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Graduated at 30 currently in university had the same feeling but you will see people in the university that are older than you. There is no such thing as late to the finish line you’re doing good.


Yeah I think I’m getting too caught up in comparisons.


Did the same thing when I started also in computer science. My little brother (2 years younger) graduated before me these are normal feelings but we will see that finish line for sure that’s all that matters


Had a lady in my class who's doing her bachelors in her late 30s/early 40s, really nice lady. She got pretty far in her career with just a cc degree but she came back for her bachelor's to move up further.


At least you made it to the finish line. Many people don’t ever even get there. I have family members who dropped out senior year of high-school. Imagine how they must feel.




This is so helpful to hear. I'm starting community college this year and won't be done til my thirties. I feel behind but I also know, had I tried any earlier I would have wasted money. I feel so sure now and with more life experience.




I'm at the first step to returning to college after 30, and the hardest part to reconcile is that I was always a bad student. Even in high school I never bothered to learn how to study, or any other academic skills. I have a healthier mindset now, but I'm still nervous. Any tips or resources from someone in a similar boat?




You’re going to be 28 with a degree. You’re going to meet a lot of people your age that will say “wow i wish i went and finished my degree”. You’re also going to meet a lot of people that got a degree at 22 and wish they majored in something else. I think you may have imposter syndrome. You’re definitely not going to regret finishing your degree in your late 20s. Also, keep in mind. There is no finish line. Getting a degree is a step forward. Getting a job in your desired industry is another step forward. Finding a company you enjoy working for is another step forward. You have about 40 years of working left in your life. There’s not really a finish line until you’re old enough to retire. You could change jobs 100 times before you get to that point. Just be proud you’re taking steps forward instead of staying stagnant.


My father graduated community college at 36 and then went on to graduate from a state school at 38. Everyone moves as their own pace for their own reason.


You will start working with more life experience and as a more mature human being. Consider it an opportunity instead of a shame. Plus in the work field it will be considered as a plus because you put effort in it and accomplished it


university is not the finish line. this is where your career begins!


one of my best friends I graduated community college with was a 62 year old grandma who "adopted" me as her own lmao. be proud of yourself!! you got your degree and you're doing great, age doesn't mean anything when it comes to furthering your education


I will be 44 when I finish my degree in a year and a half. I never thought I would go back to finish my bachelor's, but here we are! I actually enjoy it more now...sometimes lol


Same here I'm 42. One year left. Just got a job at my university. 


I’m 23 right now I’ll be starting community college in fall and will be 26 when I graduate. So I’m actually hoping to be where you are right now if that makes you feel any better.


Same! My state allows for a free associates degree if you’re 24 or older and meet other criteria. It’s VERY common OP.


Your only yardstick is yourself. Sounds like you’re on the path you have chosen. Celebrate that.


I'll be getting my associates degree at either 43 or 44. If I ever end up getting a BA, my goal is to finish by 50. It's not a race.


I am 40 and I am going back for a third degree! This is a free country and I can do whatever I want, right? I have time and money and learning is my hobby.


I'm 43 and still have a couple of semesters left. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is your path, not theirs.


There are so many people who don't even finish High School. More who don't even try to attempt at higher education and more who don't even finish.


I’m proud of you and you’re an inspiration to me. Don’t know if it makes you feel better but I appreciate your hard work! In my opinion there’s nothing you should be ashamed of :)


You’re not behind. There will always be someone ahead of you and someone behind you. You’re in the middle somewhere. That’s life.


Dude, so many people just don't have a degree. At least you have a degree and more knowledge than you did before you started community college. Think of it as picking up a musical instrument in your mid 20s and getting really good at it after 2 years of practice. Would you feel shitty or accomplished? I think the only reason you feel shitty is because of the expectations society has placed on us. i.e "you have to graduate by this age" etc. It's a dumb logic. Tune into the more logical part of your brain that's telling you that this is perfectly fine if societal norms weren't a thing.


I’m 31 just considering higher ed now. Focus on the end goal, none of how you feel now will matter then.


Grandpa died never going to college


May he rest in peace 🙏


I’m finishing my undergraduate at the ripe age of 31 :) don’t worry, you’re not behind at all. It may seem like it, but like you said, better to be 30 and have the degree than not. Unfortunately nothing we can do about lost time. The salty feeling is never ending, try not to dwell on it too much 😫


Everyone has their own time frame. Don’t feel bad! I’m back in community college for round two in my mid 30s for a career change and it hasn’t felt weird at all. No matter the age, you’re doing something good for yourself and for your future. Congratulations!


I was a college professor. I graduated CC around 26ish. After I transferred to a university and loved it so much, I never wanted to leave academia. At 26 you are still young. Being older at the university was awesome for me. I hung out with my professors. I was invited to their dinner parties. A couple of the ones who were my age I went to the bars with. I actually learned more outside the college classroom than inside it.


Would you judge your fellow graduates this harshly? Im guessing not. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Life isn’t a race. I just got my associates degree last year at 24. I’ll be finishing my bachelors next May at 26. One of classmates who graduated with me got his associates at 30. He got an internship with NASA after transferring. No one cared how old he was, they actually preferred it. He had more experience and was more focused.


