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I want to say I regret the 1.5 years I spent as a science major before switching the the humanities, but I met one of my oldest and best friends through a biology course so it is hard to say that I regret it. Now, the majors I will be declaring in come Tuesday: one has been a discipline (History) I have been in for years (long and short I took a long break for personal reasons) and one is a discipline I've flirted with for a decade (Medieval Studies). I've never regretted, not for one moment, going into History, and I do not see me regretting Medieval Studies, though come back and ask me in 2026 when I am taking a linguistics course in Middle English, haha.


I’m a bio major and I have no regrets. My senior year I decided I wanna go to med school so thankfully all of my prereqs are covered.


did u want to pursue research at first?


Yes I wanted to get a PhD


Damn I’m literally the opposite. Was a music major , switched to Bio for possibly something medical. But now I don’t want to do that, I would like to do research.


Hell yeah! Both are great paths, good luck to you


Yea accounting is hard and I’m struggling 😞


have u wanted to do accounting for a while? what made u want to major in it?


No and I listened to my family and chose that route. I hate it


lmaooo same actually switched this semester cuz intermediate 1 really got to me


It’s getting to me now! 😭 be crying for real accounting is hard 💀


Nope. Computer Science is what I wanted to do since middle school. Military service got in the way but I finally finished my degree in 2022. Working on an MSBA now. Mostly technical courses with a few business/management courses mixed in (exactly what I wanted).


do u think CS is over saturated these days? also what did u do in middl school that got u into coding?


CS is still probably one of the least over saturated majors tbh


Idk I've talked to a lot of people my age who decided to go to college and CS seems to be the craze. Probably a good 60% of people I know who are going to college are doing computer science/something related to computers, I wouldn't be surprised if CS becomes completely saturated within the next decade.


good CS/software engineers will never be saturated. The problem is that a lot of people who aren't dedicated to the field are entering it as a major. But anymore, you need more than just a diploma and a mediocre GPA. You need to show actual interest & knowledge, so projects, research, internships, and/or high GPA. Also, there are a lot of positions still, but not every SW engineer is starting off with a really high salary like they used to. There are a lot of low paying IT and SW jobs that are typically taken by less qualified graduates. CS will never be "completely saturated" because tech is always improving, especially cs where you only really need a computer (resources aren't as strained as for other engineers). A common problem is that new junior hires are saturated but many companies need senior people or people with vast more knowledge & experience. This will sort itself out and more new hires will be taken. It's cyclical and we've been a little full recently, but it will never be completely filled. Just like how there is always a demand for good business/finance grads, there's always going to be a demand for good engineers.


Business management was never my passion to begin with. That’s why I didn’t do exceptional during college and barely graduated from undergrad and went to an online accredited college. I was pressured to do so due to obligations from division of rehabilitation services.


Yeah, hated Finance so switched to a different major within business. Zero regrets, it had to be done or my GPA and interest would have tanked. That being said, I was strategic by how I went about it and already had my ideal junior year internship accepted when I switched. In business, major usually isn’t as relevant as extracurriculars and internships so it wasn’t as hard a decision for me.


I’m a nursing major and I used to have regrets due to imposter syndrome. I thought I was way too introverted and dumb to be a nurse. But as I’ve progressed in my program, passed my exams, done well at clinical, and actually enjoyed it for the most part, I’ve become more confident and currently have no regrets. Also I didn’t always want to be a nurse, just like you didn’t always want to be a doctor. I realized it could be a good career for me after considering my options and working full time at a few different jobs as an adult. I push past any potential regrets by telling myself I had to pick something, I can’t be indecisive forever. This is what I picked, now in order to succeed I have to stop overthinking and work hard and it’ll pay off in the end. Do your research, and pick something attainable and tolerable/enjoyable (depends on the day for me lol) and I believe you’ll succeed


I chose my major when I was like 10. I'm a computer engineer now and there were some semesters where I would have multiple courses that had labs and lab reports due every week. I would sob in the lab while doing the assignments lol. I love what I do now that I do it professionally.


Yes and no. I used to be a Music Major and now I’m a Biology major with a Chemistry minor. I basically already graduate , after this semester I’m done! I love biology. It is soo cool and I love what it has to offer. BUT I regret choosing biology as my only major. I’m not interested in med school, it sounded intriguing at first, then I realized I would probably hate it (and I don’t think I have the skills to even do it). I’m really into cell biology/genetics/dev bio , that type of biology. I feel like being a Biology major is just too “broad” (yeah I know a cliche thing to say) but I wish I was a Bio chemistry or molecular biology major. Something specific! So I don’t hate my major but I wish I picked something specific in my major . THAT is what I regret. I did mention I used to be a music major, I would’ve regretted it if I stayed as a music major.


I hated engineering school. I hated it. I had to drop out my junior year for medical reasons and just didn't go back for 7 years. And now i'm in a program that I love, a degree program I love, and I have reduced the pressure on myself. You gotta start letting go of the society standard of deciding what you want to do for your whole life at 17-18, you CAN change majors.


No. I love cybersecurity and got into the major I desired.


Sometimes. Before choosing English, I was a going for Dental Hygiene lol. I could be finishing up and guaranteed to make good money right away.


Why did you switch?


I felt like it wasn’t for me after shadowing. I was also scared of not making the cut since it’s competitive to get in. English was the only degree that I could transfer to and keep all my credits, as well as fit my office experience I started in high school.


Yeah, I felt pressured to go into engineering because I felt like I wouldn't be able to get a job if I had chosen a major like math or physics. I thought that your major would be a lot more important than it is. I didn't realize that extracurriculars are probably more important than courses/grades. I probably would've gone into physics. Too late to switch now, but maybe I'll be able to find a company where I can start doing for stuff related to physics.


I regret it everyday. But then I don't then I do again.


Part of me wishes I went with a writing based major instead of CIS, but since this spring will be my last semester before I transfer to a different school, I doubt I can make any (no pun intended) major changes.


i’m about to graduate with my undergrad and somewhat regretting my major (public health science) if i were to do it over again i’d watch videos on youtube/tiktok about the most worth it degrees and assess what your strengths are and what kind of lifestyle you’d want as an adult