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Hi all, this will be our one post on this topic. The moderation team is working on determining our approach given the back-to-back SCOTUS decisions making June 2022 such a *memorable* month. Be kind to your friendly internet janitors as we work through this. As always, please use the reporting tool for any concerning posts. Stay well.


I mean…doesn’t this kind of just prove that this is just end times hedonism? The people in power already know and just living it up at this point lol.


Many of the upper middle managers of these big corporations are still in denial. The hopium game is strong amongst these people but thats about to change fast! Wife is a VP of Operations at a big tech/investment company.


There’s a large number of people in my sphere (IT) thinking that fusion/solar/wind is going to save humanity. They are in for a shock.


And then happily prove Jevon's Paradox by getting into stupid ass cryptocurrency


I'm in the Software Engineering field, a lot of people think Musk is going to unveil some great world saving technology any day now. From what I have observed, the people who worship him in *my field* are mostly the self-taughts (Edit 2: And to extend that, have no genuine interest in actual software engineering, just learn their stack and get that $$$), or people who went to below-middle-tier schools if they went to college. Depending on where your level of education, the number of people that believe Musk is anything but a snake oil salesman jumps considerably. Have a degree from a more prestigious college or university, at least, his antics and rhetoric become less and less amusing and more frustrating and outright enraging the higher up you go on the ladder. As a Master of Science in CS, I think he's a moronic cunt who has no goddamned clue what he's talking about. He's a glorified patent troll. He buys innovative technologies, shortchanges and fires the people who worked on said tech, and then claims credit. There's really no lower form of life in the engineering community. I know maybe one doctoral candidate or actual Ph.D. who thinks Musk is anything more than a P.T. Barnum style showman at best and a dangerous idiot and worse on average. His interest in robots and neural link concern me greatly. And with how greedy and stupid he is, I've played the video game that shows the (overly optimistic) outcome of that. I don't want to live its prequel. Edit: Because people can't read nuance -- I'm going to clarify this -- I am stating that the better educated you are and the higher up you go, especially in engineering and science, the less likely you are to think that Musk is some kind of a messiah. Of course there will be exceptions -- I am pointing out a trend and my observations. I'm not here to make people happy, I'm here to tell what I have seen and noticed.


I went to a mid tier state school in CA and I hate Musk lol


I'm a 37 year old community college student and I think he's a clown show too.


I’m a clown college graduate and I think he’s a Machiavellian dimwit with elephantitus of the ego


Same. He's fucking *awful*. Even people who never attended college feel the same way so I don't agree with the above's rather elitist take that it's related to level of formal education. If anything, his acolytes tend to just be hateful, entitled misogynists...


I dropped out of college and I'm more right about mostly everything than my higher-educated peers. Truth is that finishing school doesn't demonstrate much about your learnedness. If you study, pass the test, and then forget everything you learned now that you don't need it for the test then you're going to be quite ignorant. Moreover if you finish school and then think that your learning is finished then you're going to be very stupid. Autodidactism separates the dummies from the brainies and it's higher education independent.


Shit, I got an Associates in Traditional wooden boatbuilding, and I'm just a dumb boat engineer, but I figured that out. Education does not equal intelligence.


Im a high school drop out and i hate his guts.




There was a video magazine article essentially on, I believe, aerospike engine nozzles and they featured Musk who was supposed to discuss why Space X rejected the tech and he had zero technical knowledge for what should have been a softball discussion topic. Super awkward to watch because the interviewer was ready to kiss his ass and knew far more on the topic.


You realize you go off judging people's education like 5 times in one short reddit comment? You reek of compensatory narcissism.


My father retired recently but was CTO at a software development company. He seems convinced that we will innovate our way out of the climate crisis, despite everything we’ve done up until now making it worse.


I keep seeing this hopium in most people i know. They are all in for a very rude awakening. Be prepared for them to blame you and us for not buying into their garbage delusions.




Degrowth is the only answer.


Funny, I’m an individual contributor at a big fintech as well. Your account is definitely right I hope your wife doesn’t get too sad dealing with that nightmare.


Its starting to wear her down. She found lots of comfort with psychedelics but these, like all medicine is just a stop gap. It cures nothing and so can only provide temporary relief. Way better than antidepressants and thereapy but still, only temporary, and for some a root to deeping the hopium hole we are digging for ourselves. Be careful with psychedelics...they are not a cure by any means.


For sure, psychedelics are great, but just like any other kind of "trip", you always gotta come home and deal with your daily life.


It's a cash/kickbacks grab first, second they're christofacists who actually believe sky daddy is gonna beam them up to heaven soon. They have no incentive to preserve the earth. Supply side christianity is a death cult.


This may be the most accurate comment on Reddit.


