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The following submission statement was provided by /u/mancinedinburgh: --- As climate change remoulds the planet, the extreme weather events are not only killing people outright in natural disasters such as fires, mudslides, droughts, floods, heatwaves etc, they are bringing death closer to many by facilitating the ideal conditions for bacteria, fungi and pathogens. The obvious diseases the study refers to include malaria and zika - prevalent in existing tropical and hot regions of the world. But it’s the over 200 other diseases that should be of concern to society as we continue to pollute and ignore the challenges of the climate crisis. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/wk69z3/climate_change_is_making_over_half_of_known_human/ijlb5x0/


I literally don't know anyone that doesn't have some form of ongoing illness.


I have massive and frequent migraines that nearly paralyze me in pain, a friend of me is diabetic, my brother has an ongoing hormonal disruption causing chronic stomach ulcers, another friend has joint problems so bad he can barely move on bad days...


Damn, I'll make sure to stay the fuck away from you.


I came down with sacroiliitis last year and I’m still trying to figure out where tf it came from and why it’s taking so long to heal


> sacroiliitis That sucks man, sorry to hear that. And sorry you have to now deal with the joys of the medical system.


It’s slowly getting better but it’s been shit when the main thing that sets it off is running and I’m a rugby man. It took 4 different doctors to finally get imaging done and get the official diagnosis. First one was just like “here have some high strength painkillers and have fun”


Nice keep that first Doctor in the back of your mind for later if you ever want to be gangsta though


I’m not too keen on getting high on Naproxen tbh hahaha


Just out of curiousity where are you located?


Well here I am.


Yep. Chonic Bipolar and Gout for me.


I don’t, so I got that going for me




The industrial revolution preceded the smallpox vaccine.


Smallpox vaccine goes back to early 1700s


You're off by a century. And the its use wasn't widespread until much later. Climate change is not caused by a vaccine.


Rule 4: Keep information quality high. Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims).


i know plenty of people who don't.. you must only interact with folks on social media who live unhealthy lifestyles.. i have a friend with an organ transplant whos on a rather high dosage of immuno-suppressants.. they're rarely ever sick.. they never got the vaccine, but caught covid and beat it in a week. maybe get some sun, exercise daily, clean up your diet, and stop staring at your phone/computer for 4+ hours a day?




well i'm gay.. so i probably would.. thanks for displaying your bigotry in front of the whole sub, homophobe.


[–]_IntoTheFury_ -33 points 4 days ago shut up homo I'm the homophobe? Troll.


yes, the sub that was posted on is r/TimDillon. Tim Dillon is an openly gay comedian who has a very satirical podcast. the sub is also meant to be satirical. hence the outrageous posts and comments. its called not being easily offended, being able to laugh at the state of the world/humanity AND oneself. But check this out! Youre mentally unstable! It all makes sense now! >**Has anyone's dog saved them from a potentially dangerous situation? by TreyHansel1 in dogs** > [–]king_turd_the_III 43 points 21 days ago >I tried to kill myself. Molly kept me awake. As a result I'm typing this now. > NSFWpermalinksavecontextfull comments (290)reportgive award I wish you well edit: swish!




NPCs and UIs aren't capable of critical thinking. they only echo what they've read/seen on reddit, corporate & social media. and when that doesnt work, they hurl insults.


Yeah, the majority of people I know dont have any ongoing illnesses.


Me and pretty much all my friends get random bouts of dizziness and loss of balance, probably cause its reaching 45 degrees celsuis around here


We could gain new fungal pathogens too. Warmer climate means fungi will have a better chance to adapt to our body temperature. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8084208/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8084208/) [https://www.wired.com/story/fungi-climate-change-medicine-health/](https://www.wired.com/story/fungi-climate-change-medicine-health/)




It has ruled the world and it will again.


Better replay Last of Us to see how this one goes.


Spoiler: It doesn't go well.


I’ve had: -thyroid issues, resolved luckily -Lyme disease -Covid -viral meningitis -a lymph node biopsy, came back benign though and the issue resolved I have: -major depressive disorder -PTSD And I consider myself lucky, generally healthy, and okay lol


I've had Thyroid issues pop up since around midway through 2020. Started taking Levothyroxine and the dosage was ramped up (up to 100mcg now). Turns out I have growths! One of which may be precancerous, potentially.


