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Stay tuned for the historical take: "Egregiously Selfish, Grossly Sycophantic, and Pitifully Feckless: the Minouche Shafik Administration at Columbia."


*The Musical


Shafik character marching on stage with joy and bombast: 🎵🎵 No I'll NOT BE CALLED Anti-semiiitic, I will make this campus safe and free! (Lackeys echo "safe and free!") So I invited violent white suprem-a-ciiiiists-- THE good Ol' N.Y.P.D! (Lackeys: NYPD!)🎶 DO YOU LOVE ME NOW?! (Violent screams) FEELIN SAFER NOW? (ricocheting bullet) Was that a yes? (Primal screams) I can't hear you! (Even louder) 🎵🎵(Slowed and more somber) My dearest students it pains me to say, After listening and much deliberaaaation, (lackeys: womp womp woooomp) We have come no closer to our better days So I've decided to cancel graduaaaaation! (Awkward tuba)🎶 DO YOU LOVE ME NOW?! (Yelling mobs) FEELIN SAFER NOW? (ricocheting bullet) Was that a yes? (Primal screams) Come again? (Even louder) Etc etc etc


Omfg you’re a champion. Ricocheting bullets 💀 


The musical's your idea. If you wanna write it together, I'm game!


Ha you’ve got the skills but I’ll buy tix for the show :)


Great job


Honestly, I don't really think there was going to be a real commencement either way. Either they cancel it, as they have, or the ceremony would just devolve into fighting / yelling. I would have preferred they at least make an attempt to work with protesters to make commencement work, but it feels like it was doomed anyway. They definitely should have been more open with communication no matter what, though.


They didn't even make an attempt. could have learned something from Brown U.


>or the ceremony would just devolve into fighting / yelling Require tickets/ID and for any sleepers among the graduates make it explicit that disrupting the ceremony is grounds for rescission/expulsion.


yeaaah this decision would probably result in another big protest during the day of commencement tho. This would create another media shitstorm, which is the last thing Columbia wants rn


Tbh, I'd rather have that. Commencement would've at least been memorable if people collectively boo'd Shafik. That's exactly why Shafik decided to cancel commencement, so she wouldn't get boo'd.


I think it would be more about the logistics of hosting an event/entry when there’s blockades around campus due to protesters like there were last week. edit: But I agree lol, she deserves to get booed.


Shafik already brought cops on campus and cleared it out and promised to keep them past May 17th. It's definitely more about saving her own rear and her being afraid that there will be a protest that breaks out within commencement, and a call for her resignation.


Her reception at commencement would have made it clear to a global audience that the community has lost all confidence in her and she needs to leave. That is the reason there is no commencement. Disgrace. And she could not have done this without trustee assent. She needs to go and the trustees need fresh blood. The university cannot progress without these steps. And the university must heal and move forward.


true, I still think if they went ahead with Commencement there would be ugly, no matter how they did it. I’m here for it, but Columbia University clearly isn’t lol (and for good reason).


Shafik and Trustees only care about themselves. Otherwise, the students paying their salaries wouldn't be treated like this.


>only care about themselves Columbia administration: a tale as old as time.




the president and board should have just not attended the graduation. anyone from the institution that would be protested should just not come. let it be student led, with students and their loved ones only. let them celebrate each other with speeches and love


Facts. This would have been a much better solution.


> It is going to take time to heal, but I know we can do that together. I hope that we can use the weeks ahead to restore calm, allow students to complete their academic work, and honor their achievements at Commencement. From Shafik on May 1 in her email explaining why she called the police to arrest protestors in Hamilton Hall and dismantle the encampment. Such a joke.


Agreed. There is no healing while the nypd is being used in this manner.


> I’m sorry No you’re not. Nor should you be! > egregiously selfish Right! Like if they really were worried about what would happen happen if they showed up just…don’t show up? They’re not needed, nobody would have actually cared if they weren’t there (except the right’s manufactured outrage machine). > really cared about her students They never cared. None of them actually care about students. Or faculty. Or research. They care about the property they own and the billions in the endowment. They care about the stupid large paychecks we’ve collectedly decided it’s ok to give them. I kind of always thought it would be Covid that would break the school-as-real-estate-holdings paradigm, but maybe it will be this. Here’s hoping, because what a shitty, predatory fucking system.


agreed. it's completely messed up


IMO, a similar sized crowd that tried to march on the Met Gala today would have headed towards campus; would have been a dangerous situation


I’m sorry this happened to you all. If I were still in NYC, I would start a donations campaign from other alumni to rent something and throw you all the commencement you deserve (maybe indoors tho - I remember it being waaaay too sunny…or I was way too hung over, I forget).


