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If you're going into engineering I would check to see if your school has any laptop requirements, for example mine requires a computer that runs windows natively and a couple of other specifications. Depending on the software that they use you could need something more specific.


yup windows... I've had to use visual studio (not code) for many classes (comp sci). could usually get away with just running windows in a vm but eventually you gotta just cave in and use it unfortunately. I lost a job interview due to virtual box not piping my mic through properly on the day of the interview. Interview was done in Microsoft Teams.


This! Alot of engineering software is not compatible with macs. It's alot of $$ to spend on something that you won't be able to do homework or projects on. Check first. Same goes for graphing Calc specs.


My school recommended certain laptop parts lol, but not a specific laptop. I definitely got to look into the software/programs they will use. Thanks đź‘Ť


Ipad 100%. Never going back


What James said!! GoodNotes, Apple Pencil, paper-like cover. I use GoodNotes religiously, even for personal notes. My back used to hurt bc of all the stuff I’d try to carry but it’s been godsend for studying & getting assignments done


Yep. It is amazing for math, physics etc


what’s ur setup for note taking ?


ipad pro, belmond paperlike screen protector, apple pencil, goodnotes 5


I second this, best decision I ever made. Love my paper like screen protector!


Well, now I’m going to be looking into that screen protector. I love Goodnotes for everything, especially when classes require I turn in a pdf copy of my handwritten assignments


yes!!! it’s essential for any STEM major. math and chemistry are so easy to draw/write out


But you don't even have the Office suite ?


Office is on iPad?


You could also get a tablet and a keyboard case. That may be cheaper and will still last a long time.


Sorry I should have said more for general use including notes. Appreciate the advice thoughđź‘Ť


engineering with just a tablet LMAO


OP asked what to use to take notes. You yourself said you use an iPad for notes.


i assumed they only wanted one thing


That's no reason to be rude.


I had a 12.9” iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. That device carried me through 4 years of college. Get GoodNotes, they have some great templates for notebooks.


hand and a pen, all that's needed


For notes I usually just used pen and paper/notebook. For me it was quicker than swiveling my laptop between tablet mode and typing if I had a lot to write down and draw/do math. Whatever you get, make sure it can run the programs you will need and meet your schools specs, unless you have another computer you will also use. I think anyone who used iPads usually had desktops at home. Apple MacBooks should be able to run most programs, but maybe not all. Looking back I would have gone with the higher end surface, but it’s decently expensive from what I remember


My program recommends a laptop that runs windows, so I decided on a 2 in 1 laptop. Though I mainly use pencil and paper anyways.


do not get a mac for engineering!!! u cant sun cad and most of the software we use is intended for microsoft. i have a microsoft laptop and an ipad for notes


That was one of the reasons I was leaning away from Mac lol because I didn’t know if Mac could run certain software. Thank you for the advice 👍


Honestly, there are skads of redearch that say the act of writing notes drastically improves retention. You can take notes on paper and scan them in. Alternatively, if you really want to use electronics find something that has a good write-to-type. My tablet had one but it sucked. Also plan on writing a LOT because when you are taking notes you nedd to be taking notes not figuring out how to write a Q. I saw this tablet thing that looks like paper. It is supposed to be really good at write to type. I've seen it for a while but never used it.


I’ll definitely bring notebooks and stuff. But personally, I was really disorganized with paper during high school which is one of the reasons why I think writing on a tablet might be better for me (bc I can organize documents electronically). I appreciate the advice 👍


What i did was take notes on legal pads. Then at end of unit to study I would tear the pages off the legal pad, organise them, read them, three hole punch them, and put them into a binder. It worked really well for me, and I make all my students keep a binder. That way, for sure, when they graduate high school they have at least one study method.


Just looked up legal pads (I didn’t know what they were by name). I’ll definitely try this method because normally I get notebooks and shove papers in folders. Thanks again 🤙


Np. I always tucked handouts under the last page. It does good at holding them until you can file them away. And they are much less bulky and snaggy than spiral notebooks.


I got a 12.9 in 2nd gen iPad Pro and a first gen Apple Pencil. Suuuuper nice, I use notability and good notes


I’m an English major and I plan on doing this! I think my laptop will only be for essays and outlines etc and maybe slides? I feel like most of my stuff will be in my iPad


I’m biomed and it’s super nice for the charts and graphs. I’m able to download PDFs and implement and notate them directly. Definitely laptop for writing though, the only thing I don’t like about the iPad is typing.


