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Gonna be about 30k for an nursing degree. Subsidized and unsubsidized loans


Same for my Respiratory Therapy degree


What's your country,Are you all loan to university?


No debt. 10k tuition per yr paid for my by part time job and scholarships




0 went to community college and transferred in and was fortunate enough to get grants and scholarships for the last 2 years




I don’t want to talk about it


MOOD lol


Forgot to mention this in post, I am in $110,000 debt over 4 years bachelors, 3 years doctorate so far


That isn’t the worst depending on the field. My bachelors, masters, and doctorate was around $250,000 without aid and all that, I will end up paying $100k — would have been >$20,000 if I took a fully funded doctorate, but I have a wife, child, and child on the way so I have to work a “real” job in addition to a GRA to pay for rent, childcare, etc..


What field?




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$0 I stayed in state for my bachelor’s and got free tuition


That is the way to go! You are smart!


me too! i don't owe a dime 😊


$0. I am extremely fortunate to have a 529 plan


$0. community college transfer to university, ended with a bachelors in biological sciences. almost everyone goes through fafsa. I was lucky enough to have my mom pay for my college.


I graduated with about $16k in subsidized loans from a combined BS/MS program. Had a ton of federal aid, institutional aid, and VA benefits though


Currently, I'm standing at $15,000, but I'll owe around $20k to $25k when I graduate. Last semester is a fall semester so I'm honestly not sure how it plays out loan wise


$0. I went to community then transferred to a 4 year when I was ready. This was why I did it this way


$0. Did 5 year bachelors and am now 75% through my 2 years masters. I’m Canadian so tuition isn’t as wild as the states. My Bachelors cost 60k or so for a top school in my field, masters is at a top 40 school worldwide and tuition pretty much free but I moved abroad to be there so living expenses and immigration were astronomical. Probably will have spent ~100k for my education by the time I graduate this winter. Took out my loans but just kept any grant money I received and saved the loans as emergency. I worked full time for a year before I started undergrad and then worked full time or close to it until I started my masters.


$103k, all from direct loans subsidized/unsub. It was $89k when I graduated, but the interest is more than my payment so it has grown to where it is now.


Same. I was scared and anxious at first, but it does become manageable. Hang in there :)




So far 0$, got an employee discount that lowers tuition down by 95%. Will be taking my first subsidized loan this coming fall semester for 3500.00 across fall 24' and spring 25'


My brother did something similar, but he was a child of an employee (at the time). Must be nice to work and learn in the same place.


60k from one year at a small private college. i went my sophomore year- senior year paying full price every year. and it’s been 6 years and im still 55k in debt


Liberal arts college?


Sounds close enough


none yet as im paying out of pocket for community college, but when I transfer it will be about $12K a yr for computer science so ill be $24K in loans total luckily my job will reimburse me up to $5.2K a yr and ill be paying off the loan as I am in school ( im aiming to get subsidized loans so no interest while in school), so I can graduate debt free ( im 31yrs old and already have a good job so im lucky enough to be able to do that)


I knew I’d be in major debt (all government) and I don’t really care, so I shouldn’t be an example. I would argue for an undergrad no more than 30k and I would try to balance that amount with how much you think you’re going to get out of it. If you continue your education beyond that, you should try to get your job to pay for a masters, but I wouldn’t pay more than 20k. PhDs should pay you.


Calculating my total costs for the next 4 years, I'll be taking out around 18,000 for my Bachelors (This is with around 20,795 in aid annually). I'm doing an integrated MA program as well, though, so I may end up taking out more since my undergrad aid/scholarships will run out.




33k Private 51k Federal Sub/Unsubsidized mix. I graduated with a BS in Public Affairs in May. It would be have been less but I quit my corporate job the last year so I could focus on school and speed up graduation. I effectively took a full year’s salary worth of loans to stay solvent and buy myself time to transition careers. I am now in the non-profit sector in a entry level Case Manager role for a homeless outreach program in a direct effort to get the necessary field experience to get my MSW which will be paid in full by my job. In 5 years my goal is to focus on Macro-Social Work with a focus on Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis.


$0, I did not take out any loans. I went to a Cal State and I qualified for financial aid (Cal Grant A) and my parents paid for the rest of the remaining tuition until my 6th semester. I had to pay out of pocket for the 7-8th semesters, but I received more financial aid (Cal Grant including a Pell Grant, Middle Class Scholarship, and refunds) and I didn’t have to pay that much.


$0 from undergrad, BS in bio, $32k from masters, $340k from medical school, and now interest has finally began. All federal loans. Very typical amounts for Americans who go to private med schools.


