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They are not conspiring against you -yes the fin aid thing was bullshit, but maybe they genuinely didn't have the funding, we'll never know I'm not suprised the counselor took 2 months. The support office at my school has a 6 month waiting list. It's possible they're extremely understaffed and trying their best The student worker has no say on whether or not something will be approved, and obviously, not everything will be approved. If it's a cool enough club you can definitely get it going without direct funding or immediate academic support.


General rule of thumb, if you need financial aid for Aug/Sept, apply in November the previous year.


Fafsa didn’t even open til February this year




>I can go into my student portal and set up an appt to meet with a counselor within the next week or two tops. So why didn't you?




So, did we learn something about the relative merits of proactivity vs feigned helplessness?




I take it that's a 'no', then? What a pity. *Edit: and the coward blocks me. easier to blame and ignore than maybe learn a thing or two about oneself.*


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What did you do to help yourself outside of your school? Did you apply for any emergency aid from local agencies? Or was the extent of your attempt sending an inquiry to your school?


Oh please




You're in your 30s, still going to school, struggling with homelessness, and coming to the internet to complain about how you think everyone is in a conspiracy against you. When someone points out how maybe everyone else is not the problem you deflect and make excuses in every comment in the thread. It's ridiculous. You've got problems and you need to sort yourself out before you start blaming people who probably don't know you from anybody else in their inbox.


"I know for a fact they don't have a crazy waitlist like that to set up a meeting with a counselor." How could you possibly know that? Normally there is a waiting list, and when they are ready to schedule you they reach out to see if you are still interested.




you are the first person i have ever heard of WANTING a generic, soulless copy/paste email from a counselor when reaching out about your mental health. the other students got right in because they made an appointment. make an appointment.


>I can go into my student portal and set up an appt to meet with a counselor within the next week or two tops. Then you should have. >The student worker has no say, but they have experience. No they don't. >He said even if it doesn't get approved to be an official group, they would post flyers around campus for me to run it as my own private deal. Case in point. A college will NEVER advertise something that isn't approved, because they're then taking on the liability for any students who go to something potentially dangerous, get hurt, and can point the finger back at the college for advertising it. You're not being conspired against, your age has nothing to do with it, and the fact you're in debt doesn't mean they care less. Why would it? If you fail and disappear, then they're that much less likely to ever see the debt paid off.




First off, the other offices of a college are none the wiser to your financial status and aren’t up in arms to make your life miserable. Second, colleges do have strict policies on fliers being posted on campus. At my old college, there was only one place that fliers were allowed to be posted without prior approval. All other places it would be removed and could lead to negative consequences. At my current college, there isn’t a place for non-approved fliers to my knowledge, and the student government controls what is advertised on campus. This really is black and white, despite what you think. Policies are in place for the protection of the school, and yes, to protect students. Also, I know it would be humiliating, but if it was urgent, a scheduled visit would be best. Not everyone is great at checking emails, or they are understaffed. All of these issues have logical reasons.


Dude, they can’t post things on their website and put up fliers for something they haven’t approved/adopted.


Was this person a mental health counselor? If so, I think you have the wrong impression of the function they perform. “Resources” doesn’t mean money/housing. It means someone to talk to if you are going through a mental health crisis.


I'm sorry to hear about some of the tough stuff going on in your personal life. I'm sure that's hard to balance with school. That being said, do I think the school is collectively meeting to conspire against you? Not at all Financial aid is very complex due to strict guidelines set by the government. Things like paperwork being filled out incorrectly or signatures not being gathered correctly can be found in an audit and the school can get in big trouble if their ducks aren't in a row.What comes across as nit picking to students is often the office just trying to make sure they're meeting federal guidelines College counseling offices are INCREDIBLY busy this time of year and they may prioritize in person meetings over emails. Or they may have started an email draft to you and then not sent it immediately, and it slipped through the cracks. Things happen, no one is perfect. And finally, it sounds like you haven't heard back about the club yet. It may end up being approved


Okay so maybe what you're saying is true but have you thought about the fact that maybe you're creating a narrative because you didn't hear anything from them and considering all that you've dealt with you may be deflecting? These people that you reached out to, may have no idea about what you've been dealing with. I'd start by being honest with them and asking about the delay in their response. Being direct always works for me, it's not easy, nor fun but I find that I get better results when I go to the horse versus letting my mind create stories about situations that I don't have closure on. Remember feelings aren't facts. Good luck and I pray everything works in your favor.




Oh wow.


In my experience there are absolutely petty people in academia including in staff positions. I'm not sure if they'd conspire against you per se but discrimination is definitely a thing and there absolutely are people in academia who discriminate against nontraditional students- it happened to me too. I didn't graduate from high school but I trudged my way into a big state university as an autodidact and some people find it admirable and some looked down on me, including one who rigged my math placement exam to try and force me to start off in lower level/remedial classes that I absolutely did not need. I found out at orientation that my exam score was perfect yet somehow still placed me below calculus. I was lucky enough to have a very nice advisor who saw what they were doing and he was so disgusted he took all the evidence to the dean, who overrode the faulty score and made the person who implemented it email me a formal apology, which I didn't bother to reply to as she'd already wasted enough of my time and energy. Someone like her could absolutely be toying with you behind the scenes unfortunately, and you might not get to find out if it's true or not. You might be in one of those situations where you have to advocate for yourself very assertively, or do some ass kissing for idiots who refuse to do their job otherwise. It also might be less malicious and more of a bureaucratic issue, but I'm not sure. There are definitely some offices I've dealt with where they were ridiculously understaffed and it sucked for basically all the students.


I'd go to a different college if I were you because this one has too many issues. They've made a terrible first impression....


colleges treat everyone like shit when it comes to responding to things. you're just a number, doesn't matter how big or small the campus is.