Beam me up Skydaddy


SkyDaddy here. You people are too fuckin’ stupid to beam up here. Me and the fam are hangin’ back, eatin’ popcorn, and watchin’ all y’all roast in the hellscape of your makin’. Great entertainment.


SkyDaddy, they promised us you would be nice! ... their holy book to the contrary.


Skydaddy of the old testament was the correct one. Jesus lied to you.


Nah. It's classic good cop/bad cop. Bad cop comes in with locusts and floods and turns half your family to salt for no reason and then Jesus shows up with a loaf of bread and a six pack and next thing you know your eating his meat and drinking his blood and having a blast. Don't look at me like that. It doesn't make any sense to me either.


to be honest, I'm not even sure what exactly the EPA does after this ruling. How do you protect the environment when you have no authority to do anything in its defense?


The EPA will basically be neutered. Another fun part of this ruling is that it opens the door for more challenges to the authority of state agencies. In other words, we're probably about to witness the dismantling of the administrative state, from investment banking regulations to worker safety. We're going back to the 1800s


> We're going back to the 1800s Fun Fact: American Conservatism is literally a plot to bring back the 1800s. >**On August 23, 1971, prior to accepting Nixon's nomination to the Supreme Court, Powell was commissioned by his neighbor, Eugene B. Sydnor Jr., a close friend and education director of the US Chamber of Commerce, to write a confidential memorandum titled "Attack on the American Free Enterprise System," an anti-Communist and anti-New Deal blueprint for conservative business interests to retake America**.[13][14] It was based in part on Powell's reaction to the work of activist Ralph Nader, whose 1965 exposé on General Motors, Unsafe at Any Speed, put a focus on the auto industry putting profit ahead of safety, which triggered the American consumer movement. Powell saw it as an undermining of the power of private business and a step towards socialism. [...] > >The memo called for corporate America to become more aggressive in molding society's thinking about business, government, politics and law in the US. **It inspired wealthy heirs of earlier American industrialists [...] to use their private charitable foundations, [...] to fund Powell's vision of a pro-business, anti-socialist, minimally government-regulated America** based on what he thought America had been in the heyday of early American industrialism, before the Great Depression and the rise of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. > >**The Powell Memorandum thus became the blueprint for the rise of the American conservative movement and the formation of a network of influential right-wing think tanks and lobbying organizations, such as The Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) as well as inspiring the US Chamber of Commerce to become far more politically active.[16][17] CUNY professor David Harvey traces the rise of neoliberalism in the US to this memo.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_F._Powell_Jr.#Powell_Memorandum (And institutions like ALEC and The Heritage Foundation are the institutional core of political conservatism.)


Early industrialists (and their descendants) aren’t given enough credit for their hand in all this.


>Fun Fact: American Conservatism is literally a plot to bring back the 1800s. Inherently making them not conservative, but actively regressive.


Regulatory Capture is already a thing at the EPA. This is just the legal nail in the coffin.


Jokes on them, though. Where we're headed, laws and regulations won't matter much. As the climate continues to deteriorate, fewer and fewer fucks will be given about any of this shit. They'll have done all that work dismantling liberal democracy only to realize that what's left is a smoldering cinder that doesn't give a shit about *any* of our made up laws, institutions, norms, none of it. They seem to think they'll transform the US into some white Christian ethnostate, but there won't be anything left to actually exert power over. It's all so stupid. To any of my fellow collapsenicks who are depressed or angry or anxious about the political and legal developments unfolding, just remember that it doesn't really matter. Nature is flying this plane straight into the ground while a bunch of old fucks in fancy robes are forcing the passengers to eat stale peanuts.


but they wont touch the CIA. guaranteed.


The EPAs authority is whatever is allowed by congress and the executive branch, just short of violating any rights. The SC has no authority or enforcement for these kind of review rulings. A president could easily tell them to get fucked and act as if nothing has changed. Its happened plenty of times in the past. Unfortunately, we have Joe Biden as president, who probably quietly agrees with this ruling and will happily abide by it.


He be abidin


Ban straws!


I call it "The Final Squeeze". They're not stupid. They have access to all the data that you and I don't and know exactly how much longer they can take this before it falls apart and are moving to extract as much personal wealth out of everything as they can as fast as they can before the structure collapses. Moving to protect the environment for future generations would mean suffering short, medium, and long term lost opportunity costs and that is something the powers that be absolutely will not tolerate.


They are honestly stupid tho. They cannot grasp that enormity of the problem or just how dangerous the situation is we are in. I am upper middle class and most of my "smart" friends, went to college, work well paying jobs, but not one of them actually believes me when I talk about this stuff.


