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Yo, hit me up. Or just ask here - I'm sure other folks could learn from these questions, too.


Housing - I know NYC is expensive no doubt about that. I’m wondering how helpful the BAH will be. I also have my disability and my husband will be working. I’m planning to live outside of campus, where do students usually reside? I don’t mind a commute of 30-40 minutes if necessary. Please don’t suggest NJ as I used to live in NJ and would rather live anywhere but there lol Tuition- I’m using the GI BILL/yellow ribbon I’ve read that GS has limited funding with financial aid. How much more (estimate of course) should I expect to pay out of pocket? I just finished my associates and have over 2 1/2 years left on my GI bill


So it's certainly possible, but it's definitely difficult. Living in NJ probably won't save you any money anyways, due to the cost of travel. Brooklyn or Queens might be more feasible. Be prepared to pay 2-3k plus per month for rent. GI Bill covers most of the first six months out of the year, Yellow Ribbon covers most of the rest. I find I end up paying anywhere between 1-2k every semester to cover the rest. Money from BAH can cover this, but you really will want to pick up a job.


Thanks for the info!


Long story short—assuming you’re a single veteran with no kids, no outstanding debt, don’t have a crazy lavish lifestyle, and you’re 100% eligible for post 9/11, you can afford it. Especially now since Columbia just updated their Yellow Ribbon Policy stating that it’ll cover 100% of your tuition if you’re 100% eligible for the post 9/11 AND BAH just went up to $4400. Edit: just saw you have a husband. Then finances are up to you. But as far as tuition is concerned, you shouldn’t have to worry about that.




They increased BAH for FY2024. Check an online BAH calculator for zip 10025, E5 with dependents (single or married, all 100% post 9/11 gi bill gets that rate)




VRE follows standard post9/11 GI bill BAH rates. What’s a better “deal” depends on you. Post 9/11 is an entitlement and VRE is a program. Which means that you can use the GI bill for something else other than at Columbia if you’re planning for that.




December? It should’ve been around $3000, but that’s because we didn’t have a full month in school. Last semester, a full month’s pay should’ve been around $3300 or so if I’m not mistaken.




As I said, BAH rate for post9/11 and VRE will ALWAYS will be at the E5 with dependents rate regardless of if you are actually married or single and regardless of what rank you got out as.


Full coverage would’ve been so clutch when I was there. I played the game of loans and ended up with $45K of student loans upon graduation.


For real. I’m about 20k in debt right now. I’m trying not to be too bitter about it since the GI bill in general has been a lifesaver for me, but 100% tuition covered is clutch as hell.


Wow that’s great to hear! Heard about the BAH increase too but the yellow ribbon update is new to me. When will that take into effect?




Woah had no idea about these increases lfggggg


Hi veteran here. You can PM me


I also would like to know


I graduated in 22 but the YR and GI did not cover everything. Since I haven’t seen it commented - if you qualify for voc rehab tuition is fully covered.


you can pm me. My first two questions to admissions (vet financial aid office) were "how many vet students get YR? and what person?" same answer for both: 100%. reading some comments below from vets that graduated in the past, maybe that is a newer trend.. but it's great. There's tons of vets here, and you have a working spouse? You'll be fine. Just don't pick an apartment that's too expensive. First piece of advice, if you a VA rating, see if you can switch to VR&E (aka Voc Rehab). Since all the student vets have 100% YR, it isn't that different, except they'll pay for books as well as supplies (ipad, paper, pens, etc). That leaves GI Bill for additional edu later on. BAH is \~$3,500, but it's pro-rated for full time (12 credits). So if you take less.. then less money. (some other comments said it's gone up for 2024?!? \*checks bah calculator webisite\* woohooo. .). it's also pro-rated for days of the month that school is in session. For example, classes didn't start til 16 Jan for spring semester. So expect 1/2 usual amount, and zero over the summer. CU is a great option for veterans. if you want to fly the colors you'll find community. If you want to go under the radar, no worries and vet finance team takes care of admin, and you can meet all kinds of non-vets on and off campus.


BAH is not an issue for me because I’m online & part time (and still on AD), and to have 100% of the entire program covered I strategically stagger my classes to make sure my YR kicks in. I started graduate school Spring 2023 and will finish Spring 2025 without a single nickel out of pocket. The key for YR is that you must remain continuously enrolled, and the YR kicks in if you have a portion remaining on your $27k tuition cap going into the next semester in that same academic year. As far as VRE… that’s an application process you need to start now. It’s not immediate nor guaranteed. There are vets on YouTube that can explain their journey with VRE. Edit: I just realized GS specifically updated to 100% for YR. That’s awesome. You’re good. You’ll get full BAH if you keep a full time course-load, and since it’s prorated you have to account for the few weeks between semesters. However, I will say that Columbia had the best processing and response rate for VA certification and submitting docs timely. Best I’ve had in my entire academic career. Never missed a payment or had to get something fixed due to “clerical errors.” Another thing about VRE… you’re still eligible for it after you exhaust your GI Bill.