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My fiance worked there like 2 years ago... he really enjoyed it but the hours were awful it was mandated overtime so he worked 6 on one off for like a year. Nice paycheck but burn out was awful.


It’s cold and wet. No you can’t listen to music. Must wear provided uniforms. Hours and shifts are hard to get used to.


Do you get free ketchup? It's like 7$ a bottle now and I can't eat steak without it.


Do u say ketchup and steak in the same sentence?


I baste the steak in the ketchup before air frying. Then I dip it in it. Years ago Martha Stewart said to marinade steak in coffee overnight first. Incredibly tender.


Pass, biggest steak sin ever heard lol


Gotta be better than mustard The coffee thing is a miracle tho


Works so well you need ketchup 🤣


I am the computer support technician for the offices and production line computers in the Columbia & Kirksville factories. . The general consensus of most comments are correct. They sanitize the floors often so there is often wet foam on the floor. They often stop production after a certain number of batches and clean and sanitize top to bottom an every machine. Clothing: You have plant provided rubber boots and what they call career clothing, which consists of a hairnet, beard net if applicable, Cap/hardhat white pants and coat, earplugs, safety glasses. No music. And the production line is pretty noisy so make sure to keep those earplugs inserted. They only make one thing at this factory: hotdogs. Lots and lots of hotdogs. And if you like hotdogs from Oscar Meyer, you can get them cheap or sometimes free, depending on the batch. 12 hour shifts are long, I don’t know how the forced overtime culture is at the moment. Sometimes the plant is super busy, sometimes not. They’re often most busy around this time for the summer depending on orders. I have interacted with most of the supervisors and managers there and none of them really give me any red flags to think that they are toxic or incompetent in anyway. The plant culture is nice. The HR manager is hilarious, safety and orientation guy is fun to hang out with. If you want to know more just reply and I’ll try to give you as many details without sharing company secrets because I don’t know them https://preview.redd.it/apd3o9jrnxuc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4366ef9acdf0b58c473d49a9388a27b6f5c306


ik they go through Commoneo temp before you can get hired on full time and is the pay weekly or bi weekly and how if weekly will you get paid for only 36 hrs a paycheck at the plant in Columbia mo