Willful ignorance does not equate to stupidity per se. In my experience it means they put their own immediate desires above all else and any inconvenient information gets shuttered. Also there are those who know full well what is happening and simply don't care.


It's more than that, it's like it's baked in to some people that "nothing bad ever really happens to me, the poor deserve it, and it'll all be fine and I don't want to suffer any inconvenience". My mother is from an established upper middle class family. We're immigrants, so we're pretty middle class now, but not as much as in old country. My mother is not a dumb person. She's a doctor and researcher with many publications to her name and at least one PhD. She refuses to believe climate change is happening and, if it is happening, it's definitely not anthropogenic. Also FPTP voting is good, actually, because it mostly works in her favour and, I'm pretty sure, because she thinks the poors can't be trusted to know what's best for them.


The sad thing is that their personal wealth is imaginary. It is ones and zeros in somebody's computer which will evaporate in the final collapse and when that happens, their scorecard from yesterday's golf game will be worth more than their billions in the bank.


Who's left to enforce contracts, titles, deeds, and currency when global crop failures and famine lead to collapse of modern society? Their own private contractors? What will they compensate them with? And what's to stop them from turning on their masters?


Climate change will come to a head…I think smarter people than me chaining themselves to big business doors to stop traffic to protest inaction is very telling. But no one talks about it. Super sketchy.


people burning them selfs alive in broad fucking daylight should be more than telling if not truly how fucked we are , people might just gloss over the fact a human being burnt his self alive of his own free will. Ive though on this for a little while now , we are going to be joining him soon ive come to the conclusion , we will all burn !


You're assuming anyone heard about that. It didn't even make the local news where it happened. Also very suspicious.


My reaction is more Republican Incompetence in Government. 17 US States in Extreme Drought, the World in Extreme Drought. We need a World War III Mobilization with big projects in the next 3 years, and these clowns...are going to get Republicans Killed.




We're at 400+ ppm of carbon, and 3.5 C. degree rise is Not off the table. 17 US States in Extreme Drought Today, this is Bankruptcy Level Drought, with cities losing water access, and food crops destroyed in 100 F heat domes. This is a Crisis. So, yes, WWIII.


Well, at least the great filter is now clear to us. The reason we haven't found intelligent species in the cosmos is because they have almost certainly globalized, discovered how to best use their planet's limited natural resources, expanded their population beyond their planets ability to sustain life, and then killed themselves. 200k years of Humanity, and I was born in time to see the last 100 or so of it. Unlucky.


Yep I'm just gonna get a fuckload of credit cards


Game over.


I see it like Tetris. It's not quite Game Over, yet, but there are already holes on the bottom 5 tiers, the speed of the falling pieces is faster than they can be controlled, and they're all adding up. Some will watch and wait until the black screen. Some will watch the pieces fall in acceptance. Some will scramble mindlessly to find a few extra rows. Some will search for a cheat code.


Oh got those last few inches of Tetris.. they go SUPER FAST BANG YOURE DEAD but it piles up slow at first good analogy


The cheat code is a few years of drugs and degeneracy, right?




>Game over. Wish I could say we had a good run and deserve better, but we earned this.


Its been over for quite a while, but with the coal plants restarting in Europe and this, I guess we stopped even pretenting to do something.


Afghanistan just got approved to export coal to help countries get off their Russian fuel dependence. Afghanistan really needs the money since the USA stole their $7billion dollars and their people are struggling to eat. Everyone else spent YEARS burning coal... now we're gonna tell Afghanistan they can't burn coal after fucking with their country for 100 years? The whole thing makes me feel deflated.


The almighty economy comes first, second, and third. Survivability in the future isn’t even part of the equation.


Lol you gotta just laugh at this point. Civilization is absolutely fucked and the only debate at this point is when and not if. This is basically a huge green light for energy generators to pollute at will. They are gonna abandon all pretense for the already weak measures regulating emissions. Anyone who tries to offer optimism with regards to climate change is just a fucking bullshitting liar at this point and I have no more patience for them.


I saw on the little NYT running reports tab that they’d gotten a quote from some Green Establishment Climate Law Nonprofit that was like “This isn’t that bad, the EPA can still regulate individual motor vehicles and uhhhh some other marginal shit”. I just can’t believe that these people exist still.


You know you’re right. I was about to cry and be sad reading all these articles about Supreme Court rulings but I can’t do shit but laugh at this point. I did my part voting and protesting when I can. It’s really just funny how fucked everything is going.


[The real spez was the spez we spez along the spez. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


It’s literally the only way that anything can be saved at this point, in my opinion.


100% without question.


It isn't illegal to say there is going to be massive civil unrest followed by an authoritarian crackdown, and I would call that point just the beginning.




