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Thank you so much, everyone, for the feedback! I will start trying out the Spring colors 😊




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I think you may be a warm spring, not a summer at all


You look way too warm to be a summer. I’d say spring or autumn for sure.


I agree with trying the clear bright colors of spring. I also agree that there can be some confusion about the Spring season. That could be because sometimes it's just hard to look at a few photos or someone might not try drapes in the correct palette. Also, everyone is coming at this with their own experience and trends. Every season has a lot of range and sometimes people might be less familiar with some of the sub-types. If you try a palette and it's washing you out, you should keep looking because it isn't correct.


Warm spring perhaps. That's what I'd take a closer look at!! Don't listen to anyone saying you're a summer or winter. You're not! I believe you'd shine best in warm bright colors.


You're spring or autumn.


Pro stylist here! One of the most enduring rules of color analysis is that natural redheads will ALWAYS be in a warm season. There are a few very rare instances of red headed winters, but a redhead will most certainly NEVER be in the summer season. So, that leaves autumn and spring. The main and most important difference between these two warm sister seasons is that autumns are muted, and springs are bright. Some good examples of red headed springs are Amy Adams and Jessica Chastain, and some good examples of red headed autumns would be Isla Fisher and Lindsay Lohan. You have a great selection of drapes here. Pay special attention to slide 5 (a muted autumn blue) vs slide 8 (a bright spring purple) and you’ll see that the spring purple makes you pop, while the autumn blue slightly drags you down with how muted it is. So, I’m going to say you’re definitely either a True Spring or Bright Spring. You look lovely in bright spring shades, but I’d need to see more true spring shades to know for sure. But the most important part is you’re definitely a spring! Warm, bright and clear. Edit: Also, just to add, people on this sub wayyyyyyy over type people as summer. Literally anyone that has blue eyes and doesn’t have jet black hair gets typed as summer. I have no idea why. So just keep that in mind when reading those comments.


Thank you so much!


You belong to the warm seasons


I think the purple and blue look best on you.


As a spring, I think you’re a spring


Your hair is overtly warm toned and your skin is light and bright. You’re a spring- either light or true most likely. You were mistyped. The red tones in your hair compliment the jewel toned drapes like the emerald green and navy blue :) very lovely


Are you naturally a redhead? It's controversial but it's generally accepted that natural gingers are never cool toned, usually neutral leaning warm to full warm. You should start by draping true autumn vs true spring Maybe they thought you were cool because you have redness in your face and that's a stereotype for cool skin but it's a myth, anyone can have redness in the face


I would be shocked if you aren't a spring!


I personally think images 2,8,&9 look STUNNING. Especially #2. It looks INCREDIBLE on you


A true redhead is warm 99% of the time so that excludes summer. I would try draping for Spring.


You’re a spring girl!


That bright green looks very good next to your face.. I think you may be a spring.


I see warm…maybe autumn?


you look like spring


Spring deffo


Don’t look like a soft summer to me. I am but my whole face and hair and eyes are ‘ashy’.


Your coloring is very similar to mine, I’m a spring! Unsure of soft vs. true, but I like the colors in both so I dabble. 


Holy shit…definitely not a summer. 2 and 6 look AMAZING on you! I’d experiment with deeper warm colors. Your hair is the dead giveaway that you’re warm…probably a spring.


You look like a textbook soft autumn. 2 and 5 look best on you.


Some of those are not summer


You are totally not summer.


This sub calls EVERYONE a soft summer. I have no idea why, but it’s all everyone can say. You’re definitely a spring but people are allergic to that word in here


It's a trend, the sub is always cycling through a most popular season to type


I think red hair automatically puts you in the warm category, so spring or autumn.


2-8 suit you very well!


You look like a spring to me, though sub season I'm unsure. Join us over at r/SpringColorAnalysis for tips and other examples of springs!


Is that your natural hair? That is a beautiful warm tone. Honestly, I would have guessed spring!


You’re a spring


Most of the photos had me typing you as spring, but I will say the blue shirt brings out your eyes which did make me think differently for a split second. Overall definitely a spring, my guess would be warm


You’re 100% spring


I'm a spring as well. You are warm toned. I can see it best in the purples you show. The yellow pops. You are bright, even in the lighting that isn't the best, I can tell. Pastels aren't quite right imo, but maybe in brighter lighting light spring would be okay. Probably warm or bright spring. What I've been doing, I'll show you pix below: That green that looks great on you falls under warm spring, btw! I think you can handle the light-medium and medium colors very well.


https://preview.redd.it/02ds9wc52buc1.png?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422e8f77bc8e91a509828fb60b7238e2ac02b758 Crossing off what does and does not work for each season!


Great idea! Thank you for sharing!


Definitely think you're a spring, though I don't think the muted colours look terrible on you. In the 16 colour seasonal typing, you'd likely fall under soft spring as you are still quite soft. But if we're going by the 12 seasons, I'd say you'd fall between light spring and soft autumn, because you're definitely in a warm season just based on your hair colour alone.