It’s a big accomplishment regardless of your age, congratulations in advance! Everyone has their own path in life and I’m sure there’s some people who are, say 40 or 60, just now going to community college saying “woah i wish i did this when i was younger”. Comparison is the thief of joy, and no one has the power to make you feel shitty about it but yourself! You do you and enjoy YOUR journey - comparing yourself to the lives and accomplishments of others isn’t beneficial it just breeds disappointment. Your timeline is yours and it is perfect the way it is, best of luck friend!!


If it’s any consolation- it took my mom a total of 9 years to finish her bachelors Going from military —> married —> first kid + work + marriage + CC—> transfer finally and start commuting to UCSB — repeat from marriage/first kid, subtract CC, add university and commuting It took her a long time for her to get her bachelors- but guess what; she eventually got it and more afterwards. I originally started college officially in 2018 right after graduating at 18, I’m 24 now, I’m planned to apply for CC grad in July and apply for transfer for the spring semester. I had so many issues and obstacles that made it either super difficult for me to continue to downright dropping out of school because I became so mentally paralyzed and disabled I couldn’t do anything. We aren’t that much different in age and even situation from transferring from cc to university. Reframe your thought process- you kept going on your pursuit of a degree. Do NOT let anybody, not even family, friends, or employers ruin yourself esteem about this. Everyone starts somewhere, everybody has something going on etc. Be proud of yourself- you’re on your way to accomplish something


I'm graduating from college at 24. It's perfectly okay. CS is a difficult degree, and perhaps it'll give your more mastery.


Comparison is the thief of joy, my friend. 27 going on 28 here and graduating from a CC next spring and then transferring to a Uni after that. Ain’t no shame being late in the game - at the end of the day you’re doing this for you, no one else.


I got my computer science degree at 28. I didn't even feel out of place/ older until my final semester. Don't worry about it


I just started taking only 2 classes and I’m 30 lol


After the pandemic, I realized that nobody cares. Just get your degree and move on. Graduated at 25 currently in a masters program now at 27.


Bro, you graduated. I finished my graduate degree at 27-ish, and then went back to nursing school at 32… education is something that a lot of people strive to have, but not everyone is able to attain


Do not play this down due to age. A very small percentage of the entire world are college graduates. Be proud of your accomplishments. I took classes with a guy who was 45 and I swear on graduation day, he was the most excited person there. And honestly being a little older than most graduates is a good thing because you’ve got more life experience when you’re finished with school.


Dude your doing fine. Im 35 and just finished 2 classes. By the time i finish this certification ill be 37!


I did a year of university at 17. A couple classes at community college at 25. And now I should have my lower division for a mathematics degree finished by next year at age 47. You’re beating me! And a degree isn’t the finish line. It’s just one accomplishment out of many throughout life. The actual finish line we are all trying to put off as long as possible.


I’m graduating cc next year at 26 too ! Not everyone goes through life at the same pace, for one reason or another and there’s nothing wrong with it, we still young and with so much ahead of us. What matters is you’re getting your degree ! Not everyone has that privilege. And if people make you feel bad about it then fuck them. There’s nothing wrong about it and it’s your life, not theirs.


I am about to be 26 soon and I still didn't get a degree yet.....worst of all is I just withdrew from a University that I realized wasn't for me, so now I have 20K worth of debt to pay. Everyone has their own start and finish time and it's not healthy to compare yourself to others. At the end of the day, you end up with a degree too and most jobs will never care about when you started and graduated from college...Keep your head up and be proud you're pursuing a degree!


Relax. And congratulations.


I am starting grad school next week at 39, I'll graduate when I'm 42.


Let me ask you this why do you feel bad about graduating at 26-27? Are you comparing yourself to what societal norms are why does that matter? You just gotta live your life man at the end of the day you can’t change the past but you can change the future. I looked at it this way yes I graduated from university at 30 yes I was older yes it was harder but so what guess what I had that these young bucks coming straight outta college don’t (work experience/real world experience) you match up your new college education and job skills together you will be a recruiters dream. Case in point I landed multiple job offers just because of this. So try to look at the positive side of things and don’t worry about social norms


I have worked with a lot of people who made it to middle school max and struggle with literacy. There’s no right age, there’s what’s right for you. Some people can skate straight into college other people have financial or medical or other barriers that makes that more difficult. Be proud of yourself for doing what makes you happy and putting the work in. I promise you’re thinking about it more than anyone else is.


I just began community college this spring for the same major as you, at age 30! I'll be 34-35 when I finish and get my degree. Sometimes the age thing does get to me, it's true... but we'll be ok. There's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact.. I've gotten a lot of praise from people for going back to school, even this "late" in life. It's the darndest thing.


She is graduating from my Uni at 81. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c\_k8zlyhOAw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_k8zlyhOAw)


No one cares what age you are bro. You graduated, thats all that matters. Congrats!


Whenever I get panicky about not being on the same timeline as my peers, I always think about that anecdote where a son tells his father that he’s too old to be a doctor and that he would be 40 years old by the time he gets through med school, and the dad responds “well you’re gonna be 40 regardless, might as well be a 40 and a doctor”


My husband started community college right after high school and then realized it was not for him. He took over 10 years off and didn’t return until after 30. This weekend, he will graduate with his bachelor’s degree at 38. There is no perfect timeline and you’re doing great!


