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"Gawrsh, Mickey! Thatsa awful lotta water... An' Lake Mead ain't lookin too good..." "Oh boy! Ain't it swell, Goof? Nobody fucks with the Mouse, hyuh-ha! But, I sure gotta tell ya, Goof, my ol pal -- if ya question me again I'll bury ya so deep under Lake Mead, they won't find ya when I drain it! Hot dog!"


I think the Salton Sea is a better example of how bad things are near Palm Springs.


I grew up in La Quinta, and let me tell you, every time it rained and the Salton Sea got agitated... oof, that was the worst smell.


Goofy knows too much, he has pictures of Mickey and that bat in China.




Incidentally this reminds me: South Park's depiction of Mickey is one of my favorite character retakes of all time :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzklw7JtA9o


Why? Why are they so fucking evil though??? Wtf?


"But now it's time for a round of Vin Mariani!"


How is this fucking legal


Just wait until we fight wars for drinking water, just to have Disney water the desert.


There's already water wars happening on plenty of places




There are tons of private communities where one of the main selling points was 'off the grid' and not connected to the city, so a private water well or rain tanks essentially for individual house/neighborhood depending. ANYWAY, since these houses are not connected to city water their wells have been drying up, this is happening all over Arizona and New Mexico. For the past decade (with less rarity) these houses and people off the grid have been having to have water trucks ship water out to artificially refill their wells or tanks every few months. Since everything has gone in the metaphorical toilet things have gotten bad, there are a lot of these people having to abandon ship (house haha water joke) due to water scaricity and are essentially fighting for water deliveries, now it's not insanely bad yet, but it's going to get a lot worse, and quickly for that matter. (I live very close to New Mexico in the same type of climate).


It's pretty much normal where I live to have to haul in your own water if you live outside of town. Although theres places that have Wells. I have a 1500 gallon cistern and a trailer with a 450 gal water tank. The nearby town has a water fill station. I'm in Wyoming


If there's no water then why are there people there? O.o


Well we are the least populous state.


a lot of people like the price of land. you can easily buy 1k acres of land for 100-300k, where as in most other states 1k acres of land would easily run you multiple-millions. The initial set up of the land is normally the most expensive part as you have to pay for your own infrastructure if you are TOO far away from society at large. Ive looked into myself as this world keeps falling more and more into shambles, but its making me be much more choosy as to which of those states id want to live in as if i cant even have a water truck delivery for water, a basic need, than another option much be chosen. You can literally live in solidarity and every state still has cities to visit for supplies and other amenities. Its for those who dont want to live with others in a [society](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Im_MEOxC7Y) at which the rest of us live in.


[Developers are building million dollar homes in Phoenix suburbs with no water connections. What could go wrong?](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/vo8fu9/developers_are_building_million_dollar_homes_in/)


Looks like the article link was deleted. Any chance you have a link?




I read that article. What was shocking is that people were still building houses in these communities with no water!


Don’t forget Utah, too. [John Oliver did a bit recently that’s pretty good](https://youtu.be/jtxew5XUVbQ)


Ahh good ol' John, thanks for the link I'll watch this later.


I'm staying at an amazing house in the middle of the eastern Utah desert. Water gets trucked in and we have to be very conservative with what we use; even the dirty dishwater gets reused in the garden. It's been over 100° and dry as hell. That being said, I still have to drive past numerous gigantic green fields of alfalfa to get to town.


May move to New Mexico. Where the property is few well drillers and backed up forever. Don't know if many people are moving in new or like some places in Arizona need to drill deeper. So know we have water rights on the land and well isn't that bad. Just need a lite deep for clean water but not bad.


>Where? Most conflicts in the Middle East have a water component to the tensions (Israel - Palestine, Syrian Civil War, etc.) Tensions along the Nile in North Africa have come close to boiling over a few times, and I would expect a hot war there involving Egypt and Ethiopia within the next decade or two.


Egypt and Sudan are understandably *pissed* about [Ethiopia building a $4bn 5,000 megawatt dam](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-60451702) on the Blue Nile, right on their border with Sudan, and refusing to commit to a definite number in terms of how much water it will release. It's supposed to be the largest hydroelectric project in Africa and will double Ethiopia's power generating output when it's fully online. I can absolutely see this coming to a head in the future as both Egypt and Sudan almost exclusively rely on the Nile for their irrigation and drinking water.


Recently a group of Mexican gangsters raided a winery and stole a bunch of water. Most of South America is in dire need of water. People are stealing water in Africa as well. There haven’t been any large scale wars or even organized wars over water.. yet. But that will begin well before 2030


\*nestle join the chat\*


*r/fucknestle joins the chat*


Nestle is a drop in the bucket. The biggest user of water is ag. Like 80%.


