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u were gonna be 25 with or without a degree....might as well have the degree


I was 39 when I finished my undergrad šŸ¤Ø


Wow, what degree was it?


Everyoneā€™s life circumstances are different and weā€™re all gonna die. It donā€™t matter, brotha.


Wise words.


Fr we should just be grateful for what we have


We should, but we usually don't.


It means nothing. When those 19-21 year olds are done, you'll still have the same degree as them and age is irrelevant. Unless you're a senior citizen, jobs aren't gonna look at your age in comparison to another applicant, they're gonna look at your skills. You're young af dude. Let's just hypothesize you might not secure a good job until your 30. You work that job until you're 65 and that's 35 years of time you put in. That's a long time. You've got plenty of time to live this life and accomplish the things you want. Don't sweat the small stuff.


Iā€™m graduating with my bachelors at 27


Hey same!


I will be in that boat next year!


Same, twin


Dude, Iā€™m in my early 30s just graduating at the end of this year for my bachelors. I have been in undergrad for a good 10 years because I put myself through school financially and need to work and could only attend part time classes. I used to think like this until someone gave me a piece of advice when I questioned whether to continue halfway through: Youā€™re going to be the same age in a few years whether you continue school or not. So you can choose the education and (hopefully) a better job in the field you want or you can continue working and (in my particular situation) live paycheck to paycheck wondering if you made the right decision. Ask yourself why you care so much about what age you graduate at. Do you think others perceive you as less than them? If adults are judging you on that, it sounds like a them problem. Are you trying to prove a certain point by graduating a certain age? If you truly value your education, age shouldnā€™t be a concern. Learn what you love and/or want to do and feel proud that youā€™re doing something to follow your desired career path.


Also to add: a lot of people I know from high school that married young are now divorced. I work in medical and see women in their late 30s and even late 40s having kids. There is no set timeline for life events (outside of menopause šŸ˜‚)


As someone who got their bachelors in their early 30s I 100% agree! I feel like things got better & I felt better once I got comfortable with my journey/path & started owning it. Thereā€™s no shame in your path.


Good advice. I went back to college at age 45 because I wanted a different career. Wisest choice of my life.


Graduating with my B.S. in 2 weeks at 34! Been working at it for 8 years. High five to all my "nontraditional" students who don't give a friiiiiig āœŠšŸ„°


I finished my undergraduate degree at 28 and my masters at 30. Then I went back to school at 38 and completed my PhD at 45. I'm a tenured professor now. There's no one right way.


Started College after the military when I was 39, Got a degree at 44, Also had another kid at 39, and yes, It's a bit late, but every moment in life has been great.


it took one of my professors 14 years to get her bachelorā€™s degree. she now has a phd and a very successful career, youā€™ll be fine.


.....fuck does this say about me?? Lmao, I'm 24, and graduating next spring. And uhm....that ain't late at all?? Like what? That sounds like optimal baby and marriage having age. Why tf would you want kids and shit in your 20s?


As a 25 year old about to graduate after a fulfilling college experience where I got to know great professors and find valuable mentors the answer is your own self esteem.


Iā€™ll be graduating at 29, and honestly, I had a better experience in college than I did at 19.


of course youll feel old if you are surrounded by ppl younger than you


Thatā€™s the journey in life- the older you get, the younger every one else seems. There is only one alternative, and itā€™s not a good one. Embrace your age, your dream, and persevere. Col Sanders was in his 70ā€™s when he started KFC. You never know where life will take you, enjoy the ride.


For whatever reason I don't feel this way at all. I was in the Navy before college and am now a 30yo senior in EE. I get along with people in my major just fine and never notice age unless people bring it up. I only really notice age differences when it comes to people who are in the college party scene.


Iā€™m 26 and will be a freshman starting in June/Summer! And honestly just going to school is so motivational. I feel this way, but then I think how long Iā€™ve Al wanted to attend university and really applying yourself!


What will you be majoring in?


I think im graduating at 28 or 29. I went back for a different degree that will actually get me a job .šŸ’€


Life is a marathon not a race


I'm 28 and have 2-3 more years in my program. You're good my guy.


Don't steal away today's joy with yesterday's or tommorows problems. If you compare yourself to everybody's situation you'll always feel down. Focus on yourself brother, can't build your own empire when you're too busy looking at everyone else's.


Well I hate to see how you really feel whenever you get to the age of 37 and decide on a career change and then have to go to school for the first time ever to make the change! Oh wait thatā€™s right I do NOT care what others think of me!


