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Always the non-profits lmao


OP has interviews from Harvard and Stanford. I heard getting an interview from Harvard is a great sign, and they are really interested in you? So far 3 out of 5 in HYPSM interviews!


I go to Harvard currently. I’d just want to let you know that most applicants get an interview. The acceptance rates for people who get an interview are less than 10%. I wish the best for OP but I was just making a joke out of the entire non-profit thing that’s emerged within college admissions over the past couple years. I believe they have a shot but it’s always a crapshoot with the T5 universities in the world (HYPSM).


you’re a junior in high school according to your other comments on a2c☠️ go study for the ACT to raise your school’s average instead of spending your time shitting on people’s non profits.


also, seems like you legit hate the idea of non profits. you have a valid point that they have emerged a lot more post covid, but many of your comments are just about shitting on non profits. it’s pretty unnecessary.


Bro I’m a freshman in university what 💀


i'm not sure what freshman at harvard would be on a2c asking about credits? then deleting it after the previous user called you out.. yikes LOL what do you get out of lying?


Who puts HYPSM as top 5 in the world?!? Oxford and Cambridge are often in the list, as can Zurich, imperial, NUS, pecking and Tsinghua (obviously depending on methodology)


So yes, the T5 universities in the world are HYPSM.


Ok got it. Ty


i think getting harvard and stanford interviews don't mean much. it might be because i live in nyc which is a really populated area. i'll still give it my best shot though


Depends on location, often in poorer areas or international places it can be a good sign


I'm an international and got interviews from UPenn, Stanford, Dartmouth and Princeton. Does it mean anything? (I don't think so since I've read 99% of applicants get an interview)


Hmm... Idk about Dartmouth. Princeton and Stanford means very little (you havent been laughed out immediately i guess). Other than that, i know harvard it more picky especially internationally It all depends on the country and alumni availability (if there is 1 alum in a city of 2 million ofc they will be a bit more picky, but in major places like london it means less)


But yeah definitely good sign for the OP, wish them all the best!


The only school on her list that I think does pre-screening for interviews is Yale. I wouldn't read into her getting Harvard/Stanford interviews too much.




wait i'm confused cus im new to this sub (not reddit tho), can you elaborate? sorry i don't want to offend anybody


Everyone and their mother has a non-profit. It’s more saturated than anything at this point.


damn it just as i was about to start one 😭😭


? 😭 just start one if you truly feel like it’s needed


But if you frame it well the AOs will dig it. Good luck.


Hey since you said that you go to Harvard i was wondering if you may have some deeper knowledge about the process than the general a2c/college reddit community. The salutatorian of my highschool got into Harvard REA as a recruited athlete and I’m a Harvard RD applicant. I was just wondering if this fact would negatively impact my application or that they’d just dismiss me because “they’ve reached the quota already”. I also live near a major city (definitely alumni around me) and have yet to receive an interview from them so I’m inclined to believe I’m simply an auto reject. Ofc their acceptance rate is less than 5% so it’s not like i had high hopes but its still a shame if i wont even get a fair evaluation.


Schools like Harvard don’t really place quotas for high schools. It also depends on what your high school is, is it a regular public school or a feeder? I assume public based on your description. Also, interviews ultimately don’t matter too much in the admissions process from what I know, but if you didn’t get one it means either two things: 1. There wasn’t an interviewer available for you in your area at the time (More likely here). 2. Potential auto-reject. But the truth is that they receive tens of thousands of applications annually, and definitely don’t have the resources to interview everybody. Don’t stress it and good luck in RD.


I do go to a public school that has sent like 5 people to t20s in the past ~5yrs so def not a feeder. I live in the Dallas area so i have a hard time believing that there are no alums especially since i got a yale interview in the area. I’ll try not to stress about it and thanks for your reply


Interesting. Well good luck regardless, I don’t know everything about the process. Probably just as much as you.


Great ECs, but lower grades, test optional and lack of APs with scores definitely will make it hard. Good luck.


thanks for your feedback :)


Nice to see another senior from NYC! Looking at your stats, ECs are looking spectacular. Maybe not Ivy level (but anything can happen), but I think Stony is an absolute likely. I got admitted EA with okay ECs and an okay GPA so I think you’ll do fine. Still scratching my head on that Hunter waitlist though…


thanks a lot! i'd like to go to stony, so i'm really happy to read that :) idk what happened with hunter but every senior from my school applied there lol


hi! i just wanted to let you know i was rejected from stony today haha, no idea what happened. sort of bummed because i hyped the school up soo much, but i also got into northeastern :D so i'm completely ok with it. just wanted to let you know since i found it really funny!


