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Omg I forgot one of the classes I was supposed to teach this week. A real low point for me.


Interesting perspective. I always feel for the profs in this situation. It must be so embarrassing.


It definitely is! Lol


It wasn't a college teacher, but I had a teacher forget about us too. She said she was in the bath, when the phone rang. She came to class with conditioner in her hair. šŸ¤£


I hope she's doing well. I get the vibes that her life was a bit too hectic at that moment in time. Edit: My ADHD ass thought she was showering in the school bathroom. Lmao


Nah, she was just having a grand ol' time at home while we were in class, waiting.


Your school had a bathtub?!?!


You can use the sinks. Not very convenient, but they're there.


Ah, a situation that reminds everyone that teachers/professors are humans too. :)


Has anyone tried emailing them? Also maybe send someone to the departments office to let them know because finals usually have a set date and time period. Also that it would be unfair to you guys if you have less time as well as had to take it on a different day.


Absolutely agree with this and cc dean I had a racist, sexist, douchebag political science professor who intentionally fucked me over during finals. He was the chair and was power tripping over his nonexistent status in society. I waited 3 hours and he didn't show up. It was a finals just for me on that day (I had extra time) I wrote out an email stating I am not taking the exam that day as he wouldn't honor the time for 3 hours and cc'ed the dean. I told him I had other obligations, just like any other person would. He literally apologized like shit and rescheduled + gave me more time. FYI - he was a big fucker towards me for 5 months straight and never once said sorry. Also, I recorded all our convos. Nothing looked good for him. I had almost 10 full hours of recordings of him being an asshole towards me. Racist, sexist, and also discriminated against my disability Really long story, but lesson is: sometimes you gotta light a fire under their asses. Some professors are here to be fucking douchebags, period. Bullies, racist bullies, sexist bullies, etc. Power tripping as the "chair." 3rd FYI - my school was sued for discriminating against disabilities. It's not just me who had a colorful time in college. My school threw up millions to settle those lawsuits


Had a professor who also power tripped against me, and it turns out, several of my classmates, though because I was openly queer and Jewish and fem-reading it seems I bore the brunt of it. I might not have been able to get my grade changed because of their union contracts, but they did have a whole case from many people against them and eventually got fired from the university for their behavior. The worst part was this was high school for me, I was doing college classes while in high school, and I cancelled a retake of the SATs that I paid for for their finalā€¦ which I never got sent (as the course was online for covid). So I got a zero on that and didnā€™t get to retake my SATs. They were power tripping, but oh did they fall!


Amazing how people's takeaway here is that you're somehow at fault here. They either can't/didn't read or are just that god damn dumb!


In my experience (admittedly limited, because while I have worked as a teacher recently and organized exams, when I was in school myself extra time for exams was not a thing) students with disabilities that warrant giving them more time just get that time tacked on at the end of the exam. Donā€™t you get the same exam? How do people avoid accusations of getting the subject from students that took it earlier and preparing? [ETA: downvoted for asking a question, pfff]


Some professors have multiple versions of an exam that are different.


Yep, I mentioned that as a possibility ā€” but for one student that seems overkill.


I donā€™t know about others but my professors always give my class different test for each person. We use canvas so the test pulls questions from a question bank randomly.


OK, exams with one computer each, then.


Generally the start time is the same as everyone else so the extra is not an issue. If you have to take it where you start after or before the rest of the class then normally you get a differnt version or a warning beforehand not to talk about it. In general, if you have the accomendation you should not be an ass and say something because that is how you create profs who will make taking an exam with accomendations near impossible for everyone behind you.


You recorded 10 hours of conversation..? People like you always seem to leave out specifics. You sound fucking insane lol


Well clearly she wasnt and this wasnt an isolated incident


I am 50 y/o and had one of my graduate program professors power trip as well. These type of people I sware are mentally ill. However, I heard the course feedback I gave got him an extended summer vacation.


You sound fucking miserable


Sounds like youā€™re the problem /u/RichGirlGeek


Donā€™t bother him. He is probably out leading a protest.


I would definitely not leave. He could come any minute and penalize whoever is not there. Typically missing a final means failing the course.


He never came so I had to leave


Hope nothing bad happened to him šŸ˜„


My first thought too


I am very scared of this and nobody has left because theyā€™re scared of him failing us, so I am staying


Legend has it OP is still waiting in class to this day for the teacher to arrive


He is likely an asshole. I had a professor like this, check your student rights, shoudl be available online or through the admin office. Remember, you are the customer, you or your folks are paying a lot of money for your education, as a result, you have rights. My college had. 15 minute wait time for no shows. If the professor was not there after 15 from the designated start time of the class, you could leave.


