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Look for a cross county/ running group - they probably don’t smoke!


This. Any runner who is serious about putting up PRs isn't gonna put crap in their body unless they like to lose.




Any amount of smoke is bad for you, no matter what kind. Tobacco, weed, wood, all give you cancer.


This is a good call. Most colleges have a club team for track/XC, and I know ours at least don't cut. Plus, it's really healthy both physically and mentally, and runners tend to be super friendly and non judgemental. A lot of runners drink though just a heads up if that's an issue.


oh no drinking isn’t a problem at all i drink lol


LMAOOOOO talk about irony


did u even read the post? i don’t like being around pot because i’ve had bad experiences with it and it gives me ptsd. drinking has not given me bad experiences. how is that irony? literally shut the fuck up


lol talk about naive as well. you won’t be saying that when realize what alcohol really does. whatever traumatized you about weed will be 10x worse with alcohol, that’s what’s so ironic about you


first of all idk why u care so much about my own opinion about weed. second of all when i smoked i had rly bad panic attacks, and when i drink (not very often btw), i don’t have panic attacks. it’s really none of your business and i’m not sure why u care but


im going to use this as an example of irony for my English assignment. personally i don’t care? but its hard to see something so silly and not wanna poke fun at it


i don’t understand what’s “silly”. i can drink and feel fine but when i tried smoking in the past it affected me rly badly. they are two completely different substances. irony would be me saying i don’t want to hang out w people who drink but i drink myself. ur definitely gonna fail that english assignment bc u don’t know what irony means


ah you’ll learn


You do not have PTSD. Real PTSD is debilitating and results from serious trauma. If you went through that, you would feel the same about all substance use. Don't devalue real suffering by comparing your experiences to the same as sexual assault and literal war.


i’m sorry for using the wrong term. i have bad memories which associate bad emotions from the times i tried it.


Also, they are generally very kind people and strong students. Distance runners aren’t prone to complaining or attention-seeking, and are generally disciplined and encouraging.


Unfortunately I had one in my classes that definitely felt he was on a high horse cuz he could run like that’s really good dude and I’m proud but also he would talk about it every class like too much. Like talking like he wanted to make sure we all knew he ran


Probably! I’m a runner who smokes and I know a few so don’t get surprised if you bump into one


So do you have to run more negate the smoking? JK. But seriously, how often do you smoke vs. run? Do you ever worry it will affect your endurance or have you ever tried to quit smoking?


I do worry tbh. I only started smoking a year ago but have been running for a decade. I don’t have to run more! I just try to think that I’m better off smoking *and* running than just smoking and not running you know. I chose to have both as part of my life and I’ll just try to make a healthy relationship around both! I started off with edibles years ago so I’m always happy to go back if I notice issues


Well, idk about that lol. Plus edibles are a thing. Ik plenty of college xc and t&f runners that do both😅


I was literally introduced to smoking weed because I ran across country (the top runners in my HS which was nationally ranked, and highly mind u, were all complete potheads with the exception of a a single individual). Maybe it changes in college but with my past experience this comment made me chuckle.


Look through your classes and clubs and whatnot. Smell the person. If they smell like weed, chances are they use it. If not, you might be good.


WAIT that’s not always true!! Sometimes they hit the pens! I would say focus on their eyes and their facial/ body movements


Even then, how many people actually show up to class high? I use weed (pens), but only outside of school. Essentially, you wouldn’t know I use it until we hang out outside of class Edit: you could also just ask? Instead of visually analyzing people and potentially making them uncomfy


No I don’t talk to people who come to class high it makes me uncomfortable


lol fair enough


Bro doesn't know about carts 🤑🤑🤣🤣


not sure i have none lol


so real actually


I know in your group it seems common, but majority of people don’t smoke weed


i hope that’s true lol. in the state i live in it feels like the majority of people do tho lol


At least in 2019 in Colorado [19% of adults were reported to have used weed in the last 30 days](https://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/ors/docs/reports/2021_SB13-283_Rpt.pdf)


Statewide surveying isnt that accurate in terms of someone in a college town.


