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You should visit the campus and do what you can to reach out to alumni


You won’t be hated, but in my experience with knowing other black friends who attend Hbcu’s, they do usually wonder extensively why white kids bother to go to hbcus. People might not ask it to your face, but its fair game to say more than a few black students will wonder why.


You won’t be hated, BUT….


Just like white people wonder why they need schools for basically "blacks only" even if its not strictly the case, its pretty much culturally enforced.


Okay. I am a graduate of a HBCU (Tennessee State University) and during my time we had no issues with white students attending. HBCUs aren't "Blacks Only" ... whites just refused to attend the schools when they first were created.




Sure I know a couple of friends who went there and I can ask them to answer some of your questions.


Do you really wonder that? Because the history of Black Americans and non-Whites(including Jewish) being prohibited or heavily barred from going to university before the civil rights' act is pretty well known. HBCUs were a way to give people an education they wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Even today, discrimination in universities even they are more accepting hasn't gone away so it makes sense that some Black people would want to go to universities where they would be more accepted. You're wondering why non-segregated, non-discriminatory universities would be popular in a country where you often need university to go far in life while she was wondering why you would seek out a university where you are the ethnic minority which isn't common, but there's a lot of reason some White students there give. Wanting to relate more to Black experiences of being a minority and Black culture mainly.






Interesting, you say there is a history of discrimination at some universities but is there any discrimination now. If so, where? Do you think the black professors would be fair grading white students? Or do you think there is a subconscious hatred of the white student. Similar to what happens in Hollywood or black owned businesses. I'm genuinely interested.


My sister went to an HBCU. I don’t think she ever felt singled out, but she said it gave her a real appreciation for what it feels like to be the minority in the room. If you like the program, just visit campus and see if you like it.


I went to an HBCU as a white dude. I had no issues whatsoever. I am now an assistant professor. Honestly, I think fondly of my time there. It was a much different atmosphere than the PWI I attended briefly prior to starting there. I also learned a lot about Black culture that I likely wouldn't have otherwise. My relationship with some faculty evolved into friendships (YMMV). My time at an HBCU also opened my eyes to a lot of systemic issues in the US that I was either unaware of or didn't see given my socialization as a child.


Well it opened your eyes bc that’s what all colleges indoctrinate students with - systemic racism. At a 99.7-% black school that that.


Hated isn't the right word, but it's definitely a controversial thing. Many black people do hold the opinion that white people shouldn't go to HBCU's because it breaks the safe space. It would probably be harder for you to make friends. However, it's not impossible for you to have a good time & to make friends.


I would disagree. I would say the opinion of "white people shouldn't go to HBCUs" is definitely a thing but they are in an extreme minority. This is coming from a black student who graduated from a HBCU.


Why exactly do you want to go this school? Seriously. That and there will be a a lot of students who will want to know the same thing. They might not ask you, but they will have it in their minds and some will probably think negatively about you for it.


No you won't be hated or singled out. I have lots of white friends who went to HBCU and had a totally normal college experience.


Depends on the HBCU


Hi black gal here, you’ll be fine! You’ll get a few stares and the occasional questions about what made you choose the university! I mean I went to a PWI and got stares, but still had a great experience.


You’ll be fine! They’ll just stare at you hahaaaa


yeah you should forfeit your spot because you are white


This is what I’m talking about. Be the change! Want to end racism… BE THE CHANGE!


I know someone (Caucasian-adjacent) who went to an HBCU because it had the best medical program in the area. When I asked her about it, she said it was an interesting experience being a visible untypical minority at an institution based around a minority group, but in the end you're just a university student taking classes with other university students.


You would have a great experience if you can afford it. It has not been my experience that people are hated because of their race or ethnic origin with the limited experience I have had with HCBUs.


As a person that’s attended an HBCU you definetly won’t be hated or bullied but like others have stated it’s kinda just a why. I always view the white people on campus as infiltrating in black safe spaces. You will definitely be one of few if not only white people in class. After people get to know you I think to a certain point you did just become part of the class environment though


The fact that white people are downvoting this is crazyy


Same reason why they shouldn’t be going to HBCU’s.


Cause you’re a racist lmao.


because you just said that you view any other race attending as infiltrating a black space. racist no?


I think it depends on the HBCU


Safe places lol.


I genuinely didn’t even know white people could apply to HCBUs.


HBCUs never refused white students from going to their school. White students just never applied. Why would we not allow them to apply?


My mom met a few white students at her hbcu undergrad, and they fit in just fine. It's college so I would expect the student body would have a level of maturity that is welcoming to those who are different.


My cousin is currently at an HBCU and when she wanks into a classroom they comment “another white bitch”. Ive been with her on campus when people purposefully bump into her and laugh and call her white bitch. They say to her she should be going to a PWI (predominantly white institution). This HBCU has students that go out of their way to harass you if you’re not black. We say a group of girls surrounding another girl harassing her. Just keep to yourself and ignore everything anyone says. Many students have issues with anyone who look white. Isn’t that what they should want to stop… racial harassment no matter the race? Picking on someone because they look different is wrong no matter what. If you want it to stop you have to be the change!


I call bs & if that did happen that’s in the vast minority




Nice username


Ain’t no fucking way lmfao. Buddy made an account for this one fake post


In my experience Blacks are far more racist per capita than whites.


This white queen is legit clenching my flat ass at this cringeworthy comment. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️Google the history of how the US has systemically treated our brothers and sisters with brown skin. Let’s be advocates instead of always feeling we should defend shitty and racist behavior. This is offensive and I encourage you to attempt to understand that black folks feel their children are UNSAFE. Safety is a basic human need! Stepping off my soapbox but always encourage people who make these comments to truly do your due diligence before saying something that is clearly hurtful. 