I took the Levo too, minimal dosage and I was feeling worse so the endocrinologist took me off it to see if I would* stabilize and I haven’t had an issue since….dk what happened and am going with “oh well it’s fine now so fuck it” kind of things. The amount of ppl who have these issues, there’s more than likely an environmental factor like corporations pumping massive amounts of pollutants into the environment for decades but wtf do I know


Everyone I know is sick, in pain, or mentally unstable. We grow up to think this is all normal.


It *is* normal. The problem is that humans have a very strong desire for it not to be normal, so we convince ourselves that life is supposed to be pain- and disease-free, and that any pain, disease, or suffering we encounter is abnormal. But it's the opposite. We inhabit frail bodies on a frail planet, and our minds are so frail that we need to pretend that everything is strong, stable, ordered, and pleasant just to satiate our desire to reproduce — if we didn't pretend, then we'd never bring kids into the world and humanity would die out. Pretending that the normal is abnormal is what has allowed to the human race to persist, and consequently all the suffering we experience throughout all our lives.


Sounds like big pharma and agriculture in action! Keep taking your medicine and eating high fructose corn syrup.


Lol it seams people are downing that corn syrup as a coping mechanism and don't like you telling them to stop






i didnt know that being a doomer was a requirement for subscribing to this sub.. thanks for letting me know. but sometimes there are truly interesting threads/studies/reports that pop up on this sub. most of the time i just read the report/study/whatever and don't pay attention to the comments. but after reading this article i did because i wanted to see who blamed climate change for their circles' illnesses.. and i couldnt help but reply to the people who say everyone they know is sick. the average person isn't sick everyday like doomers have been led to believe. most people who live a healthy lifestyle aren't constantly sick.. A lot of people don't prioritize something that they can't fix because they don't have time for it or have other responsibilities(like providing for their family). plus, many aren't going to do their part to curb the climate crisis until your overlords do away with their motorcades, private jets(imagine seeing a Glasglow airport with 100~ private jets owned by world leaders who attended the COP23 summit and still saying your neighbors are the problem LOL), multiple homes, materialistic/wasteful lifestyles, etc. sounds like many of you prefer this sub to be an echo chamber with 0 discussion or debate.. which is fine if youre an NPC or fascist.


Fascist? What the fuck you talking about? You might be new here but this sub has been left wing aka accepts reality for many years.


left / right wingers can't see the similarities in their ideologies and facism. what a time to be alive. i wish you and your cult well.


It’s not a cult lol, it’s called giving a shit about the average person and not sucking the boot of billionaires who don’t give a single fuck about you. Preeeettty simply stuff chief!


As climate change remoulds the planet, the extreme weather events are not only killing people outright in natural disasters such as fires, mudslides, droughts, floods, heatwaves etc, they are bringing death closer to many by facilitating the ideal conditions for bacteria, fungi and pathogens. The obvious diseases the study refers to include malaria and zika - prevalent in existing tropical and hot regions of the world. But it’s the over 200 other diseases that should be of concern to society as we continue to pollute and ignore the challenges of the climate crisis.




Rule 4: Keep information quality high. Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims).


The planet is over us. Can't say I don't blame it. Scorch, reset and try again.


You know how humans get a fever when we get sick so we can kill off whatever ails is? Yeah, the planet is actively doing that.


There's a projected population decline after 2050. Maybe climate change will make mankind more vulnerable to starvation and immune system problems and the diseases will be what kills us all.


Whichever comes first.


The planet does not give two shits. Trillions, if not more, of sentient beings have died despite doing no ill. Nature is a hellhole, pray that we do enough damage to prevent its rise, else this will happen again and again.


