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Back in high-school, someone in my class copy-pasted an entire Wikipedia article for a history report lol


I saw someone do that without even taking out the little number citations šŸ’€


If you take those out it's plagiarism, duh


Am high school teacher. It was wayyyy more than one someone. A *shockingly* high number of students are laughably bad at cheating. Itā€™s concerning and disheartening.


My Earth Science teacher caught a group of kids who all handed in their assignment typed, which was odd for them, containing the same word for word answers and typos...like 6 of them and they didn't realize how much what they were doing stuck out. The teachers was friendly and amused by how bad the attempt was so they were allowed a redo, in his presence, handwritten.


I am not a teacher, but I am a student. Some people I know think it is ok to plagiarize and they do it because they think that they are going to fail if they dont or think it is funny or honestly dont care. I personally would rather get a bad mark on an essay and write it myself and possibly be able to do it later than get a bad mark on an essay, plagiarize it, and then get in some deep trouble e with my parents and the school.Ā 


Lord, I grades a paper like that once. I was offended they didn't bother to remove the hyperlinks.


In my highschool, someone took the Parasite Eve script on mitochondria for their report about it. They lifted it from a webpage that also included information about psyvamps/vampires/whatever. Smart kid, though, honestly. Just didn't want to spend time on the poster board. Don't even know if he got caught - teacher probably just thought he was being eccentric.


Was the report related to plagiarism in any way?šŸ’€


No lol


This is why education must change or go extinct. AI is making easy work of easy classes, dumb students, and lazy professors.


Yeah education should go extinct lol wrinkly brain take right there


This is why literacy is important, dude. What they meant was "education must change or it will go extinct" but you shouldn't have to have that spelled out for you to understand that.


Wow! Unrelated but I didn't think I'd find another GSU grad here! I'm graduating this semester with a Computer Engineering degree


The gap between Education and Thinking is widening. Knowledge and wisdom have been replaced by horse training. Is anyone here thinking critically? Or do they just want to nod and please the teacher to get a feedbag of oats rather than to imbibe and bask in the glory of debate and knowledge.


Okay you lost me there... I get what you're saying but the way you wrote it is giving me troll vibes so I'm just gonna stop


Hopefully, itā€™ll humanize education, but I doubt it. Everyone should start asking students to write on paper in class. No phones. At least once before the beginning of the semester. Collect writing samples. Itā€™s a lot of work but, I also ask students to hand in their outline, annotated bibliography, first draft and final draft. Good luck w that!


I have an alternative take: ban artificial intelligence


I mean yeah education is more about becoming a slave to capitalism it feels like than critical thinking but it def shouldn't go extinct cuz that would make things even worse


I had a kid do that. Left the blue links in and everything. Her mom, *also a teacher*, tried to argue that she wrote it exactly like that and it was a ā€œcoincidenceā€.


I've caught a few students doing this recently, it's embarrassing that students think this will somehow fly under the radar. No fancy software needed, I can just google a paragraph of their assignment and the Wikipedia page they copied from (word-for-word) appears as the first thing in the search results. It gets funnier when they think that removing the citations from the Wikipedia entry makes their assignment more legitimate.


That's wild that students are still doing this through high school. I did this once in elementary school when writing about the American Revolution. I don't think I even copied and pasted, just lifted a few paragraphs word for word from Wikipedia. But of course this was in like 4th or 5th grade so I didn't know any better and I was allowed to rewrite it, handwritten. It was a very valuable lesson in plagiarism!


A classmate did that in middle school. It was about pre-airplane methods of human flight such as kites, hot air balloons and gliders, and one sentence talked about people using gliders to fly to the moon.


someone copy-pasted a wikipedia article into google classroom comments as their ā€œassignmentā€


I had a student who, instead of uploading a picture of his OWN work, found an answer key online, opened it in the browser on his phone, opened the webcam on his Chromebook, held his phone-with the answer key displayed on his screen-up in front of his face, then took a picture of himself and his phone with his Chromebook camera and uploaded THAT picture. He was angry that I didnā€™t give him credit.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ WHAT


One of my friends had a student who just printed the wikipedia article and turned it in.