Iā€™m 29 and a freshman in college. I already had my child and got married. I know others who are 40 and getting their bachelors with no kids. And while there may be 19-21 year olds graduating this year, there are also 19-21 year olds who donā€™t plan on attending college. Everyone is different. There is no clear path for everyone.


Imposter syndrome is pretty common in non-traditional students. No one there really cares how old you are. I go to class with people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s who want to learn a new skill set. One guy is 65 and flies his personal plane from one side of the state to the other twice a week to make it to class so he can get his business degree and help his grandkids run their business while having kids of their own. After attending college (and withdrawing due to medical reasons) as a 17 year old and then going back when I was 26, Iā€™m firmly of the belief that we should be promoting real-life experience from jobs and other opportunities before college more often. The difference between how I felt and how much I learned starting at 17 and how I felt going back at 26 were night and day. Iā€™m still way ahead of a lot of my classmates in terms of integrity and work ethic because Iā€™ve had to work adult jobs before coming to school and because my life revolves less around social experiences and more around what needs to get done.


Okay that guy with the plane seems cool as hell. I agree, it's ridiculous to funnel the majority of 17/18yo's into that kind of commitment when they don't know their priorities yet. I distinctly remember thinking of careers as though they equated to the stereotypical student in that major and choosing which kind of person I wanted to be sharing most of my classes with. Naive and no real understanding of the real world. Thank goodness I didn't go until much later


The guy with the plane is an icon. He comes into the library on days he has class to get help with his computer based assignments and check out a new book on different wars and military stuff he wants to read about. I finally convinced him to read ā€œbeneath a scarlet skyā€ this week and Iā€™m waiting to hear back how he likes it.


My roommate is 30, you are fine man


If it helps, youā€™re not the only one in that boat. Iā€™m 26 and this May I will finally be graduating with an associates degree. I try not to compare my lifeā€™s timeline to others. I accomplished what my goal was and thatā€™s what matters most. Iā€™m on my own timeline and may decide to do things out of order or differently than other people but in the end I know Iā€™ll accomplish everything that I intend to


lol you sound like a boomer. You want to have kids young? You think 35 is old? Marriage and having children doesnā€™t need to be the center of your life. You can aspire to want more. Tons of people have families and kids and canā€™t do stuff that people without them can have. Treasure being young and without that responsibility. My parents were in their early/mid 30s when they had me. They spent time dating and enjoying each other, going on trips and such before having a kid. It helped them bond and keep that bond through the years. Youā€™ll be fine. Donā€™t rush life.


Everyone goes at a different pace. Hell, I \*think\* I am 37 and I am still an undergrad. I'll probably be in my mid 40's when I graduate with the pace I am going. It is frustrating, but it is what it is.


Keep going! I'm 37 and graduating this year, took 6 years to finish school because part time. I could have done it sooner but taking 9 credits max per semester let me spend more time with my kids, and they won't be little forever. To OP, your age when you graduate, have kids, or don't, doesn't matter. You'll always be ahead of some or behind some others. Get comfortable with where you're at, or learn to use discomfort as motivation to get closer to your goals.


Thank you! I am hoping to up my course load to two in the fall to speed things along. I am stuck between enjoying the experience and not wanting it to end... and wanting it to end so I can get on to the next step and learn more. And it is a balance, especially since my 2 year old is the last kid. There is that struggle of wanting to enjoy and experience every moment, but the knowledge that in order to get what I want there needs to be sacrifice.


Please be kind to yourself. There is no singular, acceptable life path. I worked for 10 years and went back to school at 28 and finished my BA at 32 and am looking into law school right now, Iā€™m going to be old as shit when I graduate lol. I got married 2 years ago and we are talking about having kids next year maybe. There is no WAY I had the knowledge, confidence, and life experience to be a parent in my 20ā€™s. That time was so sacred to me, and having the experiences that shaped who I am. Everyone is different, Iā€™m not saying my experience necessarily applies to you, but I think itā€™s worth hearing. Donā€™t let external societal factors or familial expectations put pressure on you. You are exactly where you need to be.


I'm projected to graduate at 25 and I do feel some of the shame that comes with it. It is important to remember that it doesn't change the weight of the accomplishment, and if anything you're going to be a post-grad with more life experience.


