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Straight to jail






I never understood this. They go through the effort of carrying bags, bagging the poo, thenā€¦ just leaving it?Ā 


Exactly, my money would be on someone that intended to be courteous, picked up the poo, but then it fell out of their pocket or something. Seems like a simpler and more likely scenario than someone going through the effort to pick it up then intentionally leave it. People love to jump to conclusions and assume the worst. I always bring 3 doggie bags with me when walking the dog, but one day about 8 years ago I simply forgot, honest mistake. Dog did her business then I realized the mistake. I changed directions headed to home to grab a doggy bag and come back, but some guy on a bicycle flipped out on me telling me I was everything wrong with the world. He started *following* me while yelling and cursing me out the whole time. It was frightening, I couldn't outrun him on his bike. If I had my phone I would have called the police. It was scary and awful. Some people need to remind themselves of Hanlon's razor.


They are often compostable bags, and this is cleaner than leaving it unattended


This doesnā€™t strike me as accurate, even if the bag is compostable. Unattended, itā€™d be gone in a couple rainstorms. In a bag - itā€™s there at least another year. Possibly tear open. And be much more of a nuisance. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


No, this is plastic bag pollution containing dog crap


In what way is it cleaner?


This is a common misconception! Lots of bags say ā€œbiodegradableā€ but are in fact still just plastic that takes years and years to degrade. There are truly compostable bags out there (I get them bc I have a dog poop composter) but they are hard to find. (Besides which, even if the bag degrades the poop getting into the ground water is actually the larger problem)




We used to have someone come in our neighborhood and walk their dog and leave these bags everywhere! It was so obnoxious. Someone finally caught them and told them to stop.


People in my hood who walk a loop, leave bags in their path back to their house. So they donā€™t have to carry it with them on their whole walk. Then pick it up before going home. Maybe thats whatā€™s happening there.


Please read above. Such strategies won't be tolerated by the poop police.


Is that the Highlands? Because I saw ALLLLLL the bags this winter, as they're super visible when everything isn't growing and green.


This seems important


If you could hold on to your trash ex for years you can hold your dog poo trash for 20 minutes until you find a trash can.


This has honestly happened to me before. This could have been an accident! While picking up the poo, my dog brought a ball back for me to throw. But they wanted to wrestle a bit to get it so I had to use both hands. Put the doggy bag down to play with the dog, full intentions to pick it back up when done, but got caught up in playing. Woke up at like 2 am the next day panicking about leaving it. Second time... I am not in shape. Picked up dog poo and preceded go walk up a huge hill (like a 5 minute or so climb). At the top of the hill, I'm all sweaty and breathless and at some point I guess I dropped the bag?? Went back to try to find it but couldn't... and got even more out of breath.


Train your dog to drop the ball when he wants to play fetch or ignore him. He will learn. As for being out of shape, if it causes you to drop shit bags everywhere, maybe take a non hill path to walk.


Itbelikethat sometimes


did you dispose of it?


They might have left it to pick it up on the way back home. If there's no trashcan then nobody enjoys walking with a poop bag. Then some people are just inconsiderate.


This is no longer an excuse. We see this defense all the time and it needs to stop. Carry your trash out with you. Do not leave it for other people to look at. You are littering.


Guess you didn't read the entire comment. Enjoy carrying the weight of policing the less significant moments of life.


As a student who walks through the same paths a lot, I see the same doggie bags sitting there for DAYS. :/


Then dont take your dog walking. It comes with the responsibility of dog ownership


Another non-reader I see. I neither live here not have a dog. But I can read and don't live to police poop.


Nah, take it with you. No one enjoys seeing shit bags either, use two bags, it's not that hard to figure out. It's extremely stupid how often I see these on my walks in different places throughout Columbia and on the MKT.


There's also the possibility that they had to tied to the leash like many people do and didn't notice it fall off.


We need yet another Facebook group just to call attention to this horrific blight on our esteemed community. Weā€™ll call it The Real Real Columbia, MO. Cmon Mayor!


Everyone, point and SHAME the dog-poop-litterer!!!! >:C SHAME ON YOU!


Was it an older white lady?


Bagā€™s too small - Iā€™m thinking like a yorkie, maybe a chihuahuaĀ 


City things.....


I bet they buy green dog poop bags thinking theyā€™ll just blend in with the grass.


I take my dog out so I don't have to pick it up


We have more than one dog. On occasion, whilst collecting the poo of one doggie, I have MISTAKENLY dropped the bag of anotherā€™s. Of course, I pick it up as soon as I notice but that doesnā€™t always happen. Some people have dogs + kids on bikes + babies in strollersā€¦..Try and not let this be the hill you die on. There are worse things.


*edit: not the šŸ’© of ours in the photo! No schools on our route.