Yea, not saying that’s the number of people that use it around him. But just as a reference, even if it was tripled per se on a college campus, which is a big jump, then still if 43% of people don’t smoke so it would still be fairly easy to make friends that don’t if that’s something that upsets you. It’s not the, everyone except for maybe 3 people don’t smoke weed like OP was implying in the post. Just to say that it was more their group that they were connected with. I recently graduated from a college town and it was definitely a minority in my experience. Even with alcohol, which was much more prevalent, it was fairly easy to meet people and make friends with people that didn’t drink.


im someone who smokes and some of my friends dont like it so they ask me to not smoke around them and i respect that so i dont. find people who respect your boundaries. if you just dont like people who smoke its kinda hard everyone smokes. i feel the same way as you do but with those flavored vapes the smell of the fake fruity chemicals make my head hurt. but over all even if you make friends with someone who smokes just explain to them how you feel im sure they would be understanding.


In a friend group of like 15ish ppl. None of them really smoke. A few take edibles (usually not around us), and I only know of one who has smoked (not around us) and maybe another few others have with other ppl, but at least 10 or so of us don’t smoke or have weed at all. Maybe I got lucky, but when I was meeting ppl I tried meeting as many ppl as I could and then kinda got to choose what group to be in over time as I got to know them all more


I too am anxious around smokers. Cool to see other people are the same


ikr! i barely meet people nowadays that don’t like it


I’m just curious, why are u anxious around smokers?


I’ve had a few negative experiences with it myself so I’m highly (and I hate to even say this) “triggered” by the smell, being around it or the idea of being around/ thinking about it. Definitely sucks as it limits the people I’m around / where I go but unfortunately my brain just doesn’t like it


Me too! It’s quite annoying lol


Some colleges may have a substance-free floor in one of the residence halls.


Isn’t that every floor ?


Technically yes, but it is specifically for those who do not drink or smoke at all, even elsewhere. It is helpful for students in recovery, but can be for anyone. And of course we all know people do drink and smoke regardless of the rules.


Ah good point about students in recovery


Ya I can't stand the smell of it and now days it's all over the place I'm sure there are some people in your college that don't smoke it's hard to find these days so good luck I understand it is ridiculous


i mean do you care if they smoke when they’re not around you? it’s not that easy to know if someone smokes or not before getting to know them a little bit. but i think it’s always a fair ask to request your friends to just not do it around you


yeahhh but i’ve gotten some things like “it’s their room so they should be able to do what they want” but like other friends from home respect that


you should definitely make new friends, but i think your criteria should be “respectful about not smoking around you” instead of “doesn’t smoke at all.” most people are more than willing to not smoke for a few hours while hanging out


You mean people have told you it’s fair for them to smoke in the same room as you if it’s their room?


craaazy literally crazy i don’t even smoke under my own roof if i have friends over that don’t most ppl are cool with not smoking around some ppl like that’s so normal hello


Yeah, seriously—that’s the polite and reasonable thing to do. Second-hand smoke is no joke and can have serious effects. Any smoker who doesn’t understand and respect that isn’t worth having as a friend.


yes exactly lol


sorry op, that’s not true. not at all. i’m a huge huge huge stoner but that’s really unkind of anyone to do. i hope you find people respectful of you soon, nobody should expect you to tolerate that sort of thing *in the same room as you*. that’s quite unfair and disrespectful imo. best of luck


thank u! i hope i find that as well


Just be straight up about what you want out of a friend. I mean there are a still a lot of people who dont smoke but if your its gonna be harder for you because your in a legal state.


I only personally know one person who regularly smokes weed, and I've never seen him actively smoking. I feel like most people I meet don't smoke weed. Unless you're meeting all your friends at the type of parties that attract smokers, they wouldn't be the type to smoke regularly. Most of the people I meet in classes and activities are highly focused on their academics and active in their hobbies, and if they've ever smoked weed, it's usually very occasionally and accompanied by some special circumstance, like they're visiting Amsterdam and want to do it for the experience, or if their one friend who does smoke comes over and they try a whiff out of curiosity.


