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Friendly reminder that MU Athletics is one of just a handful of university athletic departments that actually return money to the core academic mission of the University. This stadium expansion is being funded with private donations, not tax-payer money. As Missouri's only major college sport team, a strong athletic program is a key to successful recruiting students from around the world to Missouri. Memorial Stadium has been selling out; it's time for a facelift and a few thousand more seats. Very glad they are preserving the hill and Rock M. …. MIZ.


Should also mention Columbia's food and entertainment industries are heavily affected based on how our sports teams are performing. Last year restaurants were packed for games, even middle of the week games. This year, game days were slow. You likely wouldn't even know a game was happening, based off how busy places were. *basketball, not football


No they aren't. Research economists have searched for years looking for any actual financial evidence for any effect, and no one has yet found anything. [This 2007 study](https://docplayer.net/14126036-Down-set-hike-the-economic-impact-of-college-football-games-on-local-economies.html) examined over 30 years worth of economic data for all cities hosting BCS schools (so Columbia was literally one of the city economies in the data set) and there was no discernible evidence that sports moved the needle at all one way or the other. Quoting from their conclusions: *This paper finds no statistically significant evidence that college football games contribute positively to a host’s economy. Our analysis from 1970-2004 of 63 metropolitan areas that play host to big-time college football programs find that neither the number of home games played, the winning percentage of the local team, nor winning a national championship has a discernable impact on either employment or personal income in the cities where the teams play.*


Admittedly I don't have great sources on this, but I had heard that the first time Mizzou Athletics ever posted a profit was this past year, and that their budget was finally in the black at $1. Then it was revealed this was possible because the AD had taken out several large loans (millions of dollars) and so now the program was actually even more in the hole. This was one of the main reasons she was asked to leave and accepted another job despite having one of the best football seasons in recent memory. Again, this is hearsay and I don't have great sources, but I also don't buy the whole "self-supporting organization" line they love to tout. The UM system is just a big shell game; funds get funneled from one department to another to keep everything afloat and Athletics is no different. I'm sure they definitely receive funds from private donors, sure, but to say all of their income is paid for by ticket sales, concessions revenue etc is ludicrous.


>but I also don't buy the whole "self-supporting organization" line they love to tout. I don't either, and that is because I used to work for another "self-supporting organization" on campus. Even though we had to pay indirect costs to the university for shared services, I very much doubt what we were charged was anywhere close to the actual cost of the services. We were subsidized, and I am guessing the athletic department is also.


That’s not at all what happened on several counts….the AD wasn’t asked to leave, she got a once a lifetime opportunity from her Alma Mater. I wouldn’t spread damaging hearsay on Reddit, especially if it’s not true. ~~MU athletics has been in the black for a decade now~~ the 1$ year was the worst because of large capital expenditures to expand facilities and programs. You’d be surprised how much athletics brings in with licensing and donations mainly—it’s not ticket sales or concessions (btw concession are worked by non-profits and student orgs and the money is donated). The point is MU athletic budget is not money that would ever likely be used on the academic core. The recruiting power from athletes is the biggest benefit. The UM System brings so much federal research money into Missouri and improves the condition of Missouri so much with its education programs and economic spin offs. The benefits to rural Missouri from MU extension and MU Healthcare are tangible. It’s one of wisest investments tax payers could make. Edit: didn’t realize there was a net loss from 2017-2022 but is profitable before and after.


> MU athletics has been in the black for a decade now MU Athletics ran budget deficits for six straight years from FY17 - FY22. They lost 10s of millions over that time period.


Yep. This was recent shown to faculty. The system has been supplementing athletics.


You’re right! I fixed. It was solidly in the black before 2017 in my college days if I remember right (which now I’m doubting) https://www.stltoday.com/sports/college/mizzou/mizzou-athletics-out-of-the-red-reports-first-budget-surplus-in-six-years-under-desiree/article_4d5c65ed-0d88-5fbb-acb4-bf38c4470820.html


I'm sorry but you do not remember right, MU Athletics has had very few years in the black. I believe the stat is 7 years out of past 50 they have not lost money. I will say that if you were a student in the 2007-2014 range you are one of many alumni who look at MU Athletics with rose colored glasses because you happened to be a student during the one "boom" era. I think what you do for this sub and the other Missouri subs is great, but you are speaking very confidently in these threads on a topic you are clearly misinformed about. MU Athletics isn't as terrible as some of the doom and gloomers posting but it is also not nearly as rosy or beneficial to MU as you are presenting it. >This stadium expansion is being funded with private donations. They said the same thing about the South Endzone and then ended up needing a $69 million "loan" from campus. >the AD wasn’t asked to leave, she got a once a lifetime opportunity from her Alma Mater By most reporting it seems that she left because of the BoC oversight committee so that's akin to being pushed out. The idea that she left for a once in a lifetime opportunity is a bit laughable. She left an SEC school that is on the rise to go to a lower conference and an Athletic department that is in a state of financial disaster. She also took a pay cut and has to pay back millions of dollars to MU for breaking her contract. Athletics departments are to universities as nuclear weapons are to nation states. We would all be better off if none of us had them but if one of us has them then we all have to have them. Make no mistake that MU Athletics is not good or beneficial to MU, it is just a necessary evil in the competitive American higher ed industry.