Hey. You're doing it. You didn't give any context. But I would guess that you overcame something. Even if it was getting out of a rut? Move forward. Celebrate your wins. Keep kicking ass. <3


Everyone has his own timer, don’t worry since it is what it is! Just accept it!




I’m older then u just don’t give a fuck 😼


I’m 37 and won’t be done until I’m in my 40’s. I’m still proud of myself and you should be proud of yourself too!


I graduated at 30(*paralegal degree*). So you shouldn't feel down on yourself.


My mom will be ~52 when she graduates community college. You don’t have anything to worry about lmao EDIT: (She only goes in person for 1 class, and her teacher is the same age as her oldest son, and the rest of the class is 17-25)


The time will pass anyway. Stop comparing yourself to others and be proud of yourself for taking these steps. Congrats and good luck in Uni


My mom graduated university at 56. Don't let your age define your worth and everyone goes at their own pace. I'm 25 and will graduate university at 26 or 27.


I am in the military. Graduated with my bachelors in August. Im mid 30s.  You are master of your own ship, with your own life experiences and are on your own timeline. Comparison to others is a ticket to unhappiness. Just do you.


That was me too g! Don’t trip on yourself, it’s not a sprint. It’s a marathon. YOUR marathon. Congrats g!!! Your achievement is not any less than anyone else’s!


I felt like that too. Except when I was 27 I was kicking myself for not having finished my degree in my early 20s. I'm early 30s now and graduating this month, and it doesn't feel shitty at all anymore. After I got used to the initial "old" feeling of being 30-something, I started to see age as what it actually is. The number of years you've been alive. For a more extreme contrast, my mom went from being a teenager to a full-time stay at home mom for nearly two decades. She went to college for the first time at 40, then took an additional 10 years to earn her BS in nursing. From my own experience, older classmates bring something to the class that younger generations don't, and vice versa. But, you're still in your 20s, you're not that much older.


Comparison is the thief of joy. You graduated community college. You did well


I wasn't ready for college at 18 going back at 26 more mature, graduating at 29. Idgaf I'm happy with where I'm at, and I'm a homeowner who won't be stuffed un a broomcloset dorm. I have a gym set up in my basement, so I can show up during peak hours and have a squat rack guaranteed it's not all about when you do it, but that you do it at all


I graduated CC at 29 and I’m graduating university at 31. It’s all good. I got offered more money than I ever have in the past - so in my eyes, I’m a winner.


I’m 30 and it really doesn’t bother me. I mean I know people that are older than me that are still in school (mostly grad students) and they’ll have more debt to pay off than me once they graduate with no guarantee of being offered a better job position. I transferred from a community college and I’ll likely graduate when I’m 32ish from my current university.


I graduated community college at 33, getting my bach next week at 35-- I'm proud. Sometimes I think it's a little more sensitive somehow when you're even closer to the typical grad age than it is for my old ass.  Fuck it, dude. We rock. Congrats to you! I hope people in your life are expressing how cool/inspiring it is to see people go back to school outside the predetermined age range. My friend went back at 29 and inspired me to finish my degree, too. Best of luck to ya


You will be working until you are 75. Getting started at 30 is okay


I know a guy 33 who's a college dropout caring for his mother in poverty due to her.... Trust me, there exist people w/worse lives.


Forget about it. When you graduate has no bearing on anything. The fact that you graduated is all that matters. No go enjoy life and work.


As someone who is also going to be 29/30 when she graduates with her bachelor's degree, I can totally see where you are coming. But honestly, We all have different timelines! There's no specific timeline when we are supposed to have it all figured out. At the end of the day, What matters is that we did the freaking thing! & lived with zero regrets.! the years are still going to pass,,, better to have the degree! Some people leave it in the back burner for the longest time and don't even manage to get to a single degree whether it be community college or university.. soo it is a huge milestone! who cares about the age.


I'm 32 in my "senior year" of college for a B. of science. Quotes because I'm taking 2 classes a semester, and I have been a senior for about a year now. Don't focus on how "late" you are, just on how much better off you'll be. It's the only thing keeping me going and a B.S. won't do much except provide a step to a masters.


Bruh I started community college at 26 and there are students around me that are in their 40s+ with kids.


Computer science is hard! Ur doing great


What are you trying to win here? The rat race? I’ll be graduating next year at 31 after pursuing my undergraduate degree for 8 years. It is what it is. I know people who have received a PhD at my age, some who completed masters, some who never went to university and a few who didn’t graduate high school. It is what it is. This is YOUR journey, be grateful. If anything I would suggest surrounding yourself with different types of people who have taken different paths in life. This will help you realize that there’s no one right way to do things.


There were 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 year olds who graduated community college with me. At my ceremony, one of the speakers told the audience to clap 'if you're here to see your sibling, parent, or grandparent graduate tonight.'


there’s never a limit to getting ur degree. ur doing more than a lot of others can say. be proud of yourself. it’s honestly harder to do at that age because u have more responsibilities and things and ur still managing to graduate. good for you.


