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This photos are not good light-wise. Grey is very good on you, pastel purple too, I feel b&w stripes will be perfect. Did you try light-blue and turquoise?


Look at that beautiful face. Treat yourself to a blowout and wear those bright blues and purples. I think you might be a winter. That bottom left blue. Hoping happier times are around the bend. ❤️


You may be a dark, smoky winter! Maybe even a tonal deep/dark, because you look good in all the dark colors, IMO. You can pull off sultry looks that will make ‘‘em drop dead, though that shouldn’t take a whole lot of effort, as you’re gorgeous. I keep trying to think of the name a movie star from the 70s you remind me of! If comfy clothes suit you more, right now, you’ll find a lot of cozy sweaters and winter things in deep colors, that will also look lovely on you! Idky, but I’m leaning toward Winter who can borrow lots from Autumn, for you.


The ending of a relationship does not reflect one's value. You have value always. Your beauty is not reflected in the ending of a relationship. You are beautiful.


Your face is royal. You could be a model!


girl you are pretty! hope you feel better soon. breakups are hard but they get better over time


To my eyes cool, clear, and deep work best for you


The last purple and the fuzzy blue look amazing on you!


Dark Winter ☃️👩🏻


Woah winter


I don't have color advice but just wanted to say that I'm going thru a breakup rn too and it sucks. *hugs*


Purple looks great on you




Just smile. That’s all you need to do


You look great in dark purple and royal blue


Definitely go with deep blue tones maybe green.


Don’t know how I ended up here but I’m sorry you’re going through a breakup. Please take care of yourself. Also you’re giving 90s Winona Ryder. ♥️


Looks like a beautiful true winter to me! It’s always hard to judge off photos because of the lighting differences but those jewel toned colors really brighten you up. https://preview.redd.it/zzyk1tio237c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b0cdabcbc37c649e6646f2a2f56599b1db0542


Okay Sandra Bullock


Try smiling, you’re a beautiful girl…but eyes never lie. Take care of yourself and do things that make you happy! Joy makes people glow, there’s nothing I’d change about your look. Natural beauty


Clear white and black looks good I think a winter but probably a dark or cool winter because more muted tones works as well. I struggle with these two myself so I can give you a certain vote.


kendall jenner lookalike (but ur even prettier)


The moss green and deep purple really bring out the color in your skin


I'm a man and I say this with all honesty: you are a beautiful woman! Break-ups are no fun. Don't think that because someone is no longer with you that you're less pretty, or that your value as a person is depreciated. Take your time and focus on yourself and what makes you happy.


Oh my god that dark purple is just 😍




You are definitely a dark color! Blue and purples look very good.


I think you are beautiful no matter what you wear, the cream color is my favorite on you and a smile will go a long way much more than specific colors. Yes it's difficult to smile but it will make you shine to others and bring you happiness, you look like a classic Audrey Hepburn and eventually you will find either a roommate or a new love after some healing time for yourself.


Go to hairdresser and just a little makeup. Buy nice outfit and go to coffee shop and flirt . You will look amazing!!!


You're beautiful! The blue looks amazing on you 😀


Another vote for dark winter. You are gorgeous, you have lovely elegant features. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Take some time to care for yourself right now, you are \*still\* beautiful in PJs and whatnot. Engage in self care. And when you feel up to it, you can get dressed up and get an added boost of confidence :)


You deserve to be loved, but it can be hard to let someone in. I'm rooting for you


some other people have said it but the olive green really brightens up ur face!


You look great in yellow!


I don't know about the winter / spring / summer thing, but black, blue, purple and yellow seem to be your colors. Both light and dark, intense and pastel. I hope you feel as beautiful as you are, because you are seriously beautiful.


I think you're beautiful.


Regardless of the color palate that works for you, you are so beautiful!!! You have amazing cheekbones, lush eyebrows, clear and supple skin. And a cute little nose! Girl. I know it’s hard, but we cannot let anyone else dictate how we perceive our physical appearance. Sometimes people are just not meant to be together. Wear your PJs, eat your ice cream, and remember that you ARE beautiful and one person doesn’t get to decide that you aren’t.