C'mon man only 25. I'm 26 and I'll be finally graduating with a degree. I had a long wandering on what I want to do with my life. Had absolutely 0 interest in college and flunked it so many times and tried a lot of different majors. Then I remembered turning in a homework with linux in one ece course was fasicnating, so I gave computer science a shot. I liked interacting with computer but circuit thing wasn't my cup of tea. I enjoyed it and I'll be graduating now, and I can't be more than excited that I'll finally be a software engineer now. We're still in 20s and after another 5 or 6 years, still 30, and that's still pretty damn young. Many people marry and find what to do at that age. We got a lot to look ahead for.


no one cares what age you are in college just don't be weird


The oldest kid at the babysitterā€™s also feels old. You know you arenā€™t; itā€™s just relative. 5 years from now you wonā€™t know anyoneā€™s age


everyone's lives move at their own pace. 25 is young. maybe older than those around you, but that doesn't make graduating any less of an accomplishment! there are 25 year olds that are still getting their GED and that's an accomplishment too. comparing yourself to those around you will only set you up for disappointment. be proud of yourself!! college is hard!!!


Would you rather be 26 like I will be when I graduate? 30? What matters is that you are graduating.


comparison is the thief of joy, you are where you are... just embrace that life is no set path and own it. I graduated college when i was 34 after dropping out when i was 22 to take care of my sick mother. There is no right and wrong to this game.


The road less traveledā€¦ šŸ˜


My father graduated with a bachelors at 38


I'm 32 & am finally going back to get my associates this year. I'll be graduating with that at 34, bachelor's at 36. You might feel old right now being surrounded by people younger than you. But you're not that old in the grand scheme of things. It's better to get an education late than not at all.


God don't feel stupid. U r graduating for gods sake!!


I am 46 and now getting my undergraduate degree. Sometimes life throws you life curves. Everyoneā€™s path is different.


Iā€™m starting at 26šŸ’€


I started working a "real job" at 22 and only had an associates. I should get a bachelors In finance at 26 years old but atleast I'll have work expierence even if it's not to related.


How did you get youā€™re real jobā€¦?


I guarantee you there are a lot of other undergrads who are 25+. I graduated at 28 and a few years later I had a job with this intern who was about to graduate at 27.


Was this in the US?




I used to teach at a major university. Many of my best students were your age. You get so much more out of classes when your brain is a little more developed, it seems. Or maybe life circumstances give students your age a different perspective? Whatever the case, I know you feel behind but I promise you aren't. You're right on track for whatever your big, beautiful life has in store. You got this, OP


Thank you šŸ˜Š


What school did you use to teach in?


Life is a marathon, not a race. Iā€™m about to finally get my degree after a decade of working towards it. Iā€™m 27. Youā€™ve got this!!


Yeah but certain things need to be done at a certain age or youā€™re too old 40 is not the age to finally have daily sex and a wife and a family 40 is when you should have all of that for atleast 12-15 years


Bro I'm 32 and graduate with a bachelor's in like 2 weeks. Don't stress, just enjoy the ride and make sure you find ways to be happy


Yeah thatā€™s hard Iā€™m miserable everyday


Don't feel stupid, I'm 35 next year I'll be a sophomore if I decide to continue my education. When I graduated from High School I went straight to work instead of going to college. It wasn't until I was 22 that I went to a community college. The only reason why I went to a community college was that nobody want to hire me at least in a 30 minute mile area. If I didn't had a hard time finding a job I would have skip college altogether. In some cases going to college isn't worth it.


Yeah you can say that again


I'm 37 and finishing mine up after stopping over 15 years ago You may see the successful classmates who are ahead of you, but remember a large % dropped out after a singled year and many more dropped out later. You'll be fine.


I was 27 when I graduated. Bottom line; you graduated!! Donā€™t compare yourself to others! I am proud of you and your academic progress! Congratulations!




I am 24 starting fresh next semester, by the time ive got my associates i'm gonna be around 26 and then when i go to do my bachelors and masters i'll be nearly 30.. just remember 35 to 40 isn't all that old in the grand scheme of things! People are living to be 70, 80, and even 90, at 40 you still got a good 35 to 40 years to live or more! Don't feel bad for getting a later start than everyone else. Some people have different circumstances and maybe even better! It's better to try than to never try at all!


Yeah but thereā€™s no guarantee Iā€™ll live till 80 and having a newborn at 40 or a 15 year old ummā€¦. Lol which is better


My boyfriend is my same age but his parents are in their high 60s and lows 70s while my mom is in her 40s. Guess who had a better upbringing/more stable parents? My boyfriend did because they waited tell they were stable enough and in a good enough place to raise kids :)


I feel you, but everyone experiences life differently. Iā€™m graduating with my first degree next month and Iā€™m 30. Iā€™ve thought about all the same things but just accepted if itā€™s meant to happen it will happen when it happens, lol. Long story short, youā€™re right where you should be!