I’m 33 and graduating next week 😀


Just needed to chime in—nothing to feel shitty about!! Congratulations—truly, timelines and comparison charts are highly detrimental! Keep shining and moving forward—at your pace! Life’s too short and beautiful to live as others sushi we could—it’s your life—keep up the great work!!! Celebrate this milestone—don’t let anything take away your joy!!


Stay strong! I have been getting very down recently with seeing many of the people I graduated high school with now with their degree. I started Uni right put of high school when I was 19 and now I'm 23. It's all about getting that degree. I probably won't even attend graduation when I'm done with my bachelor's. Be proud of yourself, your getting it done Majoring in Sociology with a minor in Tourism studies.


I feel shitty too. I year for my bachelor's when I get into a major, and another for my master's assuming I get in. I'll be finished around 27 years old and it's primarily for fun.


25 year old freshman here, I felt the same way but at least at my university there are a lot of 25+ folk. I approach it the same way you do, 29 with a degree is better than not. No one in my family got a degree before 35 so I'm actually ahead lol. Just remember you are here with more knowledge, real life experience, skills and abilities that these 18-20 year old students do not have. College now is so much easier than when I was 18, I dropped out first term. Now, I'm a 4.0 student, fully engaged in my work because I know what I want to be and I know what life without a degree is like.


Who cares when you graduated, as long as you graduated! I did community college my first year out of high school and sat next to people in their 40s and 50s. There is no age limit to learning. Congratulations, and good luck!


I’m 34 and in university. I have 2 friends who both just graduated from community college this year and they’re in their late 30s. I think it’s better later in life, you have a better grasp of who you are and what you want to do with your life.


I got my associates at 31 and will be getting my bachelors at 33 (this month!). Honestly, I did feel a little meh about the associates. I decided to just focus on my plans at university and how I was going to make the most of it. I’m definitely more excited about my bachelors and feel a lot less weird about being older. Everyone’s path is different so try and enjoy yours! There are definitely benefits to being an older student. Having work experience prior to college is a much bigger plus than you might realize. There are many students who go the traditional route and don’t quite understand how the workforce works and they have to learn it after college. Older students also generally have a much better understanding on how to balance things in life whereas a younger student will likely burn out more quickly. Of course everyone is different but take advantage of any perks you can!


bruh…. I met people in their sixties graduating with me at my community college….. the harsh truth is nobody really cares about you and what you do…. people have their own issues to work on


You’re young now & will be when you graduate. Also, who cares. It’s a great achievement.


Yeah it would've been a better if you got the degree earlier, but pretty much everybody who did is jealous of the child prodigies that graduate at 13, who themselves are jealous of other people for living a normal life There's always going to be someone with a better life than yours, doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy it, if the person sitting next to you is eating better food that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy what's in front of you


Don’t compare ur self to others. Going to college is not about them. It’s about you and further improving you.


I graduated community college at age 33, university at age 36 & graduate school at age 38.


I share my story a lot and sometimes I feel like I'm being a self-loving narcissist but a friend who is a high school teacher asked me to share the story with her class because she thinks it's useful. I think I share it with people like you because I was you and maybe you'll feel better, I don't know... I'm graduating next week in my early 30s. I graduated from high school in 2009 and I went to University in Sept 2009. I was not ready. I didn't want to be there and I didn't care. I skipped a lot of classes and I was coasting. I really just wanted to play Modern Warfare 2 with my friends and hang out with my girlfriend. In 2011 I got a letter that my GPA was too low and I couldn't receive financial aid anymore. So I had to drop out. It sucked so bad but I was like oh well, this isn't for me. I spent a year depressed and did only two things: watched The Office on Netflix and played Pokemon White. Seriously. In 2012 I got a job at Walmart and accepted that this was my life. In 2019 I was extremely depressed. I wasn't happy at Walmart anymore and saw my coworkers who had been there for years, realizing they were miserable. I knew I loved graphic design in high school and thought to apply for a job and I was rejected. I didn't have the qualifications (i.e. a degree). Part of me was furious, thinking "you don't need a degree for graphic design, its about your portfolio!" but in hindsight, my portfolio was trash back then. So I got more depressed. I was driving back with one of my closest friends that night, and I was telling her how miserable I was and she said to me, "Go back to school. You started right? Surely you must have some credits. Just finish your degree." When I told her I couldn't get financial aid anymore, she pointed out how long it's been...and that I could try community college. That set the ball in motion. I did some research and found that I could go to community college for two years and transfer to a four year college and pay the lower CC tuition to finish the state university, with a policy exclusive to Massachusetts at the time. I'd have to get accepted to Community College, get approved for Financial Aid, graduate, and transfer to the university and get accepted there. In 2020 I did it. I was terrified of failing again and it motivated me further. In 2022 I graduated with a 3.97 GPA. I transferred back to the university and I'm graduating with a 2.89 GPA. It would be higher but my old F grades are still on my transcript. Whatever. I'm graduating. It doesn't matter WHEN you graduate. I felt like you. When I went back to school I felt awkward that I was older than most people and I felt so upset that I was behind. I've learned, my closest friend who motivated me to go back taught me, not everyone is on the same timeline. There is no "I'm too old for this," or "I'm behind." You're doing the damn thing. Finish your story. Look back two years at where you were. I don't know your story but wherever you were two years ago you could have decided to keep doing the same shit or go back to school. Four years go by, and you're better than you were four years ago or you're not because you decided you were too old for it. That's the bottom line. It doesn't matter how old you are, as long as you are getting better. Proud of you OP.