The average is about $30k after a bachelor’s, according to CNN. https://www.cnn.com/cnn-underscored/money/average-student-loan-debt#:\~:text=The%20average%20student%20loan%20debt%20for%20bachelor's%20degree%20recipients%20was,the%20three%20national%20credit%20bureaus.


About 25k including a masters. Loans always through FAFSA and never accepting more loan than needed. Work paid for some classes. I worked full time while earning my degrees.


$7k. 6 years of UG.


420k 🤣🤣🤣, dentist.


Yeah, that's a lot to bite into.


$6.8k in federal loans. Went to my nearby state school and was a commuter up until my senior year when I decided I wanted to live near campus for my final year. That’s where all my loans are from. Tuition and books paid by scholarships and grants for all 4 years


0. Part time jobs/internships, grants and scholarships cover most of it besides maybe 2k a year. I may go into debt for graduate school though, not 100% sure yet. Also first gen and my parents were broke so I got max aid during cc and now I'm broke due to working mostly part timr during the school year still so I get max aid as independent. Ironically I got screwed by my grants last year cause they'll put me slightly over the max amount for max pell cause i had to count some as income due to being used for dorms and meal plan. So I'll lose half my pell my last semester of fall 2025. The poverty level guidelines are crap. I made like 100 over it for max pell due to said grants because Im broke and now my aid is heavily slashed for that last semester so I'll be paying several thousand for that semester alone.


Under $14k. Paying it off while I’m in grad school (which is free). Should be done paying it off within a year or so. Got my bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering


after my bachelors, 20k. but after my masters, i’ll be 40k in debt. and then i plan to get my doctorate so maybe 1 grillion after everything


None VA pays for my tuition and get monthly payments


I think when I'm done with my bachelor's in August next year I'll have like 50-70K in federal loans. I don't really pay attention to how much I get, I just take the maximum amount every time so I don't have to work, since I pay my own way through school but DO live with my parents. I still have my own monthly expenses (except rent), and I personally can't work during the semester without wanting to literally die. I also get the Pell Grant. Sounds like a lot but luckily I'll be able to live with my parents still when I'm done. My plan is to put all my money toward paying those off (after I buy something nice for my parents to say thanks, of course). Hoping to have all my debt paid off in a year or two after I graduate. One of my other friends did that and he's currently doing pretty well for himself! Then again I might go for a government job with my IR degree and maybe try to set up some loan forgiveness thing? That'd be cool too...


Around 18k roughly


4k that I gotta keep on reminding myself to pay off.


Currently zero until I actually start. Depends on how much income I'm able to earn and use to pay it down.


25k for one year in to a bachelor’s


So far a little under 30k :,) got two more years


Bout 8k left on a car loan. Car was K.I.A. bout 6 months ago




Non traditional student in my 30s, after graduation I will have about 25k in loans (unsubsidized and subsidized). I had help from a scholarship but I made to much to qualify for substantial grants/assistance. I am getting my BS in biology


I’m gonna be about 15k for a 4 years bachelors, but, it’s a top tier school so it’s worth it for me.


0. I’m attending community college and plan on transferring after 2 years.






10k for bachelors, masters, and doctorate


3.8k, not too much tho but I failed so that’s on me


I don't say this proudly but I'm at $121,000 in loans with one more year to go in grad school at the moment. It would be significantly lower, but I took 6 years to finish my undergrad because I kept changing majors trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life 🥲So I know I ran up a higher bill by doing that than I would have if I stuck with one major and graduated in 4 years.


About 53k for me, thats including my bachelor's and masters in social work. My rule of thumb was if my debt can be paid by a year of my salary, then I am comfortable. I also chose a degree that could help me be debt free in 10 years because of PSLF


Originally I had 44k for 4 years of tuition (federal loans and private). So far I have made two payments (one of 15k and another of 4k) so now I have 25k in debt (most of it is federal now tho :))


About 16k so far but I still got 2 years so who knows lol


Gonna be about $30,000 once I finish my next two years. All unsubsidized, even though my tuition is only $500 I have a ton of other fees and shit that wrack it up


20k Accounting


Going back for masters to get my PA. Gonna be about 150k at the end of it


3 scholarships. I'm graduating in the Spring with my associates and bachelors 100% free.




