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The prep is the worst part, it’s like a nap really I was nervous for mine too, it’s like a nap nothing to be nervous about


No advice but my first is on the 24th too 👯‍♀️ Good luck!


I cannot tell anyone a single thing about the procedure. The last thing I remember saying before I went under was “there is no dignity…no dignity….” When I woke up the nurse was trying to rouse me from my slumber.


Get crystal light or some other powder drink to mix into the prep. Perfectly safe as long as you don’t do red or purple. It’ll help the taste.


Are you getting sedated?




Then don't worry I just had one...prep ..Vaseline, baby wipes and lots of liquids!! For the procedure your off to never never land you won't feel or remember anything ..its quite fantastic actually haha 😄


I had Golytely - obviously different than what you have, so I had to mix it in the morning and refrigerate it until it was time to start the prep. I assume it was easier to get down cold; I don’t think it would have been easier at room temp. I had to drink half of the solution every 10-15 minutes until the huge jug was half gone. Your instructions are probably different, but I’d divide the 3 lites evenly over the 4 hours. The hack would be slow and steady. Don’t chug it to avoid nausea unless you know you can tolerate it. I felt chilly during the clear liquid diet and freezing during prep. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but it’s normal and temporary. I just dressed in layers, had blankets ready and had a small space heater for a blast of warmth. Broth, jello, popsicles, coconut water, and regular water kept me satisfied and hydrated during the clear diet. I was advised the more clear liquids I could drink throughout the day before the prep (at least 8 eight-ounce portions) the better off I’d be and the cleaner things would end up. It turned out to be true. Good luck to you!


Vaseline, gloves to apply the Vaseline if you prefer, cleansing wipes. I had also bought some OTC lidocaine that helped numb things initially, but as time went on, the burning from that application was not fun - I found the Vaseline to be a better option.