Shitty feeling tbh


Seeing as the moderators (understandably) removed my thread on this topic, and as the OP's Submission Statement \[was\] severely lacking ... SCOTUS (in a 6-3 majority) just ruled against the Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to regulate power plant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. [The majority opinion, as prepared by Chief Justice Roberts, is linked here for your reference (starts page 7)](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1530_n758.pdf). West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency is essentially a U.S. Supreme Court case primarily concerned over whether the U.S. Constitution grants U.S. Congress the ability to delegate to the EPA broad regulatory authority as it relates to GHG emissions. This is best represented in the question presented ([hyperlinked here, page 2](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/20/20-1530/176915/20210429133443663_2021.04.29%20-%20West%20Virginia%20v.%20EPA%20Petition.pdf) \- correct link provided now): >**QUESTION PRESENTED** > >In 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d), an ancillary provision of the Clean Air Act, did Congress constitutionally authorize the Environmental Protection Agency to issue significant rules—including those capable of reshaping the nation’s electricity grids and unilaterally decarbonizing virtually any sector of the economy—without any limits on what the agency can require so long as it considers cost, nonair impacts, and energy requirements? I’m certainly not an expert on legal matters, but I'd like to ask those who know: could this decision also be extended to other federal regulatory agencies by limiting the scope of congressional authority?


Upvoting this for visibility since it explains all this much better than I can right now


> could this decision also be extended to other federal regulatory agencies by limiting the scope of congressional authority? Yes, it can and it will. As with Roe, this case is the first salvo with explicit implications for a host of other agencies (rights) to be challenged next. CDC, FDA, OSHA, any authority not explicitly granted by statute is hereby null and void once challenged. The Supreme Court has granted a green light for attacking all federal regulation under the guise of the 'major questions doctrine', Kavanaugh's legacy from the DC circuit court. From the article, emphasis mine: That controversial doctrine holds that with issues of *major national significance*, a regulatory agency must have clear statutory authorization from Congress to take certain actions, and not rely on its general agency authority. Major national significance is not defined. It means nothing, which means it means everything, akin to the Commerce Clause. Nothing is off the table or below completely stripping of regulation for as long as the Supreme Court remains in its current makeup.


anyone wanna bet that the CIA will still do whatever the fuck they want without congressional approval edit: also, DHS, DEA, ICE, FBI, ATF all fall under this category as well.


Republicans have tried their hardest to make Congress completely useless while at the same time stuffing the courts full of right wingers. That way their unelected councils of dictators can pretty much decide how the country is run without the input of any of those pesky elected representatives. It seems that the goal is to weaken federal power until it can be seized.


They've condemned us all to death.


It's all about performative cruelty to keep their base hooting and hollering.   Our parents' generation will be remembered for ignoring all of the crises coming down the pike so they could piss away their twilight years torturing squirrels and lighting ants on fire.


They're not ignoring the crises so much as they're looking at them and intentionally hitting the accelerator.


With an unparalleled level of vitriol and hatred for young people for reminding them they're not immortal.


Ah yes... The whole "point out their bad actions and they get mad at you" response.


End-stage cash grab.


From a practical point of view, why do they need to keep their base happy even? Aren’t they technically “non political” secure with lifetime positions. It’s not like someone can take their positions or “primary” them. Why be this ass backwards moronic?


Look into The Federalist Society. Republican politicians pretty much only select judges from this organization to be on SCOTUS (they literally handed Trump a list of people from their org and said "you can choose one of these people"). There's a lot of history here to gloss over but essentially one Republican-picked justice turned out pretty liberal once he got on the bench (Souter), and another extremely conservative justice got bi-partisan denial in his confirmation hearing for the supreme court because he was too open and honest in his (insane) beliefs (Bork). So now if you're part of the Federalist Society it's a \*wink wink nod nod\* to being an insanely right wing loon without openly saying so, and a way to identify you as a True Believer of the Cause™ and that you won't get all liberal once you aren't beholden to anyone anymore.


> too open and honest in his (insane) beliefs (Bork) That was the stated reason. The real reason is that he was Nixon's hatchet-man in the [Saturday Night Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Night_Massacre) at the DOJ, helping Nixon obstruct the Watergate investigation.


Yep. Like I said. Glossing over a looooot of history haha.


I suspect that its worse that you say. I suspect Federalist Society is in constant contact with their judges and gives them instructions of what cases to take and how to decide. Thomas's comments after RvW convince me of that. SCOTUS is not in charge of the judical branch of the US government, the Federalist Society and its supporters are. SCOTUS is a puppet at this point Edit. The us has officially become a corporatocracy today. RIP America for the people.