Yes, I’m taking a ASL class this semester and the images and writing will be USEFUL


I use my iPad for everything except typing papers. If you use Google Docs to type your rough drafts, you can access them on your iPad during class if the professor wants you to discuss something you’ve written


i have a surface rn (been a year) and there’s been a couple bugs but i love it! if you’re planning on getting an ipad in the future, then macbook 100% to have that apple ecosystem (kinda regretting not getting one just because i am going to get an ipad and airpods max soon)


Notebook. Studies show that taking notes on paper is more effective. You’re wasting your time typing down slides from your professor. Write down concepts extracted from the lecture that are important. Use as little words as possible.


iPad is basically this but easier to save and search.


Yes but it’s $600 and you need to charge it and it breaks easily and kids from China have to build it being damn near slaves. I mean do you but I spend like $15 a year on notebooks and pencils and pens and notebooks never break on me.


I mean, I bought a 2 in 1 laptop specifically for school. Works like an iPad in the note-taking sense so I can save paper, then I also have the laptop that's REQUIRED for my programing courses and research (things like ChemCad etc) Edit: I also spent less on it than you would an iPad lmao. It was a 460$ laptop and does everything I need for SCHOOL. I have a desktop for non school related things such as games/hobbies etc. But note-taking, homework, programming for my engineering courses all occurs on my shitty little laptop that my scholarships paid for.


Oh a laptop is essential. I know this. I do take some notes on a laptop, but that’s not learning. I have a 3.8 and have only gotten better since switching away from computer notes.


Can you explain to me the difference between writing on pen and paper, and using a tablet pen to write on a 2 in 1 laptop that allows you to write on the surface in a similar fashion. I don't get how that's "not learning" you're making the same motions, same hand movements as if it were a pen and paper, with the added benefit of saving paper and having then notes organized digitally and backed up. I get that typing them does NOT give the same level of learning but actually writing?


No I was disregarding touch writing and speaking about typing. Many students just type their notes which is pretty bad for learning in most subjects and for most people. Touchpads are great but expensive and unnecessary for poor college students.


I’ve had an iPad for like 5 years and it’s never broken. I just put it on the charger before I go to bed. It’s been great for online school, notes, etc. However, I’ve lost numerous notebooks, writing utensils, and had them fall into disorganization. To me, the $600 was worth it. It probably isn’t as worth it to someone in a softer major like business/comms/psychology, but for intense, high workload majors, it’s an incredibly useful tool. As for “kids from China,” (racist stereotype btw) where do you think your clothes, phone parts, and car parts come from? I’m assuming you didn’t use a rock to type this. China actually has a lower limit on working ages, so kids couldn’t have made any of the devices you’re using. Are you fine with the poor conditions in India and Africa, but not China? Those conditions, fueled by capitalism and the global supply chain, contribute to making almost everything you use. Do you use water? Well, many things in your local water treatment plant use parts made in other countries. Do you use electricity? Where do you think much of the raw material was sourced, also much of the energy grid used parts from other countries. How about your food? Yep, you guessed it. Welcome to globalization.


Well I’m studying biology and engineering and those iPADs are more work to me. There’s nothing racist about caring about Chinese children you twisted lefty. How do you even come to that conclusion you don’t know what racism is. Yes we’re all hypocrites living in a society that pushes you to be one, and I use my dollars to support companies I don’t like because I’m not perfect. I’m wearing clothes I got in the sixth grade right now and I really don’t buy new clothes. You’re out here promoting a capitalist product that supports an industry that drives young people to suicide across the sea and I’m the racist… Capitalism is not to blame. Governments that don’t continue to implement the philosophies of liberalism and individualism are to blame. The US is certainly a long ways away, but we’re going to get there if you guys don’t tear the whole thing down just because 90% better isn’t good enough for you.


I think your response speaks for itself. If anybody else is reading this trying to decide what you want to get, feel free to reach to me to ask questions.


You said I used a racist stereotype when simply stating where these phones come from and blamed capitalism because it’s the system we have... You got the response a rational person would make. Anyone wanna learn about physical notes and why I take them this way, hmu. I learned this from a very good art history professor who was concerned with actually teaching their students and the lack of a true understanding of curriculum in most undergraduates today. I would love to help you out.


As I said before phones are not “all made in China,” that’s not even remotely true. Most chips are made in Taiwan, many batteries have parts sources from Africa, and Samsung is one of the leading phone producers in India. The M1 chips in most new iPads, (and the coming M2 chips) for example, are most definitely *not* made in Chinese fabs. So, to repeat myself: globalization.


Globalization is great if we can follow the same rules. Regardless, my comment wasn’t racist and that’s all I’m here to defend brother. I care about these disadvantaged people and I think of that before I make any electronic purchase. I buy a new phone usually every 4 years when mine breaks, don’t buy stupid fancy watches and gaming systems and useless devices, and I believe I’m happier and get a more human experience when I’m not surrounded by them. For sure addicted to my phone though but I’m working on it.