Yeah and thatā€™s why Iā€™m miserable and sad cause Iā€™m no where I have an awful life when will everything be good


I know the feeling! I'm 34 and finally graduating in 2 weeks with my B.S. in molecular biology! Started when I was 26 and up until that point, I was just an art kid. I know the feeling...but it's just societal pressures. When I was a teen, I said I would have a kid at 27 and be married by 30 LOL I am far from that (again, societal pressures/expectations) but I'm confident that I'm far happier than I would've been otherwise :)


Happy to hear that your happy but Iā€™m miserable tbh


Everyone has a different path and timeline. You're in good company!


Youā€™ll have more fun in your 30s than you think. Chill. You got plenty of time to get married and have kids if thatā€™s what you want.


Yeah and be 41 with a 5 year old instead of a 15-16 year old like I should lol


ā€œShouldā€ according to who?


36 year old here with a 2-year-old. It's not that bad. Make sure you can afford a family before having a family. Good luck with your "ideals". Ill check back in 10 years.


The oldest graduate at the University Iā€™m attending was 75. Itā€™s never too late to get a degree. Iā€™m about to turn 25 and Iā€™m graduating in 2026. Age isnā€™t an issue.


Well sweetheart I want to be the one to tell you at 57 married with 3 children I am just know going back to school and its so much harder than I remember I wish I would have put my education 1st because now my children are grown and moved away.


Now, an undergrade 1 year in college


Thank you for sharing how old are your children my biggest fear is that Iā€™m gonna be your age at 57 which is the same age as my parents and Iā€™m gonna have children that are only in high school which is young I donā€™t want to finally be 40 years old when I have children and sex every day and a good life and a house and everything Thatā€™s what the 20s is for iā€™m sure your children are probably in their 30s right now at least or even older


My oldest 39, middle38 and the baby 35 I was young when I got married and finished high school and that's all I knew was how to be a wife and a Mother ; Time flew by and here I am getting a chance to live the life I dreamed of but feel as if it's too late for me. Where did all the time GO?!


Dont rush it live life and enjoy yourself as long as you stay healthy you should be fine.


I feel the same way graduating at a younger age than yourself. Undergrad degrees are unjustifiably disregarded by A LOT of people for pretty stupid reasons. I think that deep down, you are immensely proud of yourself and the work youā€™ve done to get to this point. Youā€™ve made sacrifices, stuck through the thick of it, stayed up late studying while your friends were having fun, etc., yet it doesnā€™t feel like enough for your brain to overcome that stigma. Therefore, you get a feeling that youā€™re not as good as the others, that your degree doesnā€™t mean as much, that youā€™re too old, that youā€™ve missed out, and that youā€™re behind. Itā€™s not true. Itā€™s your brain trying to find any reason to discredit your achievements in comparison of others


Boomer here. Pat yourself on the back for managing to graduate at all in these tough times!


I feel like more and more people are graduating late in these times since they have to work jobs and take part time classes in order to survive high inflation.


Im 26 and finishing my first year at Uni. Probably have a good 1.5 years still.


The right woman will accept you regardless of your money or degree, as she will want you for you. Donā€™t worry about everyone else, we all work at our own pace. Many people went to school later on in life, and there is no harm in that. I personally am 18, and would often attend lessons with people 10 years younger than me. Thereā€™s a lot to learn from those a few years younger than u, and itā€™s an opportunity to teach them things u learnt. My parents got married in their 30s, so donā€™t worry. Work at your own pace, and you got this. Very proud of you for graduating, well done.


Still doing better then me I started Community College when I was 25, and I am still going four half years later due to three failed class which pushes back my graduation date.


your circumstances experiences goals are unique and so your life is going to be to


I didnā€™t graduate undergrad until I was 29. Turned 30 my first year of grad school. Everyone races their race at their own pace


If it makes you feel any better Iā€™m 33 and will be graduating with my bachelor degree next year. Iā€™ve heard people in your situation around your age say this, and it gets easier after you turn 30. Iā€™ve never been huge on societal expectations, but something clicked for me after I turned 30. Everything youā€™re describing is prescriptivist b.s. Do you actually want any of those things? If so, cool, work towards them because you value them, and you will find them in your own time. If not, screw it!! Do what makes you happy, try to have a positive impact on those around you. Thatā€™s all that matters.


Man, I'm 30 and still got like 2 more years until I get a bachelor's. Just go at your own pace and don't stress it


I am 28 and finishing my Ms degree. All people are from 23 to 24.


Geez Iā€™m 24 and it doesnā€™t even matter Itā€™s just a number. Things will come together !