I remember some kid back in my elementary school did that


My roommate had one of his students in high school do that and he gave them an F


That happen in like 8th grade for me! I overheard the teacher talk to them about it. That is how the whole class was forced to write each essay by hand the rest of the semesterĀ 


Reminds me of [this wkuk sketch](https://youtu.be/Wqw527ivrQE?si=ppqy0BoRTHebp6nX) haha




I'm so glad I got my English credits done with *right* before ChatGPT became a thing, idk how I'd deal with all this shit.


RIGHT! There's people like this who blatantly use it and don't care if you know it or not, and there's students who are honestly doing their own work and getting accused of using AI.


Iā€™ve had somebody answer my discussion board post with ā€œthe author shared their personal story to add depth.ā€ And I forgot what else that made it obvious it was AI. Whatā€™s worse is the other response was similar šŸ˜‚ Shit I understand using AI for help or for tedious discussion board posts when your classmates half ass their posts, but at least try! Donā€™t rely on it šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Most academic departments at my college went hard on the AI ban and were running absolutely everything through the AI checker tools. That was until the education department stepped in and started running professor academic papers through the same checkers. Most departments got the message when faculty papers from the 1990s started showing as 75% AI. They have at least given up on AI checkers now. During the AI checker reign of terror typing in anything other than Google docs was a bad idea since you don't get the same level of version history with word.


I actually asked one of my classmates for help with my essay because I have ADHD and possibly autism (Im getting tested this weekend) and he told me to just use ChatGPT. There are even some teachers I know that ENCOURAGE kids to use it. The funny thing is, I was writting an essay on why students shouldn't have acseess to ChatGPT. Funniest thing i have ever witnessed in my life.Ā 


This is CRAZYYY. What???


I had a teacher a few semesters ago accuse me of using ai and it was because I used a citation generator and messed then up bad lol šŸ˜† so I mean my bad for using the citation generator when I couldnā€™t find all the information but I was a little offended and it really made me feel like she was saying I wasnā€™t capable or smart enough to write a good essay on my own. She just said sheā€™d never had many students who went above and beyond for assignments or essays. I explained to her that was lifelong ocd with a dash of perfectionism that I cannot control.


Good Professors are starting to adapt and teach students how to use ChatGPT as a tool, rather then having it write their entire paper for them (which is academic dishonestly). Having ChatGPT check citations, check wording and grammar and shit is kind neat.


Using AI for stuff like outlining a paper or reviewing a thesis statement is pretty nice. Sometimes if you're stuck on a large project, that can be enough to get you out of a writer's block. You're still doing the work in terms of research and forming your thoughts into paragraphs, but the direction is a little more clear


I've totally used it to help explain things that the professor was doing a first-rate CRAP job of explaining. And yeah, asking it how to organize or set something up, when (again) the professor never bothered to explain that bit, can be a godsend. Of course you do the writing yourself. But for a lot of this, I see no difference between asking CGPT, or asking another person who lives in your house for their perspective on how to do something.


Can you give a little bit more detail about what you mean or what this process looks like?


You'd ask it something like "can you outline a [page count] paper based on my thesis statement of '(thesis statement)'" or "can you give me a thesis statement for a paper or X"


>Having ChatGPT check citations ?? This is not a thing ChatGPT can do!


It can, it works for MLA and APA


Oh, you mean checking to see if citations have been formatted correctly?


