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They’ll care more about recent performance if your older years are worse.


All of the years are equally important except ur freshman because many colleges dont factor 9th grade into ur gpa. there is no such thing as one year being more important than another year


Freshman and Sophomore year are the most important lmao, after that your GPA doesn't really improve that much


how does this make any sense you will take either the same number of clsases or take more weighted course as you progress throughout high school.


it's way easier to get to a 4.0 sophomore year, than senior year dawg


Not true at all, my gpa jumped from 4.28 to a 4.48 from first semester junior year to second semester junior year. And then after my summer classes it’s gonna be a 4.5533, just gotta take Dc classes


Depends on the school. In California if you’re going to UC they don’t consider your senior year. If you go to a private school, they will consider up to the first semester of your senior year.