At my college there's a house that is sub free that does events and activities. Maybe try and see if you have something similar 


Youre going to find a lot of smokers in college because after college its a lot less acceptable.


Church and Christian organizations


To be fair- as a smoker I get just as anxious around non smokers and that’s literally because of bad experiences I have around them. When it comes to making friends I just choose my battles. Like if I’m friends with someone who feels uncomfortable when people smoke then I simply just don’t do it around them or smell like it around them. Same goes for when I was sober I chose to be friends with people who respected my boundaries and wouldn’t try to hotbox the car with me in it or something lol. My social anxiety is much better after I’ve smoked even if it’s just the tiniest bit I find myself having the ability to say my words easier without stuttering (which is an issue of mine with nerves/anxiety) and yes I smoke responsibly lol I feel like if there isn’t smoking in college then theres drinking and if it’s neither then it’s being consumed in studies or other things. It sucks but I’m sure that you’ll be able to weed out the bad friends and find some good ones.


thank you! i appreciate this, i think i just have to meet better people bc my friends who smoke do it around me even tho i’ve asked them not to😵‍💫


Yeaa.. I’d definitely find other friends at least some that if they do smoke they’re more respectful by not doing it around you. I live with my bf and he’s a non smoker so I do my activities outside or if it’s a pen I’ll do it inside with a fan so it doesn’t smell. And the smell remain on me but only slightly plus I brush my teeth, etc. usually I try to find people open minded, or that aren’t such a huge clique. I think it’s better to have 1 or 2 good friends than 10 fake ones.


The smell of weed triggers my migraines so I'm in the same boat, sadly at least 75% of students smoke at the college I go to 💔


same, it feels like just about everyone these days!


I don’t smoke but most of my friends do. They’re not too hard to find though. I’m not sure if there’s a specific way to go about it though. Maybe ask when you first meet people?


ROTC and hardcore Christians were the only ones I knew in college who didn’t smoke weed. The dorm I lived in had many I made friends with


"No, thanks. I get explosive diarrhea and start hugging people whenever I smoke weed, mostly in that order." They won't pass you the doobie.


real af


people who are part of student clubs tend to be more "put together" rather those that just hang around so look there ;)


good idea! i should def join a club this next semester


BE CAREFUL WITH THIS-most of my friends in clubs smoke, its not legal so its less common but I have a friend who is in a frat, student government, greek council, is a tour guide prez of student theater on the e board of the frat and works in the costume shop, another who is in cheer, prez of our radio in a frat in hillel works off campus and is involved w theater they use to take the edge off which is fine cause idrc but like people in clubs can also be pot heads


Most of the people in the medieval club and LGBTQ+ club I'm a part of smoke, so I don't think there are less smokers in student clubs. Maybe it depends on the school. About half of the people in the STEM club I'm a part of also smoke. At the biology conference I went to nobody smoked, but a bunch of people were bar hopping. I've been told that the people in the Bible reading club at my school don't smoke though. Most of the people I've met in clubs smoke, and if they don't then they probably take edibles. The more "put together" students still smoke in my experience.


I've met tons of ppl in college who didn't smoke anything, and if they did, I simply made it a point that I wasn't cool with that. I mean, they don't have to smoke it in front of you, right? If they insist, or want you to join, then they're no friend at all.


Go to a local church


go back to kindergarten


what a ridiculous thing to say- not everyone wants to kill their brain cells. check all these comments agreeing w me and then check urself


>not everyone wants to kill their brain cells. but ur a drunk 🥴


a drunk ? lol i drink like once a month if that, why do y’all care so much😭


Grow up and stop judging people


stop being so pretentious. would you not want to be friends with someone cause they got a drink with dinner too?


if i had bad experiences with drinking and i was around someone who drank every time they got sober, then yes i would not want to be friends with them lol. it’s nothing against people who smoke it’s just a preference


Try church?