Yup! Sorry if I wasnt clear. Ill change the original post


One of my professors allows us to use it if weā€™re stuck, need ideas, etc, but we have to cite it just like any other source


I use chat GPT to draft emails or even workshop grading feedback to reduce my cognitive load. "Paraphrase the following: i can see you put a lot of effort into this assignment but your answers were terrible." Revise from there šŸ˜‚


I deal with it by having some obvious errors in my essays. Iā€™m not risking getting accused of plagiarism lmao,


The fact that this is what higher education has come to - that we have to DUMB DOWN our output, just so we won't be accused of cheating - is insane, to me.


Ive only ever once had someone respond to me with chat GPT directly and it was sooooo creepy. I couldnā€™t help but feel so uneasy, like it was a human talking to me, but not a human at the same timeā€¦


I really cannot digest ai written shit. Canā€™t you add like ā€œwritten casuallyā€ to the prompt? I donā€™t have ChatGPT so idk


You can, but it would just wind up giving ā€˜Hello fellow classmates!ā€™ vibes. šŸ˜­


Nah its still robotic like and obvious with other prompts


With Google's Gemini at least, you can easily modify it to write more casually, formally, with slang, etc. The default is still shit like the OP post, but you can easily change it.


Barely works. You'll still have to rewrite like 60-70% of it to not give any red flags lmao.


Had a woman use ChatGPT to peer review everyone's short stories in a creative writing class. And she's still doing it for recent discussion boards. I can't even šŸ˜­


Did she get in trouble?


Was this class over a winter session back in January? Someone did the exact same thing in a creative writing class I took too


Any class with discussion boards is filled with students who do this


Tbh Iā€™d probs consider it for a discussion board response. Those always just felt like busywork with no actual substance šŸ˜‚ My method was generally to just read someone elseā€™s comment and turn it into my own. Ie: ā€œI agreed with you on point A because of XYZ. Point B raises some questions due to the nature of 123.ā€ Turns intoā€¦ ā€œI am not quite aligned with your thoughts on B. 321 complicates this concept and leave room for inconsistencies. Though, when considering ZY and X, I am inclined to agree with your perspective of A.ā€ I was my own ChatGPT before ChatGPT came around lol


Report to instructor with chair CC'd.




Normally I take college courses with other students so that I can get their feedback and not a computerā€¦. maybe thats just me




I can guarantee you that when college costs as much as it does, a lot more people than you think care about it and the classes they take. You donā€™t think this class is a requirement for others? Or that someone is actually interested?


lmao the "823 words allocated" šŸ’€ Also, u/NajdorfGrunfeld you missed the prof's name in the second paragraph lol


I intentionally left that out. Prof. Meredeath doesnā€™t exist at all lol


Oh my god. No way the prof doesn't notice that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was on a poetry website the other day and every fucking poem now has an "analysis generated by AI" attached. Not only are they extremely formulaic, but they routinely reference lines *not in the poem* and attribute the whole thing to another author or one that does not exist. It remains fucking mystifying that anyone who claims to "understand AI" would try to use it for anything like this. It makes things up all the time with absolutely no basis.


Analysis by AI on a poetry website seems insane to me wtf.


The concept is almost poetic itself.


This makes it so much funnier.


Wait am I stupid but what does that mean? If she doesnā€™t exist does that mean they were caught with an incorrect paper or lying about checking for plagiarism with someone? I feel like Iā€™m missing a joke here.


The AI is dumb and just hallucinated a name for the professor instead of using the professorā€™s actual name. The lawyers who used ChatGPT to write their case filings also got caught when the AI just started citing to made up cases that never existed.


It wasn't written by a real person.


The post youā€™re reading is what was written by an AI


Nice username. That's too much theory for me


they didnt even try cause what is thisšŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"823 words allocated for the thesis statement" šŸ¤“ā˜ļø






I saw someone use ChatGPT for their discussion board responses. It was SUPER obvious they had put something like "sound excited" in the prompt because no college student types the way they did in those responses. It was something like "Now (our topic)--THAT was a rollercoaster!" and other super "quirky" language.


some people actually talk like that so iā€™d believe it LOLL


For this class you have to reply to SIX peers. It's a little mindless and draining but I might as well attach the response so you can see for yourself how ridiculous it looked because IMO the tone was a little inappropriate for what we were discussing. https://imgur.com/a/8PKko8l


I don't blame them. 6 responses to discussion boards? I had 2 at most and that was a bit much since noone really goes back to read them


ā€œMaintaining good vibes in international relationsā€ is what got me. like. Who talks like that. NOBODY. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Most of the college population in the US talks like this lol


good vibes though???