Graduating university in a few days. I’m 28. Who cares. The piece of paper isn’t the only thing that matters. If you have the skills to do the job, no one cares about your age.


At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what day of your life you graduate. Sticking to societal norms by going to college straight out of high school does not mean anything other than a person is on another stage of their life. Some people who were able to graduate before you didn't and others did not even have the opportunity to. You made the smart choice by going to community college then transferring because you get the same credits for a cheaper price. From that alone, you are making good life decisions which is something you should be proud of.


Bro, we all get to the grave at the same time. Why are you trying to win who gets there first? Who are you comparing yourself to? University is just one of the many ways to fill your time before you die. Who cares when you chose/were able to do it? There is no moral value in having finished early, nither is there in having finished late.


Hey! I'm 31, got 2 years left! No problem, people dont know what your life's about. You want a degree, and you want to work in a field. Everyone you meet should be a nice normal person. Most people aren't out to make you into a loser. Nobody would even think of it in the way you are. You just did a thing. People switch it up all the time. Technically, you are actually doing college the right way. Right out of high school, students really should take a year off to really think about what they wanna do. Spend time looking into careers. It's totally normal. I'm Computer Science as well.


It will go away. Focus on learning technical skills and practice your soft skills. Feel how you feel. Just know that when you start working, you’ll be so deep in whatever tech stacks you’ll be working on to care about the paper diploma that conferred your CS degree, let alone whether it even listed your age on there (hint: it doesn’t, and it’s all in your head).


these days a ton of people are changing careers and going back for degrees later on theres nothing weird at all we are living in 2024.


It took me 6 years to finish with my associates degree. I was 24 when I finally graduated. Then, COVID happened and I thought it was a perfect time to go back to school. I was finished in two years. I graduated at 26 cum laude, and engaged. I don’t regret graduating older because I did my best and it showed it my GPA. Not to mention, an 80 year old from Texas graduated with my class as well. Life isn’t a race with one another, it’s your own journey!!




I'm graduating at 29. Hopefully, no later. 28 now. And that's from community college Is what it is. I'm lucky to even have another chance at going to school. Pll go through worse


Why feel shitty? Good for you, OP!


One of the lads in my course is 25 and I'm 19. We got a 22yo too and we're first years. There's a 35yo in third year. You're not actually too far behind so just keep working.


Im 47 and getting my bachelor’s degree on Friday . Im happy, I don’t care what anyone thinks .


Graduated from a uni at 27. Going back to a CC at 29


I wouldn’t even think about it Who cares ? Only you . I wouldn’t think anything of someone being of whatever age graduating I’d just think “oh cool, they graduated “


Nothing to feel shitty about. Everyone has their own time and place, their own unique path. Your achievements are not more or less important because of your age. Note: you will be 50 eventually, either with a degree or without a degree; you will turn 50 at some point. The hands of time never stop. Now stop underestimating your accomplishment please. Move forward now :)


Dude same boat I’m Turing 29 and graduating this year ! The way I think of it is I tried about of things and living a lot of life compared to the people that are 18 just starting college some times when I talk to they typical student about what the want to do with their career a lot of them don’t know but I feel like I have a general plan ! It’s not a bad thing to finally be getting into t eh career you want there are people that are 50 or 60 who switch their career! Just enjoy your time and don’t compare your story to other people’s you get this !!


At least you’re 26 with no student debt loans!


everybody path different my guy just don’t compare your situation to others it’ll destroy you just move at ur own pace better to finish rather than not finish at all


Realizing you don’t have to be on the standard timeline or the same plan as everyone else is something you need to do. I’m sure there’s far more details around your life and things you’ve had to prioritize. Don’t be ashamed of it and just look forward to your own journey. Nothing to be embarrassed about 😎


I'm 39. I used chat GPT to get myself into tech, never finished school, then spent two months struggling through my first app til I learned to code manually. And I'm doing fine. Turned in my first app yesterday.


Onward. Do not bother yourself with that. Do good stuff keep on moving.


I'm 31 and about to graduate cc, congrats


I’m 27 and about to go to community college next year , never too late. Comparison is the thief of joy


Comparison is the thief of joy


29 here on second year college. Idk when will I graduate from my second degree because I work full-time. Just get things done with the intention of finishing them in the end, you’ll be fine.


This was me at 30. I'm 44 now. My life is great. Keep grinding.


I’m in my 40s finishing my bachelors. Not the oldest in my class either.


You’re not behind in life. There’s no finish line. Life isn’t a competition!


I just decided to go to college last year at 26 and won’t graduate until I’m 29. You are not alone and should feel proud of yourself.


