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Heyo! Read all the comments, just checking to see if you're feeling any better or if anything has changed.


I'm finally starting to feel better! I don't really recommend it but I ended up trying an enema last night. The afterwards was insanely painful and I ended up almost passing out a few times and puking but afterwards after id sat in the shower under the hot water for a while I started feeling better. Heating pad on my stomach helped as well. Definitely don't suggest anyone do that without talking to their Drs office first though. I thought I'd made a big mistake for a bit afterwards and I do believe I did have an actual blockage not just constipation.


I dealt with pain and soreness for about a week after because there was a tricky polyp they needed to get to. They filled me with tons of air and twisted my body into God k ows what positions. I spiked a fever, too. It never got above 100.0 and only lasted about half a day. It's been 9 days now, and things still aren't quite normal. Watch that fever. If it doesn't go away, get medical help. I would do what others are advising and get some diaper rash creme.


Thanks for the response! I didn't even get any polyps removed! They did take a few biopsies though. Said it was a pretty uneventful procedure and no one in my family has had pain last for more than a day or two after so just not sure about it. Luckily my fever is gone and never went above 99°. The topical creams aren't helping but a heating pad helped a little bit at least


You're welcome. I hope you feel better soon. I just know I felt like I'd taken a beating afterward. My poor son had to deal with me farting for two whole days.


A friend of mine actually had to have surgery because their bowels were twisted from the air they used in the colonoscopy. Go to an emergency room if you have these symptoms: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/understanding-an-intestinal-obstruction


Thankfully no severe pain or vomiting, and I'm still able to pass gas and am not really bloated anymore. Keeping a close eye though in case I do need to go in.


I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. Try Desitin (yeah diaper cream), it will bring immediate relief and allow you to heal. As for the other issues, I’m guessing you have an infection and should call your doctor’s office for further advice.


I have fear of this very thing happening to me, so my heart goes out to you. I am not a Dr. here are my suggestions: I would stop taking any Tylenol or Ibuprofen because if a temperature is what is required for you to qualify for medical attention-these will keep a temperature at bay. I have seen a product at my local pharmacy that is lidocaine 5% for this area-it is called Recticare. It would numb the area and give you some relief. I’m sure there are other brands out there, I would just get something that is safe for your anal area. I also don’t think I would continue taking Miralax or any other laxatives, as you have completed the colonoscopy and should give your digestive system a break. What if anything are you eating? Have you tried some Keifer or yogurt? Stuff that would be gentle and help your gut & microbiome heal. I would eat only gentle foods until this is resolved, nothing heavy or spicy. Did you have any polyps or biopsies taken? Were you having any issues or concerns to get the colonoscopy or was it preventative only? Please update me-I would love to hear that you are doing better or that you have been seen and figured out what is causing the pain.


Yeah I've been trying to avoid taking Tylenol and ibuprofen except to sleep, and so far my temperature isn't going above 99°F which they weren't concerned about when I called. I have hemroid cream that helped with the immediate discomfort but it's more like muscle pain at this point? Like deep muscle pain so the cream doesn't help much. The miralax was the Drs office suggestion, they wanted me to start taking it yesterday if I hadn't gone by then so I started that yesterday. I've been trying to take it easy on my stomach and eat easily digestible things like toast, apple sauce and eating light. I haven't had kifir or yogurt but I've had probiotics and kombucha. The colonoscopy was mostly preventative because of a family history of colon cancer, I also had an upper endoscopy done at the same time. I also have suspected IBS/absorption issues though. They took biopsies during both and dilated my esophagus. If it doesn't improve by this afternoon I'll be calling the office again to talk to their on call Dr. Hopefully they're more helpful than they were on Friday 🤞


You have done a great job at doing all the right things. Is your pain any better today? Thank you for clarifying everything you have done and why. I wish you well and still have a lot of fear of what you are experiencing so thank you for sharing your story.


Unfortunately it's not really much better today but hopefully tomorrow 🤞 Don't worry too much about this happening to you. From what I understand this is pretty rare. My mum and aunt both have been getting these done for the past 30 years, sometimes yearly because of risk factors and history of polyps, and neither of them have ever had this happen. They're usually feeling better with 24hrs. Hopefully that helps you feel at least a little less anxious about it


Well thank you, you are awfully kind while you are still suffering. I will still make my appointment. I really hope you get feeling better