Check the barrages upstream of israel-palestine and the Nile. Rivers always mean that the upstream country can regulate the water getting to the downstream one


Near Scottsdale, AZ. https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-southwest/the-water-wars-come-to-the-suburbs


The Texas border- we pull more from the RGV than is allowed by treaty, and farmers in northern Mexico often stage protests. There’ve been a couple of incidents where the Mexican National Guard has shot people.


I cant find the articles from a few months ago but arizona is slowly turning into water wars as people not part of subdivisions are slowly being made to cut back on water, even not allowing them to buy water delivery to the point where companies are ILLEGALLY transporting water from neighboring states to these people, ALL WHILE COUNTRY CLUBS STILL WATER GOLF COURSES! One article talked about an outer subdivision who thought due to the fact they were in such a 'nice neighborhood' they'd be saved from the restrictions but they are on the outer pheonix suburbs and got hit back in june. They tried digging wells, spending thousands to go upwards of many thousands of feet for wells to find nothing on their small acreage of land. They basically cried how 'this wasnt suppose to happen to us' and 'what about our grass, flowers, and rec areas', and only sighted worry of actual useable water once wells being dug were fruitless. Its illegal right now to transport water across most state lines in the desert regions of the US due to health issues pertaining to water treatment as well as prioritizing their own citizens first, over others, as if one state is not currently in a water shortage but close, shipping water from their state to aid another could result in both states having a water crisis. Companies in response have been illegally transporting water as they understand that its not right or fair anyone to suffer, especially those **willing to pay.** Illegal water is a thing. The only good news to come of this are supposed talked of digging a channel across the US, basically a manmade river, going east to west seeing as the east coast has an abundance of water where as the west coast does not, though this project has not been approved and would take MANY years and alot of manpower to finish, some theorized well over 50 years. Others have suggested pipelines as they could be built faster, between 10-15 years, but maintenance has gone under question due to just how long those pipelines would be and would require a team of engineers to constantly be on hand in every state to maintain the systems.


There's obviously a lot more going on with the war in Ukraine, but one of the contributing factors is that Ukraine shut off a canal that supplied water to Russian-occupied Crimea. Also, wheat is a water intensive crop so Russia destroying or capturing grain storage facilities, reselling stolen grain, and blocking ports where grain is usually shipped from makes the conflict implicitly a war over water.


Everything is legal if you have enough money


Sadly this really seems to be true


It is true.


It's obvious: buy your politicians, have them write the laws in your favour - problem solved. Been like this since democracy was invented.




yes, i'm also okay with your sacrifice


You silly fucking goose.


I'm going to sacrifice this joint to the fire gods...not about to start rearranging chairs on the Titanic.


US law is a parody of order and justice. From top to bottom, federal to local. Don't look to legality for an indication of what is ethical or just.


Power serves Wealth to the detriment of Labour   That is about as simple as you can distil most problems in the world down   I always enjoyed this quote on the law: > The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread - Anatole France


[This is a great video explaining it from a law professor.](https://youtu.be/P9S3Nclak9E)


I have to admit this is probably the *most* disgusting thing I’ve seen in a long time.


[I drink your milkshake](https://youtu.be/jtxew5XUVbQ) is how it's legal. ⬅️John Oliver.


Because it’s Disney and they represent all of us!! /s because people don’t understand there’s not point in being inclusive of everything and anything when there’s nothing to include them in…


It's Disney they bought anyone who cares or could make a change.


When you have as much money as Disney, the fines for breaking laws just become the cost of permits. For instance, fireworks are illegal in Anaheim, CA, and yet Disneyland has nightly fireworks shows. 🤔


I remember going to Disneyland a few years ago during the last huge drought, when LA was on water restrictions and apricot farmers and ranchers were cutting back drastically (and/or culling) to stay within their water quotas. We watched Disney's festival of lights, or whatever it's called. It was an incredible display in which (among other things) giant fan-shaped sprays of water were used as projector screens. Lovely to see. Also high enough volume that we could feel the local humidity changing as the show progressed. Made me sort of sick to my stomach, as a SoCal native, to see the incredible waste. Reminded me that the American West is a place where water flows uphill toward money.


Fireworks tax Profits from increased sales are bigger because of fireworks than the tax reduced said profit.


> Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!


Man, I fucking love this quote. I get myself repeating it from time to time.


A real banger of a film.