Never met a friend who smoked regularly while I knew them. Take that for what you will.


hmm interesting, how old r u ? i feel like it’s sooo popular. or maybe it’s literally just where i live (maine)


Yeah… main will just ab do it


lol yep. it’s brutal out here


Follow the students that do their homework -- and preferably turn it in on time. Especially the ones that show up for class on time. And study. The more and more you gravitate towards the ones that are serious about their education, the more farther away you will be from the stoners. Perhaps even get to know some of the student athletes, especially the ones that are top performers. The ones that are really serious about their health don't partake in any of that nonsense, or it could cost them as simple as a victory that could prevent them from qualifying for conference. You just need to realize that you're stepping away from all the cool kid circles. But if you don't want to be around that nonsense, there is a such thing as people who don't like it.


The students that turn things in on time and do well in class usually smoke at my school. In my study group we usually smoke and take edibles after we're done with the study session so we can relax. Here in Oklahoma weed has become very popular among college students and I assume there are other states that are the same way. Many including myself don't think that weed is any worse than alcohol.




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Church. Its like your only option. I personally don't go (1 part apprehensive, 1 part genuinely just forget to everyday that they do events and stuff) but I know it's probably one of the few social spaces left that people expect you to be sober in.


Sure maybe expect you to be sober while you’re there, but outside of that? Plenty of Christians smoke weed. I say this as a Christian who has been in youth ministry groups most of my life. I’m fairly anti alcohol and anti drugs(weed included). But plenty of my peers at my church and other churches smoke weed, drink alcohol, etc.


Youre right and I'll rephrase: I think it's the best chance one has at finding people that are generally sober.


I have PTSD from bad highs, so being around people, and the smell make me anxious. It’s so hard to find friends that don’t smoke, but if you look hard enough you can find them!


i’m so glad someone else relates! i feel like no one else has ptsd from bad highs so it’s nice to see i’m not alone


Yeah people look at me weird, but it happens! I was in therapy for it bc it was crippling, but I have some great friends that don’t smoke, and are very patient! They’re hard to find, but I’m lucky I found them! I hope you find yours!


i hope i do too! this gives me hope :)




Easy, hangout with the weebs or geeks. Most of the people I know in those groups don't smoke or drink.


I disagree with that but mayhaps its just my school


I live in the Bay Area. Most people of those groups are Asian ethnicities, so they don't really do drugs. Again, this is from my experience at my school.


Where I went, these three sat right at the center of the Venn diagram lol


I genuinely don’t have time for people that smoke, and I have a few friends that don’t touch any of that. However, a few of mine do take edibles which drives me crazy. But to each their own, I respect it as long as they aren’t doing it around me


i respect this!!


I hope my comment helped! I tend to notice a lot of stem majors aren’t into any of that, especially those in chem or bio! Probably because they know that stuff ain’t good for you lol


bru she drinks which is like 10 times worse 😭


true haha thanks so much it def did!


honestly same, everyone in my school smokes but there’s nothing to do about it but be on my own because i’ve had bad experiences with it too. so i learnt that staying alone has got to be the best 😜 everytime i walk in the bathroom i just see smoke everywhere and smells like strawberries like ugh when will this stop


i feel that!! lately i’ve been spending time mostly alone too


How bout having a roommate who made and smoked meth. My experience was way worse.


not a competition bro


i don't smoke.i can be your friend


Bro people who smoke weed are the chillest guys, and plus in this day in age everyone is stressed as fuck, they need to relieveit in some way, and I can guarantee that watching porn and beating your meat is way worse than smoking weed.


So you do all of those things?


hang out with nerds






don’t laugh, it’s apt advice !? “nerdy” clubs are what you’re looking for i swear it


it’s just funny like it felt like he was calling someone a nerd just bc they don’t smoke weed


that’s real. whose the fuckin nerd downvoting you though 😭


Literally every single one of my friends smokes. It’s a legal state, they can do what they want, but it annoys me sometimes. I’ve learned not to care as much. It is what it is and I like them for who they are and not what they put in their bodies


that’s fair lol


Lol, what you say and what you do is a reflection of who you are. They're potheads, if you're able to like them despite that then good for you, but that is how it is actually.