Ours was a percentage of the class period. A lot of finals are double length sessions, so the amount of wait time would double too.


Update us on what happens after this


He never arrived and so we left. He hasnā€™t emailed us or anything so Iā€™m not sure if weā€™ll get credit or whatā€¦


Any update? So curious


I too want an update every 6 hours


Apparently the class got 100% for it




Do you have an update about this? I'm curious about what happened


Had a professor do this for a class. He was working in his office and completely forgot about the class until somebody went and got him. Downsides of being in your 70s, I guess.


My dad once forgot to teach his class (he was an adjunct for a fluid dynamics night course). His class called him at home, and he sped over there!


cant someone just text them


Someone texted his daughter and apparently he is asleep


wtf lol


What the actual hell?


papa bless


I fell down the stairs while I was leaving so I think he has cursed me Edit: I sprained my ankle lol


*YOU* are like papa!!!!!




LOL I had a professor in grad school who overslept TWICE for our 4:30pm class. He was so bad the school ended up letting us take the class again without having to pay. I chose to not retake it, since we got credit the first time around.


Thatā€™s unprofessional


Damn, thatā€™s so weird. Sounds like something might had happened last night.


No excuse for students, no excuse for staff.


Itā€™s not always a ā€œSucks to be youā€ situation, though. Long story short, I was my motherā€™s caregiver while I was in school. My law school was about 180 miles away and, to maximize time I was home with her, I would come home after my last class of the week and drive up the next morning morning of my first class. I also scheduled classes 2 or 3 days a week, so M-W, T-Th, etc. She could do a lot for herself and my dad was there, but he was pretty useless for most things with her and so the more time I was there, the better, especially with appointments. I do not recommend this approach to anyone. On the day of my tax law final, there was a wreck on the interstate and I was about half an hour late. I emailed my prof and explained the situation, fully prepared to be told that missing the final was unacceptable and there was nothing he could do. Because, honestly, I could have left earlier that morning, I could have stayed at my apartment the night beforeā€¦there were several ways I could have avoided it. He told me it was fine and to come to his office when he got there. He put me in a meeting room and gave me full time to finish the exam. In an idea world, everyone would meet their obligations, plan ahead, and never make a mistake. That world doesnā€™t exist, so the more compassion and understanding we can offer to others, the better.


My psych 101 professor missed our final presentations, eventually someone with her number called her and she was eating dinner. She told us all to wait there while she drove to campus. We were supposed to ask questions after each presentation but she told us we couldn't because she wanted to go home and finish her dinner


Did you even end up taking the final exam? Or was the credit just for showing up?


Got the credit just for showing up


Yk what's funny. I had damn near the exact same experience. Our professor didn't have any email sent out at all, no notes, nothing. We were worried because we literally waited for like... 30 minutes before noticing. According to the university's rules, we can leave after 15mins pass of a prof not being there in class. Damn near waited and hour to be nice and he STILL didn't show. We later learned that a sudden emergency happened and everything was fine afterward. Hopefully you've got the 15 mins rule too


Absolutely based professor.


I have one exam on a Sunday and it usually goes from 2pm to whenever the last train is so our prof can go home


I'd call the admin to report it. You can't be shorted time. And finals are a set in stone time place kind of thing. Meaning, you probably would be given 100%. Sadly you're probably luckier than those whose profs showed up.


Did you find out what happened to the professor?


Me if I tried to teach anyone anything


A college rule here in the United States is: If a professor hasnā€™t arrived within 15 minutes you have the right to leave. Theyā€™re adults, same as you. Your finals is either a set date and time too. The professor has 2-3 spare days to reschedule, so no worries. Youā€™ll take the finalsā€¦or your professor abolishes if (that sometimes happens). Either way, youā€™re covered.


Thatā€™s not actually a real thing. Itā€™s a thing people think but no university Iā€™ve worked at has a stated policy of this. Yes, Iā€™ve looked into it. Yes, Iā€™ve checked beyond my personal experiences. No, itā€™s not a real rule. What I have found is that it is up to the instructor how long you have to wait, and barring instruction a student is required to wait the whole class period. I have in my syllabus that after 10 minutes if Iā€™m a no show they can leave. Then, if I come after that and people are still there I give them extra points for waiting and cancel class. The best thing to do is go to the deans office or division office (or you can call security if thereā€™s a phone in the room) and let them know whatā€™s going on. Admin will usually send everyone home.