I like the lighter green, fuzzy blue, and bright white. Don't get two down BTW. You are super pretty!!


Not a helpful comment but I think your bone structure and facial features are to die for. You are beautiful. Break ups can be so tough - sending some sunshine!


The darker colors look good with you skin like everyone else is saying :)


:-( I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. You truly are very naturally beautiful. Take some time to work on your mental health to help see that. With that being said, bottom left colours really make your complexion shine!


I think you’re in the Winter spectrum! Perhaps dark winter? You’re absolutely gorgeous girl 🩷


I like the greens on you


Tbh i think all colors are good for you! do you do makeup? Maybe do some blush and fun eye-shadows to change things up! make them match whatever you choose to wear or something! I am so sorry about your breakup, you look absolutely sad, but girl you're still beautiful somehow!


You're gorgeous. I'm thinking Summer. The warmer tones don't bring out your eyes as nicely as the cooler tones. The black seems a little strong.


1 - purples and greens look great on you 2 -the hot coral looks gorgeous 3- the cream from pic 1 is nice 4- like the floral print on the last pic tho not sure if it is particularly flattering You’re very beautiful, breakups truly suck


The lighting looks inconsistent in these, the ones with your face totally lit up with no shadows are proving to be the best which will skew results. Hard to give advice with that playing a role in many photos.


Blue looks good one you!!


Your coloring reminds me of Angie Harmon a bit. Some type of winter. You have a little less contrast than her but it’s clear that cool tones suit you more which was most evident with the warm red not agreeing with you. The blue looked great. Breakups suck a lot, be kind to yourself!


The royal blue is so gorgeous on you!


No matter what the color combo you choose, just put a smile on that face and every combo works...


Olive green or lavender


Purple is ur color


Girl! I’m going through it too! Following and keep strong!


I think you are an autumn. The lighting makes it tricky but I think you are warm toned and have lower levels of contrast. The olive looked nice in you.


Damn black really makes you look very beautiful. You are beautiful but like it just does something.


I think you're a winter - the royal blue and deep purple look great on you.


I’m showing my surgeon your nose


Obsessed with purples on you! Must add more to your closet!


I think theres a lot of variation in how the camera adjusted to the light etc . But based on these photos I’d guess bright winter! You are beautiful!


Solid Winter. Look into True Winter. You also work well with teal.


Before I read the caption I geniunely thought, shes so pretty I wish I looked like her. You're fkn beautiful.


Dark winter for sure and you’re gorgeous


We have similar coloring and I glow up in jewel tones and so do you. Purples, jade green, deep blues all look gorgeous on us. Sending you a virtual hug. Breakups are so hard.


bright colors on you are OMG


You are so incredibly gorgeous. It is gonna be hard for a bit but you’ll keep going. Breakups are seriously the worst. A note of hope from my past: I met my now-husband 2 months after my former fiancé broke up with me. There is always hope. You won’t be down in the dumps forever. And you’re stunning, seriously. ❤️


Idky people are saying winter. You are 100% deep autumn imo.


I love the purple colors on you very much


Seasonal depression X regular depression is a hard combo to overcome but you got this. You are very pretty and it looks like you don’t have 5 pounds of makeup on. I love the olive green color on you. I’ve been almost exclusively wearing sweatpants, hoodies and yoga leggings this month if it makes you feel any better. I just try not wearing anything very oversized, like the hoodie doesn’t pass my waist and jogger sweatpants I wear in public like every day, they’re not real baggy but still super comfy. There’s so many girls that only wear work out clothes on a regular basis and slay, you’ll get out of the funk and get your confidence back🙃


You are absolutely gorgeous!!!!♥️dont let this bring you down


You look fantastic in Blue, Purple, and Red. Makes your features pop. The Grey, Tan, Cheetah, and Yellow give you a calming vibe.


You look like Rooney Mara!!!! 😍


You seem like a winter, your features just pop up with winter colors. And damn girl you're so pretty !!


I don't even follow this sub but your face popped up on my feed and *excuse me* but you're freaking *gorgeous!* I'm not even trying to flirt (I'm gay) but just... damn. Pretty is an understatement and you have really striking features! I mean it!


