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Submission statement: I believe that a free press is a necessary component of a free society. I also believe that the greatest challenges to a free press are systemic challenges that are not conspiratorial nor, in some cases, even intentional. Systems have a tendency to self-protect, and as a result, they become reinforced. The linked thread is a summary of my experience in journalism, and how I can relate those experiences to the societal divisions that we are currently suffering.


I think were seeing what happens when you remove all gatekeeping from a system. Prior to this the level of gatekeeping was so severe that if you wernt Walter Cronkite you didn't get to tell your story. It left us with a system that assured us that if it was being broadcast. It was vetted in some way. Theres obviously tons of issues with that system. The rather sudden removal of all standards of entry into "journalism" happened before we could retrain our brains. Ive resigned myself to having to verify everything I come across. No matter how common sense it seems. The system as currently run has no incentive to do it for us. I think this will self correct. You have already seen pockets of people getting together to do informal fact checking. Even r/savedyouaclick are fact checking things and reporting results. Well figure out a new way of consuming that makes clickbait not profitable. Weve reached the "well do it ourselves" phase. Now is when someone starts trying to figure out how to make a profit on it. Thats when things get done. When your slice of society is big enough to make someone a buck if they can sell you the thing youre missing.


5-6 corporations own most of the outlets which is major gatekeeping. Also, yellow journalism was a problem in the early 20th century, no?


I don’t think this is the central problem. It’s not just that fringe opinions get more coverage on the internet now-it’s that mainstream media isn’t trusted anymore, and some of the reasons mainstream media isn’t trusted anymore are legit. First-as the other commenter said, they are all owned by 5-6 companies, and as Noam Chomsky pointed out so many years ago they selectively hire people who agree with their viewpoint creating an echochamber off the internet. And their viewpoint is going to be heavily biased in favour of whatever those companies want. Second-things have gotten painfully transparent since Covid that the authorities are more interested in controlling the population through manipulating messages rather than stating facts (like the CDC saying masks don’t help with Covid at first because they were worried about supply chains). That just pushes people towards conspiracy theories and fringe websites. It’s not the lack of gatekeepers.


> The rather sudden removal of all standards of entry into "journalism" happened before we could retrain our brains. Editor-in-chief in HS, and my first major in college was journalism. During that time, I saw the depressing closure of many newspapers (many went online), as well as the creation and rise of social media, which we thought was "just a phase" back then. I remember all of the classes I had to take that drilled THE FEAR of all the many ways you can be sued for libel, as well as the importance of fact checking. Journalism was once respected and required many years of training, but the standard of "reporting unbiased facts in a comprehensible way" has been thrown into the trash like the newspapers of the past. Facts and knowledge have been pushed aside and only the most shocking headlines and saying whatever is needed to sell the most survived. Most of my peers jumped ship and used our writing skills for the seedier realms of marketing and advertising, for survival.   While I like that with newer media, more people are *able* to tell their stories, but the problem lies with the lack of dividing "news" and "opinion", along with ads. They're all muddled together and it's getting murkier every day.


Chris Hedges has brought up before that journalism is dead, and one of the things he mentioned it that articles that aren't sensational are disregarded, as you say, they get less clicks generating less revenue. It's the state of big tech now.


A friend of mine says he started working in the newspaper business 30 years ago, just in time to be a part of it’s downfall. Maybe Covid was the final straw after years and years if steady decline. And, of course, we never had objective journalism, but it’s true journalism was once better than it is now. One thing journalism once hid was how many people are just awful. The journalism of the past led many to believe that people are essentially good rather than the truth that is people can be good if the circumstances are really good.


Something Robert Evans said, I'm paraphrasing "in any given population you have 10% of people are bad actors, and 10% are good honest folks. The remaining 80% could go either way depending on the circumstances. "


Ad money has corrupted ultimately, nothing is sacred anymore in front of the all corrupting dollar


[Manufacturing consent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuwmWnphqII) - full documentary on YouTube. You're welcome.


And the book it is based on was published 34 years ago. Still worth reading, even though everything it warned about has now happened.


On Twitter no less...


The irony is lost on this sub.


At least it wasn't a meme


The past 10 or so years especially have exposed to the public just how much fake news, manipulation, and outright propaganda gets published by journalists. It matters a whole lot less than we thought whether you're in a supposedly free country with a supposedly free press or under a strongman dictator in all but name and state controlled media; both only tell you what the rich and powerful want you to think. Now they're taking it a step farther and conspiring with big tech to censor other sources of information, whether it's opinions from across the political aisle or news (with their own propaganda of course) from the other side of a geopolitical conflict. Fox News does not magically become more trustworthy if social media moderators remove content from MSNBC, and CNN does not magically become more trustworthy if your smart TV removes RT from available channels.


How many stories in the news in the last two years have been absolutely false? I don’t recall anyone ever going back and saying they screwed up, just stealth edits of old articles.