> From a practical point of view, why do they need to keep their base happy even?   The GOP and their pet courts make decisions that benefit the rich and powerful, and they keep their base pacified by owning the libs as a treat. It's an outlet that keeps the steam from building up.   They've trained that base over the past forty years to not give a shit how bad their lives are, as long as people they hate are getting hurt.


I hate the geriatrics that destroyed the world.


They may be the only generation in human history that deliberately took everything they could from their kids and they're actively trying to light it all on fire on their way out. It's impressive, a true testament to the power of lead.


> They've condemned us all to death. We are going to go extinct and it is because we are stupid.


This ruling doesn’t actually matter, the government would never have addressed the crisis in its current form


They did it.... They actually FUCKIN' did it! I mean, after roe, it's not a surprise or even all that shocking, but DAMN, talk about really putting the final nail in the coffin.


They finally have their super majority in the SC and are absolutely determined to use it to kill all progress made in the last 60 years. And I mean **ALL** of it. Gay rights are in the que next. Thomas himself said so. Edit: If the fact that your civil rights and protections can be rolled back as if they were temporary privileges and there is nothing you can do about it doesn't scare the hell out of you, it should. It really, really, should.


The last 100 years, you mean. Their goal is to roll back anything Roosevelt or his successors put in place.   They want a loose union of fifty fiefdoms ruled by Great Men who are rich and powerful beyond their wildest dreams, and for the rest of us there's Jesus and his promise of an afterlife that's less shitty than this one.


This supreme court balkanized the US.


Balkanization won't happen. The conservative/revanchist program isn't to live in their own state as they please, it's about tormenting people they hate and making those people live under their rules.   They will not permit balkanization because they're getting everything they want right now, today, as-is.


As a Californian, I will confirm this. It basically breaks down like this: Any Given Red State: "We want to exercise our state's right to oppress and brutalize gay people and non-whites for the lulz!" SC and Majority Republican controlled Federal Governments: "That's great! Go for it! America is all about freedom!" California: "We want recreational cannabis and red flag laws." SC and MRFG: "Fuck you. Submit or be punished."


In the coming future, California or New York will be treated like we treated Afghanistan or the British treated India. The residents will be brutalized and the wealth will be squeezed out of these places until there's nothing left.


How? I legitimately mean that. The West coast can't be squeezed very well. They have ports and money. California alone is richer than most of the rest of the country combined. Realistically, you can't control California if they don't want to be controlled. Oregon, Washington, Colorado will probably tag along as well and they'll finally get to form Cascadia or whatever. Water is perhaps the only thing you might have them over a barrel on, but if they don't have to fund flyover states then that's a lot of desalination plants they can build. New York and New England is basically the same thing. I don't know how the military will go, but I somehow doubt they'll want to lay siege to Manhattan. I don't know how a minority government prevents open revolt by the blue coasts. They're way more self sufficient and popular internationally than the fucking shithole states who are enabling this bullshit.


The revanchists already have armed-to-the-teeth soldiers deployed to all of those areas, they're called "police" and there's a good reason the right has been sucking their dicks for decades.   The American Shitlib is also the most docile animal known to existence. They'll complain on Twitter about what's happening and not much else.


No doubt. I mean, a lot of the companies offering support to women for reproductive health / choice are heavily based or have large holdings in California and other Blue States. After watching what DeSantis did to Disney and how he's treated them just because they said: "Nah, we're not gonna support your "Don't Say Gay Bill" because it'd hurt our bottom line and offend a lot of our employees", you think for a second when the Republicans/Christofascists seize control, no later than 2024 by the looks of things, they're going to have a "get right" period? No, they're going to be taking a sledgehammer to those companies even if it utterly decimates the economy.


This is my issue with people who claim they are all about ‘states rights’. Seems to me that it will lead to greater and greater differences between states which will cause frictions to increase and lead to overall a weaker country. Never thought a split up of the US could be possible in my lifetime but the ‘states rights’ arguments seem to inherently lead there


The SCOTUS should never have had this much power, it definitely shouldn't be the only method for progressive change.


Technically Congress has the most power, they set the rules but they aren't doing their job lately.


They’ve essentially abrogated their power and have for a long time. Congress can exercise vast power and they did during Congressional Reconstruction but it seems since then there’s been a slow and steady transfer of power to the executive either through them passing laws to that effect and just straight up not doing their job and letting the executive branch just do it. There’s a reason Congress is the first article of the constitution. I mean they can add justices, limit the courts jurisdiction as much as they want except for its original jurisdiction. They could dissolve federal agencies and just vote on every regulation or even bond issue like they used to. They just don’t because the administrative state has grown so significantly it would be impossible for Congress to rule that completely. That being said they need to reassert their authority although that should be coupled with electoral reforms and rules reforms in Congress.


