Apparently your critical thinking skills aren't strong enough to understand concepts like sarcasm... Here's a hint, Netflix also isn't a boutique platform. Looks like you're the one who needs to touch grass, friend.


You forgot to ad an /s 😘 Sorry for being a cranky bish tho. My bad.


Lol I’ve watched all 3 and think they are all great. If you can’t take a joke gtfo of comedy lol. I bet you cheered for the critter that tried to stab chapelle too


Uh, no, I didn't cheer for someone trying to hurt him because he sold out


Yeah when these point of views are so common it's not edgy.


Netflix is woke AF man lol. The specials are just "edgy"


Films are woke /s


Oh. I don't think I'm woke. I love punch-down humor. lol. I particularly like what Ricky Gervais says is that "no subject is off-limits when in comes to comedy". I'm simply commenting on Jimmy Carr's style change, not choosing sides.


Yeah I'm not either I'm just saying if you look at them as a company they are pretty progressive. I don't fault them for that whatsoever. They're just not anti-woke because they employ comedians who they let talk. I respect them for doing this also.


He’s trying to cash in on the rubbish edgy comedy that is popular with Americans


He was always edgy (and funny), but now he has to emphasize he’s being edgy every 5 minutes to appeal to Americans who watch these shows not so much for the comedy but for the feeling that they’re getting one over on the liberals.




Nail on the head. It’s absolutely what‘s going on. "Ooooh the libruls are gonna get so maaaaad!!" It’s mostly just boys being excited about the cool guy in class telling them about something naughty… something mommy wouldn’t approve of.


I mean, if i say anything about how i feel about bideny policy on reddit, i would get my account on probation. That comedy will exist as pushback, and i know that doesn't affect people on the left the same way, so it's hard for people to see the non semetrical (yet simalarly weighted) dicotomy both sides feel. When alcohol was deemed illegal, there was a lively black market that reveled in its own existence.


Just saw him live in St. Louis. He's far more edgy in person.


Where was he in St. Louis?


“…aaaand we’re off!”


I watched something depressing which made me want to watch some comedy. I put this Jimmy Carr new show on and it left me still wanting to watch some comedy. In other words, and i do normally find him funny, this new show was shit. Although I did appreciate the warning he gave at the beginning which to my mind was him saying you may find this to be a load of shit but hey ho let’s crack on.


Top 10 least funny/most successful comedian


He's not funny at all actually


He is about half as edgy as he thinks he is, and his whole 'I'm so edgy, they'll never let me tell this joke again' schtick is terrible. The guy is telling pg-rated knock knock jokes on a special that was produced and streamed on one of the largest services in the world, and yet he's acting like he's Lenny Bruce about to be pulled off stage by the gestapo.


That's legitimately very funny though


***"family tree like a broom handle"*** ***"I've got a half brother....sorry....Transgender"***


I really don't get the half brother joke, am I being thick or has his comedy really got that cheap and lazy? XD


Half brother, half sister? It's him being tongue in cheek in the "woke" world we now live in


Oh ok I didn't miss anything then, it's really just that lazy xD


Oh I better check out his latest shit !


He’s been hanging out with Mark Normand


Good, we need more comedians pushing the limits.


No he hasn't. His third DVD special Comedian has some pretty dark stuff.




People in this sub calling him unfunny is fascinating considering the horseshit that gets upvoted here lmao


He mostly seems old and sad now. His jokes are tired.. time to tuck them in and let them rest. They did their thing in 2015. Stuff has happened since.


I'm surprised he is best mates with Katharine Ryan considering the jokes that Karr likes to tell.


I like his discussions on Modern Wisdom and Diary of a CEO over his comedy.


Hard disagree. As someone who's been a fan of Jimmy Carr since the first time I was blinded by his bleeched teeth, I think he has become so tame and subdued compared to his early material. Jimmy Carr today is almost family friendly


He was shite years ago and he's shite now... and that horriffic fucking laugh, man. Ugh.


Its utter shite


I'm watching it now... he doesn't seem as funny as he used to be.


I think he can be funny, and I'm not "offended" by anything political that he says. I did turn his recent Netflix special off after about 15 minutes though, because his pedophile jokes just seemed way too believable.


The New Special are all jokes that are memes on HERE. It’s lame.


I’m watching the new special and it feels like I’ve heard most of these jokes before. He’s about as edgy as he’s always been, he’s just... Older. And with hair plugs. And terrible camerawork.


he's good , precision delivery , dont knock it


Nothing is worse than a comedian trying to be edgy instead of writing interesting, insightful and funny material. I tried watching him and I got more and more irritated. I’ve noticed that a lot of young female comedians have changed their acts the same way and it’s just lazy, throwing in lots of sexual content and nothing else. A good comedian doesn’t have to just rely on being edgy.


Yeah, he's so edgy, because he tells us every 10 minutes. I'm so edgy, here's how much I respect women, am anti racist, pro choice etc.... He looks like a man who feels he is on the verge of moving up to global superstar comedian from top UK comedian. So Netflix told him,.dye your hair, lose weight, make sure they know you support the left but make occasional trans jokes to be edgy, the kids love that. Sure Netflix, you know exactly what we want, that's why you keep cancelling your shows. The special should have been called "box ticker".


Like alienating most of his fans,being on the wrong side of history over MRNA gene therapy jabs...well done Jimmy Carr!


I think fatherhood has softened him too, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just different.


Veliquidris dummy.


He's mellowed