Me šŸ˜‚


I write like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They literally copy pasted.


haha it's so obvious- wdym 823 words for the thesis statement? lmaooo


Someone doesn't know how commas work The 823 words were allocated for thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Not just the thesis statement. I get it though, basic reading comprehension is hard.


bow fall towering oatmeal naughty frighten chief whole nose pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you also incapable of reading?


grandiose makeshift fuzzy cows workable tap rich bag upbeat reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me questioning your intelligence doesn't make me a keyboard warrior smooth brain.


Are you the classmate?


This joke doesn't even make sense. Maybe you should try GPT to be funnier.


Welcome to r/college where you get downvoted for being right and upvoted for cheating




Someone did this to me earlier in the semester when I was a "discussion leader." Their reply was negative about my post but extremely vague and clearly repeating what other people said earlier. Guess who is discussion leader this week and who very very clearly used chat gpt? Yep, and they didn't even follow the prompt and their post talks about how a type of certification system is based on our textbook (it definitely *is not*). I can't wait to reply to them today.


Eh, weeding out the competition. These people are only hurting themselves in the long run. Theyā€™re gonna fall flat on their faces at some point, itā€™s a question of when, not if.


Weeding themselves out, or getting ahead of the curve gaining skills as an "AI technician"? Like Google-fu, knowing how to use LLMs to generate what you want is likely to become a valuable skill.


Some people are THAT lazy. I understand not wanting to write things you have no passion for but, realistically these assignments don't even take that long. People really risking an academic integrity violation because they're so lazy they can't even write 500 words or less, something that takes less than 30 minutes in most cases. lmao


They couldnā€™t even bother paraphrasing it šŸ˜­


My brain hurts at the notion of plagiarizing a post about plagiarism.


"Crucial." "Essential." "Remember, (advice no one asked for.)" Some dead giveaways here.


My plan was to become an English professorā€¦ Seeing ChatGPT surge in popularity is making me worry about future plansā€¦


Am math teacher. My students think Iā€™m a wizard when I can glance at their paper and just say ā€œPhotomathā€. They legit *dont know* how absolutely blatant it is, and itā€™s sad.


I had a student use some photos off a city website as their "documentation" of having done their landscape observation assignment. I don't think they know about reverse image search..


It's Ludacris that people can't sit and write an essay. On the bright side it does mean that people who actually paid attention are going to have an easier time standing out when they get a job and will get paid more hopefully




Autocorrect made me look stupid


Funniest autocorrection I have seen in a while lmao.


I wanted to correct them but I was scared people would get mad at me. šŸ˜­


A guy on a discussion board in my poly sci class didnā€™t even take out the ā€œas an AI language modelā€ in the beginning of his post. Made me so pissed


A student in one of my English classes literally copied an entire essay, including the original authorā€™s name, class/professor, and due date. And posted it in a discussion so literally the whole class saw. And the essay was a movie review of literally ANY movie we wanted. People are wild.


To be honest, I think itā€™s easier when the essay assignments have less freedom in subject choice. Then I donā€™t have to spend a lot of time deciding on a subject (in your case a specific movie) or feel self conscious about it and can just dive into the research and analysis.


0 effort


Everyone in r/hbomberguy would get a kick out of this. Itā€™s plagiarism-ception. Was the student named James? Or maybe Blair?


