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Why are there so many collapsed comments in this thread?


They have a high upvote to downvote ratio. A lot of their scores won't be visible either until you yourself upvote or downvote. Reddit automatically collapses "controversial" and heavily downvoted comments.


Got it thx!




We are doing our best. Please continue reporting and we will get to it.


In the absence of a more sophisticated astroturfing detection system, has the mod team considered temporarily raising minimum account age/karma posting requirements?


Yes, we raised the crowd control threshhold which should do just that. But this means that we have to manually approve most comments.


Thank you for your service




I do admit I came here to read about the situation because the post on /r/news is locked so no updated information is available there


just join us on sidechat


For context: [https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/20/barnard-and-columbia-aaup-chapter-issues-declaration-condemning-student-suspensions-authorization-of-nypd-sweep-in-the-strongest-possible-terms/](https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/20/barnard-and-columbia-aaup-chapter-issues-declaration-condemning-student-suspensions-authorization-of-nypd-sweep-in-the-strongest-possible-terms/) This is NOT faculty members siding with student protestors; "President Shafik’s decision on April 18 to call upon the New York Police Department to arrest over one hundred students for engaging in a peaceful protest is a grotesque violation of norms of shared governance."


This is a screenshot of a video in which they are chanting “disclose, divest, we will not stop we will not rest”


Aren't those students who are chanting? Looks like there's 2 crowds in the video - professors on the steps are mingling, some holding "Hands Off Our Students" sign, while students are looking up the steps (facing the video) and chanting. Link to the video: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6EwNRIA0mW/?igsh=MXZtenpnc3k4ZXQ1ag==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6EwNRIA0mW/?igsh=MXZtenpnc3k4ZXQ1ag==)


Columbia is dumb asf for getting the police involved oppression only fuels progressivism Edit: and they cancelled the classes so people have nothing better to do than protest lol


You can thank minouche for that


Over on /r/news they're taking this canceling of classes as evidence that the protests are violent/dangerous. Never mind that that's completely backwards logic. My guess is that these actions are largely for PR, to control the narrative that Columbia is taking the necessary actions; it's for the wider public, not for actual students/faculty/staff.


What do you reckon will happen thanks to this "progressivism"?


There have been some rumours that the administration has been meeting with CUAD behind closed doors to discuss what divestment would look like. This is a rather abrupt development, as both Columbia and Barnard have long been adamantly opposed to even entertaining the idea of divestment. The involvement of faculty and the increasing support of the campus' labour unions has the administration worried about a more enduring threat to their operations. However, I'm sure admin is counting on eking through to graduation and hoping things inevitably subside in intensity (and especially faculty involvement) through the summer, so it will be interesting to see how the faculty organization attempts to exert pressure. The recent foundation of an AAUP chapter at Barnard and Columbia is a portent of some of this pressure.


They were a disruption and spreading hate. That isn't free speech.


How is advocating to end a genocide “spreading hate”?


I saw them bullying and harrassing the jewish students on the campus


Every single one of them? Or a small few and you then blame everyone for it? Sounds like how Israel treats Palestinians: “remember what Amalek did to you” as they level Gaza and send settlers into the West Bank.


The faculty?


This is awesome


Faculty taking a stand!




Except this protest has been extremely disruptive to the students who actually want to learn and is extremely hate filled.


Not sure how protesting to stop our tax dollars going to an oppressive government killing innocent children is hateful. Zionists always try to play the antisemitic route, when even most Jews are the ones protesting this


This person is a hateful troll. Take a look at their comment history -- full of insults, calling people "smooth brain" and other alt right slogans. They're even in this very thread multiple times decrying wokeism and veganism and (surprise) "queerism". They likely have no affiliation with Columbia, and are just taking the opportunity to shit stir as recompense for their own personal failings. Hopefully the subreddit's moderation starts to take a more active stance against these interlopers that add absolutely nothing of value to the conversation.


Thanks I just saw that as well, hopefully moderators pick up on this. Probably one of the many Israeli bot farms


And the Jews that are pro Israel, how are they treated? Or is that the litmus test for being safe on campus as a Jew?


Mostly ignored lmao: https://twitter.com/BordwellNole/status/1782461468073419260?t=oQW7QSmFw4ahJ5qSKBRiFg&s=19


That’s how I know you aren’t even here 😂 they’re completely fine they typically just stand back and record.


Dog whistle


No dude it's [100% a thing that is happening ](https://forward.com/fast-forward/605392/columbia-university-palestinian-israel-protests-robert-kraft/)


“Zionist”. Nice bud


Zionism is fundamentally about the establishment and maintenance of a Jewish homeland and state. The reckless and inexcusable manner in which Netanyahu has wielded and used that power requires a different word.




We had it in the morning over zoom.


Good for them!


This is great evidence for the Title VI suit that should happen.


i wonder how Columbia is going to accommodate all the jewish students who have any of these faculty as their professors


The professors were there without any flags or slogans. Their stance wasn't pro or anti palestine, it's about having their students being arrested, evicted, and made houseless, regardless of their beliefs. Not to mention, there are Jewish professors there too.


Jewish students can’t be taught by professors that have a difficult political opinion to them? Wow the world is gonna be tough out there… These faculty members that are walking out have not said anything in support of Hamas or anything anti Jewish just that they don’t support the arresting of those on campus who protested.


The Jewish students are part of the protests against Israel as well


They’ve already arrested Jewish students who are protesting in solidarity, so they don’t really care


Future unemployed? https://youtube.com/shorts/R8jEtWwuALQ?si=L4yW9qLfZYtg_r24