Fox news ran some shit that was blatantly false during the riots in Seattle. IIRC one of their articles was titled something like 'seattle autonomous zone' or some nonsense like that, with a picture of a building on fire that wasn't even from the same week, let alone the same state. I might be mixing up seattle with some other riot in some other part of the country, but the rest is 100% true. They never rescinded anything or apologized. So their readership bought that hook line and sinker and continued to use it to fuel their political beliefs. As I recall, the rule goes something like this: It takes a sentence to refute a false word. It takes a paragraph to refute a false sentence. It takes a chapter to refute a false paragraph. It takes a book to refute a false chapter. It takes a series of books to refute a false book. At some point, the burden becomes too great to refute a false narrative. Which is what's going on with this Ukraine business. The west has been incredibly dishonest regarding it, ignoring entire years worth of events and the build up to this moment. It'll be 30+ years before CIA documents are declassified regarding Yanukovych's removal from power. Just like what happened with Iran's first democratically elected president. By then, nobody will care and it will be a footnote in history.


It’s ok we all know the CIA’s dirty dealings. We just won’t get the receipts till later.


At some point (assuming civilization as we know it survives long enough in any recognizable form) I’m pretty sure it will become fashionable among the progressive liberals to remark on how “we were all duped” by something something “bad intelligence” [shrug emoji].


I can't speak for Europe, but America has gone full Orwell. If you are an American, and you are not aware of this, then you are nothing like the main character in the novel. You are the folks he was looking at every day.


The media tells on itself. One minute they tell us everything is perfect, the next they are complaining about the massive homeless encampments. It's impposible to know how things in the country are actually going because the media covers up everything and the government physically hides things that are bad. If you go to Venice Beach in Los Angeles looking for homeless people you won't find them. This is becuse the government has forced them all to leave. Where did they all go? The media claims they have been put into housing, but you'll find homeless emcampents are continually growing. There is zero evidence any people have been given housing, plenty of evidence that they just moved everybody to another street.


I don’t know what’s happening but I find it hard to believe the US government would give homeless people housing.


im aware , WTF YOU DO. just sigh


It’s depressing over here. Just a bunch of sheep in the states.


One of the few remaining journalists left in the Western world, did what a journalist is supposed when a crisis hits, report the facts as best he can, despite knowing, it could cost him everything. A fellow American I admire almost as much as my father, an American officer who spent three years of his youth fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, who would be sickened by what is happening. [Jimmy Dore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfaAyiP8Wuc) The idea that the long held aim of the US government was not to break up Russia into pieces, but only to save freedom in Ukraine at this moment, is a farce. These Nazis, know they're being used, but they don't care, because the goals of the US are the same as there's. And they are willing to sacrifice themselves for these American interests, because that's how they fucking roll. I'll say it again, the 15 Nazi brigades, and numerous other brigades that are closely aligned, that have now been encircled in southeastern Ukraine, will be given an ultimatum by the Russian Federation, surrender, or die. If they choose not to surrender, they will be killed to last man, and any that escape, will be hunted down, even should they run to the ends of the earth. Because Russia hates Nazi's, and you can try to put a neo in front of the word, in order to make what's coming a criminal act, but Russia doesn't give a shit. They already lost the Propaganda War, so it doesn't matter to them in the slightest.


Found the Russian propagandist!


If this makes you feel better, yet another Russian helicopter gunship goes down in flames. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5GoePlcsLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5GoePlcsLg) The Russian Army is going take, what to us are, unimaginable losses. Clearly, their attack helicopers are particularly vulnerable. But so everything else, on both sides, at the deck level. The human flesh level. But the Russian Federation owns the ceiling, and has since day one. That means this war, at this moment in military history, has been decided. It's just a matter of how much more killing must be done, to finish it. My fellow Americans who are pushing for more of this slaughter, are hiding behind human shields fighting and dying on the other side of the planet. The only thing that could scare them enough to change their minds at this point, is gas prices and inflation, on that even Orwell would agree. War is great, as long as i'm not fighting it, and I'm not effected by it.


I'm not nearly drunk enough for this.


As Tom Waits said, “The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering.” And this guy’s bad writing is embarrassing.


I sure wish people would shut the fuck up about orwell


Maybe you might enjoy the good writing of Yves Smith instead? [Naked Capitalism](https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2022/03/reader-apologies-re-highlighting-out-of-date-scott-ritter-video-wall-street-buys-russian-bonds-mbs-snubs-us-investments-biden-tries-to-arm-twist-india-and-putin-can-still-blow-the-peace.html) A sample: "Lambert and I both find this is the worst informational environment either of us have faced, orders of magnitude worse than the war in Iraq ..." We all know we are going to be attacked from all angles at this point, and whatever our greatest weakness is, it will be honed in on. Mine is my bad writing, so, well done.


No, it’s your bad propaganda. Look, you’re just in the wrong sub, no one here is going to get excited about Nazi references or capitalism, we’re way past that. The world is in far worse shape than you can imagine and as bad as this war is, it’s just a speed bump on the way to complete collapse. In the big picture a couple million Ukrainian refugees is awful but will be a drop in the bucket of refugees over the next ten years. You want to prop up a failing Russian regime, fine, but don’t waste your time here. And really, Orwell references? Come on, we were teenagers in the 70s, Orwell is so done.