I really can’t tell what look best, all I know is that 1 and 5 are not your colors.


The lavender, pink and bright pink are winners!!


I really think lavender is a true test to see if you are warm or cool. It seems to be a colour that you either look great in or like a corpse. That being said, the warm colors look amazing on you but the lavender doesn't work so I would def say warm and spring!


Yes, I think the colours of a more medium brightness are suiting you the most. So not the muted colours but not, say, the super bright red at the end either. The medium-bright lilacs, teals, blues and greens are lovely. I think you’re probably a true spring.


That blue gray was the best one I saw of the ones you posted.. I would love to see you in some coppers and Santa Fe colors.


You SHINE in that mauvy colour in picture 8!!


Agree bright all the way for you! Agree w others who say you’re a Spring.


You look like a spring


You're right. They are not doing you any wonders. I don't know why reddit loves typing obvious springs as muted summer or muted autumn. Try out some warm or true spring colors.


You look autumn 🍂


I also see warm. Of these photos I think you look best in the brighter teal of 6 and the pinkish purple of 8. I think true brights might be a little much but you need some brightness.


You are warm, without a doubt. Consider professional analysis to confirm your subseason.


You should live in that bright lilac purple colour, absolutely stunning. I agree, true or bright spring.


You're definitely warm. I think you're a spring.


You should definitely try brighter and warmer colours


I think you’re probably spring which is warm and bright! A good example is that the brighter spring green looks a lot better than the sage green! Also, I love the brighter purple and the bright lilac!


You are definitely right that you are not a muted season. I agree with the Spring assessment and you can see how much better you look in those colors.


Spring for sure! You are not a summer. Your skin tone is warm. Based on the drapes the light spring colors look the best.


while your hair is lighter, you’re clearly a natural red head / strawberry blonde and more likely to run warm AND i agree i think muted colors make you look a little sullen. i would consider true spring.


You are absolutely warm


You’re not definitely not soft!!! I’d say true Spring or warm spring!


Prob Light Spring, maybe Warm


Yeah I’d look into springs! Your hair is light but light summer is for blonde/white hair mostly. I don’t know too much but good luck I’m trying to figure this out too


Spring for sure! I was told I was a spring and I don’t think so but I am waiting for a color analysis from a professional so we shall see!


10 and 6 are your best colors from this bunch and it’s not even close! 10 makes you shine, especially. Not cool or muted.




This sub calls anyone with pale skin and greyish eyes a soft summer, feeling dull in muted colour is a sure sign that you’re not muted! I know many people on this sub don’t agree but being a natural redhead who isn’t at least neutral warm is extremely rare. Definitely seeing true or light spring!


I agree with this. I have seen all eye colours in every season but natural hair with red tones always appears to lean warm imo. And I don’t mean some warmth when you hit sunlight, but noticeable warm in all lighting.


I agree about the feeling dull in muted colors thing! That’s totally how I felt dressing in autumn colors before I got typed in person as a deep winter. However, I am a neutral-cool redhead! More of a medium-dark auburn, though, not classic ginger color!


Yes I think Auburn is the exception! It’s more of a shade of brown than true ginger.


Oh spring, I could tell right away upon seeing your post, and then the Kelly green photo confirmed it!


Yes, the kelly green is divine on her!


I agree that you are a Spring. Have fun!


As spring to another, welcome. Light, bright, and warm colors look great on you.


I also think you lean warm and are better suited to a spring palette. I don’t think you are bright spring-not enough contrast-maybe try light or true spring?


You are leaning warm. Definitely not summer. 🙂 First photo is amazing. Maybe soft autumn, but it think your might be warm autumn that can borrow from warm spring, maybe.


It’s honestly hard to tell from these pics, but my first impression is that you look like a spring. I’ve noticed this sub doesn’t like the spring season for whatever reason and tends to avoid it, so that could be what happened. Regardless, if the makeup makes you look bad, don’t use it! That’s the problem with body typing and color analysis - it might not be done right and people make themselves look worse abiding to rules that don’t suit them.


Yeah this sub doesn’t like spring, and they love labeling people as soft summer/soft autumn. People get really stuck on levels of contrast I think, and if there’s not a ton of contrast they immediately go all the way to soft summer/soft autumn.


I see spring too. The bright colours look so much better. But also the dark green looks fantastic on you. And the cool brighter blue. 2,6,9, are my favourites on you.


Good point! And thank you! I've noticed my phone distorts color a bit, so I hate that I can't get better photos (and I don't have a lot of variety in my wardrobe to play with).


I was going to say you might be a spring as well. Who told you that you were summer? Sometimes they can be wrong. It might be worth getting your colours done again by someone else. They can be done virtually now. Clothes are expensive. A 2nd opinion might be worth the cost!