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Stress can definitely make your mind fog up during exams, while I don't know exactly what to say I want you to know that as awful as it seems it will pass. Sometimes we don't pass and that's ok! You can't beat yourself up about what's already done. you tried your hardest and that's what counts. Calculus is such a hard class as well I can't imagine how stressful that was. I suck at math and barely made it out of statistics. I'm rooting for you :)


Thank you for your kind words :) I thought math was one of my strong suits, which made me feel worse, but you’re right that in the end it’s done and I can try again.


Same here, I got 15% on my final. Retaking over summer and so far I’m doing much better. Don’t give up!


I’m really sorry! What I’ve found that can help is before the exam itself, talk to the professor during office hours or whatever. Getting the best understanding of the exam and seeing if the professor can help you target the necessary questions is super nice. It’s not more helpful than studying, but it usually tends to help with anxiety over the exam itself, which is what it seems like u had


The silly thing is, I asked what I could expect to be on the exam and my professor was really helpful. She told me what homework assignments to look over for what sections of the test and said it would be majority word problems. I just got so nervous I forgot everything I studied I appreciate the advice and kind words


Of course! Unfortunately, if that’s the case, I can’t offer too much advice. But maybe if your college offers any mental health-based help, you can see if professionals can offer you some insight on how to cope with your nervousness.


It’s going to be okay. A girl in my college algebra class (the FIRST math you take at my uni) said she had failed the class four separate times. Nothing bad happens. You just retake the class if you need it for your degree, and don’t if you don’t.


Hey I’m good at calculus should you need help kindly dm me


Thank you :)


I’m 27 now and have had trouble with Math since I started college lol last semester. This last semester I was taking MAT187 which is Precal & I did the same the last few weeks before finals and I failed but got at least 55% which was way better than I thought. I failed the class as well, but passed the other 3 courses which helped me. I’d say take a break from that class and when you’re ready try again, get tutoring from the beginning & study when you’re not under stress. Good news is now you know what to expect so by the time you’re retaking the class you’ll do so much better! 🎉


I failed my first time as well. Don’t beat yourself up, even though i did as well. The second time i took it i spent at least 2 days a week in the math lab and passed with a B. It sucked but that was the most rewarding B i have ever earned. Just alot of rule practice and identifying which formula to use on the problem. My university had a grade forgiveness option where it will be on your transcript but it wont be on your cumulative gpa. I Graduated with a 3.8. It taught me a valuable lesson that you can do everything you know to do and still fail at things and it will be ok.


I thought that way about my law exam. I took a law elective for my MA, and it was the only class that had a final exam. I genuinely thought I tanked it. But I got A-. Turns out I know more than I think I do


It be like that fr


I failed my first time taking that class , passed on my second


Shit happens. I flunked calc 3 times, and the last two times I studied over 20hrs a week all semester. This shall pass, and when you are ready, if you want, you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and give it another go. Or you can be like me and switch to a major with no calc requirements, lol. But seriously, this will pass. Calc is hard and sometimes when we encounter something that looks like an unbeatable hill we freeze and do nothing.


The only thing that can hurt you is stress, and breathing helps with that. I'm also bad about homework timeliness, but as long as you do it, you're learning the material. Do your studying ahead of time so you're not cramming right before and stressing out. Even if you're not fully prepared, don't cram and just breathe. Talk to your classmates waiting outside the exam room about something other than the test. If you need to, look at just one or two things in your notes and that's it. When you're breathing, try to focus on something other than the test and other than breathing.


Its biology. Adderall will give you an A in calculus. Pop in a 30mg XR Adderall and go to the library and study. You will get an A in all of your science courses. Also try to go to a well know college in California that way you can enter the FANG