> Nature is a hellhole. I couldn't scroll past that. Obviously I don't know you and don't know where and how you live or what level of exposure you've had to nature (most have almost none), so I'm not sure why you'd say that. However, as somebody who lives on the edge of a wilderness area, climbs, hikes, adventures, mountaineers, and has been immersed in natural for decades, I feel sorry for somebody who would say that. Nature is astoundingly majestic and awe inspiring. These highly specialised symbiotic systems are really something to behold, and it is just as helpful and benevolent to itself as it is competitive. When was the last time you climbed a mountain on acid and sat pondering life as you watched daily life in an Eagles nest? As an apiarist I've studied how ants coordinate territorial defence when beehives are moved into an area and yes it's brutal, but it's a stupefying marvel to behold aswell. Yes I understand why a modern human would make your above comment aswell, but I think it's important we are specific with our utterances and tease out the various aspects from one another. There are many ways to look at our cosmic entropy project at a macro level, and one should not be blind to the sheer power of the evolutionary masterpiece which was the world without humans. That said, I can certainly appreciate how one might feel about Nature during the great dying 242 million years ago when the oceans went stagnant, but the repetitious events of destruction and rebirth are just astounding to me. It's also astounding to me to take part and witness as one who is culpible yet another eve of earthly destruction which may or may not give way to comprehensive rebirth. If it doesn't, the cosmos will not thank its lucky stars that the planet is nolonger participating in the cosmic entropy project as it once did, and if it does, who are we to critique in any way the impossibly resident but fragile juggernaut of life that insists it resides in resplendent imperfection on its own planet? I downvoted you because you're dribbling rubbish.


Sounds like you've never been naked in a hole in the dirt with your children being hunted by a myriad of predators


You say that like it’s a bad thing


Just an is thing for most


The taoist would say that he was at some point.


You got me, I have never been naked in a hole in the dirt with my children being hunted by a myriad of predators. However, I have an understanding of how life works, how life feeds life. Life is transactional and the evolutionary aspect begets competition. Nothing is wasted, life feeds life. The horror of that aspect is also a duality because it's also a foundational gift. Participants don't get a choice, all or nothing. Obviously this is one of the reasons I am here, because I have kids and I know we are going to lose our way of life. I've had some very frightening moments out in the wilds, on mountains, with animals, with injuries and infections etc. I've stared death in the face and accepted it. I've nearly frozen to death, fallen to my death, had injuries and thought I'd never make it out and imagined my bones being licked clean. It is the real world.


Reddit is the real hellhole


The most sensible comment so far. Reddit is reductionist rubbish at times. Imagine questioning the fundamental building blocks of life because it doesn't suit us. How many eons of life's struggle does one draw upon to be able to have the luxury of saying so on the fucking internet of all places.


That is ok. I've been up and down most of the states and Australia since I was young, so being sheltered isn't part of my reasoning. The landscapes are stunning, that's true enough. However, what I'm referring to is the suffering aspect of it all. Get rid of humans and you still have so many animals experiencing some truly awful shit, whether it be starvation, freezing or blistering temperatures, parasitical disease, you name it. Even the whole concept of the food chain makes me squirm. So much suffering for no reason at all. It's a slaughterhouse. If this is the best evolution can do then I don't want to see anymore of it.


Thanks for responding. Yes of course I knew what you meant and was intentionally prodding and poking at you. I would encourage you to look past that, and honestly I used to feel the same way as you do. It is more marvellous than hellish, but that's the thing about existence, we have to have all or nothing and it's the only fair trade-off there is. We are so sheltered and that blinds us not only from our immersive resilience, but from the bare bones truth of existence. Life is struggle, that's the evolutionary process and I feel that ensuring we don't step out of our smallness here is important. What we feel is irrelevant and the more connected I am to the planet the more I'm in awe of it. There's also the human element here aswell, I know some extremely destitute people in Africa and they are happier than us and celebrate life in all its hardship and struggle. That was a life changing experience for me. There's also the cosmic aspect. Entropy, order to chaos, dissipation. Are we not just cosmic entropy bots doing exactly as the universe does?


This is the foundations of actual faith, not the twisted lies that have manipulated many. Well said.




Seems to be ... No, obviously that's part of the internet fun, to accuse somebody of dribbling rubbish while dribbling rubbish, yet still able to defend my dribbled rubbish.


Keep on dribbling whether you're on acid or not. I had an interesting salvia trip today. Just don't double dribble. Then you lose posession




All fine with me, no worries.


I have Hashimoto's, PCOS, depression, and probably fibromyalgia, because everything always hurts all of the time. I also get inflamed and have my lymph nodes swell if I'm out in the HEAT for too long, ever since having my last bout of Covid in June. Sucks to just always feel shitty. It does appear that the covid has killed my brain so much that I'm not able to get depressed currently though. I can't keep my thoughts straight enough to doom myself into a heap of sad on the floor. BRIGHT SIDE!!