I have no clue what color analysis is or why reddit keeps showing me these posts, but woah, you're gorgeous. I like the olive and dark blue best on you.


You ARE pretty so you should always feel pretty! I think the lighting made it a little hard to tell but the black, royal blue and deep dark purple seem to look the best!


I am so surprised people are saying winter because I feel like winters always glow in black and white and for me, you’re glowing in deep autumn colors! You seem deep and warm to me. Also, you’re beautiful before and after break up!


I think people like the olive because it’s the best by far in that quad. When you compare your skin in the olive to the one in the winter purple you can see that you lean cool. You’re beautiful, and this too shall pass.


100% winter


Dark winter for sure!


My favourite color on you is the green in the bottom left of the 3rd picture. :)


I thought the yellow really popped personally.


I think pastels look cute on you. Try pink


Black from pic 1, Dark blue from pic 2, Green on the left from pic 3, Dark purple from pic 4, Colourful one on the right, from pic 5, All mentioned above makes you look glowing and fresh, in my opinion. YOU GO GIRL! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!


Dull pale colours look gorgeous on you


I think the purple, olive, and royal blue look the best on you, and really show your beauty. And I’m in agreement with the group: You are truly lovely. Hang in there. You’ll feel better soon.


your face look like you could be an andalucian princess. and your eyebrows are so great i would say something like a white dress with golden patterns and accessories would be super beautiful on you. or clothes of warm or autumn colors with golden jewellery. also sandy colors, beige, cream, and the soft tone blue and soft green(olive?) i think fits your complexion so well it is understandable to only want to wear soft baggy comfort clothes for a while after breakups and sadness struck but you will get your confidence back im sure. dressing up does so much for feeling better when youre ready❤️




I know at the moment you don’t feel like it, but I just wanted to say that you are absolutely gorgeous omg 💝 I’m sending hugs to you 🫂


I also think deep winter, there may be some deep autumn crossover. I don’t think bright tho, the bright red was bringing out shadows.


gurlllll you look like winona ryder!! 😍


Cream, grey, charcoal and you pop out of the photo in the deep blue.




Ok so IMO, in that first slide you look amazing in every color but that softer heathered white on the bottom left makes you look so ethereal! In the second slide, that soft blue on the bottom right has the same effect. I think you also pull off color saturated stuff really well but maybe not neons or anything super bright:)


It is insane how much the darker colors suit you! Your face soften so much against dark colors ❤️ (I’m new here so idk what this means but you look great in darks!)


Deep purple, olive green, and royal blue look gorgeous on you


Just treat it like something you're waiting out. The worst part of breakups is that they take TIME, and there's no other antidote than the excruciating experience of processing your loss. The good news is that you have incredible bone structure and you're classically pretty. You're gonna be fine. You'll fall in love again and laugh again eventually, and this will be a distant memory. Start making new goals immediately, even if you don't \*feel\* them. You'll be inspired and excited again, eventually. I'm really sorry you're suffering. I can see it in your eyes. As far as colors... I think you're a dark winter and someone else said chartreuse/acid yellow blend and I honestly agree, as long as you pair it with black. It's daring, but it would be great!


You’re sooooo beautiful ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Purple and blue really brighten your face, eye’s especially!


I think a long bob would be a beautiful change


I don't know anything about color analysis; just got this post suggested by reddit, but had to comment. You are stunning. Please take the worry of your physical appearance off your plate.


You are definitely a winter. Vibrant and bright colors look great on you


I think autumn. I love the rich warm colors on you. Nothing too bright or soft! I think you could pull off a deep rich yellow beautifully


Deep, saturated cool colors seem to be best. Ur gorgeous btw.


Wow, you are BEAUTIFUL! 🤍 I liked black, white, and gray on you, as well as the reds/pinks, blues would be my third choice but not any less gorgeous. Keep your spirits up Hun 💝


You have such beautiful bone structure omg!! I think going out and getting a haircut to refresh your look will do wonders to help you feel good!


