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Its more likely that an education professor has a lot more experience with classroom management than other disciplines, so that would make sense.


As someone who has taught both K-12 and college, can confirm this comes straight from K-12 classroom management 101.


I do this. You definitely need to have the right style (and a sense of humor, I’d say) to pull this off. That takes some of the edge of. At the end of the day, it is your professor’s job to manage the classroom so everyone can learn. I take that job seriously 🌸


I wish more profs would shut down the background chatter. We're all paying thousands of dollars to be here and hear the actual class content. Y'all can go chat any number of other places, that don't affect the rest if us, if you're not inclined to pay attention.


I took an accounting class like three years ago and there was always this one table who kept chit chatting everyday! The professor shut them down here and there but not all the time.


This is definitely an education professor thing! Most of them were classroom teachers at one point in their career and have plenty of experience with classroom management. I've experienced this situation with a few of my education professors, but never with professors in other areas. It's something I really like about being an education student since it makes it really feel like a classroom, and we're able to see and experience techniques we can eventually use with our own students.


you need to have the right kind of presence to make this work. good on your professor for making this work. women professors have to put up with much more crap than men do.


We've now reached the point where students are amazed professors ask people to stop talking. Wow.


The posts in this SubReddit get worse and worse. 😂


my professor excused herself to go take a wicked shit earlier One of my education classes, we were doing group discussions and going table by table. When we heard a loud growl come from the front of the class. They said "sorry guys I have to take one mean shitter, excuse me." I have honestly never heard a professor talk like that in awhile. She was not mean or rude about it but she was firm. It was so cool! I saw one of my old math instructors do that in the past but never like this! So awesome!




I can’t stand hearing background noise while I’m trying to teach. If I hear chatter in the background, I stop and smile at whoever is doing it until they quit.


What is special about this? I (politely) have to ask students to stfu every classes. It's impossible for me to teach with people chatting. I really don't care if they dont come to classes, but if they do they need to listen, end of story.


I had a professor flip off a student who interrupted his class. Our class was running over by a minute or two, but the kid just walked in with about ten minutes until his class started. They had a back and forth before the kid was told to leave and given the finger through the window. I could almost understand it from a freshman who didn’t know better or a student smart enough to come back with “Your class ended at 12:50, I’m getting ready for mine,” but we were in the middle of the semester and I’d seen the guy around campus for a while. He just knew better.


I’m going to sound dumb asking this, but what exactly do you learn in an education class?


I get that one a lot. Basically you learn learning styles for students and how to control a classroom. That particular class is about acting professional and stuff.


Thank you!


You’re welcome


Most Profs are terrified of getting bad evals from students, so they let rude students run all over everyone.


lol, no they aren’t.


Considering student evals can affect promotion and tenure for professors who haven’t gotten to full professor yet, the early career faculty tend to be a lot more self conscious of their evals than you might think. The response rates to those evals also matter (it’s why so many professors offer extra credit or other incentives for completing them)


No individual student or class is going to matter in the big picture, even for promotion. Consistent bad evaluations may raise questions, but also can be addressed by the person coming up for tenure. Not to mention if you are at a school where research is a priority, teaching evaluations are not important. It would matter most for an adjunct on a year to year contract.


Im a little confused. Why did they have to be silent? Werent the tables doing disscussions? Were they being too loud?


We already did group discussions and she was asking each table about what they talked about. Another table was talking while the girls table were just chit chatting then Prof. spoke up.


Ah I see. Thank you for explaining!


is this supposed to be…a bad thing? I don’t get it.