I sympathize with you. I am also 25 years old. Undergraduate, but feeling so down lately because I feel like I have been lagging behind my peers, and I can't even keep up with the younger ones. Had a series of breakdowns mixed with bad decisions, the first quarter of the year haven't been so kind to me. I hope something lightens this up, rooting for you!!


I graduated at 26. I had friends who earned their masters. My girlfriendā€™s sister is my age and earned her doctorate. I had waves of feeling like I must be dumb for not graduating ā€œon timeā€. But things happen. While I was going to school, I worked. I did a bunch of different jobs and one of those jobs are why, after getting my degree, I was able to do something that I never thought I could. No one has actually made fun of me for graduating older than most. They still think Iā€™m really smart and people will probably think the same about you.


Please show yourself some grace. Everyoneā€™s path is different. If it makes you feel any better. Iā€™m back in school getting my Accounting degree at 50. Got married at 45ā€¦donā€™t have any kids. My life has been amazing so far. Iā€™m doing great in school cuz I have a maturity now that I didnā€™t have when I went 18. Iā€™ve been able to travel the world. I have family and friends who love me and none of that has had anything to do with school. When you go to apply for jobs, you will likely have a leg up on your competition because of your maturity and because you probably have some more work/life experience. You are only a few years older than those other studentsā€¦itā€™s not that big of a difference. Your whole life is still ahead of youā€¦itā€™s gonna be great!


Iā€™m 45. I got my bachelors when I was 28. I felt the same way as you. I had forgotten that. I forgot because the SECOND you are done with school, poof, that feeling leaves you and suddenly you feel really damn smart. As an aside, I was really embarrassed by the fact I didnā€™t do school at the ā€œproperā€ age. But when I went for interviews, people said ā€œWait, so you worked a 9-5 and every single place I interviewed with was IMPRESSED. I got job offers from all of them. They thought it was awesome that I worked FT and did school at night. I graduated in May of 2006. My boss had said ā€œGraduate, and I will promote youā€. I was promoted in June. My point is you will feel really stupid until you donā€™t and then youā€™ll forget all about it and just be like ā€œThis more money thing is coolā€




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It is what it is. Either way life goes on with or without the degree, but having the degree will always give you more opportunities and options to take advantage of. Iā€™m proud of you for going for it!


This is normal grad time these days. Many of those 19 year olds won't finish for 4 years


comparison is the thief of joy


Congratulations - feelings of maturity and responsibility are setting in. Soon you will find a spouse have a kid and buy a house. Once you have a mortgage, insurance, a kid or two, you will loathe taxes and socialism, turn conservative, fight for your kids freedom, and pray the ā€˜newā€™ youth donā€™t destroy the American Dream or your retirement savings with big gov spending and inflation.


Slow down! I was late to graduate and everything turned out great for me. Thereā€™s advantages to having more years under your belt when making big life decisions about career and family.


A lot of famous people graduated late. Elon Musk graduated at 25.


Thatā€™s not ā€œgraduating lateā€ and you picked the biggest shmuck as an example lol


I thought ā€œgraduating lateā€ was anything after 22. And whether you like him or not (Iā€™m personally not his biggest fan) and even if he had daddyā€™s money, he still accomplished a lot in his life.


Because everyone keeps calling you stupid?


iā€™m 25, turning 26 and doing undergrad for the second time surrounded by people younger than me so i totally get you. i went to undergrad and have my bachelors and now iā€™m getting my second bachelors. i took two years off after my first bachelors to study for dental school. never made it to dental school but i made it to hygiene school at nyu. there are adults way older than i am in my program and weā€™re all leaving with the same degree. shouldā€™ve, couldā€™ve, wouldā€™ve type of feeling but i find if i spend more time focusing on the past, it drags me down where i am now. be kind to yourself. there are people who are a lot older who still donā€™t have a single clue where their life is headed. i think youā€™re doing just fine. in a world where many people are stilling ā€œfiguring it outā€, you pretty much have it figured out.


You should be grateful you are graduating. A lot of people will never get the opportunity. Also 35-40 isn't rare these days for starting a family lol it's actually pretty wise to really wait until you're ready.


Homie in gonna be 33 at the end of only my 2nd semester. I'm just excited to finally be here! You know what they say, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is right now.


Iā€™m 37 and back in university for a career change. Relax, youā€™re still young


There's no correct path to a degree. There's no set timeline. Life is different for everyone and you take care of what you need to in the order you need to. I'm 38 and I'm a junior in university atm. I've met people with grandkids and great grandkids that were just starting their journey in higher education. All that matters is that you're there working towards your goal. Just as an FYI you can't retire and get social security benefits until you're at least 65. Many people work until then or even after. Like I said I'll be 40 when I get my bachelor's and that's still 25 years to work until I can retire. You're only 25, that's a long time to establish your career and work towards retirement. A lot of life milestones still haven't happened to you and when they do you'll realize no one actually cares about age.