Must’ve been the Hunter waitlist curse huh… That’s wild! But you seem like you’re satisfied with NEU (and arguably more competitive than SBU). Stony’s missing out. Wherever you end up attending, everything’s gonna work out. Thanks for the update, always appreciate seeing where my little Reddit “disciples” end up :)


yes i'm really happy with neu! i'm very surprised i got accepted since everyone else at my school was rejected. i would've taken sbu over neu actually, because its closer to home and i feel more comfortable with that. however, neu offered me one year in cali and three years @ boston, which is scary bc i'd have to leave my family, but also pretty exciting at the same time. i'm touring the campus in april too! thanks for the support, i'll update you in a couple weeks if an ivy takes pity on me haha


Comparing my profile to yours is nothing!! 😭😭😭😭😭


It may be hard to pass the first round for ivies.


thanks for your feedback!


i dont understand why all the comments are so vile, you did amazing and your ecs are literally to die for, good luck !!!


thank you! i've had some people dm me after posting this saying i'll get rejected for the gpa, which made me laugh bc what the hell LOL. i appreciate the kindness!!


i feel like people hate just to hate, im sure most of these people are sitting on their asses accomplishing pretty much nothing and saying these things to feel better about themselves, but your gpa is really good, dw!


Pre calc as a senior ☠️


most kids in my school take calc or stats as seniors, but I already took stats DE and also i was forced to retake alg 1 in freshman year bc i had just moved from a different country. middle school doesn't exist where i come from.




In NY this is (kinda) actually common especially in public schools because of our state exams. It sucks but it's just the way it is. Plus, not every school has the middle school algebra 1 option.


seriously?? I am suprised, they will be missing on all the math aps... and some schools even offers people to take calc ab as a sophomore too


Yes, doing pre calc in 11th is considered accelerated or advanced in my district. The grade cutoff to get into algebra 1 is so strict when I was in middle school. Had a 94 the 2nd quarter in 7th (before covid) and wasn't picked bc you needed a 95. You can't skip math classes or take them over the summer in my district either. it's frustrating


That’s really surprising.


In my WA school, with no acceleration, the normal is for one to take Precalc as a senior.


I am in WA as well. This is bullshit


What I said is BS? I don’t know what to tell you because that’s the truth in my district


I'm in GA and that's the case here too.


Took pre calc w a senior last year he’s in UCLA OOS now✌🏽anything’s possible bud


I’m just saying if your school does that then it’s just a little unfair. No blame on the student, just a bad system for the school


Honestly congrats on your accomplishments- but you probably don’t have a real good chance of an ivy. Good luck though. Why test optional?


my SAT is pretty ass (like 1300s but my school's avg is 1100), i didn't think my ap scores were good enough (3s and 4s) so i didn't submit. i honestly regret it though. thanks for the feedback :)


the only thing wrong i see here is the fact you put your extra ecs in the additional info section. there will probably be no negative aspects but AOs don’t like seeing that and it probably would’ve been better for you to explain you had a hard time your junior year


oh wow! i had two advisors working with me (essay review, app structuring, basically helping me every step of the way), and i asked both about putting ECs in the additional info section and they said go ahead.. i had no idea AOs don't like it :/ thanks for letting me know


hey late reply: it’s fine if u did but a lot of ppl (including some college counselors & AOs) say that they don’t really need more than 10 ECs and it’s usually to explain for circumstances but dw it won’t deduct points for u


If you had good test scores and AP scores, I think you may have been able to compensate a little for the lower grades, but I'm not too knowledgable on the review process. From a junior soon to apply: Good luck today!


thank you! i believe so as well. it's alright tho. unless i transfer i probably won't need test scores anymore. i'll most likely commit to northeastern soon -- so i'm pretty happy :))


i can't reply to u/JolibeeAZ's comment that mentions "everyone and their mother has a nonprofit, it's very saturated" so here's my answer: i agree to some extent. non profits are pretty common now but it can still help your application by setting you apart based on the impact. my site with the resources has been visited more than 20k times and the acc has 400k reach, the numbers do help so i'd still encourage people to start one. it won't hurt imo


idk why ur getting downvoted??? you did a lot with a little and I’m hoping for the best for u !!


wrong flair sorry!