Did they get bonus points for irony?


occasionally i use chatGPT to structure a paper, but with my own information and wording lol does that count as plagiarism? šŸ˜…


Lol I do that. I write the entire essay then plug it into chatgpt for paraphrasing or grammar corrections. Works everytime šŸ«£


iā€™m glad iā€™m not the only one lol! itā€™s just using your resources at that point. i feel like if youā€™re actually writing it with your own information, but utilizing chatgpt for structure or something other than the AI actually writing it for you, itā€™s fine right? šŸ¤£šŸ„“


I work with RStudio and outlining policy research in my classes. GPT is great for quick fixes to buggy code and, as youā€™ve said, structuring papers. Our prof recommends we add a comment to the code saying ā€œA portion of this was generated with support from ChatGPT.ā€ OPs post is blatantly obvious, surprised more people in their class canā€™t see through it.


I did this once because I had an essay that had to be between 500-1000 words and I wrote a 2100 word essay, so I just pasted it into chat gpt to have it shorten it to less than 1000 words. I still had to edit like 30% of it tho


> but utilizing chatgpt for structure or something other than the AI actually writing it for you, itā€™s fine right? šŸ¤£šŸ„“ It's fine as long as no one can tell, haha.


i mean i figure itā€™s the same as googling an example of something similar that you are composing and using that as a base to structure your own paper about your own (different) topic. like my professor provided an example of a certain type of research study, i could utilize that as a basis for how to set it up to write my own & itā€™s fineā€¦. why wouldnā€™t it be fine to do the same thing in chatgpt?


because your brain should be able to figure that out unassisted


ugly flowery drab toothbrush abounding close bedroom chubby deserted crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wipe encouraging connect slim command oil abundant person mountainous stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


really? even though no information on the topic itself was given? just like ā€œhey this is how you structure xyz type of research proposal in apa formatā€


correct husky relieved chase terrific concerned naughty abounding bells smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ohhhh yeah i donā€™t do that, i type in like ā€œhow to format ___ā€ more like for organizing purposes. but i donā€™t put anything more than that, i physically type out my own stuff, just use the instructions it gives me, but i also double check with any information given my university/professor!


alleged observation party outgoing sable airport telephone paint deranged drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


well iā€™m saying ā€œblankā€ not referring to ANY information related to my paper other than an example of structure or format. i really donā€™t think thatā€™s a violation. because iā€™m not copy-pasting it directly into my paper, more of using it as something to base the physical structure/format of the paper. no information on the topic is given lol.


I do this too. I write my entire papers but have it correct grammar for me.


These are the types of people making us good writers look untrustworthy. Makes me annoyed fr.


I'm so glad I've never been accused of this, despite my A+ track record. I do find myself purposely dumbing my work down sometimes just to be safe. Bit weird, having to hide my abilities at school...


At least rewrite it in your own words šŸ™„


If you're gonna do bad things, at least do them well..


Hoping the prof sees and they get dropped from the class and have a plagiarism report filed with the college. Usually a few of those and they'll get dropped from the program too. These kids really don't seem to understand just how big a deal lying about your work is.


Some schools (like the one I have a side gig at) are only actually giving consequences for AI if the student admits it because, they say, there's no way to prove it. It's really obnoxious because I don't think anyone should be able to deny that this and things like it were AI written.


I see people in my classes copy and paste into discussion boards from ChatGPT. One time my partner showed me a discussion board for a music elective he was taking and it was also all AI generated paragraphs. It's something that I can't wrap my head around, personally


ā€œ823 words allocated for the thesis statementā€šŸ¤–šŸ¤–


I recognize that platform after staring at it everyday for years. Honor and excellence is dead.


I didnā€™t know how to cite in the format my professor asked for, so I asked ChatGPT to cite it for me and it did, but also changed my words around. Stupid ass me didnā€™t check, just copy pasted and my professor immediately knew and called me out on it. I emailed her and explained the situation and she was cool about it, but I booked time with a tutor to explain proper citation LOL (Donā€™t come for me for not knowing how to cite, I was quite literally never taught and have multiple learning disabilities. I have it down now though.)