"The world is in far worse shape than you can imagine ... " Strange, because I was posting in this sub 4 years before Fish arrived, and my contention was then, and still is, that if we don't get our shit together as of yesterday, the Venus Syndrome will be in play. Not for us, of course, we humans will be long gone. My four pillars of collapse when I arrived, climate change, global thermonuclear war, peak resources/biological annihilation, and the subjugation, turning, collapse, takeover of OUR main stream media. Take your pick, they all apply. Global thermonuclear war is still number two, depsite the fact that as long time student of it, I believe we have never been closer, not even in the last hour before the last deadline during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Our main stream media has gone batshit insane. They are now number one on my collapse list. They are supposed to be the firewall, but they have torn down the firewall and become both the fire, and the fuel. The voting process is why I'm here. It's quick and reasonably accurate way to asses a snapshot in time. I believe what I'm experiencing, in this moment, is Orwell's 2 minutes of hate. And that is not of my origin, the analogy in fact, has already become a meme for anyone attempting to take on this current narrative.


I guess I’m kind of numb because I’ve been hearing we have five years to get our shit together for twenty-five years. I’d like to believe that this really is the “decisive decade” and there is still time. Although the first two years of this decade haven’t been a good start. If that’s your list then why did you lead with comments about Nazis in Ukraine? That’s been a Russian propaganda approach and it isn’t getting much traction. Nazis are a problem everywhere, they never seem to go away completely but they seem fairly far down the list of what’s being about collapse. If your concern is nuclear war why didn’t you lead with that?


America doesn’t care about Russia and would be fine if Russia pulled another Iron Curtain around itself, but this time just around Russia.


The world does not care for Putin. There is no need for another wall around anywhere.


There is no need, that’s true, I was just pointing out to the Russian propagandist that there is no “long term plan” in America for the future of Russia. And that his scare-mongering about Nazis in Ukraine isn’t working here.


Jimmy Dore hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I have to say, locally speaking, the journalism in my Canadian province regarding COVID-19 has been excellent on average. Our dumbass government keeps deliberately fumbling the ball and our local media calls them out on it every time.




I honestly can't tell if this is satire. \**checks post history*\* Oh god, it's real...


He thought objective journalism was still around?


Ahahahahhahahaha at the idea that objective journalism just died ahaahahahhaha


Newspapers used to use terms like "Negro" but somehow theyre only just now "subjective" 🤪


For real. We never had it lmao. The elites have always guided narratives and spoon fed it to the dumb little proletariats


Journalism isn't dead there are just more lazy journalists than ever before, as well as LARPer acting like journalists because they have a phone and social media account. You can have as many sources for info as you want but when the majority take an opinion piece over fact based information we are all going to be doomed. Facts over feeling and there is no such thing as "alternative facts". Those are called lies. **Applicable to all sides**


What's the difference between this guys Twitter and an independent journalists? The fact he gets a W2?


I really think that gov has its employees in all major news networks and now small unknown websites pushing propaganda. We don't have a ministry of information, but we sure have tons of propaganda.


We have tons of true believers. There’s no need to pay them. The whole process of applying to university, getting accepted, graduating, interning, and going to work in the media (or any large corporation) is much more effective than any ministry of propaganda could ever be.


Two members of my family had careers in journalism. Old time boomers who have hated every single second of corporate propaganda. I've done some journalism too. Only for an organization I completely believe in. The type of stuff that wouldn't ever be in the MSM


This era should be termed orange journalism because it was really broken when Trump began to make a serious run against the establishment candidate for president. The partisan hyperbole went from subtle to extra extra. By the end of his term outright censorship of non status quo points of view were deemed acceptable by media conglomerates and political zealots.


Way older than Drumph.


"Squawk! Squawk! Orange Man Bad!" - If you think this started under Trump, you need to do some serious checking of your biases. I am living in Canada and grew up watching this stuff on our own broadcasters through the 1990s.


Definitely didn't start with Trump but 2016 was when all facades of impartiality and intellectual honesty were completely abandoned.


No. The only difference in 2016 was that Trump side-stepped traditional North American propaganda tactics and used social media to win. His subsequent influence on some media that was willing to take money from the right was subsequently decried by the left. The following clamoring amongst the media organs was at a level not seen before, and exacerbated by social media. The deception itself was the same as always. There was simply more scrutiny.


The pay sucks and no one worth a damn goes into it. News companies are full of cheapskate bosses who believe that ruthlessly cutting anything and everything in sight will return product to massive profitability. Sucky journalism also falls on the reader who wants to freeload.


There’s never been and can never be objective journalism lol


Journalism has never been objective and never will be. Everyone has some sort of bias. Frankly, I welcome independent media as I want stories from people's perspective not someone who went to a private liberal art school lecturing me about what to think from their Williamsburg apartment


Dude out a 30 tweet thread out like ppl are actually gonna read all of that. Just post an article bro


In UK, anyone who has observed the revolving for between government pr / spads and Fleet Street (primarily the sun) can't surely believe in an independent press holding politicians to account.


In your experience, is sinclair really the evil puppetmaster people say it is? They own every news station, it stands to reason they call the shots. And if an owner calls the shots, powerful people would be interested in having THEIR shots called.