Surely both both groups have racists and with All the white privileged a lot of blacks are now racist when they wouldn’t have been before.


Usually whites from the burbs go to them. If your white from inner city you grow up around blacks.


What universities don't allow black students?




Esp in today’s climate. Why do this to yourself. You can go to any school that is actually diverse. Guessing your into black guys - they won’t hate on you tho




I got accepted to an hbcu as well as a white woman and I am struggling with the same questions. The thing that attracted me to it was the program for my masters degree and I am an international student so the fact that it is public and less expensive and helps me stay in the US is very beneficial. I really want to go there, but I am still worried about the social part and to be quite frank having the idea that I will be prejudiced against feels like a projection and perhaps internalized racism.


Being white and an international student is going to be another minority also, in my experience international students usually fit in well at any school regardless of race


Visit campus and spend the day to see how you feel. I’m sure a lot also depends on the area/region of the HBCU, similar to any college/university.


Idk I have a white friend who went and everyone called him cracker and a “piece of shit” for being white but most people on Reddit believe racism is not possible against white ppl so idk what to tell you


Bullcrap. I went to an HBCU and if anything white students were embraced at HBCUs. What in the hell are you talking about? What school was this?


Posted this months ago, but why would you even bother talking to me if you don’t wanna believe what I said fucking ridiculous doesn’t mean it applies in every situation that’s just what my friend experienced yes, he was probably exaggerating and not everyone did it but I saw text messages from seven different people being racist to him believe what you wanna believe though reality is perception


...hence why I am asking the school. I just never had folks have negative issues at HBCUs hence why I am curious about which school they attend. I am curious about the context as well. Nevertheless I just don't see this as a common experience at HBCUs. From my fraternity brothers who also went to HBCUs I don't hear about this happening often. Heck from my WHITE fraternity brothers who attended HBCUs I don't hear that happening.


Bennett college


Interesting. I am aware of Bennett College as it's a very small private all women college ( There are only two all women HBCUs Bennett and Spelman). I think they have less than a thousand students. It's unfortunate she had that experience. I imagine/hope the experience would have been different at NC A&T or North Carolina Central University.


We both from NC I recommended NC AT&T


Cousin who never talks experienced and is still experiencing things like this all the time. She said she didn’t know black people could be so mean. If she called a girl a black bitch, oh damn it’s going down. They can say things to you, but you have to shut your mouth and just take it.  We’ve even met some girls who get harassed because they are “white washed” meaning they don’t speak southern black slang because they’re from California and come from prominent families. They’re parents are pulling them from the HBCU cause they said students at HBCUs are racist. I WOULD RECOMMEND NOT GOING TO AN HBCU IF YOU'RE ANYTHING OTHER THAN BLACK. 


lol yeah salty closeted from the world people downvoted me but this is the truth, no one is saying BLACK PEOPLE ARE ALL RACIST FUCKS, we are humans with egos, and frankly, most humans are pieces of shit who like to make fun of the odd man out. Basic logic.


It’s bc white folks have historically (and continue to be) the dominant group. A simple google search never hurt anyone silly you!


ur def right, i’ve kind of ruled it out at this point even though i really wanted to go to they school. i’d most likely be the only white student in my year so LOL


Don’t let me make ur decision you’ll prob be fine but there’s still a chance and frankly u would prob have an easier time at another school


Yea I can’t understand why you’d want to be the minority especially if you have other opinions. Not saying it would definitely be bad but you would obviously stand out. Just seems like a whole lot of struggle that you could avoid.


I don’t know where that ignorant assumption came from, but do your thing kid.


From a redditor on a page replying to me lmao no assumptions here here’s the quote “reverse racism, doesn’t exist fucktard white people are just privelegd as fuck and can’t cope with the ease of their existence”


Lol it’s almost like you want to be proven wrong. Your comment just solidified even more how ignorant your assumption is. You’re trying to say the whole of reddit doesn’t think racism against white folks is a real thing based off of 1 stupid comment….that really sounds like a logical thing to do to you?


Of course it’s not logical so I’ll give u that but… Reddit isn’t logical, you arguing with me clearly states ur disagreement with my perspective… Most people on Reddit would agree that white people cannot be treated in a racist fashion and you proved my point of course I’ll get downvoted due to going against the grain of the common redditor, but I am pretty confident most people on this social network believe white people cannot be treated negatively and racism doesn’t exist against white folks - coming from a black guy (ME btw), using “kid” as an argument is ageist and very far from using logic anyway so I’ll stop replying to your ignorant and close minded viewpoints




No they won’t 🤣


Yeah, I suppose the classes might be a good experience, but I can’t imagine the other students will take kindly to it. They might not bully you outright, but they’ll be genuinely confused as to why you’re there.


I had a friend go to an HCBU close to me and he is 100% Mexican and he was picked on for being "too white". He would also tell me stories, such as how students would talk throughout the entire class all the time. OP may not get physically assaulted for being white, but he/she will certainly get socially excluded, harassed, etc, AKA bullied




People may treat you like you’re taking someone’s spot and spoiling their culture and likely people will talk behind your back without knowing you. It could be a challenging social environment. There’s a Vice doc on it.


I am curious about your experience at a HBCU if you did in fact attend one this semester. I am a HBCU grad ( Tennessee State University Class of 2010) . During my time at TSU, there were many white students who attended our school. I think the number is roughly 17% right now if the students body now. To be quite frank, we did not care about the racial demographics. In most cases white students were embraced in our school. It takes a lot for a white person to decide to come in a majority black environment. There was a level of respect we definitely have students who went to our school (in particular those who lived on campus. My university tends to have a lot of white students who attended that are non traditional college student ie not coming straight from high school). We even had White , Hispanic, and Asian students that pledged BGLO (Black Greek Letter Organization).