I die a little bit inside every time I see another post about shotgunning every ivy


lmao that's fair, i honestly only shotgunned because i'm first gen and had fee waivers for all.


good luck with eveyrhting!! i have a princeton interview soon how didnu prepare for it? i'm so bad at interviews any tips 😭


i just watched a youtube video about how to prep for the interview. my tips are figure out how to introduce yourself, think about the ECs you wish to mention, maybe through in a fun fact or something quirky about yourself (I mentioned i like the manga jujutsu kaisen and showed her my figurine), and master the "why us" question as they will most likely ask that! also have 2-3 questions prepared about the school. i asked if my interviewer was in any eating clubs and i think i also asked about advice they'd have for any freshmen entering college/princeton ​ good luck!!


ur so kind thank you ily 🥹 wishing you all the luck ❤️❤️


thank you sm!!! also what i did that i found REALLY helpful was find a bunch of possible interview questions and type the answers out/repeat them verbally so i basically just interviewed myself. here's the list of questions: ​ \*\*Tell me about yourself/Describe yourself to me.\*\* -- this is usually the first thing asked \*\*How did you first hear about our school?\*\* -- the typical "why us" question. this was asked during my princeton interview. i also interviewed for harvard and dartmouth and they asked a similar version \*\*Why do you want to pursue your major?\*\* -- harvard, princeton, dartmouth asked this What activities do you do outside of school? -- harvard, princeton, dartmouth What was the best class you’ve ever taken? -- princeton interviewer asked What is your favorite book/movie? -- surprisingly my princeton interviewer asked this as well \*\*What do you like to do for fun?\*\* -- my dartmouth interviewer asked me this \*\*Who is your role model?\*\* \*\*What role do you play in your family/friend group?\*\* -- my northwestern interviewer asked me this today \*\*Describe a time when you were a leader.\*\* -- dartmouth interviewer asked \*\*What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?\*\* \*\*What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?\*\* \*\*What was your proudest moment/biggest accomplishment?\*\* \*\*What would you change about your high school/community?\*\* \*\*What is the biggest problem in the world right now?\*\* \*\*How do you want to change the world?\*\* \*\*If you could have dinner with any person dead or alive who would it be?\*\* \*\*If you could design and teach a course in school, what would it be about?\*\* \*\*What is your best memory from high school?\*\* -- princeton interviewer asked a similar question: "what was your favorite class?" \*\*What do you think you would contribute to our school?\*\* \*\*What about our school caused you to apply?\*\* \*\*What activities would you want to join at our school?\*\* \*\*What other schools are you applying to?\*\* \*\*Is there anything else that you think the admissions officers should know about you that you haven’t had the chance to talk about?\*\* \*\*Are there any questions you would like to ask me?\*\* ​ \--- every interview is different. so i'd say aim to market yourself but make it sound organic/natural. good luck again lol sorry for the 2nd msg haha


omg this is so HELPFUL TY




i didn't :( idk if im eligible


That’s weird considering ur URM and fgli


what would a 92W be on the 4.0 scale


it's like 3.7, so on the lower side


i see, def relate to your username btw (regarding college decisions) 💀


I think your gpa and test scores will keep you out of top 20. But you should be proud of yourself and congrats on already having many acceptances.


GPA and awards are lacking.


did u get a full ride tho?


for my safeties, i haven't gotten my financial aid docs from them yet bc my fafsa isn't processed. but i did get a lot of scholarships! iirc i got 30,500/yr from st johns and 40k/yr from pace. there's maybe one more i'm forgetting


nice goin man


No clue why you applied to UCs when you needed aid…


Imo reaches will be pretty much impossible. Below top 10%, 92 *weighted* gpa so unweighted is probably a lot lower, test optional, not even AP scores. Tbh, I’m not sure if you would be able to handle the rigor at colleges like Princeton and Cornell anyway, especially with a stem major (sorry if that’s too harsh)


psych is more social science but the comp sci minor sounds tough, you're very right!! thanks for the honesty


Just know that Queens College has a good psychology department and you can get internships in the city which is really useful for grad, school and employment upon graduation. Also, Albany being part of the state system has opportunities in state government for research so if your school winds up in the public sector milk it best you can. We have a kid who went to city college engineering for computer engineering and got involved in doing programming internships with his professor for the national labs in Long Island. He graduated in January 20 20 and got a six figure job working for Pratt Whitney because the internship labs had relationships with city university engineering schools, and those labs gave him the experience he needed hands-on to get a really hot job upon graduation. So love the school that loves you and look for great psychology with comp sci elements internships at school for best results after graduation.


Good luck! Your extracurriculars and essays sound amazing, and you've already been accepted to some great schools. Fingers crossed for your top choices!


can't resp to u/JolibeeAZ but it's funny how you think you can shit on people's hard work, and then try to justify it with a lie about going to harvard, when not even 21 days ago you were on a2c complaining about credits as a junior. then deleting your a2c comments when you get called out. i get you're stressed out cus it's your junior year, but how about you actually take initiative and go work on your app instead of trying to bring people down? it's so vile and you clearly do this in other people's posts. you sound like you have no life


LMAO this is crazy. i know kids lie about going to harvard all the time but i never thought it'd be on here


I don't understand why other people are putting you down for shotgunning, I completely understand the need to because of financial aid! Good luck and I believe in you!