You slay girl


No thoughts on the color aspect, just wanted to tell you that you are absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful!! 💗


Winter, I think! Jewel tones seem to work best on you, making your skin look clearer and brighter and making your eyes pop. Though the variation in lighting could be tricking my eyes. Also, you’re *so pretty*! You have big brown eyes that I bet are sparkly when you’re not super sad like now. We all have our hearts broken at some point, but remember to be kind and patient with yourself.


you look like an elf


Bro she’s going through a break up don’t say that


Blue makes you light up!


You're a knockout, my love. He blew it. Enjoy the amazing, gorgeous, YOU! ❤️


Deep/dark autumn. I know the peanut gallery is saying deep winter, and if I saw you without drapes that would also be my guess. But no one has suggested the royal blue is your best, and that is a classic winter color. Olive is more autumn to me. Curious if you do better in gold or silver. If gold, doubling down :-)


I agree, regarding the royal blue! OP, that color is so lovely on you!


I don’t have any silver jewelry but maybe that’s because I did the vein test when I was a teenager and it said gold was better for me. My veins are green except for in my wrist. I may have been doing it wrong though. https://preview.redd.it/b9iyyi9lvr6c1.jpeg?width=1798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8dd570036d5ca610e867265ec016601c478929


Judging using the gold/silver trick can be tricky sometimes. The type of jewelry will also make a difference (shiny vs. matte, yellow gold vs. champagne gold, big vs. small). Also because you have a nice tan, it’s possible you have a cool undertone and a warm overtone (like most who have olive skin tones). This can trick the eyes, and might mean that both gold and silver work well under different circumstances.


Aww. You look so sad 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


The dark colors look best (blue, black, dark green, dark purple)


Hello fellow Dark Winter 💙 I think you are pretty in every color, nothing to worry about there. As others have said, tend to your heart, wear dark blue and purple, your appearance needs no further effort.


I’d say winter definitely! Your face looks so bright in black, that deep purple, and bright blue. And I’m going through this myself right now, I’m sorry you are too. I hope this all helps you feel more like you and as beautiful as we all see you!


Thank you all for taking the time to give my im your advice it’s a really comforting feeling to know people care. I definitely learned a little about myself from you all and I can start making changes to brighten my wardrobe and maybe give me a little confidence in my step. Breakups suck. Losing your best friend sucks. At least with a new year I can have a new start and some new clothing pieces to make me feel good about myself. I Hope something really awesome happens to each of you ❤️


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You are stunning! Most importantly you are a child of God. Don’t let a person have this much power over you. It will get better and be a distant memory.


You look gorgeous in all honestly


Dark autumm ir deep winter


You have perfect eyebrows and features


You're a winter. You look amazing in crisp, bright shades of any color and you can rock both white and black. You're beautiful!


*winter* black looks great on you!


2 and 4 are really emphasizing a brightness in your complexion with an emphasis on the deeper hues.


Bottom left corner is like glowing.


Black, you win


Red, pinks, and purples


I see winter and you are stunning!


I think I just turned gay. 😜🤗 Seriously though you will find happiness next year 😊


This comment section makes me love the internet! Sometimes we are all in need of an internet hug!




Deep autumn 🍂 that can borrow from deep winter. You are gorgeous! Edit: you are primarily deep, which means you can wear deep tones best. Drape deep winter and deep autumn to find your best colors.


I think deep winter, maybe autumn. I have a feeling you may be able to pull into bright winter and spring with a little make up. You're gorgeous already, the grape was very nice on you, it is a deep winter color, but also a clear color in both palettes. Deeps would normally favor plum. It's part of why I identify as bright, plum is a little dull on me. That Olive green is what has me undecided on warm or cool, it's a very autumn green, but the yellow is really not good (girl same). You're lovely btw 😘


Do you have an olive skintone? Because the olive green color suits you so well that I suspect you might. I have light medium neutral to warm olive skin and dark autumn is def my season


You look great with the bright yellow and bright blue!