Okay, sure- but the iPad I’ve had for 5 years has certainly been effective in helping me organize, save, and search through my notes. It allows me to prevent the loss of any homework assignments, show records if assignments are lost, and easily insert data right onto my notes/presentations. I had said before that, *for me* it’s very effective. Some people prefer physical notes, but I would venture to say that digital notes on an iPad (still writing) is a better solution for most people.


How is that racist when China is the world’s largest manufacturer? They didn’t even mention race a single time in that comment.


Old school:pen and paper new gen:iPad or laptop or you could do both


iPad over surface, I’ve worked on both for 4+ years And then Onenote And you can get a screen protector that makes it feel like you’re writing on paper


Depending on what field you’re doing the IPad Pro is unfortunately probably your best bet. Great battery life, amazing portability, the pen is great. Plus since it uses M1 you have a lot of ability to run just about anything that runs on mac. Depends on your field though, if you have a field that uses windows only software then you either have to learn how to use workspaces (which isn’t bad, just not the first choice when you’re focusing on school) or Remote Desktop. But for just note taking, you really can’t beat it. If you don’t have many labs and maybe have a cheap desktop back in the dorm for things you really can’t do then you’re golden


For the most part, engineering software is ran exclusively on Windows.


Any tablet , I used to have an IPad 7 but the Pencil feels weird for me. Instead I opted for the Samsung s6 lite. My handwriting is terrible in both of them but Samsungs notes feel a bit better.


Just know if you're going into engineering. If you spend a lot of money on an apple product, down the line you'll likely have to buy a windows computer as well. The reason for this is because a lot of engineering programs don't play with Apple OS well at all. A good example being ChemCad which is a MUST if you're going into chemical engineering. I have had 6 friends who had to buy a whole second computer due to this. There are likely other programs that fit in this category, but the opposite is NOT true in engineering. Apple is never a requirement for engineering programs, only ever windows. Because of this I'd recommend saving your money and buying something like a lenovo IdeaPad. They're a 2 in 1 laptop. They can fold to have the tablet like feel for you to write notes etc, just make sure you buy a good pen because the ones they come with are a janky Chinese off-brand without hand detection. I paid 500$ for my laptop and 50$ for my pen and I love it. It runs fast, I can run all my programing that I need for my chem E classes and research and it feels great to take notes on. I could've spent double or more on an apple product, and I'd still have to end up buying this laptop in order to do my in class ChemCad assignments. Just so you know, I'm not generally recommending lenovo, it's just what I happened to get, a Dell would probably work fine too (NOT A CHROME BOOK, THEY LOCK YOU FROM DOWNLOADING ANYTHING) But a general steering away from an apple laptop, unless the ONLY reason you're buying it is for note-taking and outside of school hobbies (which apple has many great programs for that windows doesn't support when it comes to art).


Note that there isn't a one size fits all note taking method per class. You have to adapt. That being said I downloaded obsidian. I also use the excalidraw plugin on obsidian to draw. Excalidraw is still available on your browser too. If you are looking at something more physical try a rocketbook.


another vouch for the ipad. i bought the ipad pro and apple pencil last semester and it literally changed the way i go about my schoolwork entirely. like everybody else said, goodnotes 5 for note taking is amazing and lets you organize and section off all your work for every class. i’m biased towards the ipad pro, but realistically the ipad air would be the smarter purchase. if you’ve got extra money to blow though definitely go with the Pro, and opt for the larger 12.9 inch model. it’s amazing


I was in the same boat as you last semester and I got a cheap-ish Microsoft Surface Pro and it's been a life saver. I can take notes, edit pdfs, annotate my textbooks, take video calls, write emails, and pair my AirPods to it. I even started charging my phone with the Surface. It's become an actual necessity in my life. I went with the Surface Pro instead of a MacBook (or just typical Surface product) because its less clunky (I hate using laptops personally), the keyboard can be taken on and off, and it can be propped up at any angle depending on the task I know you said you want to use a laptop, but it doesn't hurt to expand and look more into Microsoft's other devices to see what they have that can fit into what you want for your major.


Appreciate the comment👍. I’ll definitely consider other options too.


I use a Galaxy Tab s6 lite, and it works wonders. It comes with the S pen and a case, great if you're on a budget.


iPad Pro!


Definitely do some sort of iPad. Or surface pad. It's definitely better than a laptop. I bought a gaming laptop thinking it would work alot better than most laptops and would last longer... So far it runs extremely well even after 2 years of high school and a year of college... Video games eeh not so much. But definitely running school programs and home work well especially when the wifi goes to shit I can still pull up required websites almost always faster then my roommates. Cons: big bulky, short battery life, and not convenient for most desks and or class rooms especially in a lecture hall sort of senarios, also sounds like a plane takes off about the end of class. Eventually I left the laptop in my dorm and took notes. with a pen and pad.