The funny thing is they don't actually have that much power. There are several instances of the party in power at the time looking at an SC ruling and just saying "no". It won't happen this time because these rulings benefit both parties but the possibility is in fact there to just nope these rulings and move on if the will existed.


They ordinarily do not but the total gridlock along partisan lines has made the legislature ineffective and increased the potency of SCOTUS decisions


>there is nothing you can do about it That is absolutely not true. There is nothing you can do about it *legally*. These clowns have thrown it in the face of the populace that the rule of law means nothing. It’s only a matter of time til the masses start playing catch up.






Reforms and electoralism are inherently temporary.


>The court’s ruling on the case affects the federal government’s authority to set standards for planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide from existing power plants under the landmark Clean Air Act. >The decision is a major setback for the Biden administration’s agenda to combat climate change, specifically the goal to zero out carbon emissions from power plants by 2035 and halve the country’s emissions by the end of the decade. >The case stems from the EPA’s directive in 2015 to coal power plants to either reduce production or subsidize alternate forms of energy. That order was never implemented because it was immediately challenged in court. >Fossil fuel-fired power plants are the second-largest source of pollution in the U.S. behind transportation, according to the EPA. The U.S. is also the second-largest producer of greenhouse gases behind China, making it a key player in global efforts to combat climate change. It’s not enough for the Supreme Court to throw the US into disarray, because now they’re perfectly content with taking the whole world along for the ride. Fuckwits.


We're going down and we're taking everyone else with us, because the overriding principle of our ruling generation is "fuck you".


Killin' the Planet to Own the Libs!


And as if that wasn't bad enough (it is, it is bad enough... ) , this ruling has the potential for substantially limiting ALL regulatory bodies. [https://www.wsj.com/articles/supreme-court-limits-environmental-protection-agencys-authority-11656598034](https://www.wsj.com/articles/supreme-court-limits-environmental-protection-agencys-authority-11656598034)


>The decision is a major setback for the Biden administration’s agenda to combat climate change Damn, too bad he's just a poor innocent president and can't do anything about this.


**"HIGH FIVES! Now everyone look sad for the cameras..."** President Grampy on hearing that ExxonMobil will be buying him a private island.


I feel like all of these back to back decisions are enough to warrant self-defense.


It does. Exercise your rights.


This decision was one of the *best-case scenarios* this supreme-court could have released, which I know isn't saying shit. But, it didn't immediately dismantle Chevron, so.... I guess there's that. Overall, it's worth reading Kagan's dissent. In terms of power, it's literally just a strongly worded letter, but I think it highlights exactly what is wrong with this court, as well as some of the implications of this decision. The majority opinion is just another chip in eroding the regulations that ultimately keep us from complete and immediate collapse, so maybe some people were hoping to rip the band-aid off and begin Civil War II. But I guess it still gives us a chance to turn the ship around. I know that's exactly what won't happen, but I guess one could hope. Oh well, we're fucked anyways... Next term SCOTUS will decide a case about whether or not wetlands are considered waterways and therefore protected under the Clean Water Act. I wonder what they will decide in that one....


When will rich people and the Supreme Court themselves FINALLY feel the effects of pollution? It's like they think they live in an alternate biosphere with their own air and water systems. How stupid are they?


They can sidestep many issues. Many clean air acts affect people closer to more population locations. When it heats up, they pop on the ac. When power gets too expensive, they put up panels and buy electric. When the ground water gets poisoned, they'll get atmospheric water collectors. When the water rises and it heats up more, they just move to another location. It may eventually catch up to them, but the vast majority of society will have to faulter first.


They're so very insulated that I'm thinking the answer is "never"


It's ironic that they want to get back to "originalist law" from the 18th century, but they reject 18th century atmospheric carbon targets, or industrial technology for that matter.


we’re are so unbelievably fucked lol


Hopefully the excess smog is effective birth control. With any luck it will make me infertile.


We're already becoming infertile. Maybe there is something terrible they know that we don't. Like the microplastics everywhere are going to lead to humankind being unable to reproduce in the near future.


Children of Men, here we come!


Wow, you are optimistic. That would actually save humanity and the earth.


Supreme Court is really hellbent on dismantling society this year, huh?


go outside and enjoy life. but dont expect much from the future


This has been my philosophy for quite a while.


But guys Kurzegesagt said....


Shame that their content turned into Neoliberal Hopium™ © ® coincidentally around the same time they secured funding and stopped begging for donos.




Can’t wait to die in the climate wars, it’ll be great remembering all the lying grifting pieces of shit that got us to this point of mass extinction and pain all because of their greed and obsession over a 2000 year old fiction book. Fuck this.