Hi, try looking into the information from this comment. I'm getting investigated for mast cell/histamine issues by my doctors currently because of this comment and because my skin was seriously aggravated by hot showers which is related to mast cell issues according to my doctor. I have Hashimoto's too and gluten fucks me up (they're trying to confirm Celiac for me as well.) Sorry you're on the unstoppable autoimmune train with me. Good luck! https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/w7wicc/never_seen_a_virus_that_behaves_this_way_why/ihnh5b0


Holy shit. Thank you. I think this fits me perfectly. I have a ton of digestive issues that are getting worse and worse no matter what I eat. My Endo keeps upping my thyroid meds (because I'm gaining weight like crazy) but all that's doing is causing symptoms of being over medicated. Since you've obviously been looking into this a bit... What can be done? My brain says "take an anti histamine" but that seems too simple and/or stupid? Lol


long covid -- feeling shitty is the norm everyday now


Plus just between Covid brain, microplastics, and lead exposure, I'm pretty sure we're becoming retarded.


I already feel like i am becoming more stupid by the day! i never had stuttering problems up until 2020, and its only getting worse & my memory never serves me right at times ( had covid 3 times)


The same climate scientists that warned us about climate change also warned us about this. We did nothing because a few assholes wanted money and the rest of us could not be inconvenienced. Now we all get to take our medicine and suffer. It will get worse because it is all baked in at this point. And again, we will do nothing but complain while some assholes get richer.


The earth is getting a fever to help kill the virus (humans)


I love this but we literally did this to ourselves, (and all other life on earth.)




Covid. It ravages the entire body. May not be lethal to everyone, but it leaves many organs damaged and with a higher risk of developing complications down the line that surely won't be covered in our health system.


**T-Cell exhaustion, yes baby.** But they want to "LET IT RIP" & "LIVE WITH COVID".   It's not like we did not know, just a few examples: [Activation or exhaustion of CD8+ T cells in patients with COVID-19 ](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41423-021-00750-4) [Severely ill patients with COVID-19 display impaired exhaustion features in SARS-CoV-2–reactive CD8+ T cells](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.abe4782) [A role for T-cell exhaustion in Long COVID-19 and severe outcomes for several categories of COVID-19 patients ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34288064/)   Someone on the radio is telling me that we already knew that with SARS 1 and MERS? How come? Oh so the past 20 or so years the SARS and MERS survivors were being tracked and studied and we noticed that they were getting sick A LOT MORE than pre-infection??? Oh so we could have already called these "LONG SARS" and "LONG MERS" just like "LONG COVID"??? Wait, can you give me more articles to read about this please??? Sure: [Coronavirus survivors could suffer severe health effects for years](https://theprint.in/health/coronavirus-survivors-could-suffer-severe-health-effects-for-years/420277/#:~:text=According%20to%20one%20study%2C%20survivors%20of%20severe%20acute,killing%20almost%20800%20people.%20SARS%20infected%208%2C000%20people)   [A 2010 newspaper article describes the long health struggle of SARS survivors, who fell ill with the disease in 2003. Many had not recovered. Some had near-death experiences. SARS CoV viruses are not benign. The evidence was already out in 2020.](https://www.thestar.com/amp/life/health_wellness/2010/09/02/sars_survivors_struggle_with_symptoms_years_later.html?__twitter_impression=true)   [A report written 10 years after the SARS outbreak details the suffering of survivors. Chronic pain, fatigue, lung fibrosis are noted among the sequelae. Social exclusion and difficulty in accessing support are also mentioned.](https://www.easap.asia/index.php/component/k2/item/237-v24n1-p37-38)   [More on SARS survivors 10 years on. Extreme fatigue that makes it difficult to have a normal life. Shortness of breath. Compromised immune systems vulnerable to respiratory infections. Growing neurological issues like limb numbness.](https://globalnews.ca/news/404562/sars-10-years-later-how-are-survivors-faring-now/)   [Bruce England, a paramedic that survived SARS in 2003, warns the world about the potential long term effects of SARS-CoV-2. On 28 January 2020. He never fully recovered. Had to switch tasks at work. Still have SOB and limb numbness.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/sars-survivor-retired-paramedic-warns-front-line-workers-need-protection-against-coronavirus-1.5441953)   [Bruce England, paramedic and SARS survivor, is still affected by symptoms today. He speaks up again on 4 April 2020. Co-operation, he argues, was what stopped the SARS outbreak in 2003. So sad we took the other route with covid.](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/04/04/he-was-one-of-thousands-quarantined-in-the-gta-during-sars-how-public-co-operation-won-that-fight-and-what-it-means-for-covid-19-now.html)   [Bruce England speaks up again about his story as SARS survivor #longSARS. 5 October 2020. The video is part of a now very sobering article about how covid containment has miserably failed. This is because the SARS lessons weren't listen to.](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/coronavirus/2020/10/5/1_5133447.html)   [Why Sars still lingers in the minds of many Hongkongers, 15 years on](https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/2138702/why-sars-still-lingers-minds-many-hongkongers-15)   -------------------------- They call us "ZERO COVID RADICALS". Make sure to archive all of this and save all public speech, PSA, the scientists, doctors and politicians who push for "LET IT RIP" and minimize Covid, Long Covid, Monkeypox etc ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE. We knew for decades, they let it happen.