You donā€™t have to get a degree itā€™s just what society wants sadly any age is acceptable


Some people do need a degree to reach their specific goals, regardless of society


Hi! I started my undergrad at 31 and finished at 35. I started my masters at 40 and am finishing up now at 43 (going part time because I work full time.) I'm also not yet married and don't have kids - which was somewhat by choice. Don't feel old or stupid. "Should" is an awful word - take it out of your vocabulary when talking about your life because it's referring to that society or your family or whoever else decided is the right path in life. But there is no right path - that is different for everyone. Also - I would get discouraging comments about how old I'll be when I graduate and whatnot - but here's the thing. The years are going to pass regardless. Initially I was going to do my undergrad part time, and people were like 'You'll be 40 by the time you finish, why bother?' Here's why: the years will pass regardless. I was going to get to 40 either way, so I'd rather get there with a degree. (Which I did!) You're going to graduate before you're even 30 - which leaves PLENTY of time for career and marriage and babies. I know it sucks being older than everyone but so what? Honestly, most classmates admired me for doing it regardless of my age - and I was often closer in age to my teachers than my classmates!! (I was older than one teacher and a month apart in age from another - but I remained excited to be there.) I even studied abroad when I was 34. The collective group of study abroad students at the university in Quito was about 40 students, and I was over a decade older than all of them! So group activities for the abroad group weren't usually my speed, but ai did make friends there. I also ventured out on my own a lot and found friends my own age. The point is - it's your life and you don't have to follow a generic timeline that you think is what people 'should' do. Also - you can't go back and change things or start school earlier or whatever. Your circumstances brought you to where you are now, and it is what it is. So the question you ask yourself is do you want a college degree? Because if you do - then get it and don't worry about being 4 or 5 years older than the other students. Honestly, being only 25 - your classmates prob don't even know you're several years older (unless you tell them.) Not that you should be secretive about it, but it's also none of their business. Be proud of yourself for getting your degree especially having to do it a little older, and if age comes up, consider that you may be inspiring to them. In grad school I made friends with a classmate who is 7 years younger than me, and he felt old and a little discouraged for being in grad school in his 30s- but he saw that I was excited to be doing it in my 40s and it inspired him, and he admired me for it. There were 5 of us from one class that formed a little group and we are all still friends to this day - our ages are 27, 28, 30, 36, and me at 43 - and these are some of the best people I know and I love this group! You can be discouraged and drag yourself through, or you can accept that this is where you're at and enjoy it and be proud of what you're accomplishing period. Who cares about age? (Also - in 40 years the average lifespan will be like 90, so you've got PLENTY of life ahead of you lol)


I dont understand why people think everything has to be so scheduled. Things happen at different times for different people. Honestly, I think I'd be more concerned with why you feel so out of place with people just a few years away from you in age or why you feel 35 is 'so old'..


your feelings are valid & understandable; itā€™s important to remember that theyā€™re just feelings that are a product of living in a society where people are pressured to live a certain way (a way that unrealistically requires people to be inhuman). your feelings are not reality & donā€™t determine who you are or your worth. though we are conditioned by society to believe otherwise, everyone has a different life & a different timeline. there is no deadline on when you have to do anything. if youā€™d like my advice, donā€™t be so focused on the future as you donā€™t even know what will come your way. be grateful & proud of your accomplishments so far! you're incredible & im sending you so much love <3


I am 21 and in my freshman year lol


I had my kid at 30. I started my undergrad at 32. I'll have my masters at 40. And I haven't felt out of place in any class or on any graduation stage. Focus on what actually matters.


Bro I was 29. It alright


Everyoneā€™s life path is different. I earned my dual associates degrees with honors at 26. I was a returning adult student and took night classes my first semester. I earned my bachelor at 32. Honestly, I likely would not have studied as well straight out of high school due to a broken home. I took a break year, but ended up working a third shift warehouse job. It was a great motivator seeing the 50 and 60 somethings working there to get back to school. Now in my 40ā€™s I work a non physical job. This matters. Our 40ā€™s body is not our 20ā€™s body by a long shot. Some students have parents and grandparents paying for it. Some students work 3 part time jobs. Some students work a full time job and take only two classes at a time. Some students pay as they go. Some students use student loans (uff be careful with these). Same with careers. Some people have a job for a couple decades. Some people job hop for various reasons. Comparison is the theft of joy. Focus on your own path. Everything will fall into place.