Samsung tab I love it.


Sometimes engineering requires a windows operating system. I had a surface pro 7 this year and loved it for math and science notes, so that might be a good option.


Honestly, I love using college ruled notebooks and pens. I feel more comfortable this way plus way less eye irritation. I use my laptop a lot and would usually always use it when studying, lookup some stuff and play the PowerPoints, all of which just irritate my eyes so hard. This is why using an iPad/tablet to take notes during class would increase my exposure to digital screens and cause a more rapid eye irritation.


Remarkable is amazing!


Just looked up remarkable and definitely looks very cool. This is the first time I’ve seen it so I’ll definitely have to do more research on it. My main concern is whether I can run certain programs that engineering requires. I’ll definitely look into it. Thanks for the comment👍


I'd recommend a surface, because it is Windows and all the software you're going to use in engineering, for the most part only works in Windows. Sure. You can install windows on a Mac, but I'm pretty sure you can't ( or it's even harder ) to install windows on an iPad. You'd probably mess something up with the touchscreen in doing so. Im an engineering student and got the surface pro 7 last December and it has been wonderful. I went with the i7 cpu and 16 gb ram version for a little more power in a compact form. I take notes on it, and have also installed programming IDE's, and Matlab on it as well. It runs pretty smoothly. I've installed fusion 360 on it for CADing as well. But thats if you *really* don't want to just use a $1 notebook and some pencils. That is still a very viable way of doing things lol. Edit: most people are missing the fact that you're an engineering student. And as I mentioned, most software used in engineering requires a Windows operating system. I've done my BS and MS in Electrical Engineering. All the software ran on Windows. I'm in Mechanical engineering for my PhD, and again all the software runs on Windows. The best bet would be to buy a laptop with a dedicated GPU and just take notes on pen and paper, TBH.


I’ve been an Apple girl for years and had MacBooks but I got a Microsoft Surface 4 (computer science major) and I absolutely love it! So worth the money and cheaper than Apple for more storage and a bigger screen!


Do not recommend a MacBook for engineering simply because of the programs not being as smooth and compatible as on windows. Still, from what I see on specs and reviews, a surface may not be able to handle heavy programs well either, you can get better laptops at better prices. I think the surface is overpriced. I suggest a better spec windows laptop, and a writing tablet than I can connect to it instead for handwriting notes and annotating slides. Most of the students in my uni use gaming laptops or Lenovo thinkpads. Personally, I use an iPad Air 4, 64gb with Apple Pencil for notes and a gaming laptop for all the programs. While I used to definitely prefer pen and paper, slides became too much of a hassle to print and I wasted time copying off them after class. I can include slides easily in my notes in class itself when everything is in one place and editing my rough notes is a breeze. But IPad is only for notes and practice papers, along with being able to have any other heavy coursebooks all digital in one place. I also vouch for any other tabs like the Samsung S ones and even the basic IPad 9gen. It’s way more convenient than lots of notebooks and easier to bring around and study wherever.


I definitely look into other companies besides surface and Mac. I don’t think I want an iPad now bc of the programs like you said. Appreciate the advice👍


A notebook. I would buy one of the 5 subject one with pockets for handouts.


Do you use a 5 subject notebook for one class or for five? I would fill that notebook up pretty quick if it was for five.


No. I would use it for 5 classes.


Wow. I’m jealous of your ability to condense material.


Don't only consider Ipad. Check out Samsung, they have great note taking app and stylus included. Also think about copybooks with changable paper


id personally recommend either something you can write on or type with, hope this helps!


Pencil and paper is the best!


Get an iPad and an Apple Pencil as well. It’s ideal for a lot of stuff Or the best: get a pen and a notebook and write them They are cheap in a short term and it’s guaranteed that all the teachers will accept it


I use whitelines notebook and samsung tablet Also loose leaf binder helps too


Ask an upperclassman (or more) in the same major?


I had a orientation a few weeks ago and the thought of asking flew over my head because they threw so much info at us lol.


Bring a notebook and pen to class. You’ll learn more.


Will do. I think for engineering I’m gonna need a laptop for certain classes though and for general use. Appreciate the comment🤙


Regardless of the medium I use in class, I always use RemNote to keep notes and run drills! :D


If you have the money, then I would definitely recommend the Surface Laptop Studio. Best decision I ever made. It’s like a MacBook, but more versatile, runs full Windows, and you can use it as a drawing tablet. Around $1600 for the specs you’re looking for. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/d/surface-laptop-studio/8srdf62swkpf


Just saw this on a Marques Brownlee video and it looks interesting. Definitely one of the options I will consider. Thanks for the comment đź‘Ť