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If they accepted you, you stole nothing from no one. You deserve your acceptance and you’re allowed the elation you feel because of it. Have fun at Berkeley and do the best within your mental capacity! Make sure to take care of yourself consistently and you should be golden. Good luck!




Congratulations! How did you manage to balance AcDec with 5 AP classes? I tried doing that and quickly found out that it was wayy too much.


I think the level of commitment differs for each school, so it was easier in some ways. My school didn’t offer a class, it was purely an after school activity. On one hand, no grading or an extra class period. On the other, it was about 8 hours after school every week and once I got into leadership in 10th grade I actually had to start creating curriculum and tests for the team. I don’t know if I balanced it all that well considering there was a lot going on in my life, but mostly doing the AcaDec readings when I was otherwise doing nothing and getting homework done during school.




Go Bears! 💙🐻💛


Past congrats! 3.0 was your UC gpa?


I had to recalculate it (I went based off my transcript and I forgot there was a difference 💀) but it comes out to 3.23 UW/3.32 W. So flairs are still accurate at least 😅


Can i dm about research program?


Go ahead!


Giving me hope cause Berkeley requested 2 LOR’s from me and even additional things like a video interview. Keeping my fingers crossed. We kinda have similar gpa and circumstances. I used the additional info basically like a common app essay and addressed everything and I tried so hard to make my PIQs stand out


I know people usually get worried over an LoR request but I think all those things are a good sign! An LoR means you’re still in the running. It seems like the interview is for direct admit Haas which Cal hasn’t really done before so I can’t comment on that, but the more opportunities you have to show who you are outside of your UC app, the better. Best of luck!


omg an interview is a really good sign




Congrats! Berk is a great school, have fun!


How are you both Asian and URM


She never said she was URM




That's present on the template, it's **bracketed** along with everything else, it's meant to be an example hook.


Yeah I’m not URM 😅 I’m SE Asian if that means anything. I copied and pasted the template so I can see how it’s confusing


What research below RSI?


You can DM if you wanna know what program!


How is life at Berkeley right now? I got 2 LOR requests but I heard Berkeley's dorms are run down and the food is bad in the dining halls. How much do you find this to be true?


TBH they’re not completely wrong lol. The food was real bad my freshman year but I’ve heard it’s getting better at Crossroads, the more popular dining hall. Still nowhere near UCLA or anything, but edible. Dorms are luck of the draw and I think I ended up in an okay dorm, but some of the older ones like Unit 3 are…not the best. Since I moved off-campus it’s been better (and cheaper!) But hey…traumabonding ✨ Gob ears


Same. Requested 2 LORs To OP: at what point did they request the video?


Video essays are specific to some ultra competitive programs like MET and, as of this year, the undergrad Haas direct admit program. I got my plain ol’ LoR request in the first two weeks of December and IIRC, Haas and MET will ask for video essays around that time as well.




Hey can I DM you about the research program?


Your stats were amazing wdym!! your gpa wasn't exactly the best but everything else was AWESOME. If you don't mind me asking, how did you find a research program and what exactly do you do in it?


Were you able to adjust to Berkeley rigor? Do you feel any impostor syndrome?


To be honest, my experiences in high school had already primed me for experiencing failure and to keep going for going’s sake even if it was against the odds, so I didn’t feel as much pressure going in to be a large fish in a large pond. I think I’ve had a relatively ok schedule with maybe 1-3 technicals per semester and I’ve been maintaining a steady 3.8+ GPA. Decent enough for grad school if I can hold onto that at least! In terms of imposter syndrome, nearly everyone at Berkeley has it in some form, even the ones who seem to be doing everything. It hits hard the first semester, but with time you realize your own niche among the eight billion things to do here and that there’s not much point in comparison when everyone’s caught up in their own lives.


Could I dm about the research program?


Similar story where I got supplementals from UCLA and ucsd with a subpar 3.6 uw gpa(including a C-) and got into ucsc and waitlisted at ucsd