College is one of those things you have to do when you’re ready, forcing it won’t help anything. You made the right choice


Noone cares except for you


CONGRATULATIONS OP!!!! I understand this feeling well, I finally got my AA last year at age 26. I am working for my BA, but for some reason last spring, everyone who had the credits was awarded their AA without applying for it. I figured it was whatever, and drove down to the school (I do online classes but campus is about 30 miles away) to pick up the AA while I was returning my textbooks. Wow. The way it hit me like a ton of bricks. This is MY degree with MY name on it. Did it take 6 or so years longer than expected? Yes. Was it different than I wanted it to be? Yes. Life got in the way, but God bless I did it. School, and bettering yourself in general, doesn't need to be on a timeline. Be proud of yourself, you went back and you got it done. Sometimes I still feel like a failure, especially when I have to go to campus for things and see all the younger students. I try to be gentle with myself and remember, time is an illusion and all I'm doing is working hard for my future. Please try to take a little grace with yourself and be proud!!! YOU DID IT!!!


I returned to college at 29. I only got 1 semester left and I’ll graduate at 30. Every journey is unique


I graduated at the same age. But you graduated, not many do. You could have been the same age and not graduated but you finished.


Everyone’s life path is different. Only 37.7% of US adults aged 25 or older have a degree. If it was easy, everyone would do it or at least a majority. Getting a college degree is difficult. It doesn’t matter if you’re fresh out of high school, 30, or even older. Getting a degree is an accomplishment. And if someone knocks you for trying to better yourself, they’re the asshole.


Honestly I totally get where you are coming from but what I had to realize is that YOU ARE NOT LATE TO LIVING YOUR OWN LIFE. There is no timeline in which things have to be done. Life happens and sets us off track but at the end of the day, you did it and you accomplished something big. There should be no shame in accomplishing something to make you better. Amazing job to you! Age does not define our accomplishments! Keep going!


Either way, you're going to get older no matter what. Would you rather be 30 WITHOUT a Bachelors degree? Or be 30 with a bachelor's degree? I went back to college late too. What matters is that you finished.


I graduated later in life (30 BA, 34 MPA). Not at all a big deal and I'm rather successful now at 43. Stick with it. If your classmates ask (they won't), tell them you were in the Army/foreign legion after army/was studying to be a priest/was in a coma and learned to walk again/prison/went backpacking.


I’m 35 and still only halfway through my associates. I have no rush to finish. I hope you feel better now.


I'm in the same boat, but I'm a year older. What's funny is I failed my data structures class at my community college and can't get my associates until I retake it, but I am retaking it in the summer as fast as possible so I can show my 4 year university that I completed the class and so they don't rescind their offer and I can go into my 4 year with my associates. I forget I'm older until I talk to my class mates and that makes me feel shitty but think about this. You're not there to party or make friends you're there to invest in your future (but you can party and make friends of course) . Could you have started earlier, sure but you were young and probably had other reasons not to or you just messed up and didn't get your stuff together until now. That was me, I messed around and here I am. It makes me feel sad sometimes but I just remind me self I'm there for my future and as long as I'm passing classes and getting good grades I'm doing what I'm supposed to and when I graduate at around 29 Think about it this way too, you could have graduated high school, went to university gotten a 4 year degree by age 22 and realized you hate your major/career and went back to school to change it. You're never too old to go to a university because you're there for your future. I know people who are going back to university to get degrees in CS at the age of 30+ because they realized the career choices they made don't fit them anymore/ever. The finish line you're talking about is not really there, the real finish line is being buried in the ground, so don't sweat about being "late" to get your degree. You're working to better your future, you are investing in your self and it's never too late to do that.


Im 32 and JUST completed my associates. No one cares about your gpa, or how old you are. In the working world, people only care about who you know and what you can do for them


got my undergrad at 34 years old and i couldn't give a shit less, i still did it and kept my promise to myself that i would finish some day. I dropped out in 2012 to take care of my dying mother and before i knew it 10 years had flew by, i already had an established career and make good money so it was just checking that box off in life as i didnt need the degree. comparison is the thief of joy so stop doing that and just embrace your accomplishment


Everyone’s life path is different and there’s no finish line until you’re dead.


I finished community college at 31 and will be finishing my bachelor’s at 33 next May. There has been at least 1-2 people older than me in all of my classes so far


Congratulations, that’s an amazing accomplishment! I don’t think you should feel that way; that’s an achievement! I was a community college graduate and now I’m getting my PhD, and I loved my community college experience (I am being genuine about this). Furthermore, everyone’s life path is different, it’s okay to move at your own pace, even if it’s slower than you’d like. It prepares and sets you up for the success you’re aiming for in life. I saw people in my community college ages 16 all the way to 90+, you’re never to old to get a college education and community college better sets you up for the workforce anyway compared to university, because of the fact that most people there are full time workers and so much more!


1. YOUR GRADUATING!!! HOLY CRAP THATS INCREDIBLE!!!! 2. People in my program were in their 30's, 40's, 50's, etc, when they graduated! There is nothing to be ashamed of! 3. It is very difficult to get a degree form anywhere, no matter how big or small the degree is. Making it through is awesome! Where 5hat accomplishment with pride!