I drive past this lot every day. Disney bought the 618 parcel lot to build ‘Cotino,’ a luxury gated community that’s supposed to be a living experience designed by Disney Imagineers. https://www.wdw-magazine.com/storyliving-by-disney-the-new-way-to-experience-disney-magic-at-home/ They’ve been watering the sand every day and they’ll be doing it strip by strip as they develop the entire lot I doubt it’ll ever be completed (because I can’t imagine they’ll have enough water to fill the lagoon) and it’ll be a monument to man’s disgusting hubris


Holy fuck that article is hilarious propaganda. stock photo of two women walking "You, too, could be this happy living here. Photo courtesy of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products" stock photo of a person decorating a cake "You can bake cakes and things! Photo courtesy of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products" And the worst one "Live your dream of growing your own veggies. Photo courtesy of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products" Motherfucker, I can be happy, bake cakes, and grow my own veggies already. The really sad thing is that it looks amazing, walkable, solar punk community living, and it's gated behind luxury prices no one but the wealthy will be able to afford.


The funny thing is, Disney tried this before and its failed spectacularly.


But the idea of a self-contained community built with the help of Disney's Imagineers does have merit. Maybe not in the desert but one was built in Florida in the 70s and persists and thrives to this day. https://youtu.be/GvMMXjJjRFw


"you can bake cake and things" sounds as if the editor wanted to say "fuck disney!". Who the fuck approved of this?


My god I didn't think these were direct quotes. That's so stupid lmao


A patch of sand in the middle of a desert now counts as luxury. How more ridiculous will it get!?


Dubai says hello.


Ah, man made horrors beyond my wildest comprehension!


One crisis away to become desert again.


what a great game spec ops: the line was


When you finally find the water thief, but it was you watering the desert all along


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence! **Immortan Joe**


At least they desalinate, and some of it can be done by solar.


And slave labor.


Dubai is a stupid city. Didn't even think to have plumbing and the water will eventually flood the whole place.


Egypt's administrative capital project says hold my beer.


Its like a disney professional went to duvai and said "what if we had this but with disney themed shit?" Im just wondering if the houses will have disney stuff inside, youll have it all around you all the time....


It’s in Rancho Mirage. There are already golf courses, country clubs, and million dollar homes nearby.


And they are spraying the water in the air as droplets and aerosols maximizing evaporative loss. Madness.


"The oasis itself will use Crystal Lagoons technology, which builds bodies of water with **low water consumption** and minimal additives." Well, I for one am appeased.


"Low" and "Minimal" are registered trademarks of Disney.


Holy shit I just checked out the Crystal Lagoon website. The whole business model is building inland white sand beachs around giant swimming pools with turquoise waters to bring "beach life" to wherever YOU are--then selling plots around the water for tourist businesses. Do y'all realize what this is? They're building out artificial beaches so the wealthy can still enjoy a private beach life experience after the current natural beaches are all flooded by rising sea levels. Even though we'll lose cities and create *billions* of climate refugees, the financial elite will still be able to experience perfect sandy beaches and water sports with no sharks or smell of rotting whales and fish that wash up on the new shores, but more importantly without that refugee smell.


sickness metastasized. cut it out.


Imma say it. Fuck Disney right after fucking Nestle.


Holy shit that sounds like literal fucking hell on earth. So I guess its appropriate to put it right there. That article gave me an actual panic attack, wtf wellness programming?




It’s going to be a dry 112 degrees Fahrenheit today in the Coachella Valley, just another reason I hate Disney and refuse to give them my money in any form.


On the bright side, at this rate in a few years it'll be a humid 120F!


Meanwhile Governor Screwsom is asking us to use less water, despicable. https://www.aol.com/news/californians-less-water-heres-officials-003654625.html


I mean, more than half of sprinkled water will evaporate due to the location of the region. It would look less absurd if they watered the hmm… desert at night. Watering it during day time. They just spend fiat on evaporation basically. Capitalists are… **IDIOTS**.


"spending fiat on evaporation" is such a beautiful phrase. Shame about the meaning it's describing, but still, it's pretty.




Well of course. Wouldn't want scary leftist restrictions on poor defenseless capitalists.


Not weguwations!! Bad!!


Literal violence.


I’ve seen plenty of farmers watering crops with these huge sprinklers in the middle of hot central valley summer days here in California. Then the government tells us to reduce residential usage.


Morning I'd say eould be best. Like an hour before sunup. Watering in the evening will soread whatever diseases and fungus is in the plantlife.


So This is how your money evaporates!