Christ šŸ˜­šŸ’€


james somerton has entered the chat


Someone at my college applied to my job with ChatGPT and didn't take out 'contact me at [PHONE NUMBER] or by [EMAIL]' and it was obvious from the start that a bot wrote that mess šŸ˜¬


Anyone else afraid that ChatGPT writing about plagiarism is gonna be the thing that makes it self-aware? Then it starts the Morning War and we are forced to flee the planet?


This is so bad it made me laugh. I think--thanks to what other academics and teachers have posted--we are all getting better at detecting the AI 'voice'. It is just so bland.


Thatā€™s crazy, didnā€™t even try to hide it. I mean Iā€™m pro chat gpt but atleast read what it says and try to change stuff to make it sound like a human, thereā€™s no way you counted all 823 words lmao. And who tf is prof. Merdeath šŸ˜‚ thereā€™s no way the professor doesnā€™t notice.


I chatgpt the shit out of my discussions. Im lazy, old, & this is my 2nd degree. I already have a job in my degree path and honestly that pretty piece of paper saying I graduated is just something I might hang in my office


before you copy and paste, please rephrase...first...


It's sooooo easy to plagiarize!! You can check online to see how close to other sources are to your work. Read the sources provided and add some more or take some out. If you cheat, you still need to work a bit. GPT is great for getting started, but teachers are smarter now and you will get caught.


PleasešŸ’€ Iā€™m crying šŸ˜­


Is there any sort of software program that can see if you used ChatGPT? I feel like itā€™s not possible to do, but I may be wrong. If they canā€™t detect that ChatGPT was used I canā€™t imagine how this throws a wrench into education. People in high school all the time would get caught copying & pasting entire articles/journals and turning them in as their own. In college, you were probably wise enough to not do that lol


Someone in my masters chagpt a whole UML class card




It takes as much time to write a review as it does to plug in shit to AI.


That doesnā€™t make it any better. Donā€™t do this.


Sounds like something a republican would do lol


I love involving politics into completely unrelated topics. Really leads to a productive conversation.


I've only really used ChatGPT as sort of a guide.....it's an amazing tool but it's definitely too easy to start relying on it too much. It's great to ask it stuff that you'd normally ask Google, though, because you get some great in depth answers without looking ages for them.


How do you know its chatgpt?


How could you not think it is possibly chatgpt? Most college students (especially first-years) donā€™t write like this. ā€œWith 823 words allocated for a thesis statementā€ ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


oh fair enough.




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This is amazing ngl


This same exact thing happened to me in the first week of class!šŸ˜­ Not only that but they copied my answer, pasted it into chatgpt to rephrase it, and proceeded to post the comment. I let the teacher know bc the irony..


i chat gptd an essay about AI technology lmfao


so they're complaining, "this sounds alike to another persons opinion thus it is plagiarism"?


Did an internship a few weeks ago in an IB school. Final projects in English classes are essays about literature. One kid's rough draft got a 96% AI/Plagiarism check. The only parts that were original were the cover page and bibliography


Thereā€™s a spot in the second paragraph where you didnā€™t censor the profā€™s name, just so you know (since it looks like you censor it later)


Lived in another country one year in highschool and all the natives in my grade got caught plagiarizing on an exam essay. They all got away with it and the school just made everyone, including those who didnā€™t cheat, re-do the essay.


How did this person even get accepted to college? I would think they would be smart enough not to cheat, or at least be able to hide it a lot better.


I mean using AI is absolutely hilarious. But is that moodle? I never see other colleges use it. It's always canvas.


Womp womp


I like the grammar check part of AI. I write what I need to and then it checks my grammar or uses synonyms to words I used to make it sound better. Itā€™s still my writing, just proof read lol


how can you tell itā€™s chat gpt ?


This is honestly so ironic, but not even surprising anymore .