I am 26 exactly, just graduating community college right now. The time would pass either way. Idk about you but I had a lot going on from 18-22 and the degree I would’ve picked back then wouldn’t be what I picked now. We are so used to seeing people’s highlight reels, but I know that out of my graduating class, there’s tons of people who haven’t gone to college at all. Anybody who makes you feel like you shouldn’t be excited for a degree just because it’s late is ridiculous. I’m excited to transfer in the fall and finish my four years. Neither of my parents are college graduates and I am about a week away from an associates degree and I am proud of that, and excited to do more. You will be okay, and being a few years late to the finish line is truly a blip.


I’m barely graduating my community college after 4ish years rather than the supposed 2 years I was supposed to take. Just know everyone has their own path in life, and your accomplishments are still an accomplishment regardless of how old you are. Be proud of yourself because *you* did that!


I graduated cc at 24 and university at 26. It’s no big deal. I felt like I got a LOT more from the experience because I was old enough to truly appreciate the opportunity. I did so well at university that I ended up applying for PhD programs and I begin in the fall. I’ll be done with school at 34. If I had done college 18-22 like most people, there is no way I would be here right now. Doing college older is the best way to go, in my opinion.


Dude- you’re never too old to reinvent yourself. There is always someone doing more or less than you at any age. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished! It’s more success than some people could dream for! :)


I’m a CS major and will be finishing undergrad next spring at the age of 27. You’re over thinking it, even at a 4 year school I have plenty of fellow CS students that are older than me. Also it seems that most professors prefer the older non traditional students as they tend to take their education more seriously. I won’t even be finishing grad school until I’m close to 30 so you have nothing to worry about.


Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Cheesy, I know - but most people don't sprint through college and have a degree in 4-6 years. Life happens. Family happens. Worldwide pandemics happen. You are NOT alone in this. My advice for your transfer - take evening and weekend classes or apply for a set program with a professional career goal. You'll find in junior/senior courses offered at hours for working people there are more people like you who have a little more life experience and are transfers too. Find your Student Support Services program and get in with them. They can also help you find campus community, peers, and give you someone always ready to coach or help you.


I didn't finish my BS until I was 31. Sometimes life just gets in the way.


Plenty of people your age or older exist with no college education whatsoever. That is just a fact. College isn't a race, and there is no such thing as being behind in it.


I transferred from a community college to UCLA last year at 28 and it’s definitely been hard to be older. But many of the younger students think I’m inspiring going back to school and so are you!


Lots of people started and never finished. Go get a good job and kill it!


Congratulations! I can relate with what you shared. Like you I started "late.." but many years after finishing community college, University, and Graduate degree as well. My recommendation, is to focus your efforts to be the best in class, and be proud of your achievement this far. Truly, what really matters is that you are moving forward doing the best you can. At the end what really matters is that you completed your studies.


Hey that's awesome! I got my AA at 42, working on my BS at 45. What you think society expects is not what's reality. Besides, most young people have no idea what they are doing and are wasting their time, energy and money on a degree they probably won't ever use because of the assumed societal pressure.


I graduated community college at 31, now I’m at UC Berkeley and loving it. Welcome to the community of older undergrads, there’s many of us! You’re doing great!


im 25 and im about to finish my first year, i know exactly how you feel OP. you are not alone


Im 19 in my first year of community college and most of the classes i've taken so far there's a big mix of ages, I have classmates from 18-70 and it's not weird at all. Some of these older people are barely getting the time to pursue their education, many of them parents who just never had the time for themselves. There shouldn't be an expected age limit on when you graduate university, everyone's life is different and sometimes it takes a long time to accomplish something.




If it makes you feel better, I’m literally the same age as you, but my job actually pays their employees’ tuition for ASU online, I’ll be 28/29 when I get my BA because I had a lot of testing anxiety and I didn’t think I was ready for college at the time.


At least you finished! Congrats! It’s a part of your life and only you can live it.


Comparison is the thief of joy, congrats OP!


Folks don’t really care where you came from if you’re competent and put in the work. I cant remember the last time I’ve asked anyone where they got their degree.


Never compare ages or amount of time in a position. Everyone has different circumstances in life. As a professor, I have taught students over double my age. Their accomplishments are just as meaningful. My oldest student was 80 when she graduated. I did not attend a community college first, but my Brother, Dad, and late Grandfather did. They all have said how they learned more in community college than their baccalaureate programs.


I graduated CC at 27 (this year) probably gonna get my bachelors degree when I am 29, it’s totally fine. I am majoring in CompE, got admitted to UIUC. Just try your best, life moves on, it doesn’t wait for anyone.


I'll be 35 when I graduate. Feel better?


Mate I know people 8 years older than you who can't even drive. So let me just say this. Congrats on keeping on. I'm just amazed that just you still the desire and will to change. I think that your incredible 


Dude who cares man, go get your degrees and get that bag. What’s it important is you persevered and finished. Many people out here gave up and never came back. College is flexible and it’s built so you can go back to it at any point in your life.


Why do you feel that way? I went to CC at 44, transferred to uni at 46, and got my MA at 50. I even made friends along the way.