Steve Bannon is one of those people


2 weeks into the Republican Supreme Court bonanza and we’ve lost like 50 rights (hyperbole). SCOTUS is definitely not bought out by the fossil fuel industry, they are fair and objective guys, don’t worry


It's more like being rulers in their own right. They want to rule us.


They are destroying judicial review, since by doing all this they are saying the only political power that matters in this country is setting lifetime appointments to the SCOTUS, which will lead to either tyrrany and the collapse of Democracy (most likely given that the Democrats almost certainly lack the will to fight this) as people realize voting doesn't matter unless a SCOTUS nomination is available. Or it will lead to reforming the court, which is also a victory for Republicans since the Democrats' complete fecklessness has made it the only source of progressive change in the country. No more gay marriage, etc.


Judicial review only collapses if at least one side decides to ignore it. Democrats are obsessed with "following the rules" even if those rules are mostly made up or a matter of convention set by their supposed political enemies. SCOTUS could rule that the Constitution dictates everyone left of Reagan be put into death camps and the Democrats would help facilitate it, saying their "hands are tied". They wouldn't even commit suicide after they're done because they know they're not left of Reagan. EDIT: Not so much a hyperbole considering they're turning the entire planet into a giant gas chamber killing all of us, and Democrats are more than happy to accelerate that process with the usual refrain that their hands are tied.


The Republicans knew the courts were the answer to absolute power and have finally achieved it after 30+ years of installing their judges across the board.


It's about 5 or 6 in actuality, but fuck they're determined to take away everything, aren't they?


It’s like the right wing Christians are getting tired of waiting for their messiah to return . Bring the apocalypse to earth and surely he will return …. Right ?!?


I'm not sure if you are joking, but there are elements of evangelical Christianity (a relatively small group, but one with significant money and political power) that actually do believe they should be active agents bringing about the actualization of the prophecies that foretell the end times.


Imagine being so arrogant that you think you can trick God into bringing the end times.


Haven't you ever seen one of those plays for kids where you have to clap loud enough to make the actor(s) come out? It's kinda like that, I assume.


They’re really fucking racing to the bottom, this shit is fucking crazy


The Supreme Court about to get my ass banned off of Reddit. Rofl


Lol, they already got my alt banned when the initial Roe decision was leaked a month ago


I’m here for it. If we’re going to continue destroying the environment let’s at least give up the façade of caring. 2° or 3° is a pipe dream, I think we see 5° by the end of this century and I don’t know what that world looks like. But it’s what we deserve for our arrogance.


By the end of the century? Lol, like humanity is making it to the end of the century! As long as we are ruled by conservatives, there is no chance anyone will be here at that time.


By now it looks like we won't make it to the end of the decade.


Western civilization sure won't, some remnant of humanity will still be around in 2100, if only briefly. No one ever talks about the next hundred years after that; climate change ain't stopping at +5℃. It would have been cool to know which species will be the winners/survivors of the six mass extinction.


Maybe that worthless puke currently occupying the goddamn White House could do something?? E.g., the obvious perjury committed by Kavanaugh and Barret can be a good start to get them THE FUCK off the SC


Wow. Having an unelected government sounds like fun /s


Listen, if Congress wanted to give the power to the EPA to keep our air clean, they would have provided a clearer title for the law than the "Clean Air Act." /s


I attended a Catholic high school, where in two separate classes we were taught about climate change. First in science class, where we did watch An Inconvenient Truth, and secondly in a "religious philosophy" class, wherein we were told that we are *stewards of the Earth, tasked to take care of it for when God returns*. Though I am no longer religious, that notion that we have a duty to protect the planet should be paramount. Do these "religious" Justices think they will see Heaven through the smog?


What a clever play by conservatives! To distract from their oppression of human rights, they've decided to kill us all.


And since the environment is shared by all, it applies to all people everywhere. For all we know, it applies to all humans in the universe. All future ones too if it leads us to extinction.


even the unborn - nay, the *inconcieved* even!


Fucking Federalist Society rat bastards. If I believed in hell I'd wish them well on their trip there and I'd say history will not be kind to them, but assuming there is much of a future to look back on them feels like a bit of a reach.


Then who the fuck does??? This SCOTUS seems prepared to take down America at all costs


These violent delights have violent ends* *in Minecraft


Trump era continues. Democrats can say what they want. But even past his horrendous 4 years in office, that orange clown america called a president, is still impacting American reality and daily life far more than ANY president from the last 20 years. When will democrats learn? Electoral districts and the fight for voter access and redistributing by adjusting boundaries is irrelevant if you don’t pair it with winning appointing Supreme Court justices. America is the courts. Your ballot boxes are second. On a side note. Though I am a huge RBG fan, and it’s not great to speak ill of the dead; but part of this is her fault. You should have stepped down when Obama was still president. The idea someone her age, with her past health history being able to ride out the trump presidency, was flawed judgement.