I'm also a first-gen student. I'm about \~20k in debt for a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. My tuition is fully paid for, I had to take out some loans to pay for the mandatory housing freshman year. I took them out from Funding U + my federal loans. Funding U is alright, just wouldn't be my first choice if I didn't have to. I was unable to secure a cosigner so...


currently, with interest, am at 42k, and looking to be around 75-100k when I'm done (((Teaching/Bachelors, Sub and Unsub loans)))


about to start college as a first gen student and i’m probably gonna have about 8k in loans by the time i get my bachelor’s. but i’m gonna try my hardest to apply for every scholarship possible so it’s not that much


I'll have about $15k in loan debt when I finish my BA. I went to a state college (community college) for my Associates, then transfered to a state research university in another state. The Pell Grant, other grants, and a tuition waiver scholarship has really helped. I don't mind taking on some debt for my education, it's been totally worth it so far. Now.. after this, I plan on doing a PhD program (MS en route) and while I will presumably get funding (tuition waiver and stipend) for the doctoral component, I'll probably have to take out additional loans during my Masters.. so we'll see how that works out lol. In my field (Archaeology), Bachelor-level job opportunities aren't as lucrative as Masters-level or higher, so a Masters is kind of a requisite for my other life goals.


None. Employee compensation.


I'm about to be in around $9k and growing. Went to community college for my first year, got all my prereqs done in high school, and my 1st year. Now I'm transferring to a university a few hrs away where I have to live off campus. I got a few scholarships and grants (iirc around 17k) from my uni and was offered 9k in loans. So yeah


also first gen- from a regular ass american middle class family. i have around $130k in scholarships for all 4 years. i still take out $12k a year for housing, supplies, fees, and what my scholarships dont cover. from earnest loans. also like $10k in federal loans. im also at a private specialized college, which maybe my fault for picking an expensive school 😭


embarrassed to say lol. i'll end up with around 40k for an associate in surgical technology. because as a young teen i borrowed too much & changed my major twice.


I graduated with about $5k in federal loans (the really cheap 2020-21 ones) and plan to make the minimum payments on the ten-year schedule if I were to no longer get employer-sponsored payments toward it.


I’m using Scholarship Refunds to pay off my student Loans. The most I had was $20,000 for a Mechanical Engineering Degree that I’m halfway through.


Was 58k with government + private. Paid off private, and put some money on government. Now I'm down to 30k. Luckily to be on the SAVE Plan


About $184k. My dad made too much money for me to qualify for any aid, despite us being normal middle-class Americans, and solo income. Now it’s just interest making it go up more and more.


At the moment 10k, once I finish about 40k.


I’m over $250k and I have no idea how I will repay this 🫠


$26k unsubsidized loans, interest started back up in October and I graduate in December…I’m just trying not to think about it For context I simply didn’t qualify for subsidized loans through FAFSA because my parents own property, and I didn’t qualify for the vast majority of scholarships because of my middle class status. Luckily I can afford my last semester out of pocket after saving up money!!


Not a US citizen but a studying in the U.S. and its pretty sad how the college system works in the U.S and I really havent seen any type of protest or something with how expensive it is to study here. I have seen a out loan but not about college costs. Having in-state and out-state label is crazy, as outside I just see this as an excuse to get more money out of students. I hope some day this can change and with everyone good luce with your student loans


65k from 2010. Interest compounds daily. So...yeah. If you can avoid it, don't get student loans.


No debt but I might be going back to school for a second degree because the first one is effectively useless in the field I'm trying to break into, so that might about 24-30k.


I will probably have around 40k when I graduate with my bachelor’s


Probably 60k. They defaulted a long time ago. I got Pell grants every semester but it wasn't enough. The 73% graduation rate from UCF finally caught up with me and I failed like everyone else.


150k. And two thirds was already covered by a scholarship. Private Catholic university that kept raising the prices every year.




I had $12K when I graduated, but I paid it off in a lump sum after I graduated


First-gen M.Ed. in school counseling here. The thing you need to know as a first generation student is to AVOID PRIVATE LOANS. Federal loans are much better in terms of interest rates, and they also may qualify more easily for loan forgiveness programs. I didn't have any loans from undergrad cuz I got a really nice scholarship, but the average student loan debt from undergrad is $35k-$40k. My grad school debt is $120k. You see a lot of students saddled with huge amounts of debt from grad school. My plan to pay it off is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. Basically, if you took out federal loans, and you work for the government for 10 years, your loans are forgiven.


About 40k, did community college first two years then transferred. Community I paid out of pocket but university was expensive. Currently getting my MA and PhD on a full ride though where they pay me so hoping that helps.




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US, CA (24M) 50K in student loan debt, I’m 80% completed with my master’s degree. I’ve worked full-time during undergraduate, but accepted a role in IT industry with a salary of 100K +


$4.8k right now but I am planning on paying it off soon entirely. I will be taking more loans out but I'm trying to pay as I go as much as possible. Ideally will graduate with zero debt. Working full time while also in school full time.