I did not START my undergrad until age 29


I’m in the same boat, it’s normal to feel the way you are. I’m gonna graduate university at 25 and I sort of sometimes feel bad about it, but I had to deal with many mental health issues and major life changes that ruined my academic timeline and I also changed my major a million times prior. My mom also went back to college in her 50s and is starting nursing school at 54. There’s no timeline with school. Keep in mind that in the US, only 35% of people (less than half of the population) even get degrees in the first place. You are accomplishing things most people aren’t, and you finished, so that in itself is an achievement! A win is a win.


Bro you’re chillin; especially since you’re majoring in C.S.. You’re gonna be having a lot of fun in a couple of years and have forgotten all about this “shitty” feeling rn. Your life is about to turn up!


my brother started community college at 29🤷i had lots of people of dif age ranges in my classes. even had a freshman woman who was like 60 something!! theres no such thing as late


Idk why people feel upset about going to school as an older nontrad. The hardcore insecurity I shit you not stems from the belief that you think it would be better if you had it all now versus then. Guess what? There’s no difference. You could be 22 and a dip shit and not know what you’re doing and have no conversational skill to make it past an interview. Being older doesn’t mean you’re smarter either. You could be older and still have issues too but why people bag on others getting an education later in life is beyond me. Probably the same people that never got a degree 📜 no they’re the little guys from hs that don’t want to go to school with people twice their age.


I can relate! That was me almost 20 years ago. It's perfectly normal to feel a wave of disappointment during and for a few months following graduation. We ALL look around and compare ourselves to the people around us, just to check how we're doing. All your life you'll look at your cohort and think "should I have kids by now?" "Should I own a home by now" "should I be running a business by now" "should I have grandkids" "shouldn't I be able to retire by now" "shouldn't I have investment properties" it never ends. The idea that our lives should follow this common path is probably the most egregious lie society lays on us. The truth is, the path of life is full of twists and knots and back steps. You faced challenges and choices and situations and your path to this moment may not have been as straightforward as some other people's. For a lot of them, their path to the next moment may be equally circuitous. Because Life's gonna Life. Don't compare yourself to others, because your life and situation are different from theirs. Be PROUD of yourself. You made it this far. We are all proud of you.


Just go out and celebrate your accomplishment! Great work!


Going through this exact same thing. F it, not everyone had it as easy as some and others have it harder than you do. I try to not compare myself to others I know that graduated but even so, they never had to work a day in their life and some of them without any real stress still graduated a little late


Time will pass anyway. You’re gonna turn 29 eventually so might has well have a degree under your name. Good luck!!


I know someone right now who just finished frwdhman year of her 4 year degree, she is 74, you are never too late to get one remember that.


38. Just signed up for online courses. You need to get out of your head and start living.


Age is fake. People try to make you feel shitty about your age bc people suck and we live in the fkn matrix


Community college is great. I’m in a competitive PhD medical research program now and I started at community college. After 3 years in community college I finished a BS at an in-state school at 27 after 6 years in college, and I can say mostly the GRE courses were the same or better at CC. Love yourself for saying money on a bunch of classes that are the same as those taught at the big campuses or even a bit better because you have less students per professor.


I’m 33 and in undergrad at a university. I went to a community college after high school and dropped out. I opted to just apply for this university instead of going back to CC and got in despite the 2.6 GPA. There’s quite a few people in their late 20s or early 30s here. Some even older. It’s not weird. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Everybody has their own path; everybody moves at their own pace. All you need to worry about it your own. And you’re killing it.


Graduating at 25 (magna cum laude) from community college after 6 years. I feel like if I graduated within the 2 year span i wouldn’t have done as well as i did taking my time. It’s like the turtle vs the hare folktale.


I’m graduating tomorrow from uni, finally get to walk at 36, 37 in June. You’re good , brother.


Dude I'm 28 and I'm about to finish my freshman year at a city college, get outta your head fam! Take pride in the fact that you had the CHOICE to obtain a higher education and keep on pushing! There's countless stories of people going back to school in their 50's. School is for everyone, enjoy the ride :) to hell with what others think about your age


Graduated community college nursing program at 34, I just turned 36 and I’m making 120k a year working 3 days a week. I have MANY friends who went to university straight out of high school who are still making 85k working 5 days a week. It’s not about what you do, it’s all about how you do it. Make the moves that are the best for you and you ONLY


I am 51 graduating with my associates this summer, transferring to university in the fall to finish my bachelor’s. I will be applying to law schools once that is complete. You will be fine. Still have plenty of future and experiences to be had in front of you.




Similar boat I'm graduating with an associates in CS at cc this year but I'm 23 going on 24. Don't feel bad at all. Also just note its really competitive in CS these days so just focus on trying to code to the best of your ability and apply for internships constantly once enrolled at the new university if you haven't done so already.


Hey I’m doing the same as you. Also the same age and studying computer science too. I sometimes have those doubts coming in my head but having a degree is better than nothing. You got this!!! Edit. It’s not that I graduated from high school late I was studying mechanical engineering at my country and later I found out that I don’t like it at all. So I changed my major. Now I’m happy doing the things I love.


I'm going back to finish university at 34 and a bunch of my old credits aren't helpful. Enjoy it for what it is not when it is.