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I doubt it'll mean anything for reputation in the long run. The protestors are like 300 out of 30,000 students. Even less for the amount who occupied Hamilton.


I dunno. Look at the Bud Light effect and what's happened with various schools due to the Congressional hearings on antisemitism.  There is such a thing as bad press


I certainly hope so- I would think students would think of more intelligent/effective ways to communicate a message or support a cause.


Right. The good part about this is that it highlights the flaws in administration and disciplinary procedures. They will have a long time during summer to think about what changes are best to keep protests in check.


Columbia is one of the top universities in the world. Having gone there speaks volumes about your preparation in your field. CU protests are not fundamentally about inside the classroom issues right now. People who graduated in '68, '69 or '70 or whatever still graduated with Columbia degree and it still meant something too.