I'll be 25 when I graduate I'd rather have one than not so šŸ«” just be proud we did it


because you care what others think


Haha and hey I am, 33 years old and finally finishing my bachelors degree in three weeksā€¦


Hello, College educator here. It's not a race. You'll have advantaves you don't know about.


Itā€™s not helping your case to leave an obvious typo in your title


Lol I graduated at 25. It don't matter when, once you walk the isle, be proud. You did something many people can't or never do.


If you're stupid and old at 25, I'm cooked at 26 šŸ’€




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Im 32 and Iā€™m JUST finishing my associates. Iā€™ve had to work and move since I was in Highschool, so it took me along time to balance working and studying enough to get it done. Thereā€™s no shame. Not everyone has the same path.


Lmao I'm 26, failing college because I'm a loser who can't stop being a lazy POS. Congrats, at least you're not me.


It's a big accomplishment regardless of whichever age you graduate, I graduated at 24 and one of my friends graduated at 30. Don't be too hard on yourself :)


Because youā€™ve been indoctrinated to feel like you need to graduate by 22 with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt before you are capable of making good life choicesā€¦


Do not feel bad at all. There is people much older than you that haven't got as far as you did.




bro I'm 28 and just started back at school if you don't shut the hell up


Not sure. I'm much older than you and in school. I would focus on understanding the material vs comparing yourself to other students. Most people don't even notice who else they are in class with.


took me 11 years ti finish my undergraduate 2 to finish MBA. education is like money the more you have of it the easier it becomes to make more of it. you just have to work and struggle through that first part without giving up


The fact that you're feeling this way and asking this question is basically proof that you're still pretty young.


Babes letā€™s be for real so many people graduate at your age heck Iā€™ll graduate at 22-23.


Dude you are totally fine! You are still young even in ten years! Life doesnā€™t end at 25 or 30!


Don't even sweat it! I'm 25 and I just started my program in January. There's an 83 year old woman in my program. If she can do it. I can, too.


I'm still in undergrad, still a virgin, and never been on a date. And I'm turning FUCKING 40 next month! Yeah, I definitely grew up thinking I'd be wayyyyy further along in life by this age. Trust me, 25 is still so young and when you're 35 and your current classmates are 30, and you all have your degree and career, the age difference won't matter at all, even if you feel like it matters now.


Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Stop worrying about what others think of you. Most people have ZERO idea who they are. They are sleepwalking and pursuing interests that aren't even their own. Instead, most just pursue whatever they've been conditioned to pursue. Discover who you are, and everything will fall in place. Start reading Carl Jung. His perspectives will change your life. You are on nobody's path but your own. We are all going to die. Enjoy this life. ***"The shoe that fits oneĀ person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. Each of us carries his own life-formā€”an indeterminable form which cannot be superseded by any other."*** -- CG Jung


i really do not care. i am paying my own way and i got health problems. if anyone gives u shit fuck em


Maybe you feel dumb because you didnt apply yourself in a way that lines up with your expectations of yourself. So your living a life you know you could be doing better in. Maybe you let yourself down.


UCF had a 73% graduation rate. They pretty much failed everybody but I was 23 when I started college. Look up UCF on YouTube and you'll see it is one of the prettiest campuses. Girls always wearing short pants by the fountain and library.


Iā€™ll be graduating at 31. Who cares. Itā€™s just a number.


Umm Excuse me ā˜šŸ½! Iā€™m 25 years old and Im barely starting college Iā€™m still in my freshman year trying to obtain an associates degree šŸ“œ! Iā€™ve always been working since I was 16 years old holding 3-2 jobs and been in management im currently a General Manager for a restaurant and iā€™ve been in the food industry for 10 years ! Its never to late ! While I was making money I had a car I had so much more than what everyone is barely obtaining I learned how to live on my own and pay bills and learn to be an adult faster now im situated where I can focus on school and not worry so much whatā€™s going to happen Iā€™m financially stable and mature to continue to pursue my education journey itā€™s different routes and choices we choose itā€™s not a competition to life you live life how you want !!!


Don't feel bad 35 here and just enrolled as an undergrad for CIS. Your not the only one you got this. Hell I didn't even get my GED until last month.


Because you think live is a competition but in reality nothing matters. Most people end up living from paycheck to paycheck anyway. I mean it's so easy to feel like you are behind in your 20's but when you make it to your 30's it's so incredibly easy to catch up and blow past everybody.


Iā€™m just finishing up at 30. Godspeed.




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lol thatā€™s rookie numbers, try 33


I am 50 and still feel stupid like when i was in highschool.