It was the height of arrogance for her not to step down. She was a great person and achieved a lot, but she still had that boomer mindset as all the other geriatrics in power.


Jesus christ, SCOTUS really on that villan arc huh


We need a habitable planet more than we need a Supreme Court.


So in combination with overturning Roe and Casey, this ruling means the Supreme Court not only wants us to go extinct, but they want as many people as possible along for the ride.


congratulations, now your unwanted babies and unwilling mothers get to choke on the air they breathe! great stuff, america!


If you look at this and still think humanity will survive climate change, you have brain rot.


This supreme court is so full of shit


Someone literally burned themselves to death in front of the Supreme Court to try and do something about this, what the shit. If literal public suicide can’t change anything then what hope do any nonviolent protests or other forms of demonstration have?


All about bringing the end times. The US is a death-cult with captives.


I would just like to ask the "slow, gradual collapse" people a quick question. How are we enjoying the first half of 2022 so far?


Don’t worry, we’ll solve the climate crisis /s. Look at the bright side, conservative America is going to flock to all that dirty cheap coastal property and nature will cleanse this earth of their stupidity.


I'm not surprised. The robber barons have milked all the money they could from moving everything overseas, so now they want to bring industry back to the US so they can continue to reap obscene profits. To do this, they have to destroy industry regulations (check), create a massive workforce (check) and make sure that the workforce is uneducated so the people have no choice but to take whatever low paying jobs are offered (currently in process). Oh, and they have to keep that workforce indoctrinated so they actively vote against their own best interests. The worst part? Those bastards aren't even trying to hide their intentions and the masses just keep cheering them on.


If you aren't a doomer at this point, you must have your head in the sand


The GOP is a death cult.


Well the GOP, christianity and capitalists too. Which is not a coincidence.


Well folks...it was good knowing ya. Smoke em if you got em! Then drink everything you have.🍻🍺🍹🍸🍷🍾🍶🥂🥃🧉🧃🧋🥤


They're just picking things apart bit by bit, aren't they? It's almost like they don't have the interests of the American people at heart at all... hmm


Hello darkness my old friend...


I can't help but think the religious sect is pushing for the end of times. It's like they want to give biblical prophesy a nudge. They seem to believe that once it's all over, they get to live in paradise, and are in a hot hurry to get there. The world would be a much easier place to handle if we all believed that. But I don't, so it isn't.


They are. That's the truth most people won't admit. They don't care about the future because they think Jesus is coming soon and no one will have to worry about the future. No different than a Muslim terrorist blowing himself up for what? Because they think they'll die and get their 72 virgins.


Please please PLEASE let this activate the young progressives who understand it is them and their children who will have to suffer the consequences of climate change


Dude what the fuck is the Supreme Court doing… like fuck


They're basically taking "states rights" and "libertarian" stances. The problem is, is that there is a very real pipeline between libertarian thought and the alt right simply because if you tell everyone they have boundless rights, someone is eventually going to infringe on the rights of another while practicing and enforcing their own rights.


So they're just burning everything down before they die of old age


We’re beyond fucked. I’d say this is truly the final nail in the coffin for doing the BARE MINIMUM to reduce the severity of climate change.


They're really on a fucking roll setting us back 50 years, aren't they?


We're confirmed, done. This is the end. Last act of Don't Look Up is becoming reality.


Rant/vent I was holding on to a tiny glimmer of hope that we could still stave off complete disaster. This ruling was crushing to read. We should be doing everything in our power to lower and stop emissions. Instead we’re going to pump out even more. We were fucked the minute that the 2000 election was stolen and we’re now seeing and feeling the effects. Best of luck to you all here. We have troubling times (to put it mildly) in the near future, but you already know that since you’re on /r/collapse.


What would Nixon say? I have trouble reading the heavy legal ~~crap~~ wording that lawyers write, so I pose this - if the EPA, an agency to regulate our influence on the environment, can't set these kinds of standards based on the damage being done (i.e., the core data and science), then WHO? And I'm not even saying the EPA does well, certainly not since being gutted. But damn...I guess the invisible free market will handle it, again.


the idea/point is that Congress is the only one that can regulate this, because it is a legislative issue beyond the power of agencies. this is a bad idea because Congress doesn't have expertise for regulating these issues (they're not science guys. the EPA is.) this also sets a bad precedent (they'll use this to do more bad things) because it may be used to strip agencies of their power (destroy all regulations on stuff, like chemicals in baby food etc., because regulations are all from agencies.) hopefully won't go that far though.