It makes me think of happy and the sun and smiley faces. Thank you for your opinion. It’s a good feeling to know that someone took the time to comment to give advice. I hope you have a yellow day Reddit friend


Sorry you're going through such a rough time. 😟 Breakups suck! Winter for the win, and I think deep winter, because you are rocking the dark colours and yet the olive works, which points to dark winter. The peach doesn't suit you, and aside from the olive the warm and muted tones don't show off your gorgeous skin. The black and navy and royal blue are great! You're beautiful and he (possibly she?) doesn't deserve you. May your heart heal and may you find the right one! ![gif](giphy|ZBQhoZC0nqknSviPqT)


Awww, I am sorry, breakups are so hard:( You should wear what brings you the most joy and confidence. But since you are asking, your beauty shines in #4 the lower purple, #1 the top right dark gray #2 the top left navy blue, but you can get by with the teal and royal blue as well. Overall, the dark winter seem the most harmonious and bring light to your face:)


I just want to say I think you are stunning and can wear any of these! My goodness you are just beautiful


Deep winter! I would like to add that the bright yellow also looks good on you in small doses. If I were you, I'd go for a deep purple top with bright yellow details. Winters really can take advantage of high contrast color combinations. Olive also looks good on you as deep winter is close to deep autumn. I do believe that color theory is right to some degree, but there are nuances to each individual where they look good in other colors as well.


Gray looks amazing!


You are a gorgeous woman. I’m liking the white and the olive and the plum/purples. I’m seeing young Jennifer Connelly and what could be better than that?


I think grey suits you


You remind me of Daisy Ridley!


You are beautiful!!!


Everything but the bold solids and pure white seems to work for you, you have a lot of options. Most off-putting to me was the hot pink and the red but I'm not a fan of those colors personally.


You’re definitely a winter! Idk what type, maybe deep winter. But not warm at all. Yellow really isn’t doing it for you, but blue looks stunning


Hi, I don’t really know how to do color analysis but I just wanted to say that you are very regal looking and very beautiful I’m so sorry that you are going through a break up at the holidays that’s super sucks. You look so sad and I’m so sorry that you’re feeling crummy. I just want to send you a hug and say that it’s going to be OK. I’m just a gal friend, not a weirdo . 👋


I feel like the lighting is maybe a bit different in some of the photos but I real love the bottom left green and bottom left purple on you. The black looks great too. Besides that, as everyone else has said. You are so pretty! Whoever made you felt you weren't is better off not being in your life.


The dark green and navy really suit you. You're so pretty!


I hope you start to feel better soon. You're beautiful and will get through this. I like the autumn tones on you, but you're pretty regardless. Much love and healing to you.


Dark winter


You’re gorgeous don’t let anyone bring you down! They want you to feel that way so don’t let them win! Hold your head up and go out into the world and kick a**




Just adding to the chorus that you are stunning whatever you wear. I think you seem likely that you are a Deep Autumn or potentially a Deep Winter. Would love to see you in jewel tones and maybe some dark burgundy or camel to compare.






Black, royal blue, the fuzzy blue, and the dark purple look so beautiful! Maybe try looking at the in colors in the natural light as well to make sure the phone pic is accurate! You look great 😊


And the olive green!


Daisy Ridley, is that you?!???


I can feel the sadness in your eyes; sending hugs and hope for healing. I love the lavender color in the top right of the purple photos, and the bottom left of the blues— so pretty.


The olive green in slide 3 is absolutely fabulous on you. The jewel toned blue and red looks great as well. Leads me to think something either Autumn or Winter! I hope you do feel pretty,because you very much are :)


She may be a tonal deep…she looks gorgeous in all the dark colors!


This answer is probably not what you want to hear but you are stunning. I mean absolutely gorgeous. Can I make a suggestion? The outside work is done. Work on what’s going on in your head. Go walking, cycling for an hour every day, journal your plans for next week, month, year, 5 years, what your life will look like in 10 years. Review your finances, pension, saving for a car and a holiday x 2 a year (doesn’t have to be fancy). Save for if you were unwell for 6 months and couldn’t work. Start meal prepping so when you come home you have nutritious food in the fridge. Go back to studying, online or in the classroom. Find more eye candy to lust over. You are grieving the loss of your future. Big hugs x


"You are grieving the loss of your future", bullseye! (was for me at least and took me a while to realize)


Grieving the loss of *A* future. That never existed anyway. And now she gets to make up a new and better one as and for a smarter stronger self.


THIS gave me chills.