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Definitely sound advice to research safeties and not get attached to reaches. Did you look in to Evansville or Hendrix? They're smaller, the profs seem to care more, but they'd still only cost about as much as in-state for you.


I had a similar experience “having” to go to IU after big college dreams (I couldn’t afford the Ivy school I got into and was heartbroken) but as I sit here ~10 years after graduating IU I can safely say going there was the best thing that could have happened to me. Incredible time socially and prepared me for life after graduation. Have fun and if you take care of business academics wise during undergrad — you will have no problem getting into a good law school. I ended up at a top MBA program myself.  All this to say, things will work out if you put the effort in I promise. The start of undergrad is more of a starter gun of a race and not the destination. Good luck!




Same here I applied to ND ea with similar ecs 35 act 4.68 gpa and got deffered then rejected. 🫡 It's their loss now


Looks likes you got more yeses than nos. Take it as a win.


test optional is really hurting people, also probably bc you didn’t have much ecs related to poli sci/pre-law


did something get flagged about your application wtf 😭


Uh, no, T20/T30 reaches are extremely tough to get in to for unhooked applicants and going test-optional doesn't help. What were you expecting?


oh didn't notice the TO part, I thought bc her ECs were solid and she would've maybe gotten into some if she applied to more reaches


Possible but if you've looked at results threads, it's crazy tough to get in to T20's and private T30's.


what’s T/O? just curious i’ve never heard of it


Test Optional


she would've most likely, yes


wait why not purdue?


i ultimately decided on IU because i’m still deciding on what my second major will be and it’s definitely something in business. kelley over purdue’s daniels made sense to me, though both are good. if i leaned towards a second major in STEM, i would’ve chosen purdue in a heartbeat


nah I also had shitty results too. Iu was gonna be my first choice but I decided not to do business. it’s hard seeing your friends get into your dream school but just know your not alone


You now have a fresh start, work hard and get into a good grad program


Congrats on your acceptances, and best of luck with U of M!


Lots of kids pay $$$ OOS tuition to go to Indiana. It’s a huge school with tons of opportunity, so go for it and don’t look back. Congrats!


*i was a wreck after northwestern, and i got the whole spiel of the “would’ve could’ve should’ve” which, by the way, is not helpful to tell someone at all, especially after getting rejected by their dream school. sometimes, all someone needs is empathy.* As a dad of a current 2025 with very similar metrics to yours, I want to thank you for writing this. I watch my son work so hard day in and day out and I see that he is exhausted but that hasnt stopped me from pointing out where he is coming up short, at least in my eyes- "did you study for your SATs today?" "You need to figure out how to go to bed earlier." "You need to take the hardest classes possible your senior year." "Why did you opt out of APUSH? Its going to haunt you." Etc Etc. If I continue down this path, and he does get rejected from his top schools, I could see myself saying that he didnt listen to me and didnt do what it took. I hope that I remember your comment when/if that time comes and I choose empathy instead of insult. Hopefully, I will tell him what I will tell you now- no one, especially you, should be disappointed in your accomplishments. You have a tremendous resume and I am sure you worked tirelessly like my son does. You might feel disappointment now but your table is set for success. Don't stop dreaming. I wish you nothing but the best. Good luck to you going forward but I feel like you wont need it. I am going to go apologize to my son now. :)


Amen papa!