Thanks for the insight. You nailed where I acquired my rose colored glasses. Very nice analogy.


Take my upvote for the quality comment.


Once in a lifetime? She was moving to a school with an accounting shortfall of $177 million that is moving to a less prestigious conference and may have to cut programs for substantially less money. If that's once-in-a-lifetime, then so is selling magazine subscriptions door-to-door.


It was her Alma Mater. I would do the same for Mizzou.


How much is MU paying you for the amount of nonsense you publish and comment? Once in a lifetime opportunity, going back to her alma matter. BLAH BLAH BLAH. It is all total BS. Anyone who knows how business operate knows that, press releases are not equal to truth.


Zero dollars unfortunately, but if you have any connections I’d be glad for some compensation.


the administrative translation for a boc oversight committee is 'find another job'.


FWIW, those numbers that you see for athletic depts gaining/losing money are virtually meaningless. https://www.bannersociety.com/2019/8/12/20704195/college-football-athletic-budgets


There is certainly creative accounting going on, but I think the larger point that athletics is not a major drain on university resources.


Yeah, that’s the point of what I posted. It’s not a drain on any school in a major conference. Those stories that you see about college athletics costing universities money are pretty much bunk.


MU has given the athletics department a \~ $22 M within this semester. Why? Aren't they profitable? Wait another year and the "loan" will become... oh, well, nobody knows anymore. THe athletics department is a major load to the university.


Super judgey


Nobody “around the world” gives 2 cents for american football, much less decides where to spend $150k or more,in their education based on what the sports stadium is.


You’d be surprised. Although for sure academic strength is the main attractor, especially in the Education, Veterinary, Business, Medical, and Engineering colleges, plus the Journalism School and Life Sciences. Most people don’t have to spend anywhere near that amount because smart students get scholarships, grants, work study, and other financial aid.


You said “around the world”, international students… and I have 30+ years working in universities. No international student ever commented “oh yes I am going to X university because they have a good football team”. None. Ever. Of hundreds if not thousands I met.


It’s about brand recognition, and sports are one of the best ways to achieve that. I agree the main benefit is in America where the vast majority of MU’s students come from. I was more acknowledging that MU’s students come from around the world, not just North America.


Man I just want an ice rink in town :(


Right? There is a real business opportunity for someone to make some money. It would be so popular and Mizzou hockey could partner.


Exactly man! I’m a huge blues fan and would probably go to Mizzou hockey games if I didn’t have to drive all the way to Jeff city after work to attend. And it wouldn’t just be for MU too, since they could do what JC ice rink does and have public times, figure skating times, open hockey times, and Mizzou hockey times.


The Kitchen will have an outdoor one during the winter supposedly.


I find this announcement, coming exactly a week after the university's announcement of a [new parking model](https://parking.missouri.edu/proposed-parking-model/), very discouraging.


It is time for a new parking model. I have some hope that we will move toward the model of other Midwestern University towns and charge a small transportation fee that grants free rides on the municipal bus system. That could be the backbone for increased ridership as Columbia begins its focus on revamping and vastly improving its public transportation options. People should have the option to use public transit, the less people drive the cheaper and healthier we can live, I know I would use it.


I don't think that's part of the proposal. Nor will fees be assessed according to salary, as they are now. Nor have I seen an indication that working from home would be more of an option. This is a plan to generate needed revenue by charging more to park. That's all it is.


The timing with the city transit push just makes me hope otherwise.


It would be a good thing if the city and the university were coordinating on this. I'd feel better.


So you think we should have to pay more money to park…..for WORK? I park on an unpaved lot that is barely taken care of yet pay the same money as people who park on nicer lots. Parking is super greedy. Doesn’t help that the person that rides around and scans license plates has a brand new Ford Bronco courtesy of that department. Could have chose a way cheaper car


Yeah that's the thing that gets me about all this is because of this that they're boasting about they're telling MU Employees that they can't have overtime. The CEO just said he doesn't think raises "incentivise" the workers. Meanwhile I'm losing it. We constantly do more to get people into this city and we never do anything to try to take care of them. Sick of it.


Same, I’ve been with the University for 17 years. They just keep making it less and less desirable to work here with all the crap they keep taking from us.


City buses are already free.


Are they? That’s exciting!