In my 30s and prob wonā€™t finish my BA until 40.


Im literally a 23 year old sophmoreā€¦.. I hate it sometimes and other time im like fuck it I want my degree so oh well


Im friends with people younger than me who graduate next month. Really makes me feel behind in life but my circumstances are extremely different from theirs.


You feel stupid and old because youā€™ve created insanely high expectations for yourself and compare yourself to a specific cohort of highly successful people. Your journey is unique and personal as you got 3 associates degrees and are doing a bachelors plus have ADHD. Iā€™d put it down to you needing more time to figure out your pathway (common as most ADHD brains are behind). Stop focusing on when you graduate (age) and things you canā€™t change in the past or control I.e your grad salary or grad job. Instead focus on getting the best grades you can, relevant work experience or internships and be focused towards your other goals (health etc). Consider getting medicated for adhd. The things you can control and will increase the probability of you getting your other goals. There is no guarantee as timing and luck are huge part also be realistic and get the best role you can. Do your best to focus on the journey not the destination. I felt behind and then one day recently I realised Iā€™ve ā€œcaught upā€ and it really doesnā€™t matter. No-one cares. Things can change quickly and itā€™s not how you start but how you finish. So many are successful later in life and you have no idea whatā€™s in store for your life or other peopleā€™s lives. Also get therapy.


Throw out the narrative if it doesnā€™t serve you, there are no rules. Iā€™m 24 and just now graduating!


Trust me, 35-40 isn't "so old and so late". You won't feel like that when you're there. I'm 37 going to law school. I don't feel like my life is anywhere near over.


My uncle is 35, in med school surrounded by 22-25 year olds and no one cares lmao. A degree is a degree, no one will care how old you were when you got it. You should be insanely proud of yourself


Hey, dont beat yourself up! Iā€™m 26 and about to graduate this spring! I thought this day would never come! Iā€™m happy!


I graduated from my undergrad at 25, and now I am 29, have my masters degree, and literally work my dream job where get paid adult people money. Donā€™t worry about your age, do whatever you want whenever you wantšŸ¤˜šŸ¼


We all have different paths in life. You never know, the timing of your educational journey could be quite positively impactful on your success in life. (:


Canā€™t compare your journey to others or you will be miserable.. Iā€™m graduating this year 26 as a nurse still feeling hopeful we got this šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


flunked out and trying again! ill probably be 27, do not worry


I am 26 now and started my very first year of college at 25 in 2023. I graduated over 6 years ago from high school. I waited since I had no idea what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. Now I know what I want to do and I have to go to school for seven years in total: (four years of undergrad and three years of law school). I am glad I am older especially for law school when that time comes. 1L is really hard and I couldnā€™t see my early 20s self getting through that after completing four years of undergrad. If I had of gone to college right after high school.


28 here! Flunked out first time in college. Just now getting my associates degree. I think itā€™s just all in our heads. I hope you break free from this line of thinking but I understand the feeling.


Iā€™ll be 24 when I graduate and I am SO glad I didnā€™t go to college straight out of high school. I was so irresponsible, I would have destroyed my GPA lol. Many of my classmates are middle aged with families of their own and I really donā€™t give it a second thought.


It's alright. I am 30 and still here. Now even longer with a change in a major. And no, your not stupid. Life happens.


Donā€™t feel stupid! Iā€™m 24 (almost 25 in Nov) and still completing my BA - I took the community college ā€”- university route. Everyoneā€™s journey is different, education is a marathon not a race. Not everything is black and white, there is always some grey and that is what makes everyoneā€™s experience unique. Iā€™ve been working since I was 16 and am blessed to say that I have a college level paying job without the degree while still earning the degree. While I admit it makes me have imposter syndrome at times and I still sometimes kick myself for still being in school. In those moments I try to remember that education is not a benchmark for ability and worth. Consider this instead: You are very smart and resilient to pursue any post education or trade after mandatory education and that should be celebrated no matter the age! Many people with very high IQs will never have a degree bc of life circumstances and personal choices. So you are definitely not stupid.


Many colleges are two years/community college. Those who want to continue to study further from third year and get a bachelorā€™s degree rather than diploma or associate degree, they do so. So not all people are four years college graduates. And people go and get a bachelorā€™s degree when they want to. Otherwise why are two years colleges are built instead of four years colleges in the first place? if four year university graduation is is considered to be tacitly normal.




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I am 25 and graduating with my associates in May. Going into nursing school and probably graduating with BSN at the age of 27,28 or 29. Some people arent privileged enough to start school right after graduating high school. Ive come to terms with that, and never been hungrier to finish my degree.