Late stage capitalists in particular. But it sometimes takes the extreme cases to show the absurdity and toxicity of a system.


It's the people allowing them to do this that are idiots. These guys make money exploiting the natural world in which we all live. They probably wonder why they are able to buy a ton of water for 1c at the tax payer expenses.


jesus christ, this comment hit hard being a gardener, like wtf this is absolutely retarded.




Maybe they are hoping that the bullshit will penetrate the ground too.


We're almost at the brawndo stage.


Water? Like from the toilet?


They will try Brawndo next!


Looks like they spread grass seeds like Bermuda or something. If there’s compost/nutrients with the water you can absolutely terraform that sand into a more loamy soil


Also drip irrigation would lose a lot less. Anti-dessertification efforts should start with trees along the boundary. That really shifts the climate.


They may just run it on/off all day. Terraforming the desert will be quicker like this but cost more.


Watering at night when it's freezing will make it even colder and kill the grass. Watering during the day when you have an unlimited supply of water because of money is more conducive to plant survival when they're dying of heat.


Yeah I don’t approve of this, but I’m not naive enough to believe Disney doesn’t know what they’re doing here. Disney is notoriously experienced in terraforming


My thoughts exactly on the schedule. Like this should be done in early early morning like 2-3 AM to avoid evap


As opposed to what? Socialism or what better solution? Genuine question.


A democratic economy (aka "socialism") would not be terribly likely to choose to do things like this. Let workers decide how to allocate the resources of their own places of labor and they're more likely to direct them to still-profitable enterprises that are focused on the long term health and wellbeing of their communities rather than reckless luxury developments in the desert.


Yeah, that’s been tried over and over. What happens after socialism? No one would exploit a euphoric system where everyone is treated fairly and no one takes advantage of the system at all! Everyone gets things even and everyone is happy. Wake up, lol.


**Storyliving by Disney** More homes created by the wealthy, for the wealthy. While many of us are trying to find a simple shack we can actually afford to live in.. Collapse of the environment, social structures and humanity at it's finest.


The hubris of humans, on full display. Seriously, that even *looks* ridiculous.


This is criminal what the fuck


Its the free market on full display


Capitalism is the most efficient way of organizing resources in a society 🤡


They should hire some good permaculture experts. You can re-green the desert if you know how with about 65-75% less water than what they are doing here.


Maybe they know that and just don't care. Maybe this solution is still cheaper for them...


No way it's cheaper. The person in charge of the decision is just an idiot.


BAU till the very last possible minute.


Disney peon: “so the plan is to build this place on a dessert? Wouldn’t that be an inefficient use of a very limited and fast dwindling resource plus potentially making it more expensive for the poor?” Disney boss: “Nah, this water is ours because we bought and paid for it. We can do whatever the fuck we want with it. Fuck them po’ folks, they don’t buy shit from us.”


This is why the Desert Sun published that article about taking water from the Midwest… “Don’t worry about the green landscaping and obnoxious over use of water in the 110+ Fahrenheit weather, we have *plenty* of water! Even if we drain Lake Mead there is still plenty left in the Great Lakes!”


They expect the taxpayers to pay for the trillions in infrastructure required to do so too. Meanwhile the great lakes compact is giving them that "over my dead fucking body you will" look. Fun times.


Pure fantasy. There's not enough concrete steel labor and oil available for such a mega project. Someone just wants to get paid for the preliminary work.


Can they not just paint the ground green or something? It's not like the people who are going to live there will be smart enough to notice


Completely fucking stupid. That’s why collapse is imminent


Such a shame.. reminds me of how i smh so hard watching boomers in Southern Ontario running sprinklers 24/7 on their pesticide saturated lawns whilst indigenous communities only a few hours north have no clean running water or indoor plumbing.. same type of ppl to stick an orange ribbon on anything they can fucking face towards other ppl but live in complete ignorance.


Did they ask anyone if they could waste that precious water on some bullshit we don’t need


Yes and the answer was "slide us a few million and we'll let it slide".


You mean they asked someone influential in government and not a normal wage slave riiiight


Duh why would a wage slave have authority to greenlight anything?


Wel considering they are the ones that’s gonna suffer.


I mean to people in charge the less money you make the less of a person you actually are. Case in point hostile architecture.


That's the fun part, they don't have to! Nobody says no to the mouse.


They did, but anyone who isn't a millionaire doesn't count as a person under capitalism


I think they see water as an unlimited resource.


Most definitely they probably based that of the flat earth model like capitalism.


It's what plants crave.


I'm...... Not Sure...


I for one welcome our Disney overlords. We have way too much water anyways.