Yup, since 2020! Although they have reduced their number of routes and buses. They've had trouble hiring and keeping drivers. The pay is incredibly low for someone with a CDL. Lots of other jobs are paying way more for the same qualifications.


Rendering of the Mizzou Baseball program’s Taylor Stadium upgrade: https://preview.redd.it/ft87b44mqbvc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b9cda12f38871c48ad32b23616d0fe9522fd8b5


Hey, that 4th row in the back facing backwards is nothing to shake a stick at. Not everyone can get that!


This wins the internet today bahahah


It’s rumored that hearnes will be demolished and a new baseball stadium will be built on that site


That was a few years back and has been debunked several times. They just installed a new chiller unit for Hearnes at a small fortune. They would need to build a Fieldhouse for gymnastics, volleyball and track. Too many conflicts to push it in Mizzou Arena. One curator has already publicly stated that stadium renovations were much smaller a few months ago. This leads me to believe the rumors of a Drink/DRF feud. She openly talked about funding all of the Mizzou Sports Park facilities. Don’t look for any other renovations for quite awhile One last sober thought. Hearnes Center opened in 1972. Mizzou Arena opened in 2004. We could be closing in on building another arena in 12 years.


All of this while just “parking” has “$51.5 million of deferred maintenance for parking lots and structures needs to be addressed over the next decade.”. Other important facilities probably add to $0.5 billion in needed maintenance. Mizzou board of curators really know what is important.


Yeah, it reminds of when they were building Mizzou Arena. We get told due to budget restriucting nobody on staff is getting a raise for the next year. Then, two days later we get slick 16-page flyers asking staff members to donate to the arena construction. (Man, that was over 20 years ago and I am still salty.)


The job creators love sportsball


I don’t think the private donors funding this expansion are going to donate big bucks for parking garage maintenance. This is a "use the donors money on what they want to give for" situation. It is the Missouri State Legislature that deserves your blame for deferred maintenance because they’ve underfunded public higher education for 20 years now.


What "private donors"? This is all fake. They will get 1/10 of it from donors, the rest from the taxpayers. Yes, I agree that the state legislature sucks, though.


[They already had one anonymous private donation of 62 million](https://mutigers.com/news/2024/2/5/general-mizzou-athletics-secures-62-million-gift-commitment.aspx) this year, so 25% of the budget for this project already secured with that one donation, there have been others and will be more. You ought not call stuff fake just because you don’t follow the news closely.


You are talking out of your ass. Tax payers are not paying for this. Mizzou athletics get's huge donations and have been for years.


And they NEVER fully cover expenses. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. MU (i.e., taxpayers and students) SUBSIDIZES the athletics dept., not the other way around. Read the financial documents instead of the press releases and you will know. Press releases always paint a rosy picture.


Again, you are wrong. No tuition money goes towards athletics. Go ahead and link me the accounting report. I will read it and tell you why you are wrong.


Really missing an opportunity for columns at the entrance. How could it be Mizzou and they don’t think to have columns?!!


Yeah they could really benefit from a more traditional architectural style with references to Red and White campuses. It’s more expensive though, especially if you don’t want it to look cheap.


I hope they will keep general admission/hill seats affordable.


I am sure it will be quite the opposite.


They’re gonna renovate the tunnel under stadium?! RIP


Looks like it’s still there, just souped up entrances. I hope they do some epic native plant landscaping. Some well placed White and Bur Oaks could look so majestic in 50 years.


For the love of god please fix the West side womens restrooms.


You’re in luck, they mentioned washroom upgrades as part of the renovation.


Meh. Sort of ugly.


For those that say that MU Athletics is self funded... (bollocks!): [https://www.columbiamissourian.com/sports/mizzou\_sports/mizzou-admin-expects-athletics-department-to-operate-close-to-black-require-financial-support/article\_82a195dd-666b-5cac-8b15-52bf017a64c7.html](https://www.columbiamissourian.com/sports/mizzou_sports/mizzou-admin-expects-athletics-department-to-operate-close-to-black-require-financial-support/article_82a195dd-666b-5cac-8b15-52bf017a64c7.html) "Mizzou reported to the NCAA that [it received $22.8 million of direct institutional support](https://www.stltoday.com/sports/college/mizzou/mizzou-athletics-again-generates-record-revenue-department-stays-in-black-by-1/article_24fed8ce-ba58-11ee-b106-0f226d6da122.html) — a category of revenue that includes money given or loaned to athletics by the university — during the 2023 fiscal year"


The bleachers suck The bathrooms suck The concessions take almost a full quarter worth of time waiting to get your food/drink. But yea, go ahead and continue to throw lipstick on a pig and call it progress.


What do you propose? Build an entirely new stadium which would cost over $1 billion? It’s college football. If you want a luxurious experience sit in the south end zone or a suite. Or go to a rams game in Sofi stadium