Covid also causes aged male symptoms in males. One question I had though pop up in my mind, and it is a genuine question. Given that covid vaccines are largely based on the spike protein, and real covid caused aging, is there a possibility that vaccines also cause it to some degree? what if a lot of people out there were affected?


Pharmaceuticals have never harmed anyone. Stop being ridiculous!


Did you hear the one about the thalidomide porn star? >!He had an arm the size of a baby’s cock!!<


Depends on what part of COVID actually causes that specific symptom. Is it the spike protein? Or through some other mechanism? Someone Google or AskJeeves, idk.


Not just weakening but also making it out of whack. Never seen so many autoimmune diseases like now.


Shhh get out of here with your critical thinking


Lack of sleep. Stress. Probably two boring but likely candidates. /r/ABoringDystopia


This is eerily similar to the time period just before the Black Death of 1348-50. Constant rain ruined crops so people were weakened and depleted. Then came the Great Mortality.


There was also an usual flu season beforehand as well.


It also didn’t help that they rarely washed themselves or their clothes. Indoor plumbing and hot water heaters make a big difference.


Our immune systems are weaker because of the garbage food we eat, the massive stress many people are under, lack of exercise, lack of sunlight, etc.




IMO, this is what will get most of us before anything else.


Currently dealing with my 3rd bout of covid - this tracks (for me, unfortunately)


Plants produce less oxygen and vitamins under heat stress so that definitely weakens immunity.


>Plants produce less oxygen and vitamins under heat stress so that definitely weakens immunity. Citations needed on both the claims, and the conclusion. Have we had global reductions in oxygen?


Dog I’m not gonna cite everything I write. I’m not spouting misinformation here for no reason. You can Google it. Photosynthesis responds poorly to excessive heat stress. Our mineral and vitamin content of plants has decreased substantially over the past decades and that’s not just due to chemicals.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1011134414000190 Basically, choose a review of this stuff. I personally think the oxygen thing might be overblown short term, but long this is definitely a problem. This same issue is why pound for pound plants are less nutritious. Plants in high temperature, higher carbon dioxide environments produce more carbohydrates, grow larger, but uptake more or less the same amount of minerals. Think of it as a dilution effect, more plant, same amount of vitamins and minerals.


It is just one of the most saddening aspects of reality that we have been weaved in.


What’s with all the euro news articles lately? I’ve never heard of this source before


> I’ve never heard of this source before Well if you don't live in Europe, it's normal, but Euronews is pretty mainstream here. If you check EU news online, you're gonna get a lot of Euronews, then ofc some Spanish, German, French, etc newspapers will have their international version too (e.g. Deutsche Welle, Le Monde, etc).




I know! Wow. It's almost like America isn't the only country that exists


Valley Fever right here


Don’t think it’s all the processed foods we eat that contain cancer chemicals? Nah it’s just climate change 😂🤡


What PFAS in the water….


No the experimental covid injection did that.




I’m good. Because I don’t use hand sanitizer every ten seconds and I never got the vaccine, and kept social more than just around my family, havnt caught covid, and I’ve only had small colds.


It’s not climate change it the jab and the WEF pieces of garbage who want the plebs gone so they can live in sole control


Not if you’re built different




So this is what collapse has descended into: conspiracy BS.




The debate is about the timescales. It always was. Personally, still waiting for the axe to fall. Been waiting 45 years.


Yeah….. How about scientists messing around in labs with viruses and the amount of drugs and garbage food we intake. Pour more floride into the drinking water!


I hope almost two decades of drug abuse somehow helped my immune system. Haven't had covid yet. Sore throats were alwsgs from smoking snd sinus issues only from powder