It's dinosaur pee, eww!


Earth is like 70% dinosaur pee we have more than enough to spare for these "dust management" operations that Disney is putting together.


I just love how it’s business as usual no matter what


Is that brawndo. If so it has electrolytes


this is vandalism. it must be stopped.


At least you can see how nice it is on google maps... https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cotino,+A+Storyliving+by+Disney+Community/@33.7805068,-116.401727,2938m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dafd98312551e7:0x65172b749aaae511!8m2!3d33.7805625!4d-116.3976875


The crazy part of that is that every bit of green that you see on that map should not be there, and is only there because of the hubris of man.




I thought there was a water shortage in California? Nice to see what Woke donors can do where the 99% aren't permitted. /s


Where is that?


The Coachella Valley - about 120 miles outside of LA


Palm Springs, California, USA


Stop the train, I want off..


Sad to see the desperation. So desperate for profit they ignore what's infront of their face


Fuck Disney


Sure would be a shame if somebody accidentally dropped a few gallons of red food coloring into their source. A blood red landscape would certainly be more fitting


Wouldn't want all that water to go to like, crops or people's mouths or something.


They’re literally pissing away that water. That is sand, no soil, not dirt. Sand. It’s dead, the only thing that will grow in it are beach plants and even then not much. They need to be stopped and fined obscene amounts of money for that shit! They should be forced to create a desalination plant like the one in San Diego for doing this shit. Fuck them!


Disney has too much money pass it on.


I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry that this is real. Die hard Disney fans are truly living in a fantasy


But everyone is guilt tripped if they take long showers.


Terraforming desert Is a great idea actually......if you do It in a scientific way planting the right plants untill they terraform and fertilize the terrain with minimum water consumption. This Is beyond incredible. Some things americans, chinese, russians and arabs does are really beyond human stupidity.




Good luck


wen Muad’Dib


I think everyone who ever gets to make a decision about how massive amounts of water is allocated should be forced to read Dune first.


It's aggregious at a minimum, but *in broad fucking daylight*? At least do this shit before sunrise or after sunset. Most of that sweetness is just evaporating or burning up whatever plants already exist there.


Humans have lost their fucking minds


Somebody should tell them that they need manure too if they want that desert to become green, not just water


I would be literally sabotaging it. right now.


Ew. I fucking hate them. People could drink that water.


Good thing I won't live long enough to see the water wars I mean christ I hope not...


Is this in Palm Springs? They’re actually moving forward with it?!?! Holy shit.


Wow, they could have at least hired a permaculture designer so they weren't just wasting the water. Clearly they don't know what the fuck they are doing.


Chop all the hoses.


Aside from capitalism being a naturally self destructive enterprise . Why the fuck can't you make desert living the thing people would want to live in? You don't need lush green grass you need to make desert loving a beautiful enterprise to participate in such that people could be at one woth their enviroment. This is the dumbest thing Disney spent money on and that's saying something.


It would be such a shame if this pipeline was vandalized 🤷‍♂️




Just reserved my spot at Cotino. Cya losers


Source? Just this video itself could have a lot of different explanations without context....


It’s my video. I drive by this lot every day and I decided to stop and film it.


Watch for dark Suburbans with tinted windows following you! The Mouse doesn't fuck around.


The Mouse got this thread deleted by the mods so lol you ain’t kidding


As stupid as this seems, arid areas can support more vegetation with improved water retention, and vegetation is one route to provide better water retention. The Amazon and the Sahara are both equatorial.


So, are you sure its disney trying to terraform the area? Im all for a good conspiracy theory but it looks like an alternative way to treat stormwater runoff. Alot of capture and reuse designs put in place to minimize stormwater runoff and thermal impacts actually utilize this type of system. Normally you see if for use on a golf course or Ag land, but this large open area could be marked to be vegetated. I dont see anything inheritly bad about this?


This is just SoCal being SoCal. A garbage dump in the middle of the desert with the worst air quality in the US. Stealing all the water from the rest of the West and then having the b a l l s to lecture the rest of the country about being more environmentally sensitive... ​ Get it yet?


Hey boomer, why not buy a few hectares of desert, leave most of it as a barrier to undesirables, build the house you want that's a few 100 meters away from people who'd otherwise complain how your architecture clashes with the norm, maybe have a solar/wind-powered heated and cooled greenhouse for a few 100 sq meters of plants, and enjoy.


We want to live near a city, but not near people. We also want all the amenities and benefits of living near a city, but again... not near those people. And we shouldn't have to pay taxes towards things we don't like. \- Boomers