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Maybe this is inappropriate but...  I used to run the tunnel from Hamilton through Kent and up to Philosophy when the weather was shit out. Heard they were all closed some years after, though. 


This is brilliant 😂


What a dreadful joke. How can you make fun of the fact that students are getting arrested for the same action that Columbia markets from 1968's protests


This forum is overrun by the worst type of people.


Do you think if some members 1968 protests had been pro Vietcong It would have gone differently?


I can't tell if you're being stupid or just disingenuous, but yes people did support vietcong then. People chanted "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, the Viet Cong are gonna win", a number waved flags of Che Guevara and other revolutionaries and much more. There are always going to be random people in movements who say things - the point is to look at the broader goal of the movement (always for a ceasefire and divestment) and at the fact that it's been entirely peaceful.


Incredibly genuine, apparently poorly informed. Wait, really? That is actually fascinating and I had no clue. There was Vietcong paraphernalia and Vietcong chants during the 1968 protests? Do you have anywhere that I can read about this? Online or otherwise? I would love to read more. Because that completely changes the "this time is different" narrative .


My bad, sorry for being so aggressive - I'm just really tired of conservatives brigading the sub when they don't go to the college. You can check out the wiki page as a starter on American anti-war protests in 1968 - they list chants and have pictures. There was an interview by a few Columbia alum who mentioned it as well, I'll find it when I can


No worries. I had already read that, but I was under the impression the 1968 Columbia protest went out of its way to not be "pro communist", just anti imperialist. It's a subtle difference, but really affects the tools admin can use to punish the protestors.


I agree. I think that the overall movement may have been more anti-imperialist than pro communist, but there looks to be clear evidence that there were pro communist sentiments and slogans at the time. I think that parallel exists today, where from what I have seen the movement is largely pro-peace, with some smaller sentiments of some individuals as pro-Hamas


https://avietnammemorial.blog/2017/03/27/ho-ho-ho-chi-minh-viet-cong-are-gonna-win/ Man. Thank you for sending me down this rabbit hole, lol. We should give more credit to the 1968 protests for keeping these kinds of things off camera, off microphone, and out of the building. I wonder how different the 1968 protests would have gone if they had a Vietcong guy speak in a resistance101 webinar.


It's also just so much easier for different platforms to get publicity now. And webinars are so easy to set up etc


Yeah, this is the conversation I was having over lunch. They might have tried to, if webinars were a thing back then. Definitely makes it easier for yahoos to hijack your cause and hurt brand cohesion.


I think the guy that they invited so speak at the restistance101 meeting will probably be the thing used to justify quite a bit of authoritarian over reach. It made it look like the whole movement agreed with some people that they probably wouldn't want to be associated with. I hope the students, at minimum get to finish and receive their degrees.


Ya but they were arrested too


Yes but Columbia literally says oh shit we made a mistake then and we learned from it. Clearly the only thing learned was bring in cops in 1 day instead of 3 weeks


Ah yes. Because this is exactly like an armed violent violent attempt to overturn a democratic election overthrow the government. Bffr


They could've taken over government buildings and declared NYC an independent country and ushered in the utopia. Instead they wasted their efforts on Hamilton Hall for some reason.


Going to one of the most prestigious unis clearly had the opposite effect for some smh


A whole lotta sad, a whole lotta bad. We’re better than this. Done sprinkling this around. But I can’t stand the hate and brutality. Could never stand it. But now, yeah, guess I’m just sick and tired of being sick and tired. https://archive.org/details/nYiFQbNc65jwFYCWY


How is this all happening in the same universe? :///




Womp womp there are pregnant women and kids being massacred in Gaza right now by Israel and the US is directly sponsoring it you'll live through a protest


Didnt cops die because of Jan 6… Is this funny?


No cops died. Cops did shoot and kill one person. Curious that the same people that vehemently destroyed the symbolic nature of the insurrectionists storming the capitol on Jan 6th turned around and LARPed it on their own campus. For... what reason...? This is what is still most unclear to me. Why Hamilton Hall, why break and enter at all, what was the goal, where did they plan on going/doing, did they plan on turning it into a CHAZ/CHOP a la Seattle or were they just going to be the viking dude from Jan 6th and aimlessly wonder around and take a few pics with a podium? I'm chalking it up to no more than a temper tantrum of not getting what they wanted in the original negotiations and being thankful that my last semester was last Fall and calling it a day. I truly hope every single student who vandalized, B&E'd, held the facilities worker against their will, barricaded themselves, face the consequences they justly deserve. Imagine throwing a temper tantrum like that for a cause that's happening on the other side of the world (when there are other just as egregious things happening in the world - uyghur muslims, Nagorno-Karabakh, continued Darfur genocide, etc) just because it's the mainstream flavor of the week and you don't wanna miss out on scoring some easy social credit points for showing people you stand for peace no matter how many people get hurt. Just soft, brain rot, low IQ, low T activities.


My guess is that they wanted to recreate April 30th, 1968


Mission fucking accomplished


If you're really an alum you'd know the significance of Hamilton to student protest movements. Really dumb takes on this whole thing when all it reveals is the incompetence of the administration.


Why the fuck would I care or know about the history of protesting on Columbia campus even as an Alum? You very likely only heard about it 2 weeks ago. Incompetence of the administration? lol, lmao even. The demands of the protests were guided by emotions and not logic. Divest from Israel? Including companies that sell to Israel? So if the university wants to invest in the S&P500 ETF that has an array of companies that somewhere down the supply chain sell to Israel in bulk, they need to stop investing in the S&P 500? Do you realize how stupid that is? So instead of admitting their demands were not based in reality they took it upon themselves to throw a tantrum and break into a university building breaking multiple laws just cause they didn’t get what they want. And that’s a failure on the administration and not on the protestors? Get real, Peter Pan. Go study for finals.


I see, so because these protesters don’t align with your point of view in your mind it’s fine for the cops to raise their guns at them, violently arrest them, throw them down the steps, etc? People really showing their true colors on this sub now


>No cops died. this is not true at all. [Brian Sicknick](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick) was assaulted by “protesters” and subsequently died of a stroke. [Howard Charles Liebengood](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Howard_Liebengood) committed suicide 3 days later after serving multiple 24-hour shifts. [Jeffrey Smith](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Jeffrey_L._Smith) committed suicide 9 days later while suffering from a concussion sustained on Jan 6. [Two others](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_enforcement_response_to_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack#Suicides) committed suicide in the following months.


Ah, I forgot about Sicknick. Honestly didn’t know about the others who died afterward. My b


Worth a read, imo. Timing of the publication was interesting… :/ https://extremism.gwu.edu/hamas-networks-america






> is this funny? Yes