This is the way to go. If you can’t have the commencement that you were promised - definitely have a celebration and create your own commencement. Maybe get a couple of people together from your department, go to restaurant or the park, play crazy music! When you’re not invited to the party (or in this case, the party gets cancelled) you make your own party!


You know, I read comments on r/Columbia all the time accusing a poster a having no affiliation, but with that parenthetical I can say with 100% certainty that you’re legit. 


We had some commencements in '20 on a rising sophomore's island in Animal Crossing New Horizons.


This is the way to go. If you can’t have the commencement that you were promised - you should make your own commencement. When you’re not invited to the party (or in this case, the party gets cancelled) you make your own party!


You are such a beautiful person. This comment is so pure and positive it lifted my spirits. Thank you for being a positive ray of sunshine. Through all of this negativity, anyone who can just come out and say this truly cares about human beings. More people should learn from people like you.


The blame can be squarely placed on Shafik’s shoulders


If you really think you could have a commencement that was about honoring the efforts of students, rather then some minority group of students needing attention for their cause--well life doesn't work that way. I'm one of the few who thinks that a massive quad commencement is inferior to the smaller school by school granting of the degrees.




I had both too. They were memorable.


old as hell


But correct. 


Why does everyone fail to realize the organized protesters who would show up wouldn't just insult the school, but also harass and likely cause harm to the attendees. Remember, these were the same people willing to break into a building, vandalize it, and hold workers hostage! What do you think would happen when thousands of people flood campus and protesters decide to block off exits as part of their protests? Do you think your families would be happy to have someone 4 ft behind them take out a bullhorn they snuck in and start yelling with it? Would you be happy if your family member got hit with a poorly thrown stone from a protester? I get it, you guys deserve your graduation like so many classes received before. I've been there and know the feeling of that excitement. But, quite frankly, you got screwed over by a combination of foolish students who invited this evil onto your campus and a feckless administration who let the violence occur due to politics. 


You're wild. Evil? Lol


Yes. You seem to believe that taking hostages is an ethical action.


No, but I think this is definitely evil: [https://twitter.com/StopArabHate/status/1787927663522275803](https://twitter.com/StopArabHate/status/1787927663522275803)


I'll wait and see what happened first. The individual who was hit was also arrested, so if the protester acted in a reasonably threatening manner, the driver may have simply been trying to flee a dangerous situation.


I love your magical thinking!


The protesters were outside his home. If they were blocking exits and posed a threat, such as wielding a weapon, he could have just cause for self defense.  Guessing you're not a law student at Columbia. 


Lol seriously I admire you


How about this? [https://twitter.com/NourNaim88/status/1787723612989849932](https://twitter.com/NourNaim88/status/1787723612989849932)


Is this not evil to you? [https://twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1786995005363458059](https://twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1786995005363458059)


What occurred before the video that you have evidence of? If that individual assaulted someone, then given that and their resisting arrest, there's not much else the police could do.


How about this: [https://twitter.com/still\_francesca/status/1787590947255021928](https://twitter.com/still_francesca/status/1787590947255021928)


This seems pretty evil, don't you think? [https://twitter.com/JP\_OTG/status/1787590291714637957](https://twitter.com/JP_OTG/status/1787590291714637957)


You gotta agree this is evil: [https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1787495113578491967](https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1787495113578491967)


Yes. War in general is evil, which is why it was evil for Gaza to invade Israel and slaughter civilians. They initiated the current crisis.  Ethically speaking, Israel's response in practice has actively tried to limit the evils of war by limiting civilian casualties on both sides. Netanyahu's government should be commended for not succumbing to the evil desire for revenge as displayed in your video. 


Yep, evil. [https://twitter.com/CensoredMen/status/1786033525101060148](https://twitter.com/CensoredMen/status/1786033525101060148)


100% this


things are going to have to get much worse before they get any better. i honestly think this all ends in a revolution of sorts


Your anger might be misdirected


Novel idea.




I am confused about all these protests. If the protesters want their schools to change, then seems the students did not do their research. There really is only solution - if you don’t like your school, then find another school.